Pof.RV22-40, Prague overprint II (large emblem) 3h - 10K, selection of 17 stamps, without RV 15h, 2 Koruna and express, value 3 Koruna granite paper; all hinged, 4 Koruna brownish in/at zoubcích, all exp. Vrba
1925NEPŘIJATÝNÁVRH OVERPRINT T. G. Masaryk 300h brown, Pof.179, wmk P7 with nepřijatýmpůlkruhovým design overprint CONGRESOLYMPINTERNATIONAL PRAGUE 1925 in black color; hinged, ex Pytlíček, certificate and exp. Vrba, illustrated in/at publication Aukčnírekordy 2018 on/for page. 114, very rare occurrence - UNIKÁT!
1925NEPŘIJATÝNÁVRH OVERPRINT T. G. Masaryk 50h green, Pof.180, wmk P8 with nepřijatýmpravoúhlým design overprint CONGRESOLYMPINTERNATIONAL PRAGUE 1925 in black color; hint of more/larger label, ex Pytlíček, certificate and exp. Vrba, UNIKÁTNÍ and in the market practically with nevyskytující refused design!
1943 [COLLECTIONS] issue II / selection of 22 complete sheets of 100 2-50h, also with collection of plate numbers especially in/at blocks of four and bnd-of-20, placed on 11 album pages; various quality
1850-1970 [COLLECTIONS] interesting collection in 6 stockbooks A4, from the first issue, part on cut-squares, multicolor frankings etc.., also newspaper, postage-due, issue Franz Joseph I., Jubilee incl. 2x 10Kr, Coat of arms, air-mail, many complete inter-war sets, postwar as Renner, Birds etc.., various shades, perf, types, reprints, then Bosnia, issue for FP, Lombardy and oths. + supplemented with small stockbook A5 with duplication; various quality, "unused" stamps mainly hinged, we advice examination!
1850-1919 [COLLECTIONS] selection of stamps, for example I. - VII. issue, incl. Lombardy, newspapers, air-mails 1918, highest values from 1916-1919 also with overprint Deutschösterreich, various types, shades, perf, postmarks etc.; placed on card A4
2005 Pof.AT3, Jindřichův Hradec, comp. 11 pcs of various values with valuable statement in violet color place black (from post Liberec 1 from period of from 7. 2. to 12. 4. 2007); catalogue shows, very rare, in/at auctions doesn't occur
Pof.RV43-57, 63, Hluboka issue (Mareš's overprint), complete set of Small format 3h - 1 Koruna + special-delivery 5h, all with ČERVENÝM overprint; hinged, spots and brownish (viewing of quality recommended), all exp. Vrba
COUNTER SHEET / Pof.26, 1000h violet, L half-sheet, on/for part/-s pos. nedostisky violet color; mint never hinged, horiz. fold between stamps and small tearing in margins, at value 1000h quite rare occurrence whole half-sheets!
Pof.8Mp(2), 20h blue-green, vertical opposite facing 2-stamps gutter., light folded; mint never hinged mint never hinged, certificate and exp. Vrba, sought
1919VEJPRTSKÉ FORGERY / Pof.F23, value 300h green-gray with part of cancel. VEJPRTY 1/ XI.20; nice piece, ex Pytlíček, Vrba certificate, exp. by Mrnak., Vrba, rare and sought Hradcany speciality suitable to every big collection or exhibit!
Pof.51I, Coat of arms 10K light violet, type I.; mint never hinged, small toned in/at several zoubcích, Vrba certificate, expert Benes., overall nice piece!
Pof.53II, Air FLUGPOST 2.50K/3K yellow / black, overprint type I.; hinged, minor faults - small thin place in the place hinge / label, exp. by Gilbert., Mrňák and Vrba
Pof.56, Triangle 5h green, overprint III. type; lightly hinged, Vrba certificate, Karásek and Mikulski, exp. by Leseticky., Wallner and Grobe, very fine piece!
Pof.169B, 600h dark violet, comb perforation 13¾ : 13½; mint never hinged, Vrba certificate, exp. by Mrnak., Karasek, Vrba, mark Tribuna, very fine piece sought stamps with rare perf!
Pof.L2Pp Is, I. provisional air mail stmp. 24Kč/500h with upper margin, INVERTED overprint, open spiral - plate 1, overprint offset; mint never hinged, certificate + exp. Vrba, luxury piece rare and sought stamps with inverted opt!
1919Pof.S1Ms(2)+S2Ms(2), 2h purple-red and 5h green, unfolded 2-stamps. vertical marginal gutter; mint never hinged, 5h small thin place, exp. by Gilbert., sought