1944 FRANCE / Mi.557-560, Mercure 10c - 50c, 2x complete set with overprint "Czechoslovakia/ FOREIGN MAIL 1944" in violet and black color + Mi.624-629, Personalities XVII. century, complete set with upper margin counter sheet with overprints in violet color; mint never hinged, 1x bend, otherwise nice, interesting
1945 ROŽŇAVA / black Opt Czechoslovak Post with double line on 15 stamp., values 1f - 80f two Hungarian postage issues; values 24f and 30f lightly hinged, overall very fine, exp. Jurkovič
1970 OLOMOUC / complete set of 5 pcs of miniature sheets with stamp. Olomouckého issue Moravská eagle, all with same number 001982 + value 120h green with anulací round hole; very fine, it is supplementary exhibition print from 70. years
1945 BECHYNĚ, BÍLÁ LHOTA, BUČOVICE / comp. 13 pcs of entires with revolutionary overprints, 3x Reg letter, 5x p.stat PC, supplemented with 3 pcs of memorial/special prints Bučovického issue with signature of author; good condition, philatelically motivated
1945 ČESKÉ BUDĚJOVICE, HLUBOKÁ, HOŘICE, HORNÍ BŘÍZA, DAŠICE / comp. 14 pcs of entires and 2 pcs of cut-squares with stamp. with revolutionary overprints, i.a. 4x p.stat PC; good condition, philatelically motivated
1945 JIČÍN / comp. 7 pcs of entires with with revolutionary overprints, i.a. 3x R, 1x Ex, all with arrival pmk (!); various quality, philatelically motivated
1945 LÁZNĚ BĚLOHRAD, LIPNÍK N. B., LITOVEL, LIBČICE N. V. / comp. 12 pcs of entires with with revolutionary overprints, i.a. 1x R, 1x money letter with complete overprint issues Libčice n./V., 1x Un PC etc..; various quality, philatelically motivated
1945 LOCHOVICE, KRÁSNO N. B., KRČÍN, KUNOVICE, KOSTELEC U HOLEŠOVA, KOSTELEC N. V. / comp. 13 pcs of entires with with revolutionary overprints, i.a. 6x Un p.stat PC or letter-card; various quality, philatelically motivated
1945 OLOMOUC / comp. 10 pcs of entires with revolutionary issue Eagle, 4x R, from that 1x with mixed franking; various quality, philatelically motivated
1945 OLOMOUC / comp. 12 pcs of entires with revolutionary issue Eagle, 7x R, from that 1x with mixed franking; good condition, philatelically motivated
1945 OLOMOUC, PROSTĚJOV / selection of 19 pcs of entires with added-print Liberation Olomouc and Prostějov free of germánská felons, 9x Us with filled address, with without overprints; good condition
1945 PARDUBICE / selection of 20 pcs of entires with with revolutionary overprints, 1x R, surtax, multicolor frankings etc..; good condition, philatelically motivated mailing
1945 PLZEŇ, PRAGUE / selection of 28 pcs of entires with frankings stmp with overprint., i.a. 1x R, 11x postcard liberation of Plzeň with mounted stamp., mainly Un; good condition, philatelically motivated
1945 PRAGUE, OLOMOUC, NOVÝ HROZENKOV / comp. 3 pcs of entires franked with. overprint stamp., supplemented with kartou with 15 pcs of stamp. with overprints, or CDS; good condition, philatelically motivated
1945 PRAGUE, OLOMOUC, PODMOKLY, PROSTĚJOV / selection of 16 pcs of entires franked with. overprint stamp., from that 1x R, 3x small/rare commemorative sheet, part Us; good condition, philatelically motivated
1945 ŘÍČANY U PRAHY, SADSKÁ, SLAVKOV, STRÁŽNICE / comp. 14 pcs of entires with frankings stmp with overprint., from that 7x R, 2x issue Slavkov from that 1x Un picture p.stat etc..; various quality, philatelically motivated
1945 SKALICA / comp. 3 pcs of letters with 1,50+3,50Kčs and 2+3Kčs revolutionary issue, 1x Express letter franked with. pair 2Kčs blue with CDS SKALICA 3.V.45, 1x Reg letter franked with. both stamp. in mixed franking stamp. Linden Leaves, posting nationalized CDS HODONÍN 12.VII.45, and 1x ordinary letter franked with. 2Kčs blue with CDS KUCHYŇA 8.VI.45; good condition
1945 SKALICA / comp. 3 pcs of letters with 2+3Kčs skalického issue, CDS SKALICA 30.V.45, KUCHYŇA 10.VI.45 and HOLIČ PRI MYJAVE 29.V.45; good condition, sought Us entires!
