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1944 Sy.H119, miniature sheet For Children-issue, 3 pcs of, field B + C + G, field G with plate variety on pos. 7 - stain in "V"; very fine superb pieces U:A5
1945 COUNTER SHEET / Sy.120-124, Tiso, values 1Ks - 5 Koruna in/at incomplete 90 pcs of sheets (missing upper row with margin); mint never hinged, only folded in perforation, c.v.. ca. 300€ U:A3v–
1945 COUNTER SHEET / Sy.120-125, Tiso 1Ks-10Ks, values 1Ks-5Ks in/at KOMPLETNÍCH 100 stamps sheets, value 10 Koruna selection of corner více-bloků (total 126 pcs of); very good condition, only folded in perforation, c.v.. ca. 450€, rare usage complete sheets issue Tiso! U:A3v–
1945 COUNTER SHEET / Sy.125 S, Tiso 10K violet, two blocks 6-zn. gutter, 1x 4 pcs of gutter-pairs with upper margin (mint never hinged) and 1x 5 pcs of with lower margin (mint never hinged with light zažloutnutím in gum), cat. min. 180€ U:A3v–
1939-1943 comp. 14 pcs of entires with machine postmarks, it contains e.g. letter with bilingual MC BESUCHET XXII. DONAU-MESSE... / NAVŠTIVTE XXII. DUNAJSKÝ VELETRH...BRATISLAVA 25.VIII.42, 1x censorship, 1x postcard with stamp. Slovakotour 15h etc..; various quality, interesting selection of U:A5
1941 commercial Reg and express letter to Bohemia-Moravia, franked with. 3x Sy.31 and Sy.55, CDS ZEMIANSKÉ KOSTOLANY 2.X.41, on reverse arrival postmark PŘEROV 2/ 7.X.41, Us Slovak (with rukopisnou notice "prezkúmané") also German censorship, right postal-charge; fold, good condition U:A5
1942 Reg letter i.a. franked by stmp Exhibition issue 30h, Sy.68, CDS ROŽINDOL 2.VII.42; nice good condition, rare non-philatelic užití stamp. Sy.68, c.v.. 30€ U:A5
1939-1943 selection of 28 pcs of various entires, contains i.a. 6x used CDV, from that 3x picture, 10 pcs of R, Ex or airmail letters with multicolor franking, 2 pcs of franked with. overprint stamp., part abroad or Protectorate, censorship etc..; mainly good quality U:A4
1941 Reg and airmail letter to New York franked with. air stamp. 3x Sy.L5 Airmail 1939 3 Koruna + Sy.L7 Air 1940 5 Koruna, CDS BRATISLAVA 1/ 28.I.41, Brit. censorship; toned U:A5
1943-1944 comp. of 3 airmail letters to Protektorátu: letter with Airmail 1939 30h, 50h and 2 Koruna, Sy.L1, L2, L4, on the reverse side L the bottom corner Pr Tatras 10h, Sy.48 with plate number A1, CDS KRUPINA 22.IX.43 + Reg and airmail letter with Airmail 1939 50h, 3x 1KS and 3 Koruna, Sy.L2, L3X, L5, CDS SMOLENICE 10.XII.43, on the reverse side arrival postmark PRAGUE 1/ 17.XII.43 + Ex+R+Let-dopis with Airmail 1940 20Ks, Sy.L9, CDS NOVÝ SMOKOVEC 23.I.44, on the reverse side arrival postmark BRÜNN/ 3.II.44, all censored; good condition U:A5
1939 Sy.NV10Xx, Coat of arms 2h yellow-brown, with horiz. grid; mint never hinged U:A5
1939 COUNTER SHEET / Sy.NV11Xz, Coat of arms (I) 5h blue, complete 100 stamps sheet with production flaw - full machine print on gum; vertical folds out of stmp., on/for sticky side hinge / label only in margin, on/for front face label 1x also in the picture stamp., sound condition, very decorative U:A3v–
1939 Sy.NV11, Coat of arms (I) 5h blue, blk-of-40 with production flaw - thin/light print, vertical grid, without watermark; 3x horiz. folded between stamp., minor gum fault, hinged only in margins U:A4
1940-42 COUNTER SHEET / Sy.NV14Y, Coat of arms (II) 10h red-brown with wmk P1, complete 50 pcs of sheet (!); luxury quality, c.v.. 1.300€, very rare usage, preserved only 10-12ks, from them part is damaged, exceptional offer! U:DR
1939 Sy.NV21Xx, Coat of arms 1Ks grey without watermark, upper half 100 pcs of counter sheet, horiz. grid; 1x hinged in margin + 3 hint on front side, 1x vertical fold between stamp., c.v.. 290€ U:A4
