Public Auction 68 / Philately / Czechoslovakia 1918-1939

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235588 -  PLATE PROOF  comp. 4 pcs of plate proofs added prints on/fo
PLATE PROOF comp. 4 pcs of plate proofs added prints on/for cards paper, added-print type A in red (2x) and black color + type C in black color; 2x on chalky paper, 3 pcs of exp. by Karasek and Vrba
Starting price: CZK
235389 -  PLATE PROOF  Hradčany 5h light green imperforated, block o
PLATE PROOF Hradčany 5h light green imperforated, block of four with trial printings added prints type A; label through/over 2 stamp., exp. Vrba, decorative block
Starting price: CZK
235360 -  PLATE PROOF  Hradčany 5h light green, block of four with t
PLATE PROOF Hradčany 5h light green, block of four with trial printing added-print type C; label through/over 2 stamp., exp. Vrba
Starting price: CZK
235577 -  PLATE PROOF  Hradčany 5h light green, additional printing
PLATE PROOF Hradčany 5h light green, additional printing C in red color, horizontal strip of 4 with R margin, plate proof added-print through/over 2 stamp.; mint never hinged, exp. Vrba, in/at současnosti belongs to between sought plate proofs!
Starting price: CZK
235385 -  PLATE PROOF  Hradčany 30h yellow imperforated, block of fo
PLATE PROOF Hradčany 30h yellow imperforated, block of four with trial printing added-print type A; label through/over 2 stamp., exp. Vrba
Starting price: CZK
235579 -  PLATE PROOF  Hradčany 30h yellow, additional printing C in
PLATE PROOF Hradčany 30h yellow, additional printing C in red color, horizontal strip of 4, plate proof added-print only on 2 stamp.; mint never hinged, exp. Vrba, in/at současnosti belongs to between sought plate proofs!
Starting price: CZK
235581 -  PLATE PROOF  Hradčany 40h orange, additional printing C in
PLATE PROOF Hradčany 40h orange, additional printing C in red color, horizontal strip of 4, plate proof added-print on 2 stamp.; mint never hinged, exp. Vrba, in/at současnosti belongs to between sought plate proofs!
Starting price: CZK
232604 -  PLATE PROOF  Hradčany 60h yellow-orange, additional printi
PLATE PROOF Hradčany 60h yellow-orange, additional printing C in red color, horizontal strip of 3, plate proof added-print only on 2 stamp., L stamp. WITHOUT added-print; mint never hinged, exp. by Gilbert., Vrba, in/at současnosti belongs to between sought plate proofs!
Starting price: CZK
235589 -  PLATE PROOF   Postage due stmp 10h olive, comp. 2 pcs of wi
PLATE PROOF Postage due stmp 10h olive, comp. 2 pcs of with added-print type A and C in red color; 1x mint never hinged, exp. Vrba and Stupka
Starting price: CZK
235388 -  PLATE PROOF  Postage due stmp 10h olive, horizontal strip o
PLATE PROOF Postage due stmp 10h olive, horizontal strip of 3 with trial printing added-print type A; label through/over 1 stamp., exp. Vrba
Starting price: CZK
233556 -  postcard franked on front side by stamp. Hradčany 40+20h,
postcard franked on front side by stamp. Hradčany 40+20h, Pof.170, CDS PRAGUE 1/ 14.I.21, last day of validity; good condition
Starting price: CZK
234738 -  Pof.173A, 100h red, line perforation 13¾, type III.; mint
Pof.173A, 100h red, line perforation 13¾, type III.; mint never hinged, exp. by Karasek and Vrba
Starting price: CZK
234736 -  Pof.174A, 200h blue with lower margin, line perforation 13
Pof.174A, 200h blue with lower margin, line perforation 13¾, type II.; mint never hinged, exp. Vrba
Starting price: CZK