1945 SKALICE, NOVÝ HROZENKOV, ZBRASLAV N. V., SVATÝ KOPEČEK, TEPLICE ŠANOV / selection of 18 pcs of entires with frankings stmp with overprint., part Us; various quality, philatelically motivated
1945 SLAVKOV U./B. / comp. 2 pcs of revolutionary p.stat PC, dark and light green print, supplemented with red additional-printing and nationalized CDS SLAVKOV U./B. 22.V.45; Un, good condition
1945 SLAVKOV U./B. / comp. 2 pcs of revolutionary p.stat PC, dark and light green print, supplemented with red additional-printing and nationalized CDS SLAVKOV U./B. 23. and 22.V.45; Un, good condition
1945 SUŠICE / comp. of 3 philatelically influenced Reg letters sent in the place, franked with. overprint stamp. issue A. Hitler., CDS SUŠICE 5.V.45; good condition
1945 SVATÝ KOPEČEK, TEPLICE ŠANOV, RAKOVNÍK, RADOŠOVICE / selection of 17 pcs of entires with frankings stmp with overprint., from that 4x R, larger part Un; various quality, philatelically motivated
1945 TEPLICE ŠANOV / black Opt Czechoslovak./ post on/for 20 values German stamp., A. Hitler 1Pf - 1RM, all with round service postmark with emblem, POST OFFICE TEPLICE ŠANOV/ 8.5.1945, used on 2 pages A4; good condition
1945 TEPLICE ŠANOV, black Opt Czechoslovak./ post on/for 20 values German stamp., A. Hitler 1Pf - 1RM, all with round service postmark with emblem, POST OFFICE TEPLICE ŠANOV/ 8.5.1945, used on 2 pages A4; good condition
1945 ZAŠOVÁ, ZÁBŘEH N./M., NOVÝ HROZENKOV, ZBRASLAV - FINIS GERMANIAE, ŽAMBERK / comp. 15 pcs of entires with with revolutionary overprints, from that 1x R, 1x p.stat PC, 1x commemorative sheet; good condition, philatelically motivated
1945 [COLLECTIONS] KOSTELEC N. O., PRAGUE, KAMENICKÝ ŠENOV, KONICE / selection of 27 pcs of entires and 8 pcs of commemorative sheets with stamp. with revolutionary overprints, i.a. 8 pcs of as Registered, 1x double p.stat PC; various quality, philatelically motivated
1945 BOHEMIA / comp. 9 pcs of Reg letters with provisory cancel. or Reg label, BÍLINA, BOHOSUDOV, KRUPKA, OLDŘICHOV U DUCHCOVA, RETENICE, BOLETICE N. L., DOLNÍ ŠANOV, NEŠTĚMICE, SEBUZÍN; good condition
1945 SOUTH MORAVIA / comp. 10 pcs of letters with provisory cancel. MODŘICE, ZAJEČÍ, VALTICE, NOVOSEDLY N. MOR., PODIVÍN, BRNO 27, 20, 8, 5, 3; good condition
1945 SOUTH MORAVIA / comp. 10 pcs of Reg letters with provisory cancel. or Reg label., DOLNÍ VĚSTONICE, POŠTORNÁ, MIKULOV, POUZDŘANY, VALTICE, BRNO 4, 5, 15; good condition
1945 KOŠICE / red double-circle provisional postmark KOŠICE 1/ 19.J.45. / Czechoslovak Post on 2 entires, 1x letter addressed to to Sniny with cancel. out of stmp, 1x Un card Hungarian FP with franking 4 postal stamp. and 1 fiscal revenue, cancelled red cancel.; good condition, philatelically motivated
1945 NORTH MORAVIA / comp. 6 pcs of Reg letters with provisory cancel. and Reg label, i.a. POSTŘELMOV, VELKÉ KARLOVICE, PASEKA N./M., KOPŘIVNICE, KUNVALD N. M., SKROCHOVICE; good condition
1945 NORTH MORAVIA / comp. 8 pcs of letters with provisory cancel., i.a. STARÝ JIČÍN, NOVÝ JIČÍN, KOPŘIVNICE, ŠUMVALD U UNIČOVA, BLUDOV, DLOUHÁ LOUČKA, MORAVSKÁ OSTRAVA 10 and 4, part paid/franked cash; good condition
1945 ŠTĚTÍ, MORAVSKÁ OSTRAVA, CHEB, ALTHABENDORF / selection of 27 pcs of entires, part provisional usage Bohemian and Moravian stamp. after/around freedom and their/its various cancellation, provisional postmarks, postmark with date 9.5.45, supplemented with picture-postcards with motive of freedom; various quality
1945-1947 [COLLECTIONS] OKRESY BEROUN, KLADNO, RAKOVNÍK, PŘÍBRAM, BENEŠOV, KOLÍN, MĚLNÍK, NYMBURK, PRAGUE/ collection of ca. 70 pcs of entires from that 39 pcs of as Registered, provisional postmarks, provisional registry labels, cash franked/paid etc..; various quality, much nice pieces from big collection!
