Public Auction 68 / Picture Postcards

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235636 - 1898 BŘECLAV - lithography, i.a. railway-station, long addr
1898 BŘECLAV - lithography, i.a. railway-station, long address + LEDNICE (Eisgrub) - color collage, Minaret, interior skleníku and castle, long address; both Us good condition
Starting price: CZK
234858 - 1911 HOLY HOSTYN - Slezané on/for Hostýně,  B/W photo pos
1911 HOLY HOSTYN - Slezané on/for Hostýně, B/W photo postcard, upright, photographer J. Horák; Us, very fine
Starting price: CZK
226967 - 1905-1915 ŽATEC (SAAZ) - comp. of 7 single-view Ppc town, a
1905-1915 ŽATEC (SAAZ) - comp. of 7 single-view Ppc town, any other one; 1x Un, as multiple interesting, good condition
Starting price: CZK
U:A5 | AUTOTRANS (?)Translation request
234865 - 1936 ŠUMPERK - Fest aller Deutschen (German), photo postaca
1936 ŠUMPERK - Fest aller Deutschen (German), photo postacard from celebration BDD (Association Germans in Bohemia), A. Schneider, Mahr. Schönberg, Un; good condition
Starting price: CZK
226960 - 1903 TACHOV (Tachau) - 4-view colored lithography postcard,
1903 TACHOV (Tachau) - 4-view colored lithography postcard, i.a. railway-station at night; long address, Us, good condition
Starting price: CZK
227349 - 1899 TŘEBÍČ - several views lithography, i.a. general vie
1899 TŘEBÍČ - several views lithography, i.a. general view, Charle's square, k.u.k. (Imperial and Royal). post, National house, Black house, Chapel etc.., publ. J. Lorenz, č.2623, long address, Un; only small bend in LR corner
Starting price: CZK
234594 - 1908 UZHHOROD třídílná colored panoramic postcard, centr
1908 UZHHOROD třídílná colored panoramic postcard, centre town from river, long address, Un; 1x bend in corner, otherwise nice preserved
Starting price: CZK
234108 - 1900 MUCHA Alfons, Champenois, French issue, long address, U
1900 MUCHA Alfons, Champenois, French issue, long address, Us; slightly toned
Starting price: CZK
234861 - 1917 MUCHA Alfons (1860–1939), Remembrance on/for native t
1917 MUCHA Alfons (1860–1939), Remembrance on/for native town Ivančice, B/W, Fr. Dvořáček in Ivančice, Us; good condition
Starting price: CZK
234852 - 1900 ŠVÁB č.60, Salute with uhlím!,  B/W postcard kariku
1900 ŠVÁB č.60, Salute with uhlím!, B/W postcard karikující Židy, long address, Us; little nahnutý corner, otherwise very fine, motive odkazující on/for at that time probíhající hilsneriádu
Starting price: CZK
234854 - 1900? KIRCHNER Raphaël, La Favorite VI; long address, Un, s
1900? KIRCHNER Raphaël, La Favorite VI; long address, Un, slightly toned, otherwise very fine
Starting price: CZK
234859 - 1915 DRTIKOL Francis (1883–1961), court No. 79-IV, Nový s
1915 DRTIKOL Francis (1883–1961), court No. 79-IV, Nový svět (Neuwelt), I. sets: Courts and small courtyard Prague, Un, German text; good condition
Starting price: CZK
234857 - 1905-1906 BUFFALO BILL Wild West Show, comp. 5 pcs of Ppc fr
1905-1906 BUFFALO BILL Wild West Show, comp. 5 pcs of Ppc from evropského turné, 4x Austrian issue, 1x French, various motives, Un; slightly toned, overall very sound condition
Starting price: CZK
232869 - 1939-1945 NAZISM / MORAVSKÁ OSTRAVA / comp. 2 pcs of photo
