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1849-1980 [COLLECTIONS] BELGIUM, GREECE / selection of two smaller collections in two smaller stockbooks, incl. several middle values and sets, in addition supplemented with large stockbook with used stamps of modern Australia and empty sheets Schaubek for collection of Czechoslovakia; various quality U:Z
1900-2000 [COLLECTIONS] ACCUMULATION / used and mint stamps in various stockbooks in full IKEA box, contains Germany (CDS, GDR, i.a. mint hinged collection with smoe better sets and miniature sheets), then various countries, U.N., motives, USSR etc.; various quality, ONLY PERSONAL PICKUP U:IK
1958 [COLLECTIONS] EXPO '58 + GERMANY / comp. of 2 small collection: collection of stamps issued from various states for exhibition EXPO 1958 in Brussels, for example. Belgium, Hungary, Bulgaria, USSR, Czechoslovakia, Vatican, Haiti, Panamy, Nikaraguy and others; placed on album sheets + small collection of Germany in stockbook A5, contains German states, colonyies, General Government, Danzig, occupation zones, GDR, mainly used, various quality U:Z
1879-1928 POSTAL STATIONERY / selection of 22 pcs of p.stat from various European countries, for example. Switzerland, Denmark, Romania, Portugal, Monaco, SHS and other, mostly Us, some uprated, part sent on/for Czechosl. territory; various quality U:A5
1860-1872 selection of 8 classic folded letters, 3x Italy (Sass.12, L20 and L26), 1x France, 1x Belgium, 1x Prussia, 1x Würtenberg and 1x Bavaria; good condition U:A5
1845-1980 [COLLECTIONS] ENTIRES/ collection of ca. 60 various entires, i.a. Esperanto, Yugoslavia, Lombardy, Protectorate, judaica and oths., several as Registered, airmails etc..; various, mainly good condition U:Z
1880-2000 [COLLECTIONS] ENTIRES / in small box, contains various foreign countries, mainly Austria, then i.a. several airmail entires, modern FDC etc..; various quality U:K