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1851 SG.2, Prince Albert 6P slate-violet, "laid" paper; round cancel., at top cut to margin, c.v.. £1.300, fine U:A5
1852-1857 Sc.4d, SG.3, Beaver 3c red, thin paper; very fine piece, c.v.. $250 U:A5
1855 SG.9, Prince Albert 6P slate-violet, "wove" paper, lower cut to marginal line; overall nice piece, c.v.. £1.100 U:A5
1857 SG.12, Victoria "Chalon Head" 7½P yellow-green, at left cut to marginal line and light abrasion in margin, c.v.. £2.500, rare stamp! U:A5
1852-1857 SG.15, Sc.7, Cartier 10c blue with light round cancel.; at right small cut to margin, overall fine piece, c.v.. £1.800 U:A5
1859-1864 Sc.14, 15, 17, 20, Victoria 1c and 2c, Albert 10c and Beaver 5c perforated; overall nice quality, c.v.. $588 U:A5
1910 SG.95-105, 300th Anniv of Settlement 1C - 15C; complete set with first hinges, very fine, c.v.. £475 U:A5
1932 SG.213, pair of PLATE PROOF in black color, definitive gravure on paper with gum, imperforated PLATE PROOF in definitive color "maroon"for value 5C, also corner block-of-4 of this stamps and block of four in different color "violet" as SG.225; interesting and very fine set U:A5
1862 SG.6, marginal Pr Victoria 1P hnědo-oranžová, imperforated; very fine, c.v.. for perforated £240, imperforated doesn't report, but usually with evaluates řádově more; extraordinary offer! U:A5
1862 SG.10, 16, 17, 18, 19, Victoria 1P žluto- orange, 4P black, 6P žlutavě green, 6P modro green, 9P violet, all "yellowish paper"; c.v.. £550 U:A5
1870 SG.28d, Victoria 2P rose vertical pair OMITTED VODOROVNÁ PERFORACE; superb, c.v.. £550 U:A5
1870 SG.31a, Victoria 4P black, horizontal pair, OMITTED SVISLÁ PERFORACE; very fine, c.v.. £350 U:A5
1940 REPRINTS / Victoria 6P, selection of 8 official reprints - "die proofs" in various colors on cartons without gum; interesting U:A4
1897 SG.121-140, Jubilee ½P - $5, complete unused set; new gum, rare and sought complete set, quality should be inspected! U:A5
1897 SG.139, Jubilee Victoria $4 violet with lighter cancel. TORONTO; very nice perfectly centered piece, c.v.. £700, Sc. $1.000 U:A5
1908 SG.187, Sc.95, Edward VII. 50C violet with light round cancel.; very nice highest value, c.v.. £130, Sc. $175 U:A5
1911-1931 SG.196-215, 246-255, 288-303, comp. of 3 basic sets George V.; c.v.. £140 U:A5
1924 Sc.136-138, George V. "Admiral" 1C - 3C imperforated; very fine, c.v.. $87 U:A5
1928-1929 SG.275-285, George V. and motives 1C - $1; complete used set, cheap 2C thin, c.v.. £200 U:A5
1929 Mi.134-138, Motives 10C - £1; complete set, very fine, c.v.. 490€, SG £387 U:A5
1875-1892 REGISTRATION STAMPS / SG.R8, 8C light blue; very fine, c.v.. £450 U:A5
1891 Yv.27A, Allegory 35C with inverted opt ST. PIERRE M-on; heavy hinge, exp. Scheller, c.v.. 1.100€, rare stamp! U:A5
1857 Mi.8V, 9III, 1C Franklin type V. + 3C Washington type III., very fine and favourite classic stamps, c.v.. for (*) 260€ U:A5
1857 Mi.10Ic, 11V, 14c, Jefferson 5C, Washington 10C, Franklin 30 (red orange); common types, F-VF, cat. min. 820€ U:A5
1861-1863 Sc.63, 65, 68-69, 73, 76, Presidents 1c-12c from issues 1861-1863; overall fine, c.v.. $388 U:A5
1861-1862 Sc.70a, 71, Washington 24c brownlila and Franklin 30c orange; overall fine classic stamps, c.v.. $575 U:A5
1862-1863 Sc.75, 76, Jefferson 5c red-brown and brown; nice pieces, c.v.. $550 U:A5
1868 Sc.91E, Lincoln 15c black, distinct GRILL 11x13mm; nice piece without thin place, c.v.. $600 U:A5
1869 Sc.112-117, 119, 121, Presidents and motives 1c - 15c and 30c, 8 values from favourite issue 1869; several minor faults, overall fine, c.v.. $1.266 U:A5
1870-1871 Sc.145-155, Presidents 1c - 90c, print National Bank Note Company; usual short teeth and minor faults, overall fine, c.v.. $1.400 U:A5
