Public Auction 68 / Philately / Europe / Austria

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234908 - 1839 MAINZ FORTRESS / oval black cancel. K.K.ö.M.P. / MAINZ
1839 MAINZ FORTRESS / oval black cancel. K.K.ö.M.P. / MAINZ on folded letter to Kynžvart (Bohemia) sent bymember of 35. regiment baron Fleischer; nice print
Starting price: CZK
234370 - 1849 CZECH LANDS / folded letter to Chudenic with blue strai
1849 CZECH LANDS / folded letter to Chudenic with blue straight line postmark B.TEINITZ, Vot.141/4 (100 pt.); very fine
Starting price: CZK
234176 - 1850 Ferch.1-5, Coat of arms 1Kr-9Kr, various papers and typ
1850 Ferch.1-5, Coat of arms 1Kr-9Kr, various papers and types, stamp 1 Kr citreous yellow, Ferch.1MIII, value 9 Kreuzer 2x; wide margins, VF, stamp 1 Kr exp. by Ferchenbauer
Starting price: CZK
234242 - 1850 Ferch.1HIb, Coat of arms 1 Kr orange, hand-made paper,
1850 Ferch.1HIb, Coat of arms 1 Kr orange, hand-made paper, type Ib, stamp. with whole (!) straight line postmark OLLMÜTZ/ 3.DEC, Vot.1700/6; very fine piece
Starting price: CZK
233673 - 1850 Ferch.1HIII, horizontal strip of 3 Coat of arms 1 Kr HP
1850 Ferch.1HIII, horizontal strip of 3 Coat of arms 1 Kr HP type III., orange, "Kartonpapier" 0,12mm, cancel. RUDELSDORF (Mü.248a 35P); very fine piece, c.v.. 1.250€
Starting price: CZK
234246 - 18050 Ferch.2M IIIb, Coat of arms 2 Kr black IIIb. type, MP,
18050 Ferch.2M IIIb, Coat of arms 2 Kr black IIIb. type, MP, almost whole print circular cancel. IGLAU 31/8; wide margins, nice cancel. catalogue Votoček. 875/5
Starting price: CZK
235730 - 1850 Ferch.2M III, Coat of arms 2 Kreuzer black machine made
1850 Ferch.2M III, Coat of arms 2 Kreuzer black machine made paper, type IIIb; nice piece with red postmark, exp. by Ferchenbauer.., cat. ANK 550€
Starting price: CZK
234248 - 1850 Ferch.3HIb, Caot of arms 3 Kreuzer red on cut-square wi
1850 Ferch.3HIb, Caot of arms 3 Kreuzer red on cut-square with print frame cancel. PILSEN/ 30 JUL, Vot.1778/5; VF
Starting price: CZK
234241 - 1850 Ferch.5HIII, Coat of arms 9 Kreuzer hand-made paper, ty
1850 Ferch.5HIII, Coat of arms 9 Kreuzer hand-made paper, type III., pale blue on cut-square with frame cancel. GROSS BITTESCH; good condition, c.v.. Müller 300 points, catalogue Votoček. 400 points, very rare postmark, ex E. Capellaro
Starting price: CZK
234258 - 1850 CZECH LANDS / POSTMARKS / Ferchenbauer. 3-5, Coat of ar
1850 CZECH LANDS / POSTMARKS / Ferchenbauer. 3-5, Coat of arms 3Kr-9Kr, selection of 32 stamps and cut-squares with chosen postmarks, i.a. line TROPPAU, OLMÜTZ, WODNIAN, WARNSDORF, various types, color, etc..; VF
Starting price: CZK
232503 - 1850 Ferch.1-5, Coat of arms 1Kr-9Kr, complete basic set, va
1850 Ferch.1-5, Coat of arms 1Kr-9Kr, complete basic set, various papers and types; stamp 1kr lower close margin, 9 Kreuzer small thin place + letter from 1857 with 3 Kreuzer with CDS WIEN 19/5 6A
Starting price: CZK
231060 - 1850 letter franked with Coat of arms 6+9Kr with red R-razí
1850 letter franked with Coat of arms 6+9Kr with red R-razítky WIEN; very fine, certificate Ferchenbauer, 6 Kreuzer in addition with margin, cat. min. 1.100€
