1920 CPP11, whole international parcel card on/for valuable parcel to Switzerland, franked with. i.a. pair stamp. Hradčany 500h (open spiral), Pof.25, 22A, 164, and on reverse Pof.15, CDS JABLONEC N. N. 10.IX.20; without usual folds and damage
1920 CPP12, whole p.stat dispatch-note addressed to to Switzerland, with Hradčany 1000h violet, Pof.26, CDS BOR U ČESKÉ LÍPY/ 22.XI.20, on reverse transit CDS LINZ 29.XI.20; without folds, sound condition, valuable single franking koncovkou Hradčany
1920 CPP13, whole international parcel card on/for valuable parcel to Switzerland, franked with. i.a. pair stamp. Hradčany 500h (open spiral), Pof.25, 20, 8, CDS JABLONEC N. N. 10.VI.20, pre-printed p.stat f. Gebrüder Mahla; small tearing in margins
1920 CPP13, whole international parcel card on/for valuable parcel to Switzerland, with Hradčany 1000h, Pof.26, 12, CDS ČESKÉ BUDĚJOVICE 1/ 23.III.21, on reverse arrival postmark BERNE 1.IV.20, pre-printed p.stat f. L.&C. Hardmuth; fold in corner and torn off corner, with koncovou value Hradčany sought!
1921 CPP13, whole international parcel card for parcel to Yugoslavia, i.a. franked by stmp Hradčany 1000h violet, Pof.26, 15, 166, CDS LIBEREC 1/ 18.III.21, transit pmk MARIBOR 25.III.21 with arrival postmark BANJA LUKA 9.V.21; fold in the place posting lístu and hints after sticking in corner otherwise very nice, with koncovou value Hradčany sought
1921 CPP14, Hradčany 10h, whole international parcel card, state coat of arms high 12,5mm, addressed to to Switzerland, paid cash, CDS JABLONEC N. N. 21.XII.21, on reverse arrival postmark MEIRINGEN 7.I.22; tearing in L margin, without folds
1921 CPP15, complete international dispatch note Hradčany 10h blue, without sale price, addressed to to Denmark, paid cash, cancel. FRANKO + hand-made "13,50", CDS PRAGUE 24/ 3.VIII.21, other 7 postal and customs cancel. in front also on reverse, supplemented with tiskopisem Customs declaration to this parcel with CDS PRAGUE 24/ 3.VIII.2; good condition, rare set
1925 CPP16, Hradčany 10h with sale price 20h, rare shading, international dispatch note addressed to to Switzerland, cash franked/paid 11.20Kč, CDS BOHOSUDOV 5.I.25; only vertical fold
1926PŘÍKAZOVÉPSANÍ NA NEVYPLACENÉPŘÍKAZY / formulářová envelope printed matter 435A, Czech variety (I.-1923), Reg, CDS TRNAVA 13.XII.26 at the delivery place postpaid fee Postage due stamp to exhaustion- on/for issue Agriculture and Science 50/500H, Pof.DL45A with CDS BRNO 12 KRÁLOVO POLE 14.XII.26; good condition, rare formulářová envelope!
1927-1930PŘÍKAZOVÉPSANÍ NA NEVYPLACENÉPŘÍKAZY / comp. 2 pcs of formulářových envelopes with imprint - printed matter 435A (I.-1923) + (I-1929), both sent as Registered, 1x with fee paid Postage due stamp 50h, Pof.DL60, 1x with to exhaustion- Postage due stamp 50/150h, Pof.DL50, CDS BOR U ČESKÉ LÍPY 11.XI.30 and KOPISTY 21.X.27; good condition, rare occurrence!
1928PŘÍKAZOVÉPSANÍ NA NEVYPLACENÉPŘÍKAZY / formulářová envelope printed matter 435A (VIII-19), Reg, CDS VAMBERK 18.VI.28, at the delivery place postpaid fee Postage due stamp Postage Due - overprint issue Chainbreaker 50/20h, Pof.DL49A, CDS BRNO 12 KRÁLOVO POLE 19.VI.28; very fine, rare occurrence!
1929PŘÍKAZOVÉPSANÍ NA NEVYPLACENÉPŘÍKAZY / formulářová envelope printed matter 435A (IV-1926), Reg, CDS MALÝČEPČÍN 2.IV.29, at the delivery place postpaid fee Postage due stamp definitive issue 20h + 30h, Pof.DL57, DL58, CDS BRNO 12 KRÁLOVO POLE 4.IV.29; very fine, rare occurrence!
1933PŘÍKAZOVÉPSANÍ, formulářová envelope with emblem and valuable 15h (1921), sent as Registered, franked by meter stmp (!) L. Mazáč, Prague, cancel. PRAGUE 13/ 30.6.33, sent to Slovakia, on the reverse side arrival postmark TURČIANSKÝ SVÄTÝ MARTIN 1.VII.33; good condition, rare usage meter stmp on/for blank form
1935 advertising telegram Čerekla No.23 (printed matter 769 No. IV-1935), on both sides advertising, used, A4; only in the middle light fold, 2 perforations in lower part/-s, jiank very fine piece
1934-1938OZDOBNÉ TELEGRAMS / comp. 3 pcs of used decorative telegrams Lx8 and Lx1 2 pcs of various issue, supplemented with 2 pcs of envelopes, Lx1 and Lx8; toned
1918-1930 [COLLECTIONS] DOPISNICE + ZÁLEPKY / collection more than 600 pcs of p.stat PC and letter cards sorted according to date posting postmark, contains forerunner Austrian Charles 8h, Coat of arms 10h and Hungarian Crown 10f, Czechosl. issue from overprint with big monogram 8/10h, Hradčany 10h, 15h and 20h, smaller lot of issue Chainbreaker 40h and 50h, supplemented with PC T. G. Masaryk, mainly uprated, part as Registered or Ex, mailing abroad, jednohruhová postmark, postmark railway post office etc.., placed in 3 stockbooks for entires; various quality, after all much very nice pieces, market price ca. 40.000CZK
1924 [COLLECTIONS] CDV28, Liberated Republic 50h, specialized collection 55 pcs of Us PC with various plate variety in the picture stamp.; placed on 28 album pages, all described, nice elaborated collection
1918-1935 [COLLECTIONS] závěrečná area of more than 90 sheets with stamp. and entires originate from abroad, placed in clamping pockets on pages A4 in/at transparent covers; various quality
1918 [COLLECTIONS] SYPANÉ STAMPS / box used scattered stamps issue Hradčany, i.a. contains also several unused stamp., lot of values 1000h and maculature
1937 [COLLECTIONS] SPECIALIZOVANÁ COLLECTION ARŠÍKU BRATISLAVA 1937 / study collection several hundreds miniature sheets sorted according to types, size inscriptions and other identification marks, contains souvenir sheets mint never hinged, with label also part with special exhibition postmark, supplemented with lot of duplication, original envelope commercial package miniature sheets, exhibition dárkovými covers etc.., placed in kancelářskémšanonu in/at transparent covers; originates from abroad
1918-1939 [COLLECTIONS] CELISTVOSTI / selection various entires in/at filled little-box, various franking from issue Hradčany, several Reg, part also more interesting cancel., postage-due etc..; various condition
1922-1947 [COLLECTIONS] CELISTVOSTI / selection of more than 40 pcs of various entires, first day sheets and entires with special postmark OPAVY, several picture stationeries, věstník to issue T. G. Masaryk 1935, several commercial and official letters etc..; good condition