1849-1930[COLLECTIONS] very nice mixed collection on 23 pages, from the first issue "Epaullete", many complete sets, highest values etc.., i.a. Mi.1-2, 35-38, 42-47, 81II-88II, 191-203, 235-243, overprints 235I-243I (!!), 266-269 etc.., also postage-dues, railways, also Malmédy and Eupen etc.., for example complete sheet Mi.145, King Albert 1c + on 11 sheets Belgian Congo; overall nice quality, it is worth seeing, high catalogue value!
1879-1941 [COLLECTIONS] collection on 5 pages in stockbook A5, i.a. complete first issue., then some better inter-war sets, air-mails and oths.; mainly hinged or used
1851-1928 [COLLECTIONS] smaller old collection on 7 pages Schaubek, from 1900 unused, contains i.a. 1x FIRE R.B.S., then for example. Mi.8, 16-20, 22-31, 75-76, 110-112, issue Christian X. incl. highest values, complete air-mails 143-145 and 180-181, also official, postage-due etc..; overall fine
1851-1980 [COLLECTIONS] collection of mainly used stamps placed on pages in album, from Mi.1, then for example. 63, 143-145, postage-due, official, some Iceland stamps etc.; various quality
1891-1927 [COLLECTIONS] MOROCCO / nice old collection on 8 pages Schaubek, several complete sets, overprints TANGIER, air-mails, postage-due etc..; various, mainly nice quality, c.v.. more than 1.500€, we advice examination
1849-1927 [COLLECTIONS] old used / unused collection on 13 pages Schaubek, incl. some classic period of Ceres (Mi.7a) and Napoleon, also for example Mi.34 unused, issues Merson, Allegory, Mi.136, 144-151 etc.., also Postage due stsmps, issue for Turkey, Port-Said, colonyies etc..; part various quality
1849-1930 [COLLECTIONS] very fine mixed collection on 21 old pages, issues Napoleon III., Ceres, i.a. Mi.32, unused Mi.64II, 65II, 67II, 70, 81, sets Mi.144-151, 192-197, 211-214,232-234, 240-242 etc.., also postage-dues, war issue etc.., contains also Crete, Levant, general colonial issue and oths.; mainly with first hinges, overall good quality, high catalogue value, we advice examination
1849-1999 [COLLECTIONS] very fine semi-specialized collection on pages Yvert in 3 screw folders, from classics of Ceres, Napoleon III., Allegory, Merson, inter-war issues incl. better sets, i.a. war, Surtax, buildings in types etc.., souvenir sheets Strasbourg, PEXIP, air-mails etc.., also postage-due, parcels etc..; part various quality, inter-war set mostly hinged, very high catalogue value, it is worth seeing!
1937-2005 [COLLECTIONS] DUPLICATION / MINIATURE SHEETS / in two full stockbooks A4, contains i.a. 4x used miniature sheet PEXIP 1937 (various quality), then modern souvenir sheets from 1960´s, all several times + duplication of used collection 1960-1988 on pages Schaubek in spring folder
1982-1989 [COLLECTIONS] collection of 100 memorial prints with prints of issued stamps with mounted stamps and special postmark with description of issue, placed in two spiral covers
1880-1971 [COLLECTIONS] collection in glassine envelopes on pages Lindner, from overprint Victoria, various complete also incomplete sets, middle values etc.