Starting price: CZK
232697 - 1850 Ferch.3IIIMP + 4IIIMP (5), 3x heavier Reg letter franke
1850 Ferch.3IIIMP + 4IIIMP (5), 3x heavier Reg letter franked with 3+6+6+6+6Kr + 6 Kreuzer on reverse; bicolored franking 27Kr(!); in addition red postmark RECOMMANDIRT WIEN 25/6 1858, arrival VERSCHETZ 27/6; certificate A. Matl, Ferchenbauer. shows as 27Kr franking 9x3Kr = 5.000€, ex. F. Puschmann
Starting price: CZK
234582 - 1851-1855 4 letters with various types and papers, CDS PISIN
1851-1855 4 letters with various types and papers, CDS PISINO 12/6, OEDENBURG 14/6, TRIESTE 21/2 and WIEN 12/9; good condition
Starting price: CZK
234456 - 1850-1856 [COLLECTIONS]  selection of 18 mainly folded lette
1850-1856 [COLLECTIONS] selection of 18 mainly folded letters with the first issue values 3, 6 and 9 Kreuzer, various types and papers, 2x as Registered, postmark TROPPAU, LIEBENAU, PRAG, LEMBERG etc..; various quality
Starting price: CZK
234266 - 1858 CZECH LANDS / POSTMARKS / Ferch.13-15, Franz Joseph 5Kr
1858 CZECH LANDS / POSTMARKS / Ferch.13-15, Franz Joseph 5Kr-15Kr, selection of 34 stamps and cut-squares with chosen nice postmarks, i.a. line KLATTAU, TREBITSCH and round BRAUNAU, ČÁSLAU, GRULICH, HAID, WILDENSCHWERT, various types, colors, etc..; VF
Starting price: CZK
233200 - 1858 letter with Ferch.10II + 11Ib, Franz Joseph I. 2Kr and
1858 letter with Ferch.10II + 11Ib, Franz Joseph I. 2Kr and 3 Kreuzer ST, cancel. TETSCHEN a/ ELBE 1/6; perfect condition, c.v.. for II. types 1.000€
Starting price: CZK
234285 - 1860 CZECH LANDS / POSTMARKS / Ferch.19-22, Franz Joseph 3Kr
1860 CZECH LANDS / POSTMARKS / Ferch.19-22, Franz Joseph 3Kr-15Kr, selection of 58 stamps and cut-squares with mainly nice postmarks, i.a. line FREUDENTHAL, HAYDA, MULLIN and round BERAUN, BÖH. LEIPA, GOLTSCHJENIKAU, HOŘOZOWITZ, KREIBITZ, LIBAN, ZDAUNEK, 2x 3 Kreuzer green, various types, color, etc..; good quality
Starting price: CZK
234461 - 1859-1863 [COLLECTIONS]  selection of 35 letters with II. (7
1859-1863 [COLLECTIONS] selection of 35 letters with II. (7 pcs of), III. (19 pcs of from that 1x Reg and) issue V (9 pcs of from that 1x R), various posting postmark as TURNAU, JICIN, FALKENDORF, PROSNITZ, FRANKSTADT, BRANDEIS, EISENBROD, TANNWALD, LOMNITZ b. JITSCHIN, PODIEBRAD; various quality
Starting price: CZK
234287 - 1863 CZECH LANDS / POSTMARKS / Ferch.30-34, Eagle 2Kr-15Kr,
1863 CZECH LANDS / POSTMARKS / Ferch.30-34, Eagle 2Kr-15Kr, selection of 70 stamps and cut-squares with mainly nice postmarks, i.a. line JAEGENDORF, SOBIESLAU and circular BISENZ, BENESCHAU, BISTRAU, ELBOGEN, GAIA, HOHENELBE, HOROSEDL, LIEBENAU, MAUTH, ROCHLITZ, WOTITZ, 1 pcs 2 Kreuzer yellow, 2x 3 Kreuzer green, various types, colors, etc..; F-VF
Starting price: CZK
234295 - 1867 CZECH LANDS / POSTMARKS / Ferch.35-38, Franz Joseph 2Kr
1867 CZECH LANDS / POSTMARKS / Ferch.35-38, Franz Joseph 2Kr-10Kr, selection of 144 stamps and cut-squares with mainly nice postmarks, i.a. B.TEINITZ, BLOWITZ, BOHDANETSCH, FRAINSPITZ, GROTTAU, NENNERSDORF in SCHLESIEN, LUDITZ, LUBENS, PLATZ, ŘIČAN, STEINSCHÖNAU, GMUNDEN, dumb cancel. BRNO etc.., incl. 19 stamp 5 Kreuzer with part of wmk etc., various types, colors, etc..; F-VF
