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1950 zakládací postage stmp strip values 2000Kčs to pay machine Francotyp, used; good condition, quite rare! U:A5
1968 COURIER MAIL / comp. 3 pcs of entires from exhibition Družby Czechoslovakia - GDR / BRNO 1968, with exhibition label with black overprint Courier service supplemented with 1x red and 2x black round exhibition cancel. Courier service; good condition U:A5
1956 DEFECT REPORT / official blank form about/by badly paid/franked post. mailing, CDS ZVOLEN 2/ 25.X.56, mounted stamp. ZÁVADA 100h brownlila, straight line postmark District poštový office HNÚŠŤA; sound condition U:A5
1970-1978 [COLLECTIONS] selection of advertising nálepek: Days post and telekomunikací Czechoslovakia 1970 (complete counter sheet) + exhibition hinge / label Praga 1978 in/at counter sheet and blocks; placed in 3 folders and on/for two cards A4 two-sided 1946 MINISTERSKÉ / FDC M B/46b, Hradčany - blue, on reverse with number 336, Un, mounted stamp. Pof.446-443, red special postmark PRAGUE 10 HRAD/ 29.X.46; little wrinkled corners U:A4
1947 MINISTERSKÉ / FDC M 6/47, Moyses, mounted stamp. Pof.460-461, black special postmark TURČIANSKÝ SVATÝ MARTIN 19.X.47, sent to chairman ÚNS J. Davida, on reverse additional printing Minister post and No. 2 (!), incl. cards with dedication; very fine, originally components/parts ministerial album/-s, rare low prominentní number 2! U:A5
1947 MINISTERSKÉ FDC / M 1/47, Two-year plan - blue, mounted stamp. Pof.447-449, special postmark PRAGUE 1/ 1.I.1947/a, on reverse Minister post and No. 236; incl. printed dedication minister, sent to chairman ÚNS J. Davida; very fine, originally components/parts ministerial dárkového alba
1947 MINISTERSKÉ FDC / M 2/47, St. Adalbert., mounted stamp. Pof.450-452, special postmark PRAGUE 10 HRAD/ 23.IV.47/a, on reverse Minister post and No. 2 (!); incl. printed dedication minister inside, sent to chairman ÚNS J. Davida; very fine, originally components/parts ministerial dárkového album/-s, very low prominentní číslo2! U:A5
1948 MINISTERSKÉ FDC / M 1/48, Sokol festival, mounted stamp. Pof.467-469, 2x black special postmark PRAGUE from 7.III.48, on reverse Minister post and No. 460, Un; very fine U:A5
1948 MINISTERSKÉ FDC / M 2/48, Charles University, mounted stamp. Pof.470-473, special postmark PRAGUE 10 HRAD/ 7.IV.48, on reverse Minister post and No. 3 (!); very fine, very low prominentní ordinal number! U:A5
1948 MINISTERSKÉ FDC / M 4/48, Kroměříž congress, mounted stamp. Pof.479-480, on reverse Minister post and ordinal number 474; very fine U:A5
1948 MINISTERSKÉ FDC / M A/48, 100. Anniv annulment serfdom, on reverse with number 83, Un, mounted stamp. Pof.4747, black special postmark PRAGUE 83 STARÉ VÝSTAVIŠTĚ/ 14.V.48; slightly toned in margin, otherwise nice quality, řídký usage! U:A4
1948 MINISTERSKÉ FDC/ M 5/48, 100. anniv of Slovak National Uprising, mounted stamp. Pof.481-483, special postmark KOŠICE 1/ 27.VIII.48, on reverse Minister post and No. 30 (!); very fine, low ordinal number! U:A5
1948 MINISTERSKÉ FDC / M B/48, mounted stamp. K.G. Pof.485-487, red special postmark PRAGUE 1/ 28.X.48, on reverse Minister post and number 425; very fine U:A4
1949 NEOHLÁŠENÁ VARIANTA FDC / 2A/49n, 1. Anniv únorových events, mounted stamp. 2x Pof.500 place only one, addressed to to Denmark, on reverse line violet cancel. Post Off. Prague 1 - Philately; good condition, on reverse only hinged, rare occurrence! U:A5
