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1858 Mi.2x, Coat of arms 10K with wmk, strong paper, vertical pair; short tooth, c.v.. 500€ U:A5
1866 Mi.18x-23x, Coat of arms 1 K - 30K, horiz. grid paper; VF, 2x exp. Mikulski, c.v.. for ** 760€++, rare offer! U:A5
1875 Mi.24x-28x, Coat of arms 2 K - 20K, horiz. grid; mint never hinged, only minor gum faults, 7K short teeth, c.v.. for ** 440€++ U:A5
1884 Mi.38y-39y, Coat of arms 3.50R and 7R, vertical grid, "without flashes", used; very fine pieces, value 3.50R certificate and signed Wallner, 7R signed Köhler, c.v.. 1.800€ U:A5
1904 Mi.57A, Kornilov 3 K, left upper corner horiz. str-of-6 with overprint "OBRAZE" - SPECIMEN; stamps mint never hinged, 1x light bend, rare U:A5
1908-1917 SELECTION / 7 stamps (1x pair) issues Coat of arms with various production flaws - shifted middles, undrprints, double frames etc. U:A5
1910 Mi.80 production flaw, Coat of arms 7R, horiz. marginal pair with production flaw - offset on gum; hinge on the reverse, interesting U:A5
1913 Mi.82-98, House of Romanov 1K - 5R, complete set, values 1 K - 70K in pairs; 3R minor gum fault, F-VF, sought! U:A5
1916 Mi.108B, Emergency 15K light brown, vertical imperforated pair; very fine U:A5
1918 SELECTION / Mi.138A-148A, Revenue 5 K - 5R, complete set, in addition corner and marginal pieces, opposite facing pair etc..; fine U:A4
1878 4x heavier Reg letter with Mi.19, 24(2x), 28(2x), Coat of arms 2+2+3+20+20, BALTA 20 IUN 1878, arrival KAMENEC PODOLSK 23 IUN 1878; rare U:A5
1921 Mi.167w (*), 165x-168x, 167y-168y, complete set issue Volha; 1x hinge in margin, 1x production omission of gum, c.v.. 300€ U:A5
1922 Mi.170a production flaw, overprint 250+250R / 35K blue, horizontal strip of 3 with production flaw - significant oblique shifted overprint on all stamps; sought U:A5
1922 Mi.196DD and 207DD, 5Rb (minor faults) and overprint postage stamp 200Rb/15k; DOUBLE PRINT and DOUBLE OVERPRINT; certificates Dr. Leupold U:A5
1922 OFFICIAL AIRMAIL STAMPS STAMPS / Mi.1-2, overprint 12M/2.25R (type II.) and 24M/3R; VF, exp. Bühler, Roig, Sorani, Calves, Raybaudi U:A5
1931 Mi.402B-405B, Polar Flight 30k - 2R; imperforated complete set, VF, c.v.. 200€, sought set! U:A5
1932 Mi.411B, Polar Year 1Rbl green, perf 10½; mint never hinged, exp. Wassmann BPP, c.v.. 150€ U:A5
1934 Mi.483X-487X, Zeppelin 5 K - 30K; complete set, superb, c.v.. 850€, sought U:A5
1939 selection of two middle blocks of four issue Pavilons, Mi.775, 766, 765, 768 and 771, 772, 774, 769; mint never hinged, minor gum fault and bend, c.v.. 800€, rare U:A5
1941 Mi.818, Surikov 2R as blk-of-4; VF, c.v.. ca. 400€ U:A5
1941 Mi.826, Revolutionary forces 30k blue; superb, c.v.. 300€; rare stamp U:A5
1945 Mi.Bl.4, Bl.5x, 5y, souvenir sheets Leningrad 20x and Stalingrad 10x, cancel. RIGA; very fine, cat. min. 1.800€ U:A5
1949 Mi.Bl.13, miniature sheet Stalin; lightly hinged on margins, overall sound condition, c.v.. ** 500€ U:A4
1955 Mi.1762C, Airmail 2R dark blue, 100 pcs of - left half of sheet; mint never hinged, c.v.. 400€+ U:A4
1955 Bl.16, 17, souvenir sheets Buildings + 2x strip-of-5; small production gum flaw U:A4
1955 Mi.1790C, Airmail 2R with overprint "...Moscow", corner blk-of-4 with perf 12½, with CDS; with original gum, c.v.. 400€ U:A5
1957 Mi.1945B-1949B, World Youth Meeting (I) 10k - 1R imperforated; superb, c.v.. 220€ U:A5
1958-1962 Bl.27, Bl.30, souvenir sheets Nordpol, Bl. 30 type II; minor gum fault, c.v.. 195€ U:A4
1964 Mi.Bl.33, Bl.35II, souvenir sheets Tokio 1964; VF, c.v.. 330€ U:A5
1863 LEVANT / TOWN POST / Mi.1, Coat of arms 6 K greyultramarin; F-VF, exp. Kossack, Richter, Rohr, c.v.. 500€, rare classic stamp! U:A5
1876-1879 LEVANT / TOWN POST / Mi.10a, 11Ia, overprint Coat of arms 8K/10K and 7K/10K with black overprints; exp. Thier, c.v.. 270€ U:A5
1879 LEVANT / TOWN POST / Mi.12x-14x, 12y-14y, Numerals 1 K - 7K with horiz. and vertical grid; c.v.. 158€ U:A5
1868 LEVANT / TOWN POST / Mi.2-5, Numerals 1 K - 10K; complete set, F-VF, c.v.. 160€ U:A5
1918 LEVANT / Coat of arms 4Pa, 20Pa, 20Pa, selection of values with overprint R.O.P.I.T. company "Ру́сское о́бщество парохо́дства и торго́вли" (1856-1914); rare U:A5
