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1945 BOHEMIA / comp. 9 pcs of Reg letters with provisory cancel. or Reg label, BÍLINA, BOHOSUDOV, KRUPKA, OLDŘICHOV U DUCHCOVA, RETENICE, BOLETICE N. L., DOLNÍ ŠANOV, NEŠTĚMICE, SEBUZÍN; good condition U:A5
1945 SOUTH MORAVIA / comp. 10 pcs of letters with provisory cancel. MODŘICE, ZAJEČÍ, VALTICE, NOVOSEDLY N. MOR., PODIVÍN, BRNO 27, 20, 8, 5, 3; good condition U:A5
1945 SOUTH MORAVIA / comp. 10 pcs of Reg letters with provisory cancel. or Reg label., DOLNÍ VĚSTONICE, POŠTORNÁ, MIKULOV, POUZDŘANY, VALTICE, BRNO 4, 5, 15; good condition U:A5
1945 KOŠICE / red double-circle provisional postmark KOŠICE 1/ 19.J.45. / Czechoslovak Post on 2 entires, 1x letter addressed to to Sniny with cancel. out of stmp, 1x Un card Hungarian FP with franking 4 postal stamp. and 1 fiscal revenue, cancelled red cancel.; good condition, philatelically motivated 1945 NORTH MORAVIA / comp. 6 pcs of Reg letters with provisory cancel. and Reg label, i.a. POSTŘELMOV, VELKÉ KARLOVICE, PASEKA N./M., KOPŘIVNICE, KUNVALD N. M., SKROCHOVICE; good condition U:A5
1945 NORTH MORAVIA / comp. 8 pcs of letters with provisory cancel., i.a. STARÝ JIČÍN, NOVÝ JIČÍN, KOPŘIVNICE, ŠUMVALD U UNIČOVA, BLUDOV, DLOUHÁ LOUČKA, MORAVSKÁ OSTRAVA 10 and 4, part paid/franked cash; good condition U:A5
1945 ŠTĚTÍ, MORAVSKÁ OSTRAVA, CHEB, ALTHABENDORF / selection of 27 pcs of entires, part provisional usage Bohemian and Moravian stamp. after/around freedom and their/its various cancellation, provisional postmarks, postmark with date 9.5.45, supplemented with picture-postcards with motive of freedom; various quality U:A5
1945-1947 [COLLECTIONS] OKRESY BEROUN, KLADNO, RAKOVNÍK, PŘÍBRAM, BENEŠOV, KOLÍN, MĚLNÍK, NYMBURK, PRAGUE/ collection of ca. 70 pcs of entires from that 39 pcs of as Registered, provisional postmarks, provisional registry labels, cash franked/paid etc..; various quality, much nice pieces from big collection! U:O5
1945-1947 [COLLECTIONS] OKRESY CHEB, SOKOLOV, TACHOVA, KARLOVY VARY, KLATOVY, DOMAŽLICE, PLZEŇ/ collection of ca. 75 pcs of entires from that 40 pcs of as Registered, provisional postmarks, provisional Reg label, cash franked/paid etc..; various quality, much nice pieces from big collection! U:O5
1945-1947 [COLLECTIONS] POSTMARKS NA ÚSTŘIŽCÍCH POSTAL POUKÁZEK / selection of several set cuts with postmarks various post, nationalized postmark, rubber provisory, franked with. mainly issues London-issue and Portraits, part on album sheets with descriptions; more than 1,5 kg of material to other elaboration, originates from abroad U:K
1945-1947 [COLLECTIONS] OKRESY PRACHATICE, JINDŘICHŮV HRADEC, PÍSEK, ČESKÉ BUDĚJOVICE, ČESKÝ KRUMLOV, CHOMUTOV, LITOMĚŘICE/ collection of ca. 70 pcs of entires from that 30 pcs of as Registered, provisional postmarks, provisional Reg label, cash franked/paid etc..; various quality, much nice pieces from big collection! U:O5
1945-1948 [COLLECTIONS] SOUTH MORAVIA / OKRESY BŘECLAV, ZNOJMO, HODONÍN, BRNO / selection of more than 120 pcs of entires from that 65 pcs of as Registered, provisional postmarks, making postmarks same post, provisional Reg label etc..; various quality, much nice pieces from big collection! U:K
1945-1948 [COLLECTIONS] OKRESY NÁCHOD, ÚSTÍ N. O., RYCHNOV N. K., JIČÍN, CHRUDIM, HRADEC KRÁLOVÉ, PARDUBICE/ collection of ca. 50 pcs of entires from that 24 pcs of as Registered, provisional postmarks, provisional Reg label, cash franked/paid etc..; various quality, much nice pieces from big collection! U:O5
1945-1948 [COLLECTIONS] OKRESY PELHŘIMOV, HAVLÍČKŮV BROD, TŘEBÍČ, ŽĎÁR N. S., JIHLAVA, SVITAVY, BLANSKO, VYŠKOV / collection of ca. 70 pcs of entires from that 30 pcs of as Registered, provisional postmarks, provisional Reg label, cash franked/paid etc..; various quality, much nice pieces from big collection! U:O5
1945-1948 [COLLECTIONS] NORTH MORAVIA / OKRESY BRUNTÁL, JESENÍK, OPAVA, OSTRAVA, OLOMOUC / collection of ca. 100 pcs of entires from that 60 pcs of as Registered, provisional postmarks, provisional Reg label, cash franked/paid etc..; various quality, much nice pieces from big collection! U:K
1947-1948 [COLLECTIONS] OKRESY SEMILY, LIBEREC, ČESKÁ LÍPA / collection of ca. 90 pcs of entires from that 34 pcs of as Registered, provisional postmarks, provisional Reg label, cash franked/paid etc..; various quality, much nice pieces from big collection! U:K