1886-1925 [COLLECTIONS] small collection on 3 pages, Victoria - George V., contains i.a. SG.33 used, SG.54 mint etc..; overall fine quality, c.v.. ca. £600
1942, 1944 COUNTER SHEET / Mi.83-85+150-153, State help + Post and railways, complete PB, incl. Mi.85 I - stamp with engraving mark (only part of edition); minor gum fault, unfolded, sought by specialists, c.v.. ca. 270€
1943 Mi.128-147, Pavelič 0,25-100K, complete set marginal blocks of four with various plate numbers, total 27 blokcs of four; placed on album sheets, values 3, 12 and 100 Koruna spots, overall fine
1941-1944 [COLLECTIONS] collection in stockbook A4 from the first issue, to issue Francetič, i.a. opposite facing pairs, souvenir sheets A and B, many PB; F-VF, cat. min. 890€
1932-1934 [COLLECTIONS] GENERAL ISSUE / complete collection on 5 pages, contains complete sets of postage and airmail stamps as Sass.1-10, A1-A7, 23-31, A15-A21, World Championship in football 46-50, A31-A37 etc..; hinged, set World Championship in football mint never hinged (toned), c.v.. according to * / ** 4.500€
1861-1945 [COLLECTIONS] collection on 6 pages in stockbook A4, partly classic stamps (Papal state, Modena), complete also incomplete sets, incl. some better inter-war sets (Manzoni without gum), also postage-due, several stamps of colonies and oths.; part various quality
1862-1925 [COLLECTIONS] old collection on 14 pages Schaubek, from issue 1862, complete sets also better values, i.a. Mi.61-66, 97-98, Manzoni Mi.188-193, also postage-dues etc.. + 7 pages with colonies; F-VF
1941 COUNTER SHEET / Mi.437, 438 + 439, 440 Exhibition Zagreb + Exhibition Slavonski Brod 1,50+1,50Din and 4+3Din, set of 4 complete printing sheets, combined perf A+B (right vertical perf line is line perforation 11¾, others are comb perforation 11¾), incl. Mi.437 I and 439 I - engraver mark "S" next to 2. lower window of the left buildings; Mi.437 small production gum skips and folds in paper, otherwise very fine, cat. 1.900€+
1918-1919 [COLLECTIONS] selection of 26 stamps, strips and multiblocks, stamps SHS and Bosnia and Herzegovina, mainly overprint issue, with better stamps, printing errors, unissued overprints etc.; placed in stockbook A4, almost all with certificates, it is worth seeing, cat. over 6.000€
1918-1919 [COLLECTIONS] ISSUE FOR BOSNIA / very nice specialized collection on 22 pages, sets, blocks, production flaws of overprints - inverted, reversed, printing errors etc.., then postage-dues, entires, parts of dispatch-notes etc..; better items provided with certificates V. Šedivý, it is worth seeing, high catalogue value!
1919-1920 [COLLECTIONS] ISSUE FOR SLOVENIA / specialized collection on 23 pages, from issue Chainbreakers, various issues, blocks, papers, shades, perf, production flaw - omitted perf, double, offsets, also postage-due, newspaper and plebiscitary, supplemented with several entires; interesting
1919-1941 [COLLECTIONS] specialized collection on 41 pages, various issues, blocks, papers, shades, perf, production flaw, souvenir sheets, also postage-due etc.., supplemented with entires and dispatch-notes; interesting, high catalogue value
1866-1926 [COLLECTIONS] YUGOSLAVIA / collection on 13 pages, issue for Slovenia, Bosnia, Croatia etc.. + SERBIA from 1866 on 7 pages + Albania on 5 pages; interesting
1918-1926 [COLLECTIONS] old collection on 15 pages, issue for Bosnia, Croatia, Slovenia, several better complete sets of issue King Alexander etc..; F-VF
1917-1928 [COLLECTIONS] old collection on 5 pages, contains i.a. better perf stamp Coat of arms 1921, then for example. Mi.63, 64, 65-70, 71, 72-74, 78-81, postage-due etc..; mainly first hinges
1852-1926 [COLLECTIONS] LUXEMBURG / MONACO / two small collection of total 17 sheets, partly classical stamps, several complete sets etc.., also postage-due; various quality
1871-1925 [COLLECTIONS] nice old collection on 19 pages Schaubek, from issue Franz Joseph I., mixed used and mint, incl. some better complete sets as Mi.128-144, 261-265, 303-311, 403-410, also postage-due etc..; F-VF
1871-1926 [COLLECTIONS] collection on 19 pages, from the first issue Franz Joseph (part I lithographies), contains also issues Letters with cipher, Turul, Parliament, Reaper etc.., also postage-dues etc.., sets of 1920´s as Mi.403-410 etc.
1871-1945 [COLLECTIONS] collection in full 12-sheet stockbook A4 + on stock-sheets A4, from issue Franz Joseph I. 1871, incl. interesting inter-war sets, zeppelins used, also postage-due, occupied territories etc., then for example miniature sheet Mi.Bl.1 *, blk-of-10 691-694 **, Klb.696-698A+B mainly ** etc..; various quality, higher catalogue
1863-1947 [COLLECTIONS] MALTA / CYPRUS / two smaller collection in glassine envelopes on pages Stiburek in spring folder, from issue Victoria, mostly incomplete sets, several middle values etc..
