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1979-1980 KLIMUK Piotr (1942), běloruský astronaut, photo with životopisem and by hand written dedication; very fine + CHRETIÉN Jean-Loup (1938), the first French astronaut, autograph on joined/common photograph with Russian kosmonauty; without poškození
1976 POPOVIČ, CHRUNOV, GORBATKO, LEBEDĚV, SARAFANOV, BYKOVSKIJ, DJOMIN etc.. / signatures Soviet astronauts on/for two entires, in addition attached B/W photo postcard with kosmonauty; interesting multiple U:A5
1978? REMEK Vladimír (*1948), single Czechoslovak astronaut and PELČÁK Oldřich (*1943) Czech astronaut and militar pilot, so-called. kosmonaut-kandidát, handwritten signatures both on MS Intercosmos, Pof.A2364A; perfect condition U:A5
1985-1987 REMEK Vladimír (*1948), single Czechoslovak astronaut, 2x signature on FDC; very fine U:A4
1964 TĚREŠKOVOVÁ Valentina (*1937), Soviet kosmonautka and the first woman in space, autograph on uprated stationery with tématickým additional-printing and print special postmark; very fine and sought U:A5