1916 POSTAGE STAMPS / MALÝFORMÁT / Coat of arms, Crown, Franz Joseph I. and Charles, complete set "small formats", supplemented with about/by Charles 20h light green etc.., in addition 1x 10h, 25h, 40h, 80h and Charles 15h with plate mark, all first hinge + 1x Crown 10h and 1x Charles 20h light green (light bend) corner pieces with control-numbers **; nice set
1908 COUNTER SHEET / NEWSPAPER STAMPS 1908 / ANK.157z, Mercure R 2h blue on common paper, in complete sheet with marginal ledges and plate mark; cross fold, some folds, small tearing in margin, cat. min. 1.500€
1916 NEWSPAPER STAMPS / ANK.212-216, Mercure 2h - 30h, upper marginal block-of-4 with marginal ledges; value 4h hinge only in margin, 2h and 30h light bend in margin out of stamp
1916 EXPRESS / Mi.217-218, Triangle 2h and 5h, trojpásky with 5 coupons (!) + Rectangle 2h, block of four with coupon + 5h pair with 2 coupons; mint never hinged, express minor faults in margin
1918 AIRMAIL STAMPS FLUGPOST / ANK.225-227 and 225P-227P, set 1,50 Koruna - 4 Koruna with overprint and WITHOUT OVERPRINT; mint never hinged, c.v.. 1.550€, rare, ex. Wiener Postarchiv!
1918 AIRMAIL STAMPS FLUGPOST / ANK.225UII-227UII, 1,50K-4K with overprint, imperforated (rarest variant air-mail); very fine, c.v.. (**) 1.500€; these stamps originate from Viennese postal archive are always without gum!
1918 AIRMAIL STAMPS FLUGPOST/ ANK.225-227; 1,50 Koruna - 4 Koruna grey paper in blocks of four, in addition pair 2,50 Koruna I. + type II and set on white paper with světlou 4 Koruna (rare) and dark 4 Koruna; 1x 2.50/3K lightly hinged, otherwise mint never hinged, c.v.. 450€++
1918 AIRMAIL STAMPS FLUGPOST/ ANK.226xIIB, 2,50 Koruna type II - big dot in L 2.50K, rare ZOUBKOVÁNÍ11½; very fine piece with small label, c.v.. * 1.200€++; rare offer!
1911 POSTAGE-DUE / ANK.45P + 46P, Numerals 5 Koruna and 10K imperforated on/for definitive stamp paper (no on/for obvyklém chalky), corner pieces with ledge; original mint never hinged gum, hinge / label near/in/at margins out of stmp., very fine, c.v.. (according to ANK-catalogue and Ferchenbauer. II. part page. 523) min. 3.500€, unrepeatable offer, both UNIKÁT ex. Wiener-Postarchiv!
1918-1919VYFRANKOVANÉÚSTŘIŽKYTELEGRAMŮ / comp. 12 pcs of cuts telegrams franked/paid forerunner and parallel franking Austrian stamp. Crown, Coat of arms, Charles, 2x in mixed franking with stamp. Hradčany 30h yellow, various parallel Austrian blank form forms, all with CDS TROPPAU 4; rare occurrence cuts franked/paid telegrams!
Pof.RV22-40, Prague overprint II (large emblem) 3h - 10K, selection of 17 stamps, without RV 15h, 2 Koruna and express, value 3 Koruna granite paper; all hinged, 4 Koruna brownish in/at zoubcích, all exp. Vrba
Pof.RV23, 28(3x), Prague overprint II (large emblem) 5h and 3x 20h (1x pair on cut square) with CDS KRÁLOVSKÉ VINOHRADY; 1x bend over stmp., exp. Vrba and Mrňák
Pof.RV43-57, 63, Hluboka issue (Mareš's overprint), complete set of Small format 3h - 1 Koruna + special-delivery 5h, all with ČERVENÝM overprint; hinged, spots and brownish (viewing of quality recommended), all exp. Vrba
Pof.RV85-RV105, RV107, Budějovice issue (Horner's overprint), selection of 22 pcs of cancel. stamp. or on cut-squares, without postage-due and 2h triangle, large format on cut-squares, 3 Koruna granite, 10K light, various editions; all exp. Möbs
1918 Budějovice issue (Horner's overprint), Reg and Express envelope franked with. complete row overprint Coat of arms, Crown and Charles 3h - 1 Koruna, CDS ČESKÉ BUDĚJOVICE; folded out of stmp
1918 Prague overprint III. (Levec), selection of two envelopes with Coat of arms, Crown, Charles with overprints + 5 stamp. 15h - 1 Koruna (viewing of quality recommended); as multiple interesting
1919 Žilina issue (Šrobár's overprint), envelope franked with. 11 stamp. Turul, War, Charles etc.. with overprint, CDS CSORBA; exp. by Gilbert., good condition
Pof.1-26, complete basic line 23 values, selection of 26 pcs of, without Pof.6, 9N,13N, in addition values 25h blue, 100h and 300h in 2 shades; all mint never hinged
COUNTER SHEET / Pof.3, 5h light green, complete 100 stamps sheet, plate 3; mint never hinged, yellowing in lower margin and several silných folds, viewing of quality recommended, exp. by Sablatura
Pof.4 production flaw, 5h blue-green, L upper corner horizontal pair with production flaw - big oblique folded paper, print on gummed side; mint never hinged, decorative
Pof.4a IIs, 5h dark blue-green, marginal block-of-4 with offset and with plate variety - "dot by numeral(s) 5", pos. 71-72 and 81-82/3; mint never hinged, exp. Vrba, very nice and in/at this combination rare multiple!
Pof.7 STk, joined bar types, 15h bricky red, upper corner blk-of-4 with joined combined type spiral and bar on pos. 2 and subtypes bar on pos. 1 and 12, plate 1; mint never hinged, exp. and marked Karasek and Be