1939-1945 NAZISM / MORAVSKÁ OSTRAVA / comp. 2 pcs of photo postcard zachycujících neurčený funeral on/for cemetery in M.-Ostrava after/behind participation members units SA and Hitlerjugend; Un, perfect condition
Starting price: CZK
233583 - 1939 CAR / INSURANCE  Who have/has rád his/her/its child po
1939 CAR / INSURANCE "Who have/has rád his/her/its child pojistí is against úrazu...", drawn color postcard with additional-printing Agricultural reciprocal insurance company in Prague, Un with CDS special post offices PRČD1 + DRČD2; good condition
Starting price: CZK
1927 HAMBURG - S. AMERICA DAMPFSCHIFFSFAHRT GESSELSCHAFT; lithographic postcard with map navigation and with steamship CAP ARCONA (potopen Brit. letectvem 3. 5. 45); perfect condition, it is one of most precious Ppc daného motivu!
Starting price: CZK
234869 - 1917 AVIATION / WWI / photo postcard havarovaného German ai
1917 AVIATION / WWI / photo postcard havarovaného German airplane, Us Austria-Hungary FP; very sound condition
Starting price: CZK
234867 - 1938 BUNKRY, photo postcard with picture Czechosl. fortifica
1938 BUNKRY, photo postcard with picture Czechosl. fortification "Řopík" in/at occupied Sudetes, Benatzky Grulich (Králíky), Us; very sound condition
Starting price: CZK
232509 - 1938 BUNKRY, photo postcard with picture Czechosl. fortifica
1938 BUNKRY, photo postcard with picture Czechosl. fortification "Řopík" in/at occupied Sudetes, propaganda, Un, on the reverse side propagandistic postmark "Der Führer in Prag" and "Reichsprotektor von Neurath in Prag"; good condition
Starting price: CZK
235721 - 1930 MUSSOLINI Benito (1883–1945), ca. 1930, comp. of 2 Pp
1930 MUSSOLINI Benito (1883–1945), ca. 1930, comp. of 2 Ppc, known view with son Romanem and atypical ateliérový portrait; rare!
Starting price: CZK
232877 - 1935-1945 DIE SAAR IST FREI 1935 + ERIKA / comp. 2 pcs of pr
1935-1945 DIE SAAR IST FREI 1935 + ERIKA / comp. 2 pcs of propagandistic picture-postcards: 5-view with views Saarbrücken (Un with mounted stamps and print CDS) + girl mávající on/for soldiers Wehrmacht (color, Un); 1x bend in corner, otherwise very sound condition
Starting price: CZK
234243 - 1936-1943 DER REICHSKOLONIALBUND RUFT AUCH DICH!, propaganda
1936-1943 DER REICHSKOLONIALBUND RUFT AUCH DICH!, propaganda Ppc Empire colonial league, aktivní in years 1936-1943, zeměkoule with map Africa and emblém organization, multicolor, Un with several print special postmark; very sound condition
Starting price: CZK
226962 - 1937 A. HITLER + B. MUSSOLINI, meeting in Berlin, original p
1937 A. HITLER + B. MUSSOLINI, meeting in Berlin, original photo postcard, issued Hoffmann - Munich (München); with stamp. 6Pf and special postmark BERLIN STAATSTREFFEN MUSSOLINI-HITLER; very fine
Starting price: CZK
226924 - 1939 Andrew Hlinka - Otec homeland, propaganda Ppc with port
1939 Andrew Hlinka - Otec homeland, propaganda Ppc with portrait A. Hlinky in circle and lidovými motives, color, large format, franked with. and sent to Field post No.8, print PRA36 and PR12, supplemented with red straight line postmark POLNÁ POST. ÚSTŘEDŇA. CENSORED/ Signature censor; bend in/at one corner, sought!
Starting price: CZK
226932 - 1939 Andrew Hlinka - Sa zaslúžil about/by nation, propagan
1939 Andrew Hlinka - Sa zaslúžil about/by nation, propaganda Ppc with portrait A. Hlinky in background trikolory and lidovými motives, sign. V. Hochštenský, color, large format, franked with., but Un with 2 print PRA31b; only slightly wrinkled corners, sought!
