Public Auction 68 / Exclusive items
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1858 Sass.2, Coat of arms ½Gr carmine (II tavola); very fine piece with original gum and with certificate E. Diena, c.v.. 12.000€, rare stamp! U:A5
1857 letter to Naples with nice tricolor franking of stamps Sass.13a, 15Aa and 16a, Victor Emmanuel II. 5C as Pr, 20C and 40C, CDS GENOVA 11.SET.57; rare letter with certificate Biondi, cat. only for pair of 5C verde giallo 95.000€! U:DR
1851 Sass.1, Lion 1q nero su grigio; unused piece, small thin place, certificate Oliva, c.v.. 32.000€, rare offer of Tuscan first stamp U:DR
1851 Sass.4d, Lion 1Cr carminio su grigio; very nice unused piece with certificate Oliva, c.v.. 20.000€, rare stamp! U:DR
1860 GOVERNO PROVISSORIO / Sass.21, Coat of arms 40c carmine; nice unused piece with original gum and usual "Tuscan" margins, certificate Sorani, exp. Diena, c.v.. 45.000€, very rare stamp, rare offer! U:DR
1860 GOVERNO PROVISSORIO / Sass.22, Coat of arms 80c "carnicino"; nice unused piece with original gum and usual "Tuscan" margins, certificate Sorani and E. Diena, exp. R. Diena, c.v.. 75.000€, very scarce classic stamp, rare offer! U:DR
1860 Sass.9, postage-due Numerals 50c in marginal block of 4 (!); original gum mint never hinged, certificate Biondi "ottima centratura...gomma integra", only oblique bend, c.v.. for "ottima centratura" 90.000€ U:DR
1933 Sass.1a, Official AIR "Crociera Nord-Atlantica 5,25+44,75L SERVIZIO DI STATO with PRŮSVITKOU (filigrana lettere); very fine piece with original gum, mint never hinged (gomma integra), certificate Avi SBPV, exp. Richter, c.v.. for * 5.500€, ** ca. 11.000€, very rare stamp U:DR
1945 LOCAL ISSUE - CUVIO, Sass.4-6, complete set "San Martino" 25C-2,50L with overprint MUNICIPIO CUVIO; superb, c.v.. 4.500€ U:DR
1941 CEFALONIA and ITHAKA / Sass.8, 2x stamp George II. 1+1D as one stamp for overprint "ITALIA Occupazione Militare Italiana .....", marginal piece; mint never hinged, certificate Biondi, c.v.. 24.000€ U:DR
1941 CEFALONIA and ITHAKA / Sass.9, 2x stamps George II. 3+3D as one stamp for overprint "ITALIA Occupazione Militare Italiana ....."; lightly hinged, otherwise perfect piece with certificate Biondi, c.v.. 60.000€, very rare U:DR
1941 ITHAKA / Italská occupation / Sass.8A(2)+10A, violet overprint "occupazione Militare Italiana...." on stamp 50L and 2Dr, on cut-square with cancel. LEUKAS; very fine, certificate and exp. Diena, c.v.. 36.000€ only as single stamps (!) U:DR
1941 CEFALONIA and ITHAKA / Sass.20, Greek Mythology 10D orange with hand-made overprint "ITALIA Occupazione Militare Italiana .....", mint never hinged, certificate Biondi, c.v.. 26.000€, very rare stamp U:DR
1880 SG.1, Victoria ½P so-called. "bantam" plate 19; nice marginal piece from the best printing plate, c.v.. £5.000 U:DR
1881 SG.11-15, Victoria 1/2Pia - 6Pia, wmk CC; complete set, 2P minor faults, 4P and 6P exp. Diena, c.v.. £3.750 U:DR
1941 LITHUANIA / ZARASAI / Mi.1bK, block of four with INVERTED brownviolett overprints LIETUVA 1941-VI.26 ZARASAI on Soviet stamps Profession 5 K dark brownlila, upper row type II, lower row overprints type III; superb multiple, certificate Bender BPP, exp. Becker, c.v.. 6.000€ + 50% = 9.000€, extraordinary offer U:DR
1899 Mi.5I, Adler 25pf yellow-orange, overprint 48º; lightly hinged, certificate Jäschke-Lantelme, c.v.. 1.800€, rare stamp U:A5
