Public Auction 68 / Philately / Czechoslovakia 1945-1992

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234000 - 1947 MINISTERSKÉ FDC / M 1/47, Two-year plan - blue, mounte
1947 MINISTERSKÉ FDC / M 1/47, Two-year plan - blue, mounted stamp. Pof.447-449, special postmark PRAGUE 1/ 1.I.1947/a, on reverse Minister post and No. 236; incl. printed dedication minister, sent to chairman ÚNS J. Davida; very fine, originally components/parts ministerial dárkového alba
Starting price: CZK
233998 - 1947 MINISTERSKÉ FDC / M 2/47, St. Adalbert., mounted stamp
1947 MINISTERSKÉ FDC / M 2/47, St. Adalbert., mounted stamp. Pof.450-452, special postmark PRAGUE 10 HRAD/ 23.IV.47/a, on reverse Minister post and No. 2 (!); incl. printed dedication minister inside, sent to chairman ÚNS J. Davida; very fine, originally components/parts ministerial dárkového album/-s, very low prominentní číslo2!
Starting price: CZK
233993 - 1948 MINISTERSKÉ  FDC /  M 1/48, Sokol festival, mounted st
1948 MINISTERSKÉ FDC / M 1/48, Sokol festival, mounted stamp. Pof.467-469, 2x black special postmark PRAGUE from 7.III.48, on reverse Minister post and No. 460, Un; very fine
Starting price: CZK
233994 - 1948 MINISTERSKÉ FDC / M 2/48, Charles University, mounted
1948 MINISTERSKÉ FDC / M 2/48, Charles University, mounted stamp. Pof.470-473, special postmark PRAGUE 10 HRAD/ 7.IV.48, on reverse Minister post and No. 3 (!); very fine, very low prominentní ordinal number!
Starting price: CZK
233992 - 1948 MINISTERSKÉ FDC / M 4/48, Kroměříž congress, mount
1948 MINISTERSKÉ FDC / M 4/48, Kroměříž congress, mounted stamp. Pof.479-480, on reverse Minister post and ordinal number 474; very fine
Starting price: CZK
234763 - 1948 MINISTERSKÉ FDC / M A/48, 100. Anniv annulment serfdom
1948 MINISTERSKÉ FDC / M A/48, 100. Anniv annulment serfdom, on reverse with number 83, Un, mounted stamp. Pof.4747, black special postmark PRAGUE 83 STARÉ VÝSTAVIŠTĚ/ 14.V.48; slightly toned in margin, otherwise nice quality, řídký usage!
Starting price: CZK
233990 - 1948 MINISTERSKÉ FDC/ M 5/48, 100. anniv of Slovak National
1948 MINISTERSKÉ FDC/ M 5/48, 100. anniv of Slovak National Uprising, mounted stamp. Pof.481-483, special postmark KOŠICE 1/ 27.VIII.48, on reverse Minister post and No. 30 (!); very fine, low ordinal number!
Starting price: CZK
233991 - 1948 MINISTERSKÉ FDC / M B/48, mounted stamp. K.G. Pof.485-
1948 MINISTERSKÉ FDC / M B/48, mounted stamp. K.G. Pof.485-487, red special postmark PRAGUE 1/ 28.X.48, on reverse Minister post and number 425; very fine
Starting price: CZK
232947 - 1949 NEOHLÁŠENÁ VARIANTA FDC / 2A/49n, 1. Anniv únorový
1949 NEOHLÁŠENÁ VARIANTA FDC / 2A/49n, 1. Anniv únorových events, mounted stamp. 2x Pof.500 place only one, addressed to to Denmark, on reverse line violet cancel. Post Off. Prague 1 - Philately; good condition, on reverse only hinged, rare occurrence!
Starting price: CZK
234597 - 1951 ODLIŠNÉ VYLEPENÍ ZN. / 8/51V, 30. Anniv Communist Pa
1951 ODLIŠNÉ VYLEPENÍ ZN. / 8/51V, 30. Anniv Communist Party of Czechoslovakia, 2 pcs of FDC with signature J. Schmidt, 1x stamp. mounted in/at opačném sequence Pof.591, 588, special postmark with rozlišením 9i and 9h; very fine, Monograph doesn't report!