1943 insufficiently franked kyvadlový letter sent to tax office, burdened with postage-due, CDS HODRUŠA 2?.I.43, transit postmark BANSKÁ ŠTIAVNICA 27.I.43, HODRUŠA 30.I.43 and HODRUŠA 13.II.43, with mounted sheetlet "Vyberte:", on reverse note. "content vybral" with postmark office; signs of usage, unusual U:A4
1944 DORUČOVACÍ KARTA ŠEKOVÝCH POUKÁZEK / format A4, on the reverse side franked with. 32 pcs of stamp. Sy.D19 Postage due stmp 1942 1Ks, cancelled by postmark MAJCICHOV 30.XII.44; fold U:A4
1939 JEZDECKÁ KORÚHEV 2/ GULOMETNÁ ESKADRONA, blue off. framed pmk arrival post with date 20.VIII.1939 on reverse, on franked letter with black PR8, RUŽOMBEROK 19.VIII.1939; good condition, rare 1939 POLISH CAMPAIGN / comp. 12 pcs of PC Slovak FP, from that 6 pcs of with FP-postmark 8a, 8b, 12b, 16b, and FP Sorting Off. 4a postally Us, 6 pcs of with FP-postmark 12b, 41a, 41b and FP Sorting Off. 4a, 4b, 4c postally Un with cancel. from favor; good condition U:A5
1941 CAMPAIGN TO SSSR / comp. of 3 FP cards and 1 Soviet PC 10k, mounted stamp. USSR, Slovakia and Poland, FP-postmark 8a,b, 16a and 16b, censorship mark., philatelically motivated; 2x hints after sticking, otherwise well preserved U:A5
1941-1944 CAMPAIGN TO SSSR / selection of 18 pcs of PC and envelopes Slovak FP, with FP-postmark 6a, 8a, 8b, 16a, 16b, 51a, 51c (postally Us) and Ústredňa FP and, b (used from favor); 1x hints after sticking on the reverse side, otherwise well preserved U:A5
1939 commercial letter franked with. forerunner meter stmp SLAVIA in/at Bratilave, cancel. BRATISLAVA 3/ 24 3 39; good condition, rare document užití in territory of Slovakia U:A4
1939 frankotype "JEDLA" with CDS BRATISLAVA 1/ 29.5.39, superb print values 0,10h on/for Un envelope; good condition U:A5
1941-1944 meter stmp Bächer original Melichar, CDS BRATISLAVA 1, 2 pcs of envelopes with various meter stmp same firm, on/for autumn 1939 came to zakoupení Bächerova podniku baronem Ringhofferem and začlenění below značku Ringhoffer-Tatra, together with community Melichar originally Bächer používal same foreign representation, that's why on/for foreign entires (incl. Slovakia) is only nahrazeno his name; good condition U:A4
1939-1940 comp. of 2 dopisů: 1x Reg letter sent Kanceláří president MC bratislavskému županovi, CDS BRATISLAVA 8/ 13.IV.40 + 1x Reg letter sent from Wien (Vienna) on/for address president J. Tisa, CDS WIEN 67/19.VII.39; good condition U:A5
1941 PR44, TURČIANSKY SVÄTÝ MARTIN/ 1861-1941 MEMORANDOVÉ SLÁVNOSTI/ 1.VI.41, cut square with stamp. 5h and red print special postmark; superb, postmark wasn't used, very rare occurrence! U:A5
1942 PR53, BRATISLAVA/ 29.-30.5.1942/ Celoštátná exhibition postal známok, comp. 2 pcs of official Ppc to exhibition with Slovakian - German text in violet and red color, 1x Us; good condition U:A5
1944 PR62 - PR65, BÁNSKÁ BYSTRICA, BRATISLAVA 1, BRATISLAVA 2, ŽILINA 2, PREŠOV 1/ 14.III.1944/ Piate výročiesamostatnosti, 5 various blue commemorative postmarks on/for memorial sheet issued to/at same occasion, black print, format A4; slightly wrinkled margins, rare, ex Bulant U:A4
1939 PRA35, TRENČÍN/ 19.VIII.39/ MOBILE POST OFF. (BUS) (I. plavecké majstrovstva Slovakia), Un envelope with 2 print oranžového PRA35 with character /d/ and 2 print blue PR9 with character /e/, mounted complete issue stamp. Štefánik; good condition U:A5
1940 SRP3a machine slogan pmk - Užívajte výhod lacných listových telegramov... is len 10h/ BRATISLAVA 2/ 6.XI.40, very nice print on letter addressed to Bohemia-Moravia; good condition U:A5
