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1928 Mi.263F, Fischer 244P2, Coat of arms 25Gr, so-called. Vienna forgery, imperforated block-of-4; mint never hinged, small tearing at right between stamps, certificate Šedivý Federation of Czech Philatelists, interesting U:A5
1937-1938 Mi.Bl.4 and 7, souvenir sheets President Mościcki and 20 years independence; very fine, in this quality sought U:A5
1939 Mi.Bl.8, miniature sheet 25. Anniv of independence, complete printing sheet of 4 miniature sheets (!), perforated; light folds, minor gum faults, rare U:A3v–
1948 Mi.Bl.10, miniature sheet Polish Culture 1Zl-20Zl, size 211x128mm; very fine quality, c.v.. 300€ U:A4
1918 LUBOML / Mi.III, complete printing sheet 20h grey-olive, 6 gutter, 1x inverted numeral(s) "20", in addition offset middle stamp on reverse; cat. only as single 1.240€, hinges in corners, rare multiple! U:A4
1918 SKIERNIEWICE / German General Government Warsaw 2½Pfg - 60 Pfg with oblique overprints POLAND; complete set on cut-squares with cancel. SKIERNIEWICE 14.12. 18; c.v.. 1.000€, rare local issue! U:A5
1921 UPPER SILESIA / Mi.1A,B - 7A,B; "Gorny Slask" 10F-1M perforated also imperforated; very fine, c.v.. * 480 U:A5
1922-1923 UPPER SILESIA / Mi.17-20, 80M - 300M + values 1M - 50M from issue 1922; several short tooth, otherwise fine, c.v.. 360€ U:A5
1916 UNISSUED Mi.IIIA,B- VIA,B, 2gr-20gr, perforated and imperforated; very fine, c.v.. 600€ U:A5
1916 ZAWIERCIE / Mi.1III and Mi.2III, town post 10Pfg and 20Pfg; hinged, more times expertized, c.v.. for * 200€ U:A5
1918-1925 [COLLECTIONS] old collection on 13 pages Schaubek, without Mi.1, many complete sets, several values of Krakow issue, then for example Mi.130-134, 154-157, 213-223, air-mails, postage-dues etc., Mi.135-136 without guarantee, supplemented with 4 pages with Central Lithuania; interesting! U:Z
1918-1927 [COLLECTIONS] interesting old collection on 13 pages, only small part used, contains also better sets and values as Mi.212, 224-232, 233-243, 247-248, 249-251 etc.., overprint Mi.135-136 without guarantee; part various quality, after all interesting, "offered as is", we advice examination! U:Z
1919-1980 [COLLECTIONS] accumulation from in 3 stockbooks A4, contains i.a. Mi.515-517, souvenir sheets (for example. Mi.Bl.2-4, 6 - hinged, minor faults), PB, postage stamps, postage-due, local issue etc..; various quality U:Z