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1912 Mi.94-107, 109-122, Heraldry ½C - $2 overprint issue Shanghai and London; c.v.. 590€, various quality U:A5
1913 Mi.167I, Palace $5 black / red, so-called. London issue; very fine, c.v.. 650€ U:A5
1929 Mi.215-218, 1c - $1; very fine set, c.v.. 150€ U:A5
1929 Mi.219-222, Sut Yat-sen mauzoleum 1c - $1; very fine set, c.v.. 120€ U:A5
1912 SG.242-253, Anniv of Revolution 1C-$5; very nice and rare set, $2 *, $5 used; c.v.. £3.300 U:A5
1960 Mi.523-533, 15. anniv of liberation of Czechoslovakia, mint never hinged set + FDC; fine, c.v.. 170€ U:A5
1960-1961 Mi.570-575 + 577-582 + 583-588, Chrysanthemums I. + II. + III., complete set; used, some toning, overall fine, c.v.. 125€ U:A5
1962 Mi.648A-655A, Theatre art; complete set, mint never hinged, toned, viewing of quality recommended; rare set, c.v.. 3.000€! U:A5
1964-1974 Mi.824-26, 1117-20, 1140-43, 1168-73, only str-of-3 used, others unused; very fine, c.v.. 264€ U:A5
1971 Mi.1094-1097, complete set; issued without gum, c.v.. 160€ U:A5
1895 LOCAL ISSUE / AMOY postage-due Mi.1,2,4-7,9-11, "Birds" ½C - 5C, nominal complete set, black and red overprints 5x overprint types II. and III.; c.v.. 930€ U:A5
1895 LOCAL ISSUE / AMOY, Mi.1-6, "Birds" ½C - 5C, nominal complete set, c.v.. 115€ U:A5
1949 SZECHUAN (Sečuán) / local issue Mi.3-28, Chinese Suns Yatsen $10.000 - $500.000 with vertical overprint; very fine, issued without gum U:A5
1903 FRENCH POSTOFFICE / Yv.34a, Allegory 5/15C carmine with inverted opt of value "5"; very fine, exp. Calves, c.v.. 160€ U:A5
1892-1893 SHANGHAI LOCAL POST / 2x postcard with CDS SHANGHAI LOCAL POST AP.28/92 and AP.14.93; interesting U:A5
1913 letter franked with. 16x Mi.149, 1C orange, so-called. "Peking" issue, cancel. WUCHANG, to Berlin; rare multiple franking! U:A5
1944 JAPANESE OCCUPATION / CENTRAL CHINA / Reg letter to Sweden franked with five-coloured multiple franking, i.a. complete overprint set SunYat-sen Mi.7-10, CDS SHANGHAI 1.12.44; good condition and decorative U:A5
1950 postcard sent from Beijing to Prague, with mixed franking of stamps Mi.21, 49 and 2x 53; good condition U:A5
1957 2 airmail letters to Czechoslovakia, 1x rich two-sided franking, i.a. Mi.315-318, CDS BEIJING 1957.10.13 and 1957.9.21; toned, good condition U:A5
1880-1930 [COLLECTIONS] FRENCH POSTOFFICE IN CHINA / CHINA, MONG TSEU, PACKHOI, TONKIN, YUNNAFOU, KANTO / interesting old collection on 22 pages Schaubek, various issues Allegory, overprints, postage-due etc.., incl. complete sets, middle and highest values etc..; overall fine quality, c.v.. ca. 2.000€ U:Z
1888- [COLLECTIONS] FRENCH POSTOFFICE IN CHINA / HOI-HAO / ANNAM / COCHIN / on 4 pages from old collection, overprints on stamps Allegory (Mouchon, Grasset atd.), incl. many middle values, i.a. Yv.64 etc..; overall fine, part of stamps signed U:Z
1897-1910 [COLLECTIONS] CHINA / JAPAN / KOREA / selection of 3 small basic collections on 13 pages, various values and issues etc.; various quality U:Z
1945-1966 [COLLECTIONS] DUPLICATION / used stamps, mainly incomplete set, contains i.a. complete Mi.534-545, Fish 1960; on 6 cards A4; various quality U:O4
1863-1871 SG.16w, Victoria 30c mauve, WMKCC INVERTED; fine and rare stamp, c.v.. £1.400 U:A5
1863-1871 SG.17, Victoria 48C pale rose, wmk CC; new gum, c.v.. £1.500, rare stamp U:A5