1887-1888 Sc.212-218, Presidents 1c - 90c; cheap 2c bend, otherwise fine, c.v.. $418 U:A5
1890-1893 Sc.219-229, Presidents 1c - 90c; complete set, nice quality, c.v.. $268 U:A5
1893 Sc.238-240, Columbus 15C, 30C and 50C; overall nice, c.v.. $355 U:A5
1903 Sc.311, Farragut $1 black; fine, c.v.. $90 U:A5
1909 Sc.341-342, Washington 50c violet and $1 brown, highest value; very fine U:A5
1862-1871 Sc.R36a, revenue Washington 10c Inland Exchange imperforated; left minor faults, otherwise nice piece, c.v.. $500 U:A5
1862-1871 Sc.R73c, revenue Washington $1 red perforated, Mortgage; fine, c.v.. $300 U:A5
1862-1871 Sc.R74c, revenue Washington $1 red perforated, Passage Ticket; light bend, c.v.. $350 U:A5
1862-1871 Sc.R76c, 83c, 86c, revenue Washington $1 Probate of Will, $2 ditto and $3 Manifest; without usual thin place, c.v.. $200 U:A5
1862-1871 Sc.R77c, revenue Washington $1.30 orange perforated, Foreign Exchange; cut cancellation, c.v.. $120 U:A5
1871 Sc.R105-R106, revenue Washington 3c and 4c; very fine, c.v.. $235 U:A5
1871 Sc.R119, revenue Washington $1.30; fine piece with very light "cut cancellation", c.v.. $175+ U:A5
1871 Sc.R130, revenue Washington $25; with hand-made cancellation, c.v.. $750, rare U:A5
1871 Sc.R131, revenue Washington $50; fine, with hand-made cancellation, c.v.. $1.050, rare U:A5
1871-1872 Sc.R141, 142, 143, revenue Washington 40c, 60c and 70c; overall nice quality, without usual thins etc.., c.v.. $340 U:A5
1871-1872 Sc.R149, revenue Washington $10 green; nice piece, c.v.. $400 U:A5
1919 POSTAL AGENCY IN CHINA / Sc.K11, overprint Franklin 24c/12c, used, c.v.. $160 U:A5
1924 NORTH POLE MAIL / two-sided p.stat card "The Trans-Polar Flight Expedition" franked. USA "Mayflower" 1c and Franklin 1c with cancel. N.Y. MAR 19 /1924, to Osla; returned by Amundsen Flight 21.VI. 25 from KINGS BAY (posted 18.VI.25 with Norwegian franking); very rare U:A5
1928 AMERIKAFAHRT 1928 - return flight, letter franked with two-colour franking addressed to Czechoslovakia, forwarded by LZ 127, MC VARICK ST. STA. NY1/ 27.OCT.1928, violet cachet in front, on reverse transit pmk FRIEDRICHSHAFEN and arrival postmark PRAGUE 1/ 3.XI.28; good condition U:A5
1850-2000 [COLLECTIONS] used collection on pages Schaubek in 4 screw, resp. spring folders, part classical stamps (various quality), Trans-Mississipi to 50C and oths., several miniature sheets, part of modern joined printings and miniature sheets unused; various quality U:Z
1851-1910 [COLLECTIONS] old collection on 11 pages Schaubek, various issues and values etc..; various quality, higher catalogue, we advice examination U:Z
1851-1927 [COLLECTIONS] interesting old collection on more than 30 pages Schaubek, i.a. issue 1861-1866, then for example Mi.32, issue 1870, Mi.53-57, 60,, 72, 61-71, Columbus to 50C, Trans-Mississippi to 10C, Mi.132-137, Mi.15, 159-161, 206 etc.., also officials, special delivery, air-mails, parcels, supplemented with Canal Zone, Philippines etc..; various quality, high catalogue value, it is worth seeing! U:Z
1851-2009 [COLLECTIONS] incomplete basic collection mainly of used common stamps in 4 spring folders, only small part of classic period, mostly with modern stamps, souvenir sheets, booklets, then for example. air-mail, postage-due, parcel etc. + also with 16-pages stockbook with duplication U:K
1870-1980 [COLLECTIONS] DUPLICATION / 8-sheet stockbook, from classic period, incomplete sets, several miniature sheets, air-mail etc..; various quality U:Z
1981-2003 [COLLECTIONS] COLLECTION / ACCUMULATION / of unused miniature sheets, booklets, and joined printings from the period, valid face-value, placed in spring folder and 14-pages stockbook U:Z
1969-2004 [COLLECTIONS] GENEVA / collection on pages Michel in spiral stockbook, contains souvenir sheets, blocks of four, joined printings etc.. U:Z