1945-1947 [COLLECTIONS] OKRESY CHEB, SOKOLOV, TACHOVA, KARLOVY VARY, KLATOVY, DOMAŽLICE, PLZEŇ/ collection of ca. 75 pcs of entires from that 40 pcs of as Registered, provisional postmarks, provisional Reg label, cash franked/paid etc..; various quality, much nice pieces from big collection!
1945-1947 [COLLECTIONS] POSTMARKS NA ÚSTŘIŽCÍCH POSTAL POUKÁZEK / selection of several set cuts with postmarks various post, nationalized postmark, rubber provisory, franked with. mainly issues London-issue and Portraits, part on album sheets with descriptions; more than 1,5 kg of material to other elaboration, originates from abroad
1945-1947 [COLLECTIONS] OKRESY PRACHATICE, JINDŘICHŮV HRADEC, PÍSEK, ČESKÉ BUDĚJOVICE, ČESKÝ KRUMLOV, CHOMUTOV, LITOMĚŘICE/ collection of ca. 70 pcs of entires from that 30 pcs of as Registered, provisional postmarks, provisional Reg label, cash franked/paid etc..; various quality, much nice pieces from big collection!
1945-1948 [COLLECTIONS] SOUTH MORAVIA / OKRESY BŘECLAV, ZNOJMO, HODONÍN, BRNO / selection of more than 120 pcs of entires from that 65 pcs of as Registered, provisional postmarks, making postmarks same post, provisional Reg label etc..; various quality, much nice pieces from big collection!
1945-1948 [COLLECTIONS] OKRESY NÁCHOD, ÚSTÍ N. O., RYCHNOV N. K., JIČÍN, CHRUDIM, HRADEC KRÁLOVÉ, PARDUBICE/ collection of ca. 50 pcs of entires from that 24 pcs of as Registered, provisional postmarks, provisional Reg label, cash franked/paid etc..; various quality, much nice pieces from big collection!
1945-1948 [COLLECTIONS] OKRESY PELHŘIMOV, HAVLÍČKŮV BROD, TŘEBÍČ, ŽĎÁR N. S., JIHLAVA, SVITAVY, BLANSKO, VYŠKOV / collection of ca. 70 pcs of entires from that 30 pcs of as Registered, provisional postmarks, provisional Reg label, cash franked/paid etc..; various quality, much nice pieces from big collection!
1945-1948 [COLLECTIONS] NORTH MORAVIA / OKRESY BRUNTÁL, JESENÍK, OPAVA, OSTRAVA, OLOMOUC / collection of ca. 100 pcs of entires from that 60 pcs of as Registered, provisional postmarks, provisional Reg label, cash franked/paid etc..; various quality, much nice pieces from big collection!
1947-1948 [COLLECTIONS] OKRESY SEMILY, LIBEREC, ČESKÁ LÍPA / collection of ca. 90 pcs of entires from that 34 pcs of as Registered, provisional postmarks, provisional Reg label, cash franked/paid etc..; various quality, much nice pieces from big collection!
SELECTION of / Pof.353-359, complete set of in blocks of four, all after/around 2 pcs of bloks of four, value 6 Koruna 3 pcs of, various color shades, 12x marginal and 1x corner blk-of-4, total 15 pcs of bloks of four; all mint never hinged
Pof.355 production flaw, 5 Koruna dark grey, corner blk-of-4 with production flaw - significant offset on gum and light stains in the picture UR stamp.; mint never hinged
Pof.355aMs(4) production flaw, 5 Koruna grey-black, two joined 4-stamps vertical gutter with production flaw - oblique paper crease; mint never hinged, rare
Pof.356Ms(4), 6 Koruna blue, 3 joined 4-stamps. vertical gutter with upper margin, on/for L production flaw 6/1 - BÍLÝ KROUŽEK R from numeral(s) 6 (on/for small part/-s printing); mint never hinged, catalogue very misvalues
1945Pof.354Mx-356Mx(16), Velké cross, complete set values 2 Koruna red, 5 Koruna dark grey, 6 Koruna lighter shade blue; all mint never hinged, superb!
Pof.A360/362, Kosice MS, comp. of 2 aršíků: 1x with rare flaw "plamen", 1x navazující other miniature sheet with 2 rings (zánikem defects "plamen" with objevují other rings in large emblem and on stmp 5 Koruna, detail description see Reporter SSČSZ 2/2002, page. 20-26: http://knihovna.filaso.cz/Zpravodaj_089_2002.pdf), MS pos. also combination desk marked according to J. Čtvrtečka; mint never hinged