1942 SRP18 machine slogan pmk, Slovakian - German text - Visit XXII. Danubian trade fair in/at Bratislava/ BRATISLAVA 2/ 23.VIII.42, nice print on letter sent as Printed matter, underpaid stamp. 20h, burdened by surtax, mixed franking postage-due stamp. 4x 5h (corner blk-of-4) and postage stmp 2x 10h, CDS RUŽOMBEROK 1/ 24.V.42; good condition, sought, ex Bulant U:A5
1944 MODRÉ CDS / POVÁŽSKÁ BYSTRICA/ 14.III.44/g/ CDS in blue color used as special cancel. to 5. Anniv independence, on/for picture PC sent Flight to Bohemia-Moravia, CDV4/28, uprated by. airmail stamp 1Ks, 2x print blue CDS, passed through German censorship; good condition, rare occurrence blue denních postmarks esp. on/for really Us entires, ex Bulant U:A5
1944 KINDERLANDVERSCHICKUNG TATRA-LOMNITZ / KLV 99 Haus Orava, answer part from double PC A. Hitler. 6Pf addressed to to Vienna from child camp for children from bombardovaných towns in Germany, these camps was/were under administration of Hitlerjugend, CDS TATRANSKÁ LOMNICA 31.VII.44, passed through censorship; good condition, rare U:A5
1939 CDV65+CDV66, comp. 6 pcs of PC: I. part from double PC Coat of arms 50h with additional-printed valuable 60h, sent as Reg, uprated by. 2x stamp. Hlinka 1Ks red, CDS DETVA 19.IX.39 + 5x single PC Coat of arms 50h, 3x uprated by. Slovak and parallel Czechosl. stamp., 1x with print special postmark Sy.PP4; overall good quality U:A5
1943 CDV6, international post card Hlinka 1.50Ks to Protectorate, CDS BRATISLAVA 1/ 20.XI.43, PC with plate variety interrupted 2. address line, passed through censorship; light folds corners, else preserved U:A5
1944 CDV13/1-18 Promotional 1944, Rázus 1Ks green, complete set of 18 pcs of pictorial post cards; nice quality, c.v.. 380€, rare usage, big specialisation see. new Monograph Földes - Havlíček U:A5
1939-1945 BLANK FORMS / comp. 8 pcs of Un Slovak postal blank forms, i.a. statistická advertisement for export from volného circulation, customs certificate, international postal order, 2x card etc..; all very fine U:A4
1941-1943 comp. of 2 controll cards for cheque bill, 1x with Sy.44, Tiso 70h with production flaw pos. 82 - "odpadlý plod in/at branch", CDS KECEROVSKÉ PEKLÁNY 14.XII.43 + 1x with Sy.43, Tiso 50h, CDS DIVÍN 7.VII.41; sound condition U:A5
1939-1942 CDV 5, 6, 7, 10/1, 10/2, 12, CZL 1, 2a, CPL 2a, 2c, CAZ 2, comp. 11 pcs of Un celin: postal cards, letter cards, certificates of mailing for telegram, recording address cards, 3x double PC Hlinka and Tiso; very fine, c.v.. 170€ U:A4
1939-1944 PARTIE / almost complete collection used stamp. Slovakia, contains overprint issue outside value 3,50Kčs with blue overprint, then missing issue Štefánik - Bradlo, but incl. Newspaper, Doručních and Postage-due stamps; from overprint issue 8 pcs of exp. by Gilbert., Šablatúra, Stolow, Fischer, c.v.. 350€ U:A5
1939-1945 [COLLECTIONS] basic incomplete collection on hingeless sheets (i.a. Blue Štefánik, 4CZK and 5CZK overprint issue, miniature sheet For Children-issue, gutter Tiso etc.., supplemented with about/by unused / cancel. duplication in stockbook A4 and several cards A4; various quality, as multiple but interesting U:K
1785-1995 [COLLECTIONS] CELISTVOSTI / KOŠICE - REGIONÁLNÍ COLLECTION POSTAL HISTORY / regional collection postal history Košice from prephilatelic period after dnešek, contains more than 100 pcs of entires and cut-squares with postmarks Košice post, letters, cards, several R, Flight, dispatch-note, PC, part as Registered, Ex, postmark railway post office train post, memorial postmark and added-print, postcard, FDC etc..; mainly good quality, placed in smaller box, originates from abroad U:K