Starting price: CZK
235511 - 1952 FDC 11/52 Agricultural Work, mounted stamp. Pof.650 wit
1952 FDC 11/52 Agricultural Work, mounted stamp. Pof.650 with plate flaw plate variety 40/1 - reflector; 2x stain in envelope, favourite plate flaw
Starting price: CZK
232950 - 1948 CARTES MAXIMUM / M. R. ŠTEFÁNIK,  B/W. postcard big f
1948 CARTES MAXIMUM / M. R. ŠTEFÁNIK, B/W. postcard big format with mounted stamp. Pof.413, with blue special postmark BREZOVÁ P. B. 2.V.48; good condition
Starting price: CZK
228837 - 1953 1. DAY - SLOVAKIA / commercial Reg letter with general
1953 1. DAY - SLOVAKIA / commercial Reg letter with general franking 80Kčs, richly i.a. franked by stmp.,. Šverma 1Kčs - 15 pcs of, Pof.504, 505, 507, 488, 705, CDS GALANTA 1/ 1.VI.53; envelope unprofessionally open, rare mailing from 1. of day from Slovakia!, on request exp. Dražan
Starting price: CZK
233257 - 1953 1. DAY / letter franked stamp. Pof.485 (2x) in value 3K
1953 1. DAY / letter franked stamp. Pof.485 (2x) in value 3Kčs, vhozený to post. box, CDS RÝMAŘOV 1.VI.53-18, burdened with postage-due, notice "T 1.08" and "54", postal-charge in new currency 60 hellers = 30Kčs in old currency, chybělo 27Kčs, postage due in 2-násobné value 54Kčs by mistake paid/franked Postage due stamps Pof.D76 (20x) and D77 (7x) on front also back side in value only after/behind 44Kčs, CDS BRUNTÁL 2.VI.53; envelope at top unprofessionally open and with fold, exp. Dražan, usage postage-due stamps 2. day after/around annunciation monetary reform is rare and so large number postage-due stamp. low values exception
Starting price: CZK
229270 - 1953  1. DAY / Reg letter in the place sent to State bank Cz
1953 1. DAY / Reg letter in the place sent to State bank Czechosl., with 4-coloured mixed franking postage and special stmp Pof.487 (2x), 488 (2x), 489, 521 (7x), 685 and 707 (2x), CDS BRNO 2/ 1.VI.53, postal-charge 110Kčs; Reg letters from 1. of day are rare!, format A5, envelope unprofessionally open from 2 sides (internal instruction bank), otherwise sound condition
Starting price: CZK
207909 - 1953 LETTER ABROAD / airmail reg letter above 20g to Austria
1953 LETTER ABROAD / airmail reg letter above 20g to Austria, postal-charge 130Kčs (snížený rate), multicolor franking in front also on reverse, CDS PRAGUE 135/ 13.VI.53, arrival postmark WIEN 56/ 23.6.53; Let+R-dopisy abroad are sought!, envelope open from 3 sides, in the middle underglued, otherwise sound condition, exp. Dražan
Starting price: CZK
207487 - 1953 NEDĚLE / letter with tricolor mixed franking postage a
1953 NEDĚLE / letter with tricolor mixed franking postage and special stmp Pof.487 (3x), 704 and 707 (3x) in front + blk-of-10 Pof.707 on reverse, CDS OLOMOUC 1/ 7.VI.53, postal-charge 30Kčs; good quality, exp. Dražan, non-philatelic correspondence, letters posted to transport in/at Sunday are sought!