Starting price: CZK
226935 - 1939 Dr. Jozef Tiso - Prvý prezident Slovenskej republiky,
1939 Dr. Jozef Tiso - Prvý prezident Slovenskej republiky, propaganda Ppc with portrait president and pochodujícími soldiers, sign. I.V. Hochštenský, color, large format, shifted cut - missing lower inscription "Prvý prezident...", addressed to to Bohemia-Moravia with orange PP16; only little wrinkled corners and bend in upper margin, sought!
Starting price: CZK
226909 - 1939 Dr. Jozef Tiso, propaganda Ppc with portrait president
1939 Dr. Jozef Tiso, propaganda Ppc with portrait president in circle and lidovými motives, with text Prvý prezident Slovenskej republiky, color, large format, Un with 3 print PR16, PR17, PR18; very good condition, sought!
Starting price: CZK
234860 - 1939 HENLEIN Konrad, portrait, issued Struck, Berlin, small
1939 HENLEIN Konrad, portrait, issued Struck, Berlin, small format, Un with special postmark; good condition
Starting price: CZK
232872 - 1939 CHEB / Sudeten Germans Schiller-Festspiele in Eger 1939
1939 CHEB / Sudeten Germans Schiller-Festspiele in Eger 1939, advertising pohlednices motive A. Valdštějna mounted, color; Us with special postmark, very sound condition
Starting price: CZK
226938 - 1939 Na stráž! - Hlinka, Tiso, Štefánik, Rázus, propaga
1939 Na stráž! - Hlinka, Tiso, Štefánik, Rázus, propaganda Ppc with picture border Slovakia with double cross, sign. I.V. Hochštenský, color, large format, Us with PRA38a; without defects, sought!
Starting price: CZK
226929 - 1940 Andrew Hlinka - Národe moj, pre teba som žil, trpel a
1940 Andrew Hlinka - Národe moj, pre teba som žil, trpel and zomrel..., propaganda Ppc with portrait A. Hlinky in circle in background dvojitého cross and lidovými motives with reproduction signature, sign. V. Hochštenský, color, large format, franked with., but Un with red PR21; only little wrinkled corners, sought!
Starting price: CZK
226944 - 1940 Andrew Hlinka - sa zaslúžil about/by Slovak nation, p
1940 Andrew Hlinka - sa zaslúžil about/by Slovak nation, propaganda Ppc with text, coats of arms and lidovými motives, author L. Kostelníček, Us print PR39; folds and wrinkled corners
Starting price: CZK
226940 - 1940 Dr. Jozef Tiso 1939 -  For/Behind boha, nation and home
1940 Dr. Jozef Tiso 1939 - For/Behind boha, nation and homeland, Hlinka, Tuka, Čatloš, Durčanský, Mach, propaganda Ppc with picture border Bratislava castle, sign. I.V. Hochštenský, color, large format, Us to Bohemia-Moravia with PR22; folds and wrinkled L upper corner, sought!
Starting price: CZK
226903 - 1940 Na stráž!, soldiers Hlinka Guard with flag and Slovak
1940 Na stráž!, soldiers Hlinka Guard with flag and Slovak emblem, color, large format, franked with. and Us addressed to to Bohemia-Moravia with orange PRA42 ŽILINA 7.VII.40; bend in two corners, sought!
Starting price: CZK
232867 - 1940? ROMMEL Erwin / propaganda Ppc with portrait E. Rommela
1940? ROMMEL Erwin / propaganda Ppc with portrait E. Rommela and facsimile his signature; Un, 2x bend in corner, otherwise sound condition
Starting price: CZK
233727 - 1942 SS - Die Police im Fronteinsatz, color, Un with special