Starting price: CZK
234371 - 1867 Reg letter to Hranic, franked with franking 5 Kreuzer (
1867 Reg letter to Hranic, franked with franking 5 Kreuzer (4x), 2 in front and 2 on reverse, CDS BUTSCHOWITZ 19/2, arrival postmark WEISSKIRCHEN IN MÄHREN 20/2, blue paper seal; good condition
Starting price: CZK
234376 - 1867 Reg letter to Vienna, franked with 5 Kreuzer (4x) type
1867 Reg letter to Vienna, franked with 5 Kreuzer (4x) type I, rough print, 2 pcs in fornt and 2 pcs on reverse, CDS TESCHEN 5/12, supplemented with straight line postmark RECOM:, arrival postmark WIEN 7/12, unbroken seal; good condition
Starting price: CZK
234379 - 1872-1879 3 Reg letters franked with.3-tuple frankings 5 Kre
1872-1879 3 Reg letters franked with.3-tuple frankings 5 Kreuzer, from that 1x str-of-3 on face-side, nice thimple pmk BILOWITZ b. HRADISCH 27/3 74, PLANA 3/12 and AUSSIG 29/6 79, all supplemented with straight line postmark RECOM: or RECOMANDIRT; fine
Starting price: CZK
234381 - 1872-1883 4 Reg letters, 2x with 15 Kreuzer rough and fine p
1872-1883 4 Reg letters, 2x with 15 Kreuzer rough and fine print, 1x 10Kr and 1x 5+10Kr, CDS LANDSKRON 14/3 72 (small diameter circle raz.), NEUGEDEIN 16/2, WOLEIN 12/5 83 (thimple postmark.) and PRAGUE MALÁ STRANA 1/9 74; good condition
Starting price: CZK
234365 - 1879 DECORATIVE LETTERS / 2x Reg letters sent to Votice, env
1879 DECORATIVE LETTERS / 2x Reg letters sent to Votice, envelope with additional-printing in yellow color, franked with multiple franking 3x 5 Kreuzer red, CDS MNICHOVO HRADIŠTĚ 20/1 79, supplemented with cancel. REGISTERED + second envelope with additional-printing "S" franked with 5+ on reverse 10Kr, same CDS and cancel. Reg; good condition, decorative
Starting price: CZK
234470 - 1867-1890 [COLLECTIONS] selection of more than 50 entires wi
1867-1890 [COLLECTIONS] selection of more than 50 entires with VI. issue 1867 Franz Joseph I. and stamps VII. issue 1883 Eagle, various values as 2, 3 and 5 Kreuzer, various postmark i.a. LOMNITZ B. JIČÍN, LIBSTAT (small diameter circle), JILEMNICE, SEMILY, GABEL, TRUTNOV etc..; various quality
Starting price: CZK
232999 - 1899 Mi.69-83, Franz Joseph I. 1H - 4 K; complete set, very
1899 Mi.69-83, Franz Joseph I. 1H - 4 K; complete set, very fine, first hinges, c.v.. 400€
Starting price: CZK
221770 - 1890 Ferch.53, Franz Joseph I. 5 Kreuzer, superb block of fo
1890 Ferch.53, Franz Joseph I. 5 Kreuzer, superb block of four with double perf and with omitted perforation hole; VF, rare
Starting price: CZK
233002 - 1905 ANK.119-132, Franz Joseph. I. 1H - 72H; very fine, firs
1905 ANK.119-132, Franz Joseph. I. 1H - 72H; very fine, first hinges, c.v.. * 350€
Starting price: CZK
232997 - 1908 ANK.139-156, Jubilee 1H-10K; very fine set, first hinge
1908 ANK.139-156, Jubilee 1H-10K; very fine set, first hinges, c.v.. 500€
Starting price: CZK
233138 - 1908 ANK.156, Jubilee 10K, highest value; first hinge, VF, c
1908 ANK.156, Jubilee 10K, highest value; first hinge, VF, cat. min. 325€
Starting price: CZK
233142 - 1910 ANK.161-177, Jubilee 1h-10K, complete set; heavier hing