Starting price: CZK
233281 - 1953 SELECTION of / 6 pcs of more interesting zásilek: post
1953 SELECTION of / 6 pcs of more interesting zásilek: postcard with Pof.714 (5x) + 15h extra paid cash, from 12.VI.53; commercial papers from 5.VI.53, by mistake paid 2-násobkem správného postage; Reg letter with mnohonásobnou franking same values from 5.VI.53; heavier Reg letter with 4-coloured franking from 4.VI.53; commercial express letter from 6.VI.53; larger part parcel of dispatch-note with mnohonásobnou franking in front also on reverse from 8.VI.53; all exp. Dražan, in addition back side Let-dopisu with Arabic pečetkou with mounted postage due stamp. Pofis. D77 (2x) and D78 (16x) from 12.VI.53; common condition
Starting price: CZK
234372 - 1945 VOJ. POW CAMP/ BRNO-JUNDROV / two lined blue cancel. on
1945 VOJ. POW CAMP/ BRNO-JUNDROV / two lined blue cancel. on letter with CDS BRNO 25.III.45, passed through censorship
Starting price: CZK
234902 - 1948-1953 MÍROV, BORY, LEOPOLDOV / comp. of 3 entires from
1948-1953 MÍROV, BORY, LEOPOLDOV / comp. of 3 entires from prisons, 1x censorship, 1x incl. content; good condition
Starting price: CZK
234693 - 1977 PLATE PROOF  stamps for CDV178, Námětová exhibition
1977 PLATE PROOF stamps for CDV178, Námětová exhibition Temafila 4,40Kčs Leonardo da Vinci, proof print definitive gravure in original colors on/for thin/light white paper + 2 faze print, 1x without red color, 1x print only brown color; without defects
Starting price: CZK
227382 - 1945 CDV73Pa + CDV73, comp. 6 pcs of košických PC, 1x CDV7
1945 CDV73Pa + CDV73, comp. 6 pcs of košických PC, 1x CDV73Pa yellow sent as Reg to Bohemia, uprated by. 2 pcs of košických stamp. 2 Koruna red, CDS KOŠICE 15.V.45 (glued corner) + 5 Koruna CDV73 green, from that 2 pcs of Us with posting CDS SPIŠSKÁ NOVÁ VES and PREŠOV; good condition
Starting price: CZK
U:A5 | AUTOTRANS (?)Translation request
232949 - 1949 CDV95/A(1), PC 30. years Czechosl. post. stamp. with of
1949 CDV95/A(1), PC 30. years Czechosl. post. stamp. with official additional-printing PRAGA 1950, English variety 1. issue, addressed to to Denmark, CDS PRAGUE 1/ 22.IX.49; light bend in corner and on reverse hinged, rare usage esp. really Us PC abroad!
Starting price: CZK
234599 - 1980 CDV193 production flaw, Bratislava II, PC with two-side
1980 CDV193 production flaw, Bratislava II, PC with two-sided print and in addition on one side with double print black color, only special postmark; good condition
Starting price: CZK
1955-1992 [COLLECTIONS] CELINOVÉ ENVELOPES + ADDITIONAL PRINTING / big accumulation postal stationery covers, tens hundreds pieces, 50. years after/around several pcs., other in/at tens pieces, official postal stationery cover + envelope/-s with private added-print exhibitions and events, part with special postmark, supplemented with box public inquiry MF + first day sheets Socfilex; estate, 15kg of material to other elaboration, placed in Ikea box, ATTENTION ONLY PERSONAL PICKUP!
Starting price: CZK
234113 - 1945 CAZ2, CAZ3, comp. 3 pcs of Slovak address cards, Hlinka
1945 CAZ2, CAZ3, comp. 3 pcs of Slovak address cards, Hlinka 50h and Tiso 50h blue, CAZ2 with violet overprint "Czechoslovakia", CAZ3 with violet and red overprint, from that 1x with broken "N" in/at "záznamný"; superb, c.v.. 3.800CZK
Starting price: CZK
235652 - 1945 CPA2.2B, Hlinka 50h, hand-made blue Opt ČESKOSLOVENSKO
1945 CPA2.2B, Hlinka 50h, hand-made blue Opt ČESKOSLOVENSKO, unused; undetached, folded in perforation, nice quality, c.v.. 2.000CZK
Starting price: CZK
235650 - 1945 CPA2.3B, Hlinka 50h, hand-made red Opt ČESKOSLOVENSKO,
1945 CPA2.3B, Hlinka 50h, hand-made red Opt ČESKOSLOVENSKO, unused; undetached, folded in perforation, nice quality, c.v.. 1.700CZK
Starting price: CZK
235648 - 1945 BLANK FORMS / comp. 10 pcs of Un Slovak postal blank fo