1900 Mi.2, so-called. "Misionary" overprint Adler 5Pf/10Pf "lebhaftlilarot" with overprint CHINA and 5Pf; lightly hinged, certificate Jäschke-Lantelme, old mark Köhler, c.v.. 4.000€, very fine piece U:DR
1899 Mi.1I-6I, "Krone -Adler" 3Pfg - 50Pfg with overprint MARIANA ISL. 48°, all on cut squares with CDS SAIPAN; very fine, values 3, 5, 25 and 50Pf with certificate Jäschke BPP, value 10 and 20Pf exp. Jäschke BPP, c.v.. 10.000€++, rare offer! U:DR
1899 Mi.1IaU-4IU, Krone and Adler 3Pf - 20Pf with oblique overprint MARSCHALL-INSELN, so-called. Berlin issue; very fine set, certificate Jäschke-Lantelme, c.v.. 3.000€, rare U:A5
1850 Ferch.3IIIMP + 4IIIMP (5), 3x heavier Reg letter franked with 3+6+6+6+6Kr + 6 Kreuzer on reverse; bicolored franking 27Kr(!); in addition red postmark RECOMMANDIRT WIEN 25/6 1858, arrival VERSCHETZ 27/6; certificate A. Matl, Ferchenbauer. shows as 27Kr franking 9x3Kr = 5.000€, ex. F. Puschmann U:DR
1850 Ferch.1HI, Coat of arms 5Cts - 6 pcs on cut-square VENICE 25. MAG; certificate. Ferchenbauer, zl. Sorani and E. Diena; cat. min. 4.000€ U:A5
1850 Ferch.4M III, Coat of arms 30Cts machine made paper type III.; perfect piece with original gum, certificate Colla, exp. Diena, cat. ANK 5.000€ U:DR
1843 ZURICH / Mi.2II, 6Rp type IV. with black rosette pmk; nice piece, c.v.. ca. 2.400€ U:DR
1852 SG.9, "Tall Ship" One Cent Magenta with cancel. DEMERARA; VF, certificate Holcombe, c.v.. £6.500, scarce, rare offer! U:DR
1943 SG.121ce, George VI. £1 purple-red / black with plate variety - Broken lower right scroll; very fine, c.v.. £1.800, rare stamp! U:DR
1941 SG.132a, George VI. Motives 5Sh blue / yellow-orange with rare perf 14; lightly hinged, c.v.. £7.000, scarce stamp! U:DR
1897 SG.10a+10, pair overprint Victoria 1P, overprint on right stamp DOUBLE; VF, with certificate BPA London, c.v.. ** £2.000 U:DR
1938-1951 SG.114cw, George VI. £1, WMK INVERTED; nice piece light hinged with light bend, c.v.. £6.500, scarce U:DR
1919 SG.64d, overprint George V. 4c/6c, right bottom corner pair, stamp at right with OMITTED overprint; very fine, exp. H. Bloch, certificate Brandon, c.v.. £2.000, scarce U:DR
1938 SG.147ab, George VI. "Lake Naivasha" 3Sh, DAMAGE ON MOUNTAIN; very fine, c.v.. £2.750, scarce U:DR
1848 SG.7, RED MAURITIUS POST PAID 1P orange vermilion "early impression", unused (!); fine example of this very rare stamp, with certificate RPSL, c.v.. £35.000, scarce U:DR
1848 SG.8, BLUE MAURITIUS 2P blue, "early impression" with light blue circle cancel.; overall nice piece with slight bend, certificate BPA London (i.a. Robson Lowe), c.v.. £9.000, rare classic stamp! U:DR
1848-1859 SG.23, RED MAURITIUS POST PAID, vertical strip of 3 1P "latest impression", pos. 2, 5 and 8; very fine and rare multiple, certificate Brandon and Holcombe, c.v.. £2.400+ U:DR
1893 SG.15a, block of four Victoria 4C and overprint 3 CENTS, overprint INVERTED; very fine multiple, cat. min. £1.500 U:DR
1915 MAFIA / SG.4B, Emperor´s Yacht 15H ultramarine, corner block-of-4 with violet overprint G.R. MAFIA; certificate M. Eichele, c.v.. £4.500++, very rare multiple! U:DR
1895-1896 SG.10k, overprint Victoria 3A brown orange with very rare printing error of overprint ZANIZBAR, wmk star; very nice piece with part of original gum with certificate BPA London, c.v.. £6.500, scarce U:DR
1860 SG.6, Victoria "Chalon Head" 6P green, wmk "star"; very fine piece with original gum, c.v.. £1.800, rare stamp U:DR
1854 SG.33, Victoria 6P "TOO LATE"; very nice piece with original gum, c.v.. £3500; rare classic stamp U:A5
