Public Auction 68 / Banknotes / Overseas

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232441 - 1914-1948 CHINA / comp. of 6 bankovek: The Central Bank of C
1914-1948 CHINA / comp. of 6 bankovek: The Central Bank of China: Pi.225 - 5 Fen 1939, condition 0, Pi.385 - 5000 Yüan 1948, condition 0, spots, Bank of China: Pi.75 - 10 Yüan 1935, condition 3, on/for front face graffiti, Federal Reserve Bank of China: P.J48 - 10 Fen 1938, condition 0, Bank of Communications: Pi.118 - 10 Yüan Shanghai 1914, Provincial Bank of Chihli: P S1288 - 1 Yüan Tientsin 1926, condition 3; nice selection of
Starting price: CZK
232432 - 1930-1945 CHINA / comp. of 5 bank-notes The Central Bank of
1930-1945 CHINA / comp. of 5 bank-notes The Central Bank of China: Pi.200f - 5 Yüan 1930, condition 1+, Pi.228 - 10Yüan 1940, condition 2, Pi.235 - 5 Yüan 1941 - condition 1, Pi.239a - 10 Yüan 1941, condition 2, Pi.270 - 10 Yüan 1945, condition 1; nice selection of
Starting price: CZK
232438 - 1939-1948 CHINA / comp. of 5 bank-notes The Central Bank of
1939-1948 CHINA / comp. of 5 bank-notes The Central Bank of China: Pi.224 - 1 Fen 1939, condition N, Pi.225 - 5 Fen 1939, condition 0, Pi.335 - 500 CGU 1947, condition 1, Pi.336 - 500 CGU 1947, condition 2, Pi.357 - 2000 CGU 1948, condition 1; nice selection of
Starting price: CZK
232814 - 1972-1983 KUBA, USA / comp. 6 pcs of bankovek: Pi.102b - 1 P
1972-1983 KUBA, USA / comp. 6 pcs of bankovek: Pi.102b - 1 Peso 1981, condition 2, Pi.107a - 3 Pesos 1983, condition 2-, graffiti, Pi.103b - 5 Pesos 1972, condition 3-, Pi.104b - 10 Pesos 1978, condition 1, Pi.105c - 20 Pesos 1983, condition 0 + also with USA 1 Dollar 2009, condition 3-
Starting price: CZK
232416 - 1953 MALAYSIA / Pi.1a, 1 Dollar 21.3.1953; sound condition
1953 MALAYSIA / Pi.1a, 1 Dollar 21.3.1953; sound condition
Starting price: CZK
232920 - 1981-1993 MONGOLIA / comp. 8 pcs of bankovek: KM.45, 10 Tugr
1981-1993 MONGOLIA / comp. 8 pcs of bankovek: KM.45, 10 Tugrik 1981 + KM.46 , 20 Tugrik 1981 + 6x KM.54, 10 Tugrik b.d. (1993), all with additional-printing "The 800th Anniversary of the Great Mongolian State"
Starting price: CZK
232423 - 1935 STRAITS SETTLEMENTS / Pi.16b, 1 Dollar 1.1.1935; sound
1935 STRAITS SETTLEMENTS / Pi.16b, 1 Dollar 1.1.1935; sound condition
Starting price: CZK
232859 - 1937-2006 TURKEY / EGYPT / SPAIN / comp. 13 pcs of bank-note
1937-2006 TURKEY / EGYPT / SPAIN / comp. 13 pcs of bank-notes, incl. two nouzovek from Spanish civil war; various stavy incl. nice
Starting price: CZK
232799 - 1980? VIETNAM / HELL MONEY, comp. of 4 various types rituál
1980? VIETNAM / HELL MONEY, comp. of 4 various types rituálních money pálených as obětina near/in/at uctívání duší předků and božstev: 1x packet "bank-notes Pekelné bank" in value 100 Dong, 9x sheet žlutého paper 21x14cm with in red printed picture lines coins, 3x band red paper 24x4,5cm with printed and by hand written texts, 5x sheet paper 17x13,5cm with red nátěrem and mounted plátkem stříbřitého metal; interesting and rare collection
Starting price: CZK
232780 - 1980-1987 [COLLECTIONS]  VIETNAM / selection of 28 pcs of ba
1980-1987 [COLLECTIONS] VIETNAM / selection of 28 pcs of bankovek: 4x Pi.90 1 Dong 1985, 4x Pi.91 2 Dong 1985, 2x Pi.92 5 Dong 1985, 2x Pi.86 10 Dong 1980, 2x Pi. 93 10 Dong 1985, 5x Pi.94 20 Dong, 1x Pi.95 30 Dong 1985, 2x Pi.96 50 Dong 1985, 1x Pi.97 50 Dong 1985 (1987), 1x Pi.98 100 Dong 1985, 1x Pi.100 200 Dong 1985, 1x Pi.99 500 Dong 1985, 1x Pi.102 1000 Dong 1987 (1988), 1x Pi.103 2000 Dong 1987 (1988); various oběhové stavy, interesting collection
Starting price: CZK