1945 BLANK FORMS / comp. 10 pcs of Un Slovak postal blank forms with overprint ČESKOSLOVENSKO: international dispatch note with imprinted stamp, 6x single dispatch-note (from that 1 pcs of with supplemental 50h revenue, 2x double), 3x postal order, various types and color overprint; all very fine, c.v.. ca. 150€
Starting price: CZK
234465 - 1945 BLANK FORMS / comp. 13 pcs of Un Slovak postal blank fo
1945 BLANK FORMS / comp. 13 pcs of Un Slovak postal blank forms with overprint ČESKOSLOVENSKO, i.a. double C.O.D. order with imprinted stamp, 3x single dispatch-note (from that 1 pcs of with supplemental 50h revenue), telegraph order, 2x customs certificate etc.., 6x with black overprint (RPT Ba); all very fine
Starting price: CZK
1968-1978 [COLLECTIONS] BALONOVÉ A HELICOPTER FLIGHTS / selection of 32 pcs of letters and postal stationery covers and aerogram delivered flights balloons or vrtulníků on/for výstavách PRAGA 68, PRAGA 78, Lipník nad Bečvou 70, INCHEBA 72 and BRNO 74, contains COB23, COB31-36, COB53, COB55 and COB56; good condition, high catalogue value
Starting price: CZK
U:O5 | AUTOTRANS (?)Translation request
234062 - 1945-1992 [COLLECTIONS]  GENERAL / slightly specialized coll
1945-1992 [COLLECTIONS] GENERAL / slightly specialized collection on hingeless sheets in 6 spring folder, contains postage stmp from y. 1971-1992, incl. PB, special commemorative print and black-prints, then issue air-mail, official etc.. from year 1945 + also with specialized collection used stamp. themed Charles Seizinger, placed on 11 album pages, designs stamp. are copy, we advice viewings, placed in IKEA box, ONLY PERSONAL PICKUP
Starting price: CZK
234418 - 1945-1992 [COLLECTIONS]  GENERAL / almost complete basic col
1945-1992 [COLLECTIONS] GENERAL / almost complete basic collection on pages in glassine envelopes, contains i.a. Kosice MS with plate variety - broken paw, coupons St. Vojtěch, souvenir sheets Bratislava ´52, Prague 1950, 1955, "linen", complete counter sheet I. art, air-mail etc..; to on/for výjimky nice quality, placed in IKEA box, ONLY PERSONAL PICKUP!
Starting price: CZK
234070 - 1966-1978 [COLLECTIONS] / GENERAL / collection unused stamp.
1966-1978 [COLLECTIONS] / GENERAL / collection unused stamp. from y. 1966-1975 on hingeless sheets in two spiral albums + collection mainly used stamp. 1918-1978 + duplication used stamp. mainly CZECHOSLOVAKIA 1945-92 in/at smaller míře addition Czechoslovakia I., Czech Republic also abroad FDC, commemorative sheets, entires etc.. in 4 stockbooks A4, 2 cover A4 and box scattered stamp.; originates from abroad, placed in box Ikea, ONLY PERSONAL PICKUP
Starting price: CZK
[COLLECTIONS] SPECIALIZACE / PODPISY AUTORŮ / interesting set FDC, first day sheets, 2 PB and 1 pcs of blk-of-10 with signatures of authors stmp: Švengsbír, Herčík, Švabinský, Schmidt, Jirka, Bouda, Liesler etc..; total 30 pcs of, interesting set!
Starting price: CZK
233582 - 1945-1987 [COLLECTIONS]  SPECIALIZACE / collection used stam
1945-1987 [COLLECTIONS] SPECIALIZACE / collection used stamp. (váleček only minimally), contains various types miniature sheets, several single blk-of-10, c.v.. plate variety also lot of nekatalogizovaných interest (some very nice), on 7 cards, only catalogue item/-s 8.450CZK, also with košilka A4 with larger lot of parts of sheets to research; interesting ticket
Starting price: CZK
232218 - 1945-1992 [COLLECTIONS]  SPECIALIZACE / specialized collecti
1945-1992 [COLLECTIONS] SPECIALIZACE / specialized collection in/at 24-stránkovém stockbook, contains catalogue also nekatalogové plate variety, production flaw, color shades, group of miniature sheets etc..; all described, value spočívá also in/at still nekatalogizovaných položkách (included to sum as common zn.), c.v.. 10.300Kč
Starting price: CZK
233576 - 1945-1992 [COLLECTIONS]  SPECIALIZACE / specialized collecti