1910 ANK.161-177, Jubilee 1h-10K, complete set; heavier hinges, c.v.. 700€
Starting price: CZK
235496 - 1917 ANK.205xII, Coat of arms 3 Koruna bright red, rare wide
1917 ANK.205xII, Coat of arms 3 Koruna bright red, rare wide format; c.v.. 500€
Starting price: CZK
234161 - 1890 POSTAGE-DUE / ANK.P1-7, Numerals 1Kr-50Kr; VF, 50kr wit
1890 POSTAGE-DUE / ANK.P1-7, Numerals 1Kr-50Kr; VF, 50kr with certificate Soecknick, c.v.. 300€
Starting price: CZK
231924 - 1900-1906 POSTAGE-DUE / 3 letters with interesting frankings
1900-1906 POSTAGE-DUE / 3 letters with interesting frankings, from France with 20Kr 1890(!) + 10h 1900; from USA with 40+10h 1900; from Rumania with 20+15+15h 1900; very fine, cat. min. 1.050€
Starting price: CZK
233676 - 1908 Reg letter from 1913 franked with Ferch.150, Franz Jose
1908 Reg letter from 1913 franked with Ferch.150, Franz Joseph I. 50h, from Chvalkovic in Bohemia to memeber of Foreign Legions - "J. Eifler 18.Comp. 1. Rgt Entrangere / Tlemcen/ Algerie- Afrique", redirected to Sidi Bel Abbés and French Avricourtu; signs of usage; extraordinary offer
Starting price: CZK
235746 - 1890-1900 selection of 12 letters and p.stat i.a. Reg letter
1890-1900 selection of 12 letters and p.stat i.a. Reg letter with mixed tricolor franking KREUZER / HELLER, 3-color uprated to postal stationery cover to Basel, 5 Kreuzer uprated to newspaper stripe etc.; chosen entires from important collection
Starting price: CZK
233067 - 1890-1918 selection of 16 entires, i.a. 1x Reg and Express,
1890-1918 selection of 16 entires, i.a. 1x Reg and Express, 1x money letter, 2x Reg, 1x Thurn-Taxis without postage due etc.., i.a. anniv. issue etc..; various condition
Starting price: CZK
235747 - 1908-1916 13 letters and entires, i.a. Express pneumatic-tub
1908-1916 13 letters and entires, i.a. Express pneumatic-tube post Vienna on postcard to Switzerland, EX - postcard, Rückmeldung, R-EX mixed franking 2 issues, C.O.D., interesting dispatch-note, uprated by. postcard and oths.; chosen entires
Starting price: CZK
233491 - 1851 Ferch.6IIc, Blue Mercury type IIc, color tiefdunkelblau
1851 Ferch.6IIc, Blue Mercury type IIc, color "tiefdunkelblau", cancel. BRAUNAU; luxury piece, certificate Ferchenbauer., c.v.. 300€++; rare and undervalued
Starting price: CZK
233487 - 1851 Ferch.6Ib, Blue mercury type Ib; very fine piece on cut
1851 Ferch.6Ib, Blue mercury type Ib; very fine piece on cut-square with cancel. IRSA, certificate Ferchenbauer., c.v.. 250€
Starting price: CZK
233489 - 1851 Ferch.6IIc, Blue Mercury type IIc, cancel. ESZTERHAZA;
1851 Ferch.6IIc, Blue Mercury type IIc, cancel. ESZTERHAZA; small thin place left lower, wide margins, certificate Ferchenbauer., c.v.. 160€
Starting price: CZK
233488 - 1851 Ferch.6IIc, Blue Mercury type IIc, cancel. JASIENICA; w
1851 Ferch.6IIc, Blue Mercury type IIc, cancel. JASIENICA; wide margins, certificate Ferchenbauer., c.v.. 160€
Starting price: CZK
233492 - 1851 Ferch.6IIc, Blue Mercury type IIc, cancel. SAROS N. PAT
1851 Ferch.6IIc, Blue Mercury type IIc, cancel. SAROS N. PATAK; wide margins, certificate Ferchenbauer., c.v.. 160€