1914 Brit. occupation / SG.16e, Emperor´s Yacht 3Pfg with DOUBLE overprint G.R.I. 1P; exp. Richter, very fine and rare stamp, c.v.. £1.500 U:A5
1964 SG.216a, 50th Anniversary of the Battle of the Falkland Islands - 6P "GLASGOW ERROR"; VF, c.v.. £40.000, great rarity, only 18 examples recorded! U:DR
1914 NEW ZEALAND OCCUPATION / SG.111, Emperor´s Yacht 1M carmine with black overprint G.R.I. 1 Shilling; superb piece mint never hinged, certificate Eichele and A. Diena, on reverse signed Gazzi and Mondolfo (Renato Mondolfo 1918-1992, RDP 1984), c.v.. for * £11.000, for ** ca. £22.000, extraordinary offer U:DR
1914 SG.113, Emperor´s Yacht 3M with overprint G.R.I. 3 Shillings.; very fine piece, exp. Kilian, c.v.. £1.400, Michel 3.800€, rare stamp U:A5
1907 SG.4a, Lakatoi 2½P orange yellow in vertical pair with OMITTED center perforation; very fine piece, certificate RPSL, c.v.. £7.500, scarce U:DR
1892-1894 SG.94a, Victoria 3C/32C carmine, wmk CA, WITHOUT OVERPRINT "THREE CENTS"; nice piece with repaired gum, certificate BPA, c.v.. £4.500, important rarity U:DR
1938 SG.F1, postally fiscal George VI. $25 violet / blue, with inscription REVENUE; very fine piece, c.v.. £1.400, rare stamp U:DR
1912 SG.18, Sultan Zain-Ul Ab-Din $25 carmine / green; XF piece, excellent centering, c.v.. £1.700, rare offer U:DR
1888 Reg letter with SG.6, 7, 25, 28, 34, 35; franking of 6 stamps "Seal and ship" ½C, 1, 2, 4, 8, 10C, cancel. SANDAKAN 17 JL 1888, via London and New York to San Francisco, arrival REGISTERED 16 SEP 1888 SAN FRANCISCO; very fine and very attractive letter, scarce! U:DR
1880 SG.26, Victoria 16C with overprint 10 CENTS; without gum, c.v.. £4.250, scarce stamp U:DR
1891 SG.S1, postally - fiscal stamp Victoria 2C carmine with overprint S.O. (Stamp Office); fine and rare stamp, c.v.. £1.000 U:A5
1945 Pof.354Mx-356Mx(16), Velké cross, complete set values 2 Koruna red, 5 Koruna dark grey, 6 Koruna lighter shade blue; all mint never hinged, superb! U:DR
Pof.354-356Mx(4), Malé cross, complete set 2 Koruna, 5 Koruna and 6 Koruna; very nice quality, often missing in collections! U:A5
Pof.A360/362, Kosice MS, comp. of 2 aršíků: 1x with rare flaw "plamen", 1x navazující other miniature sheet with 2 rings (zánikem defects "plamen" with objevují other rings in large emblem and on stmp 5 Koruna, detail description see Reporter SSČSZ 2/2002, page. 20-26:, MS pos. also combination desk marked according to J. Čtvrtečka; mint never hinged U:A4
Pof.A360/362 production flaw, Kosice MS with significant shifted print red color values 2 Koruna downward and L-wards to naznačeného perf; mint never hinged, several small dots in gum U:A5
1951 Pof.M594 (4), Smetana 1,50Kčs, perforated 4-stamp gutter; superb U:A5
1951 Pof.M595(4), Dvořák 2Kčs violet brown, perforated vertical 4-stamp gutter with krajem, 2 stamps light and 2 stamp. dark; superb U:A5
1952 Pof.691/692 production flaw, miniature sheet Bratislav 1952 with production flaw - omitted print blue color values 3Kčs, inscription and emblem / symbol; in the middle hinged, at top oblique cut (overall smaller), rare occurrence, rare! U:A5
1975 Pof.2165xa, Husák 30h, on paper without opticaly clearing agent; superb, exp. by Pazout., sought U:A5
1951 Pof.PL611, Jirásek 5Kčs grey-blue, standard shade; gum with hints of storage, overall but solid quality, very sought blk-of-10! U:A5
1961 Pof.PL1222, Butterflies 80h, type II on pos. 1 (!); superb, quite rare occurrence, sought, missing in most collections! U:A5