1945-1992 [COLLECTIONS] SPECIALIZACE / specialized collection in/at 32-stránkovém stockbook, well zastoupen die-stamping from area, souvenir sheets, PB, plate defects, varieties etc.., in/at převážné major part catalogue item/-s incl. sought, all described and with cut-squares from special. c.v.. Pofis; suitable to continuation or sale, c.v.. 20.600Kč
Starting price: CZK
233579 - 1945-1982 [COLLECTIONS]  ČTYŘBLOKY / VÍCEBLOKY / collecti
1945-1982 [COLLECTIONS] ČTYŘBLOKY / VÍCEBLOKY / collection corner blk-of-4 and multiblocks in 20-stránkovém stockbook, can be oddělit total 236 corner blk-of-4, some plate variety and variants (mostly described); nice quality, cat. only single stamp. 4.740Kč, like that price much more/larger
Starting price: CZK
233580 - 1952-1990 [COLLECTIONS]  DATA TISKU / collection date print
1952-1990 [COLLECTIONS] DATA TISKU / collection date print in/at 32-stránkovém stockbook, total 235 date, any other one, někdy more date by/on/at same stamp. (also 7 postage, ordinarily dotisky and Coil 50h!), only 6 used, marked c.v.. plate variety and some matters of interest (2 various perf frame without vynechaného perforation hole in margin on stmp Pof.2656, Cards 50h); cat. only single stamp. 6.620Kč, like that value much higher
Starting price: CZK
234229 - 1963-1975 [COLLECTIONS]  ČTYŘBLOKY A VÍCEBLOKY/ accumulat
1963-1975 [COLLECTIONS] ČTYŘBLOKY A VÍCEBLOKY/ accumulation mostly marginal block-of-4 and multiblocks from uvedeného period, contains mostly full set, various dates of print, airmail stmp etc.., often more times; overall fine, suitable to other elaboration, placed in 2 quite full 8-sheet stockbooks A4
Starting price: CZK
233005 - 1946-1977 [COLLECTIONS]  AIRMAIL STAMPS / Pof.L16-L90, selec
1946-1977 [COLLECTIONS] AIRMAIL STAMPS / Pof.L16-L90, selection of airmail stamps in 8-sheet stockbook, contains i.a. Pof.L31a marginal block-of-4 KD (**/*), 3 PB (4+1K), 4 pcs of blk-of-10, 3x dates of print; various quality, part stamp. damaged, viewing of quality recommended, we advice prohlídku
Starting price: CZK
1946-1990 [COLLECTIONS] MINIATURE SHEETS A PŘEPÁŽKOVÉ SHEETS / selection of miniature sheets and PB, i.a. contains May Pof.A435, Brno Pof.A437, Gottwald Pof.A492, Pof.A497, PRAGUE 1950 Pof.A564, BRATISLAVA 1952 Pof.A691/692, PRAGA 1955, Zápotocký etc.., all in more pcs., various types, FDC, mint never hinged, used also hinged, placed in 2 stockbooks; various quality, originate from collector from abroad
Starting price: CZK
1962-1975 [COLLECTIONS] MINIATURE SHEETS, PB, VÍCEBLOKY/ business supply of M-sheets, PB, blk-of-10, multiblocks and bands from uvedeného period, contains mostly full set, lot of various date print, airmail stmp etc.., often more times; overall fine, suitable to other elaboration, placed in 2 quite full 8-sheet stockbooks A4
Starting price: CZK
230146 - 1965-1980 [COLLECTIONS]  COUNTER SHEET / comp. of 15 complet
1965-1980 [COLLECTIONS] COUNTER SHEET / comp. of 15 complete sheets, contains i.a.: Pof.NT3, 1480 (permit in perforation), 1543, 1759, 1908, 2060, 2066, 21111 (2x), 2223, 2365, 2423, 2451; overall fine
Starting price: CZK
234254 - 1945-1992 [COLLECTIONS]  ACCUMULATION / accumulation mainly
1945-1992 [COLLECTIONS] ACCUMULATION / accumulation mainly bloks of four, multiblocks, bands and parts of sheets, some with dates of print, or plate variety (part marked) etc..; estate, placed in middle box, high catalogue value
Starting price: CZK
234452 - 1945-1992 [COLLECTIONS]  ACCUMULATION / remaining accumulati
1945-1992 [COLLECTIONS] ACCUMULATION / remaining accumulation in 8 stockbooks A4, contains i.a. set blk-of-10 (Mushrooms, Birds, Beetles etc.. - viewing of quality recommended - mainly minor faults, spots atd.), then various flaw print, production flaw, plate variety, PB, souvenir sheets, then for example. SU1, souvenir inquiry MF and oths.; various quality, viewing of quality recommended, suitable also to other elaboration, we advice viewings, placed in middle box
