Public Auction 68 / Philately / Slovakia 1939-1945 / Philatelic Domains / Field Post

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226970 - 1939 JEZDECKÁ KORÚHEV 2/ GULOMETNÁ ESKADRONA, blue off. f
1939 JEZDECKÁ KORÚHEV 2/ GULOMETNÁ ESKADRONA, blue off. framed pmk arrival post with date 20.VIII.1939 on reverse, on franked letter with black PR8, RUŽOMBEROK 19.VIII.1939; good condition, rare
Starting price: CZK
U:A5 | AUTOTRANS (?)Translation request
234534 - 1939 POLISH CAMPAIGN / comp. 12 pcs of PC Slovak FP, from th
1939 POLISH CAMPAIGN / comp. 12 pcs of PC Slovak FP, from that 6 pcs of with FP-postmark 8a, 8b, 12b, 16b, and FP Sorting Off. 4a postally Us, 6 pcs of with FP-postmark 12b, 41a, 41b and FP Sorting Off. 4a, 4b, 4c postally Un with cancel. from favor; good condition
Starting price: CZK
234536 - 1941 CAMPAIGN TO SSSR / comp. of 3 FP cards and 1 Soviet PC
1941 CAMPAIGN TO SSSR / comp. of 3 FP cards and 1 Soviet PC 10k, mounted stamp. USSR, Slovakia and Poland, FP-postmark 8a,b, 16a and 16b, censorship mark., philatelically motivated; 2x hints after sticking, otherwise well preserved
Starting price: CZK
234540 - 1941-1944 CAMPAIGN TO SSSR / selection of 18 pcs of PC and e
1941-1944 CAMPAIGN TO SSSR / selection of 18 pcs of PC and envelopes Slovak FP, with FP-postmark 6a, 8a, 8b, 16a, 16b, 51a, 51c (postally Us) and Ústredňa FP and, b (used from favor); 1x hints after sticking on the reverse side, otherwise well preserved
Starting price: CZK