234737 -  Pof.174A, 200h blue, line perforation 13¾, type III.; mint
Pof.174A, 200h blue, line perforation 13¾, type III.; mint never hinged, exp. by Gilbert and Pofis
Starting price: CZK
235543 -  Pof.174B II RT, 200h blue with comb perforation 13¾ : 13½
Pof.174B II RT, 200h blue with comb perforation 13¾ : 13½, type II., RETUŠ book/-s (!); exp. Vrba
Starting price: CZK
234739 -  Pof.175A, 300h violet, line perforation 13¾, type I.; mint
Pof.175A, 300h violet, line perforation 13¾, type I.; mint never hinged, exp. Vrba
Starting price: CZK
234715 -  PLATE PROOF  Pof.173+174, comp. 4 pcs of plate proofs in/at
PLATE PROOF Pof.173+174, comp. 4 pcs of plate proofs in/at definitive colors + 1x PLATE PROOF in/at black barvě: 2x value 100h on various usual papers with perf, 2x value 100h and 200h on/for usual papers without perf + PLATE PROOF Pof.173II, palte proof of the value 100h in black color on chalky paper with perf;
Starting price: CZK
234766 - 1922-1923 comp. 3 pcs of letters, 1x Reg letter  to Hungary
1922-1923 comp. 3 pcs of letters, 1x Reg letter to Hungary franked with. i.a. pair stamp. 200h blue, Pof.174 with CDS PREŠOV 2/ 21.XI.23, 1x ordinary letter addressed to to USA, franked with. i.a. pair stamp. 100h red, Pof.173, CDS PRAGUE 25 LISTOVNÍ VÝPRAVNA 27.III.23 + Reg letter to Germany i.a. franked by stmp 300h red issue 1920, Pof.166, CDS KRNOV 1/ 13.XII.22; good condition
Starting price: CZK
233428 - 1925 NEPŘIJATÝ NÁVRH OVERPRINT  T. G. Masaryk 300h brown,
1925 NEPŘIJATÝ NÁVRH OVERPRINT T. G. Masaryk 300h brown, Pof.179, wmk P7 with nepřijatým půlkruhovým design overprint CONGRES OLYMP INTERNATIONAL PRAGUE 1925 in black color; hinged, ex Pytlíček, certificate and exp. Vrba, illustrated in/at publication Aukční rekordy 2018 on/for page. 114, very rare occurrence - UNIKÁT!
Starting price: CZK
233426 - 1925 NEPŘIJATÝ NÁVRH OVERPRINT  T. G. Masaryk 50h green,
1925 NEPŘIJATÝ NÁVRH OVERPRINT T. G. Masaryk 50h green, Pof.180, wmk P8 with nepřijatým pravoúhlým design overprint CONGRES OLYMP INTERNATIONAL PRAGUE 1925 in black color; hint of more/larger label, ex Pytlíček, certificate and exp. Vrba, UNIKÁTNÍ and in the market practically with nevyskytující refused design!
Starting price: CZK
235546 - 1925 Pof.182, Congress 200h blue, vertical pair with R margi
1925 Pof.182, Congress 200h blue, vertical pair with R margin, wmk P6; small zabarvení in margin, otherwise very fine, exp. by Gilbert., Vrba
Starting price: CZK
235671 - 1925 Pof.187Ax, Neotypie (gravure-print) 40h orange, corner
1925 Pof.187Ax, Neotypie (gravure-print) 40h orange, corner horizontal pair, parchment paper, wmk P2; mint never hinged, exp. by Gilbert
Starting price: CZK
234936 - 1925 Pof.187x, Neotypie (gravure-print) 40h orange, parchmen
1925 Pof.187x, Neotypie (gravure-print) 40h orange, parchment paper, wmk P2; off center, mint never hinged, exp. Vrba
Starting price: CZK
235763 - 1925 Pof.188A plate number, Neotypie (gravure-print) 50h gre
1925 Pof.188A plate number, Neotypie (gravure-print) 50h green, comb perforation 13¾ : 13½, LL corner blk-of-4 with plate number B 28/12 25, wmk P4; stamp. mint never hinged, label in lower margin outside plate number, exp. by Gilbert
Starting price: CZK
232408 - 1925 Pof.190A-193A, Gravure 1CZK - 5CZK, type I., format A -
1925 Pof.190A-193A, Gravure 1CZK - 5CZK, type I., format A - thin/close, complete set according to wmk P1 - P4; wmk marked, outside 2 pcs of all exp. by Gilbert