Starting price: CZK
234297 - 1945-1992 [COLLECTIONS]  ACCUMULATION / stamp. on/for cards
1945-1992 [COLLECTIONS] ACCUMULATION / stamp. on/for cards in 2 spring folder, contains complete set, also blocks of four etc.. from sought 50. and 60. years, often more times; part various quality, suitable to other elaboration
Starting price: CZK
233578 - 1945-1992 [COLLECTIONS]  ACCUMULATION / complete sets, well
1945-1992 [COLLECTIONS] ACCUMULATION / complete sets, well zastoupen die-stamping from area, souvenir sheets and PB, placed in 32-stránkovém stockbook, by/on/at miniature sheets determined field; suitable to other sale, c.v.. before/(in front of) zdražením 7.100Kč
Starting price: CZK
231812 - 1945-1992 [COLLECTIONS]  ACCUMULATION / sets, miniature shee
1945-1992 [COLLECTIONS] ACCUMULATION / sets, miniature sheets, PB Art etc.. in two full stockbooks (32- and 30-stránkové); c.v.. before/(in front of) zdražením 11.890Kč, suitable to other sale
Starting price: CZK
233376 - 1979-1983 [COLLECTIONS]  ACCUMULATION / stamp. from uvedené
1979-1983 [COLLECTIONS] ACCUMULATION / stamp. from uvedeného period on paper fluorescent paper No.1 (on stmp existing on 2 papers also some fluorescent paper No.2), zařazeny only stamp. with nepoškozenou luminiscencí! (95% stamp. from these sets bývá damaged nevhodným placing), much in/at corner blocks (can be oddělit 53 corner 4-bloků,včetně for example. Pof.2565, Sochy 4,40Kčs on/for fluorescent paper No.1), Pof.2472, Kočáry 5Kčs and Pof.2552, Danube 3,60Kčs also with reduced koncentrací fluorescent paper No.1 from production (usage part of edition); placed in 16-stránkovém stockbook with inertními stripes, exceptional offer, cat. only single stamp. in/at common quality 2360CZK, in/at nabízeném intaktním status much higher
Starting price: CZK
234628 - 1983-1992 [COLLECTIONS]  ACCUMULATION / stamp. from uvedené
1983-1992 [COLLECTIONS] ACCUMULATION / stamp. from uvedeného period, contains i.a. lot of miniature sheets, PB, bloks of four, blk-of-10 etc., often more times; placed in 8- and 12-sheet stockbook A4
Starting price: CZK
234121 - 1945-1951 [COLLECTIONS]  CELISTVOSTI / selection of more tha
1945-1951 [COLLECTIONS] CELISTVOSTI / selection of more than 100 pcs of entires, contains i.a. lot of letters addressed by air mail abroad and franked with. air stamp., postwar provisory, part paid/franked cash, advertising added prints, censorship etc..; various quality, originates from abroad, interesting frankings
Starting price: CZK
232952 - 1945-1980 [COLLECTIONS]  CELISTVOSTI / selection of several
1945-1980 [COLLECTIONS] CELISTVOSTI / selection of several hundreds entires in box, prevail franking from 40. and 50. years, commercial air-mail letters sent to Denmark, Germany, Italy, part with usage airmail stamps., supplemented with FDC from 50. years, part of collection entires on album sheets, addition p.stat also Czechoslovakia I., several entires BOHEMIA-MORAVIA, documents etc..; various quality, more than 5 pcs of of material to other elaboration, originates from abroad
Starting price: CZK
234380 - 1945-1992 [COLLECTIONS]  CELISTVOSTI / comp. of entires in/a
1945-1992 [COLLECTIONS] CELISTVOSTI / comp. of entires in/at filled small box, contains various Reg, provisory, C.O.D., several air-mail letters, special postmark, memorial envelope/-s etc..; various quality, as multiple interesting
Starting price: CZK
234542 - 1978-1985 [COLLECTIONS]  CELISTVOSTI / selection of more tha
1978-1985 [COLLECTIONS] CELISTVOSTI / selection of more than 80 pcs of international parcel cards addressed to Czechoslovakia from Germany, Switzerland, GDR, Hungary, various multicolor frankings, placed in spiral cover; good condition, only folds
Starting price: CZK