1951 ODLIŠNÉ VYLEPENÍ ZN. / 8/51V, 30. Anniv Communist Party of Czechoslovakia, 2 pcs of FDC with signature J. Schmidt, 1x stamp. mounted in/at opačném sequence Pof.591, 588, special postmark with rozlišením 9i and 9h; very fine, Monograph doesn't report! U:A5
1952 FDC 11/52 Agricultural Work, mounted stamp. Pof.650 with plate flaw plate variety 40/1 - reflector; 2x stain in envelope, favourite plate flaw U:A5
1948 CARTES MAXIMUM / M. R. ŠTEFÁNIK, B/W. postcard big format with mounted stamp. Pof.413, with blue special postmark BREZOVÁ P. B. 2.V.48; good condition U:A5
1953 1. DAY - SLOVAKIA / commercial Reg letter with general franking 80Kčs, richly i.a. franked by stmp.,. Šverma 1Kčs - 15 pcs of, Pof.504, 505, 507, 488, 705, CDS GALANTA 1/ 1.VI.53; envelope unprofessionally open, rare mailing from 1. of day from Slovakia!, on request exp. Dražan U:A5
1953 1. DAY / letter franked stamp. Pof.485 (2x) in value 3Kčs, vhozený to post. box, CDS RÝMAŘOV 1.VI.53-18, burdened with postage-due, notice "T 1.08" and "54", postal-charge in new currency 60 hellers = 30Kčs in old currency, chybělo 27Kčs, postage due in 2-násobné value 54Kčs by mistake paid/franked Postage due stamps Pof.D76 (20x) and D77 (7x) on front also back side in value only after/behind 44Kčs, CDS BRUNTÁL 2.VI.53; envelope at top unprofessionally open and with fold, exp. Dražan, usage postage-due stamps 2. day after/around annunciation monetary reform is rare and so large number postage-due stamp. low values exception U:A5
1953 1. DAY / Reg letter in the place sent to State bank Czechosl., with 4-coloured mixed franking postage and special stmp Pof.487 (2x), 488 (2x), 489, 521 (7x), 685 and 707 (2x), CDS BRNO 2/ 1.VI.53, postal-charge 110Kčs; Reg letters from 1. of day are rare!, format A5, envelope unprofessionally open from 2 sides (internal instruction bank), otherwise sound condition U:A4
1953 LETTER ABROAD / airmail reg letter above 20g to Austria, postal-charge 130Kčs (snížený rate), multicolor franking in front also on reverse, CDS PRAGUE 135/ 13.VI.53, arrival postmark WIEN 56/ 23.6.53; Let+R-dopisy abroad are sought!, envelope open from 3 sides, in the middle underglued, otherwise sound condition, exp. Dražan U:A4
1953 NEDĚLE / letter with tricolor mixed franking postage and special stmp Pof.487 (3x), 704 and 707 (3x) in front + blk-of-10 Pof.707 on reverse, CDS OLOMOUC 1/ 7.VI.53, postal-charge 30Kčs; good quality, exp. Dražan, non-philatelic correspondence, letters posted to transport in/at Sunday are sought! U:A5
1953 SELECTION of / 6 pcs of more interesting zásilek: postcard with Pof.714 (5x) + 15h extra paid cash, from 12.VI.53; commercial papers from 5.VI.53, by mistake paid 2-násobkem správného postage; Reg letter with mnohonásobnou franking same values from 5.VI.53; heavier Reg letter with 4-coloured franking from 4.VI.53; commercial express letter from 6.VI.53; larger part parcel of dispatch-note with mnohonásobnou franking in front also on reverse from 8.VI.53; all exp. Dražan, in addition back side Let-dopisu with Arabic pečetkou with mounted postage due stamp. Pofis. D77 (2x) and D78 (16x) from 12.VI.53; common condition U:A5
1945 VOJ. POW CAMP/ BRNO-JUNDROV / two lined blue cancel. on letter with CDS BRNO 25.III.45, passed through censorship U:A5
1948-1953 MÍROV, BORY, LEOPOLDOV / comp. of 3 entires from prisons, 1x censorship, 1x incl. content; good condition U:A5