1920 WRANGEL- ARMY - Constantinopol / FIRST OVERPRINT 5 / PJAŤ / RUBLEJ , 6 stamps 5 Copecks and 20kop; rare U:A5
1921 WRANGEL- ARMY - Constantinopol, 8 errors on Russian and Ukraine stamps; types I + II overprint - 3x unissued BLACK, 2 overprints WITHOUT FACE VALUE, 3x overprint INVERTED; some sign. Hals S.O./Paris U:A5
1921 WRANGEL- ARMY - Constantinopol, overprint II. type, Mi.30-35, ROPIT 1857-1907 10000R/1k - 20000R/70k; Mi.49-55, 10000R/5para - 20000R/7Pia (oblique overprints) and Mi.56-60 + 76, 10000R/20para - 20000R/3,50Pia (horiz. overprints) + issue 10000R/15Para; all signed Hals S.O./Paris U:A5
1921 WRANGEL- ARMY - Constantinopol, overprint II. type RUSSKAJA POČTA on stamp of UKRAINE - overprint "Trident" type ODESSA I - IV, type CHARKOV and type JEKATĚRINOSLAV; nominal complete set 10000R/1k - 20000R/50k, some stamps signed Hals S.O./Paris U:A5
1921 WRANGEL- ARMY - Constantinopol, overprint issue on imperforated Russian stamps 1000R/1k-20000R/7R, set of 21, in addition 20000R /1R overprint INVERTED; very fine, signed Hals S.O./Paris U:A5
1921 WRANGEL- ARMY - Constantinopol, overprint issue on stamps SOUTH - DENIKIN ARMY 5000R/3k-20000R/10R; fine set; sign. Hals S.O./Paris U:A5
1921 WRANGEL- ARMY - Constantinopol, overprint issue on perforated Russian stamps 1000R/1k-20000R/10R; set of 29 stamps; F-VF, mostly signed Hals S.O./Paris U:A5
1921 WRANGEL- ARMY / Constantinopol, overprint issue on stamp Russian LEVANTE 1000R/20Pa -20000R/100Pia, complete set "Coat of arms" Mi.48-60, 76-78; in addition pair 20000R / 10 Pia with OMITTED overprint; signed Hals S.O./Paris U:A5
1921 WRANGEL / letter franked with overprint stamp POČTA RUSSKOJ ARMII / 10000 R / 5R, overprint type I.; CDS camp post CHALKI II / 10 FEV 1921, arrival CONSTANTINOPOL 12 FEV 1921; very fine and very rare entire U:A5
1921 WRANGEL / letter franked with three overprint stamps POČTA RUSSKOJ ARMII / 5000 R, overprint type I.; CDS of Russian post CONSTANTINOPOL 2 AVR 1921, arrival BELGRADE (BLGRAD) 10 AVR 1921; very fine and rare entire U:A5
1945 8 folded letters of Russian FP, 7x number FP 25341, 1x 47784; overall nice quality U:A5
1918-1921 [COLLECTIONS] CIVIL WAR - LOCAL ISSUE and FP; collection on 8 pages from stockbook; Northwest army (Yudenich), Westarmy (Awaloff), Siberia, Amur, Far East, South Rusko- Kubáň, Belorussia - forerunner "Asobny Atrjad" etc.; interesting U:O4
1875-1921 [COLLECTIONS] small collection on 12 pages, various issues Coat of arms, also Levant, town post etc..; various quality U:Z
1908-1933 [COLLECTIONS] collection on hingeless sheets Lindner, contains various mainly complete sets, perf, types etc..; mainly hinged, part various quality, we advice examination U:Z
1920-1988 [COLLECTIONS] smaller selection of used bloks of four from 1940´s, supplemented with mint souvenir sheets Mi.Bl.4, Bl.5 and other souvenir sheets, in 8-sheet stockbook U:Z
1923-1940 [COLLECTIONS] selection of unused stamps, contains also several blocks of four; mainly hinged, various quality, on 6 pages in stockbook A4 U:Z
1923-1941 [COLLECTIONS] collection of used stamps from, contains also better sets, wmk, types, air-mail, zeppelin stamps (for example. Mi.402-405B, 420AX, 427-428X, apod.); in 8-pages stockbook A4, mainly good quality U:Z
1942-1944 [COLLECTIONS] collection on 11 hingeless pages Lindner, mainly complete sets, miniature sheets 1944 etc..; part various quality U:Z
1955-1958 [COLLECTIONS] collection on hingeless sheets in spiral stockbook, complete sets, souvenir sheets, also imperforated stamps etc..; part various, overall fine quality, c.v.. ca. 1.800€, viewing is recommanded U:Z
1865-1960 [COLLECTIONS] DUPLICATION / on 12 pages in stockbook A4, Russian Empire and USSR, various values, incomplete sets, several miniature sheets and blocks etc..; various quality U:Z
1923-1940 [COLLECTIONS] DUPLICATION / selection of used stamp, contains i.a. several complete sets, many duplications etc..; on 14 pages in stockbook A4 U:Z
1880-1970 [COLLECTIONS] ENTIRES / POSTAL STATIONERY / selection of 152 p.stat and 27 entires from Russian Empire, RSFSR also USSR, Us also Un, incl. several Ppc, overprint issue, blank forms; various quality U:K