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1910? CYCLING / cabinet card ladies with bicycle, atelier Fr. Berger, Vysoké Mýto; very nice good condition U:A5
1939 NAZISM / GERMANY / YUGOSLAVIA / official fotografie: jugoslávský regent Paul Karađorđević and German minister J. Goebbels with rodinami in/at rozhovoru at the table summer restaurant; on the reverse side original descriptions, hints after sticking, good condition U:A5
1943 NAZISM / GERMANY / comp. 2 pcs of amatérských photos zachycujících Hermanna Göringa (1893-1946) near/in/at parade German army in Velten in 1943; very fine U:A5
1939 NAZISM / GERMANY / USSR / comp. 4 pcs of official fotografií: Soviet minister Molotov přehlíží soldiers in Berlin + Molotov in/at rozhovoru with Hitler + minister Ribbentrop in/at rozhovoru with Stalinem + German and sovětští důstojníci jednají about/by new border in/at Białystoku; on the reverse side original descriptions, hints after sticking, good condition U:A5
1939 NAZISM / POLAND / GREAT BRITAIN / official fotografie: Brit. General Lord Ironside in Warsaw tog. with Polish generály W. Stachiewiczem, M. Norwid-Neugebauerem and B. Regulskim; on the reverse side original descriptions, hints after sticking, good condition U:A5
1939 NAZISM / PROTECTORATE BOHEMIA-MORAVIA / SUDETENLAND / comp. 2 pcs of official fotografií: president E. Hácha and F. Chvalkovský vítáni minister Dr. Meissnerem in Berlin 15. 3. 1939 + K. Henlein and H. Jury vítáni davem in Znojmo 16. 1. 1939; on the reverse side original descriptions, hints after sticking, photo with Háchou 2x tearing in margin U:A5
1939 NAZISM / SLOVAKIA / comp. 2 pcs of official fotografií: Slovak ambassador Ph.D.. Matúš Černák in/at rozhovoru with A. Hitler in Berlin + slovenští ministři V. Tuka and F. Ďurčanský in/at Říšském kancléřství; on the reverse side original descriptions, hints after sticking, good condition U:A5