Starting price: CZK
235570 - 1925 Pof.194, Gravure 1CZK red, type II., wmk P7; repaired g
1925 Pof.194, Gravure 1CZK red, type II., wmk P7; repaired gum, exp. Vrba
Starting price: CZK
235764 - 1925 Pof.194, Gravure 1CZK red, UR corner piece, type II., g
1925 Pof.194, Gravure 1CZK red, UR corner piece, type II., grid arm, wmk P7; superb corner piece sought stamps!
Starting price: CZK
235568 - 1925 Pof.195, Gravure 2CZK blue, type II., complete set wmk
1925 Pof.195, Gravure 2CZK blue, type II., complete set wmk P5 - P8; 2 pcs of hinged, exp. Vrba and Gilbert
Starting price: CZK
232284 - 1925 Pof.200, Gravure 1CZK red, V. type, L the bottom corner
1925 Pof.200, Gravure 1CZK red, V. type, L the bottom corner piece with wmk P7 and plate number 9a-XII-25; mint never hinged
Starting price: CZK
233441 - 1925 Pof.200, Gravure 1CZK red, V. type, UR corner blk-of-10
1925 Pof.200, Gravure 1CZK red, V. type, UR corner blk-of-10, wmk P8; label only in margin, otherwise mint never hinged
Starting price: CZK
232297 - 1925 Pof.201, Gravure 1CZK red, VI. type, L corner piece, pl
1925 Pof.201, Gravure 1CZK red, VI. type, L corner piece, plate number 11 with wmk P8; mint never hinged
Starting price: CZK
235766 - 1925 Pof.202 plate number, Gravure 1CZK red, type VI. , long
1925 Pof.202 plate number, Gravure 1CZK red, type VI. , long beard, without watermark, L marginal piece; mint never hinged
Starting price: CZK
232289 - 1925 Pof.203y + 203x, Gravure 1CZK red, VII. type, 2x L corn
1925 Pof.203y + 203x, Gravure 1CZK red, VII. type, 2x L corner piece, plate number 12 with bands in gum, plate number 12A without bands in gum; mint never hinged, 1x exp. by Gilbert
Starting price: CZK
235765 - 1926 Pof.208 production flaw, T. G. Masaryk pozměněná pri
1926 Pof.208 production flaw, T. G. Masaryk pozměněná printing 1CZK red, marginal Pr, production flaw - significant shift vertical perf to picture both stamp.; 1x mint never hinged, 1x hinged
Starting price: CZK
234696 - 1926 horizontal strip of 3 stamp. T. G. Masaryk (?), without
1926 horizontal strip of 3 stamp. T. G. Masaryk (?), without print color, wmk P6/9; mint never hinged
Starting price: CZK
234780 - 1923-1930 comp. 7 pcs of mainly commercial entires with T. G
1923-1930 comp. 7 pcs of mainly commercial entires with T. G. Masaryk various issues in mixed frankings, from that 4x Reg letter, 1x Ex, to on/for 1 pcs of all addressed to abroad, i.a. 1x Reg letter sent to Haiti (!); various quality
Starting price: CZK
234695 - 1926 Pof.209-215, Small Landscapes with wmk, complete set 15
1926 Pof.209-215, Small Landscapes with wmk, complete set 15 pcs of with various polohami wmk P5-P8 + in addition 2x coil- horizontal pair 20h and 30h and 1x corner stamp. 1,50CZK with plate number 1A; 40h P6, P7, 30h P5 and value 1,50CZK hinged, all marked, 5 pcs of exp. by Gilbert
Starting price: CZK
234649 - 1926 Pof.209A, 210A, selection of bloks of four coil- Karlš
1926 Pof.209A, 210A, selection of bloks of four coil- Karlštejn (castle) 20h orange with wmk P6 and Pernštejn 30h green with P7; mint never hinged, Vrba certificate, exp. by Mrnak and Pofis, sought!