Starting price: CZK
233484 - 1851 Ferch.6IIIa, Blue Mercury type IIIa, on cut-square with
1851 Ferch.6IIIa, Blue Mercury type IIIa, on cut-square with Italian cancel. MANTOVA; VF, certificate Ferchenbauer., c.v.. 725€
Starting price: CZK
233485 - 1851 Ferch.6IIIb, Blue Mercury type IIIb, in rarer light blu
1851 Ferch.6IIIb, Blue Mercury type IIIb, in rarer light blue color, on cut-square with frame cancel. SALZBURG; very fine piece, certificate Ferchenbauer., c.v.. 220€
Starting price: CZK
225689 - 1861 Ferch.23a,b, Franz Joseph I. 1,05kr, 3x, light grey on
1861 Ferch.23a,b, Franz Joseph I. 1,05kr, 3x, light grey on cut-square with CDS SEBENICO (certificate), grey VENICE and grey on stripe EGER; very fine, c.v.. 1.335€
Starting price: CZK
234187 - 1867 Ferch.42 Id, Mercure 1,05kr Type Id grauviolett, SCHÜS
1867 Ferch.42 Id, Mercure 1,05kr Type Id "grauviolett", SCHÜSSELFORMIGER HELM, Stadium II; rare, cancel. BRUNN STADT, c.v.. 325€
Starting price: CZK
234183 - 1867 Ferch.42, selection of 24 Mercure 1 Kr, all first types
1867 Ferch.42, selection of 24 Mercure 1 Kr, all first types, Ia-If, chosen colors, incl. rare shades type Ia and Id, undervalued rare grey Ib etc..; very fine, cat. min. 850€
Starting price: CZK
233199 - 1931 ANK.518-523, Rotary 10gr-1S, complete set; hinged, c.v.
1931 ANK.518-523, Rotary 10gr-1S, complete set; hinged, c.v.. 300€
Starting price: CZK
233186 - 1931 ANK.524-529, Poets 10gr-1Sh; complete set with upper ma
1931 ANK.524-529, Poets 10gr-1Sh; complete set with upper margins; value 20gr bend in right margin, otherwise VF, mint never hinged, c.v.. 250€
Starting price: CZK
233137 - 1933 ANK.555, WIPA 50 + 50gr with right margin with registry
1933 ANK.555, WIPA 50 + 50gr with right margin with "registry point", ordinary paper; VF, c.v.. 330€ ++
Starting price: CZK
233163 - 1933 ANK.555, WIPA 50g, white paper on cut-square with speci
1933 ANK.555, WIPA 50g, white paper on cut-square with special cancel. WIPA 1933; c.v.. 260€+
Starting price: CZK
233160 - 1933 ANK.557-562, Catholics 12g-64g, complete set with lower
1933 ANK.557-562, Catholics 12g-64g, complete set with lower margins and special postmark "ALLGEMEINER DEUTSCHER KATHOLIKENTAG in WIEN"; c.v.. 475€
Starting price: CZK
233154 - 1936 ANK.588, Dollfuß 10Sch violet ultramarine; very fine p
1936 ANK.588, Dollfuß 10Sch violet ultramarine; very fine piece, c.v.. 1.500€
Starting price: CZK
230238 - 1935 ANK.598-612, Airmail 5G - 10S; mint never hinged, c.v..
1935 ANK.598-612, Airmail 5G - 10S; mint never hinged, c.v.. 240€
Starting price: CZK
233499 - 1935 ANK.605I, 608I, Airmail 50gr and 1Sh, strip-of-3 with p
1935 ANK.605I, 608I, Airmail 50gr and 1Sh, strip-of-3 with plate variety - "APOSTROF U 5" and pair with plate variety - "DAMAGED LETTER "R"; c.v.. 310€
Starting price: CZK
233204 - 1935 ANK.617-622, Generals 12gr-64gr; complete set with uppe
1935 ANK.617-622, Generals 12gr-64gr; complete set with upper margins; mint never hinged, c.v.. 210€++
Starting price: CZK
233147 - 1936 ANK.623-626, FIS II., complete set; mint never hinged,
1936 ANK.623-626, FIS II., complete set; mint never hinged, c.v.. 200€
Starting price: CZK