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1944 ALBANIA / Mi.1-14, overprint 1Q/3Q - 25Q + Mi.15-21, and 5Q+5Q - 3Fr+1.50Fr; F-VF, c.v.. 580€ U:A5
1944 BELGIUM / Flemish legion - UNISSUED Mi.XVB-XIXB, "Luftwaffe (airforce)" blocks of four 10Fr-100Fr "miniature sheet" imperforated; very fine, c.v.. 2.000€ U:A5
1941 BELGIUM / Flemish Legion SS, Mi.I-IV Klb, set of 4 miniature sheets 50Fr; superb and favourite issue, c.v.. 500€ U:A5
1943-1944 MONTENEGRO / Mi.12, 13, 17, 21-25, selection of 8 stamps from overprint issued; minor faults, c.v.. 590€ U:A5
1943 MONTENEGRO / Mi.1-9, overprints 0,50L-20L, 2L * , 0,50L bend, but with rare plate variety "interrupted zero", 20L/4L minor faults, overall nice and complete 1. issue, c.v.. 725€ U:A5
1944 MONTENEGRO / Mi.29-35, Red Cross superb and complete set, c.v.. 400€ U:A5
1945 FRANCE / FESTUNG LORIENT /Mi.7, Pétain 80C with overprint, nice piece with small spot and minor gum fault, certificate Herbts "sehr selten"; c.v.. ** 1.100€, rare stamp U:A5
1942 FRANCE - Französische Freiwillige Legion Mi.Bl.I, "Ice Bear 100Fr"; mint never hinged, two spots in paper and bands in gum U:A5
1945 ST. NAZAIRE / Reg postal stationery cover Mi.U2 "Taxe Percue" 4,50Fr uprated with french 50C, from GUERANDE to LA BAULE SUR MER; very fine, certificate Krischke " kleine Auflage..selten" ! U:A5
1944 KOTOR / Mi.7-8 overprint 0,10M-0,50M on Satzbrief with cancel. HERZEGNOVI 21.X.44, on stamp 0.15 RM is printing error BROKEN "M" MI.PFVII, very fine, signed JG; cat. only as single stamps 440€, rare! U:A5
1944 MAKEDONIEN / Mi.2ZW, overprints MAKEDONIJA 8.IX.1944 / 3LV on Bulgarian 15c blue; 4-stamp gutter; superb, in addition at right plate variety Mi.2VII - "M without ending", c.v.. 660€ U:A5
1941 LITHUANIA / ZARASAI / Mi.1bK, block of four with INVERTED brownviolett overprints LIETUVA 1941-VI.26 ZARASAI on Soviet stamps Profession 5 K dark brownlila, upper row type II, lower row overprints type III; superb multiple, certificate Bender BPP, exp. Becker, c.v.. 6.000€ + 50% = 9.000€, extraordinary offer U:DR
1943 SERBIA / Mi.Bl.1, Bl.2, both souvenir sheets SEMENDRIA, cancel. BELGRADE 28.VI. 43, very fine with certificates Novakovič and Caffaz; c.v.. 1.800€, rare! U:A5
1944 UKRAINE / WLADIMIR-WOLYNSK Mi.25-28 "Hilfspost" complete set 6+9 Pfg to 60+90 Pfg on cut-square with cancel. DER GEBIETS KOMMISSAR IN WLADIMIR-WOLYNSK; stamp 6+9 Pfg is ERROR - "ROMAN "I" INSTEAD "i" (HILFSPOST); very fine, c.v.. 950€++ U:A5
1944 UKRAINE / WLADIMIR-WOLYNSK / Mi.13-15,25 "Hilfspost" nominal complete set 6+9 Pfg to 60+90 Pfg on letter to Brest with postage stamp 12Pfg A. Hitler., cancel. BREST LITOWSK / German Service Post UKRAINE and DER GEBIETS KOMMISSAR IN WLADIMIR-WOLYNSK; very fine and interesting "Satzbrief", cat. min. 900€, rare U:A5
1943 ZANTE (ZAKYNTOS) / Mi.I, 1-3, all in both colors with handmade overprints "ELLAZ" on Italian ISOLE JONIE, 8 values; superb, exp. Diena + certificate Colla, c.v.. 1.840€ U:A5
1943 ZARA / Mi.21-22, Italian special delivery 1,25L and 2,50L with overprints; VF, c.v.. 300€ U:A5
1943 ZARA / Mi.32-38, Italian 50C- 2,50L with overprints; VF, c.v.. 960€ U:A5
1943 ZARA / Mi.32/1-4; 4x Italian 50C violet "advertising coupon" - all types with overprints; VF, c.v.. 300€ U:A5
1920-1923 [COLLECTIONS] MEMEL / nice collection on 8 pages in folder, contains complete also incomplete sets, incl. sought as Mi.193-205, 206-229, 234I-237I (expertized Klein BPP) etc..; mainly hinged, part also MNH, high catalogue value U:Z
1920-1923 [COLLECTIONS] MEMEL / fine collection on 8 pages in spiral stockbook, mainly complete sets, air-mails, overprints, also shades etc.., incl. several better items as Mi.16y etc..; overall interesting U:Z
1939-1943 [COLLECTIONS] GENERAL GOVERNMENT / basic collection on sheets in folder, from Mi.1, overprint, postage stamp, official etc..; mint never hinged U:Z