Starting price: CZK
235188 - 1926 Pof.209A, Castles 20h orange, coil- with wmk P6, vertic
1926 Pof.209A, Castles 20h orange, coil- with wmk P6, vertical pair; mint never hinged, exp. by Gilbert
Starting price: CZK
235190 - 1926 Pof.210A, Castles 30h green, coil- with wmk P7, vertica
1926 Pof.210A, Castles 30h green, coil- with wmk P7, vertical pair with lower margin; new gum, exp. by Gilbert
Starting price: CZK
234702 - 1926 Pof.216-224, Small Landscapes without watermark, comple
1926 Pof.216-224, Small Landscapes without watermark, complete set with bands (value 30h *) + Pof.216Aa-219a without bands (value 20h in addition also horizontal pair with vertical line between stamp., 30h and 40h *) + 2 horiz. pairs 20h with and without vertical lines + right upper corner stamp. 40h with omitted perforation hole (hinged); 2 pcs of exp. by Gilbert
Starting price: CZK
234672 - 1926 Pof.217-224, Small Landscapes without watermark, select
1926 Pof.217-224, Small Landscapes without watermark, selection of 18 pcs of corner stamp. with plate number 1 and 1A, almost complete set, missing only value 20h; 5x hinged, value 40h with plate number 2A torn margin, Karlštejn (castle) 2,50CZK with plate number 1 *, with plate number 1A **, exp. by Gilbert
Starting price: CZK
234688 - 1926 Pof.218-224, Small Landscapes without watermark, comp.
1926 Pof.218-224, Small Landscapes without watermark, comp. 14 pcs of corner stamp. with plate number 1 and 1A, almost complete set, missing only values 20h and 30h; values 40h *, Karlštejn (castle) 2,50CZK with plate number 1 *, with plate number 1A **, exp. by Gilbert
Starting price: CZK
234667 - 1926 Pof.219, 221, 223, 224, Small Landscapes without waterm
1926 Pof.219, 221, 223, 224, Small Landscapes without watermark, comp. 6 pcs of bloks of four and 6 pcs of corner stamp. with plate number 1 and 1A; blocks of four 1,20CZK with plate number 1A and 2,50CZK with plate number 1 and 1A and corner stamp. 1,20CZK with plate number 1A hinged, other mint never hinged
Starting price: CZK
235566 - 1926 Pof.225, 226, 227, Prague - Tatras, comp. 11 pcs of sta
1926 Pof.225, 226, 227, Prague - Tatras, comp. 11 pcs of stamp. with wmk, values 2CZK P5 2x shades, 2CZK P7 2x shades, 2CZK P8 2x shades, 2CZK L the bottom corner piece with P8 without plate number, 2CZK P5 parchment, 3CZK parchment 2x with wmk P7 and P8 (*, exp. by Gilbert.), 4CZK P7, exp. by Gilbert
Starting price: CZK
232265 - 1926 Pof.225x P6, Prague 2CZK blue, L the bottom corner piec
1926 Pof.225x P6, Prague 2CZK blue, L the bottom corner piece, parchment paper, wmk P6, 2x omitted perforation hole in vertical perf; lightly hinged, exp. Vrba
Starting price: CZK
234705 - 1926 Pof.231-232 plate number, Prague 2CZK and 2x 3CZK, with
1926 Pof.231-232 plate number, Prague 2CZK and 2x 3CZK, without watermark, comp. of 3 corner stamp. with plate number, 2CZK plate number 5, 2 corner pieces 3CZK with plate number 3, from that 1x stamp. with incomplete printing color in/at L value tablet ; mint never hinged
Starting price: CZK
234708 - 1929 Pof.253N, imperforated Coat of arms 40h light and dark
1929 Pof.253N, imperforated Coat of arms 40h light and dark brown in horiz. 2-páskach; 1x minor gum fault, otherwise mint never hinged, exp. by Gilbert and Vrba, nice set both shades!