1942 SS - Die Police im Fronteinsatz, color, Un with special postmark IGLAU/ 15.II.1942/ Tag der Deutschen (German) Police; very fine
Starting price: CZK
232875 - 1942 WINTERSCHLACHT / propaganda Ppc with motive of soldier
1942 WINTERSCHLACHT / propaganda Ppc with motive of soldier with shield and mečem on eastern front, color; Us with CDS FELDOPST e/ 06.11.42, very sound condition
Starting price: CZK
234864 - 1942-1943 A. HITLER / DEUTSCHE (German) WEIHNACHT / UNSER F
1942-1943 A. HITLER / DEUTSCHE (German) WEIHNACHT / UNSER FÜHRER / comp. of 2 picture-postcards: A. Hitler. by/on/at Christmas stromečku (!) + kresebný portrait A. Hitler., pošlé; overall sound condition
Starting price: CZK
233136 - 1946-1948 GDR / comp. of 5 promotional Ppc socialistického
1946-1948 GDR / comp. of 5 promotional Ppc socialistického režimu, from that 2 rare lithography ERSTE LEIPZIGER FRIEDENSMESSE, in addition interesting frankings - i.a. "District" overprints and Zóny Mi.962b 5RM (180€); luxury quality, rare offer!
Starting price: CZK
235606 - 1950 POLITICAL KARIKATURA / collection 5 pcs of protiimperia
1950 POLITICAL KARIKATURA / collection 5 pcs of protiimperialistických drawn caricatures, author B. Jefimov, Kukryniksy, small format, Un, issued Orbis; very dobý condition, rare usage!
Starting price: CZK
230279 - 1945-1970 [COLLECTIONS] very interesting collection ca. 90 p
1945-1970 [COLLECTIONS] very interesting collection ca. 90 pcs of Ppc with motive of scouting, contains various park i.a. K. Neumann "Tábor in valley myšího řevu"; Corps of scouts and scout-girls in Žilina 1945; publ. Klen etc.., in addition 19 linocuts and several photo postcard representatives scouting (i.a. Baden-Powell); overall sound condition, very interesting, estimate market price 20.000CZK, placed in letter file
Starting price: CZK
234133 - 1900-1947 [COLLECTIONS]  SOKOL / collection more than 100 pc
1900-1947 [COLLECTIONS] SOKOL / collection more than 100 pcs of Ppc with Sokol theme, ball invitation-card, letters with added-print and postmarks etc.., placed in 1 stockbook for entires; mainly good condition
Starting price: CZK
226889 - 1939 FOOTBALL / SLOVAKIA Slovak national team in/at football
1939 FOOTBALL / SLOVAKIA Slovak national team in/at football from year 1939, postal imprint mobile post-office (on a bus) PR10, BRATISLAVA 27.VIII.39/ FUTBALOVÉ STRETNUTIE SLOVAKIA - GERMANY, slováci vyhráli 2:0, large format, Un; only wrinkled corners, rare
Starting price: CZK

Public Auction 68 / Picture Postcards - Information

Pohlednice - filokartie

Sběratelstvím pohlednic se zabývá obor filokartie.

Základní dělení pohlednic je na místopisné a námětové. Pohlednice dělíme podle vydavatelů, druhu tisku a velikostí na "malý" a "velký" formát.

Pohlednice je forma poštovní korespondence. Pohlednice má z jedné strany vyobrazený propagační materiál a z druhé místo pro psaný vzkaz. Pohlednice jsou převážně vyrobené z tvrdého listu papíru obdélníkového tvaru, ale vyskytují se i ve tvaru kruhu, trojúhelníku, či různorodých podob.

Za prvního vydavatele pohlednic se považuje rytec Desmainsons z Francie, který měl vyrobit první pohlednici v roce 1777. První reklamní pohlednice byla vydána v roce 1872 ve Velké Británii. První německá pohlednice je z roku 1874. Za zlatý věk pohlednic je považováno období 80. a 90. let 19. století a období 1. světové války ve 20. století.