1849-1920 [COLLECTIONS] collection on 15 pages Schaubek, from issues Numerals, also various issues Coat of arms, nominal complete Luitpold Mi.76-91 etc.., official etc..; part various quality
1850-1920 [COLLECTIONS] interesting collection of German states on 38 pages, contains Prussia, Saxony, Bavaria, Báden, Thurn-Taxis etc.., mainly cheaper and middle values, several also better as Saxony Mi.13 etc..; various quality, higher catalogue, we advice examination
[COLLECTIONS] PAIRS / collection of gutter-pairs on 23 pages in stockbook A4, issue Profession, Buildings etc..; part used or hinged, higher catalogue, interesting for specialist
1923 [COLLECTIONS] INFLATION / collection 110entires sent in various period of inflation in Germany, mainly commercial mailing, large part addressed to Czechoslovakia, contains i.a. 10x Reg mailings, 7 pcs Express, 4 Reg and Express, 3x franked by meter stamp and 25x paid in cash; interesting frankings, all with descriptions, placed in spiral stockbook for entires; mainly very good condition
1920-1923 [COLLECTIONS] MEMEL / nice collection on 8 pages in folder, contains complete also incomplete sets, incl. sought as Mi.193-205, 206-229, 234I-237I (expertized Klein BPP) etc..; mainly hinged, part also MNH, high catalogue value
1920-1923 [COLLECTIONS] MEMEL / fine collection on 8 pages in spiral stockbook, mainly complete sets, air-mails, overprints, also shades etc.., incl. several better items as Mi.16y etc..; overall interesting
1939-1943 [COLLECTIONS] GENERAL GOVERNMENT / basic collection on sheets in folder, from Mi.1, overprint, postage stamp, official etc..; mint never hinged
1949 SOVIET ZONE / COUNTER SHEET / Mi.230-231, Fair Leipzig 1949 30+15Pf and 50+25Pf, complete printing sheets of 25 stamps with margin; folded only in perforation, nice quality
1946-1948 [COLLECTIONS] ALIIERTE OCCUPATION / nice collection on hingeless sheets Leuchtturm, Mi.911-970, incl. many better shades and types, for example. Mi.963I - "Schmiss", also souvenir sheets Bl.1-2; overall very fine quality
1949-1956 [COLLECTIONS] collection in stockbook A4, from Mi.242, incl. better sets, also souvenir sheets (K. Marx set in fine quality) etc..; small part * or minor gum faults, higher catalogue
1948-1956 [COLLECTIONS] fine collection on sheets in spiral stockbook Leuchtturm, complete Mi.101-243 incl. all better sets, also BIZONE Mi.1-51, incl. miniature sheet Hannover 49´etc.; mainly in very fine quality, c.v.. ca. 4.200€
1868-1930 [COLLECTIONS] of mainly used stamps, contains period of empire, republic, postage stamps, postage-due, air-mail, colonies (for example.Togo, Cameroon, Samoa, Morocco, China aj.), occupied territory and other, supplemented with sheet with stamps Netherlans and Italian states; placed on total of 36 album pages, interesting
1939-1990 [COLLECTIONS] ACCUMULATION / estate of dealer in stockbook A4 + on stock-sheets A4, contains various sets and souvenir sheets GDR, FRG, Berlin etc.., then addition of Deutsches Reich etc.., incl. better sets and values + basic collection of Allierte Zone and GDR from 1955 in spiral stockbook on hingeless sheets; various quality, mainly * or various minor faults etc.., viewing of quality recommended, high catalogue value, we advice examination!
1852-1927 [COLLECTIONS] strong old mixed collection used / mint stamps on 11 pages Schaubek, from the first issue King William III., incl. many better highest values, complete sets etc.., contains i.a. Mi. 1-3, 4-6, 7-12, 19-29, 34-45, 46-48 (!), 62A, 69-71, 102-104, 107-109, 133, 160-163, 170, also official + 6 pages with Netherlands India; overall fine quality, high catalogue value over 6.000€, it is worth seeing!
1942-1955 [COLLECTIONS] small collection, contains blocks of "legion" issue, complete sets from 1951-1955, 3x stamp booklet, addition some stamps of Germany, and Czechoslovakia, in older smaller stockbook; various quality