Starting price: CZK
234781 - 1926-1929 Prague - Tatras / comp. 8 pcs of entires sent abro
1926-1929 Prague - Tatras / comp. 8 pcs of entires sent abroad, with all values this issue, contains 6x Reg letter, 1x Ex, 2x Reg letter sent to Haiti (!); mainly good condition, rare destination 2 letters!
Starting price: CZK
233764 - 1932 Pof.265-267 plate number, Castles 3,50CZK - 5CZK, compl
1932 Pof.265-267 plate number, Castles 3,50CZK - 5CZK, complete set 6 corner pieces with close margin and plate number 1 and 1A; values 3,50CZK plate number 1 and 4CZK plate number 1 light hinged, 2x label only in margin, 3 pcs of exp. by Kubis., sought
Starting price: CZK
235359 - 1932 Pof.266 blank fields below and above, Orlík 4CZK blue,
1932 Pof.266 blank fields below and above, Orlík 4CZK blue, stamp. with upper also bottom coupon; mint never hinged
Starting price: CZK
233761 - 1932 Pof.267 plate number, Český Krumlov 5CZK, LL corner b
1932 Pof.267 plate number, Český Krumlov 5CZK, LL corner blk-of-4 with plate number 1A + double transfer inscription Č. Krumlov, pos. 32, close margin; lightly hinged on/for UL stamp., exp. by Karasek
Starting price: CZK
233474 - 1933  Pof.273Ms(2), Nitra 50h green, vertical 2-stamps gutte
1933 Pof.273Ms(2), Nitra 50h green, vertical 2-stamps gutter.; mint never hinged, exp. by Karasek and Pofis, very fine piece
Starting price: CZK
233766 - 1933 Pof.273Ms(2), Nitra 50h green, vertical marginal 2-stam
1933 Pof.273Ms(2), Nitra 50h green, vertical marginal 2-stamps gutter with plate number 1A; 2x lightly hinged, otherwise very nice
Starting price: CZK
230828 - 1934 Pof.A283, A284, souvenir sheets Anthem-issue, 1CZK wide
1934 Pof.A283, A284, souvenir sheets Anthem-issue, 1CZK wide and 2CZK high size, size 173x284mm and 173,5x284mm; 1CZK lightly hinged and exp. by Gilbert., 2CZK small bend in corner and spot, overall nice
Starting price: CZK
233464 - 1934 Pof.A283, A284, souvenir sheets Anthem-issue, 1CZK high
1934 Pof.A283, A284, souvenir sheets Anthem-issue, 1CZK high size, size 174,5x285mm, 2CZK landscape format, size 174x283mm, incl. cover; mint never hinged, value 1CZK quite little wrinkled margin, overall excellent quality, exp. Vrba
Starting price: CZK
231497 - 1936 PLATE PROOF  Pof.306, Kutná Hora 1,60CZK, plate proof
1936 PLATE PROOF Pof.306, Kutná Hora 1,60CZK, plate proof - print definitive gravure in brown color, on white paper in passe-partout; exp. Vrba
Starting price: CZK
231494 - 1936 PLATE PROOF  Pof.307 Zvíkov, master die in blue color,
1936 PLATE PROOF Pof.307 Zvíkov, master die in blue color, empty value labels; in passe-partout, exp. Vrba
Starting price: CZK
232910 - 1937 Pof.A329/330 production flaw, 2 pcs of miniature sheet
1937 Pof.A329/330 production flaw, 2 pcs of miniature sheet Bratislava 1937, both with significant printing flaw - shifted print stamp. 1CZK red up and downward to perf; mint never hinged
Starting price: CZK
232900 - 1937 Pof.A329/330 production flaw, miniature sheet Bratislav
1937 Pof.A329/330 production flaw, miniature sheet Bratislava 1937 with significant printing flaw - shifted print stamp. 50h blue downward to perf; svěží
Starting price: CZK