1880 SG.26, Victoria 16C with overprint 10 CENTS; without gum, c.v.. £4.250, scarce stamp U:DR
1885 SG.40-42, overprint Victoria 20C/30C - $1/96C; complete used set, very fine, c.v.. £140 U:A5
1863-1903 SELECTION / 15 stamps from various issues Victoria + 6 Edward VII., i.a. 24C, 30C, 48C and 96C 1863-1871 wmk CC, Edward VII. 10C wmk CA Un etc..; wmk identified, c.v.. ca. £530, overall fine quality U:A5
1903 SG.73, Edward VII. $2 slate / scarlet, wmk Crown CA; very fine, first hinge, c.v.. £375 U:A5
1935 SG.134+134a, Silver Jubilee 5C as blockk-of-4, with plate variety - EXTRA FLAGSTAFF; very fine, c.v.. £285 U:A5
1938-1952 SG.140-162, George VI. Portraits 1C - $10; complete sought set, c.v.. £1.100 U:A5
1891 SG.S1, postally - fiscal stamp Victoria 2C carmine with overprint S.O. (Stamp Office); fine and rare stamp, c.v.. £1.000 U:A5
1891 SG.S2, postally - fiscal stamp Victoria 2C carmine with overprint S.D. (Stamp Duty); very fine and rare stamp, c.v.. £650 U:A5
1923 SG.D1-D5, Postage due 1-10c, complete set; c.v.. £150 U:A5
1879-1910 [COLLECTIONS] collection on 13 pages, various, mainly incomplete issues, incl. several middle and higher values, i.a. Mi.288-301 etc.., also official and oths.; various quality U:Z
1950 Mi.494-498, Airmail 16Y - 144Y, complete set; value 103Y small minor gum fault, otherwise very fine, c.v.. 470€ U:A5
1962 Mi.371-374, Aircrafts 5-40won; superb set, c.v.. 750€ U:A5
1959 Mi.187A-190A + Block No.1, complete set + miniature sheet, c.v.. 150€ U:A5
1948, 1953 Mi.358, 394-403, Flowers 1a-5P, complete set + Panna Maria 8a; mint never hinged, c.v.. 160€ U:A5
1956 Mi.406-413, Map 1a-1,50P, complete set; mint never hinged, c.v.. 150€ U:A5
1926-2021 [COLLECTIONS] MONGOLIA / ACCUMULATION / business supply of stamps from uvedeného period, especially miniature sheets, pestrý choice various motives, for example. sport, nature, vesmír, technology, buddhismus and other, multiplikáty; placed on 62 pages A4, interesting and pestrý collection suitable to other elaboration U:K
1956 SELECTION of / Mi.118a,b, 1T, selection of more than 450 stamp in blocks and multiples, stripes (often marginal) also single stamps, types rose also grey clouds, various types of papers etc.; on 12 pages A4, c.v. 15.000€(!) U:K
1956 SELECTION / Mi.119, value 2T, selection of more than 500 stamps, many multiples, blocks a and singles; placed on 15 pages A4, c.v. over 3.750€ U:K
1967 SG.117-122, Astronauts 10f/15c - 250f/5Sh, complete set, marginal pairs; mint never hinged U:A5
1966 Mi.I, World Championship in football London 10f/15c, unissued; mint never hinged, c.v.. 150€ U:A5
1938-1941 SG.20-31, George VI. - Portraits and vehicles, complete "small" set 3Ps-12A; 3A some minor fault, otherwise fine, c.v.. £800, rare! U:A5
1950-1955 SG.71-79, overprint George VI. ½A/1P - 10R/10Sh; complete set, c.v.. £110 U:A5
1929 SG.16aw, 16bw, 17aw, 19aw, 22w, 23w, 24; Indian George V. ½P- 12A with overprint KUWAIT, wmk "star" inverted and normal (4P); 1x used, c.v.. £190 U:A5
1929-1937 SG.25, 25w, 26, 26w, 27, Indian George VI. with overprint KUWAIT, 1Rs with wmk normal and inverted, 2R ditto, 5R with wmk normal; very fine, c.v.. £500 U:A5
1946 Mi.Bl.8a, 8b, memorial souvenir sheets, 1x with gum (minor gum fault), 1x issued without gum; c.v.. 240€, rare U:A4
1948 JORDAN OCCUPATION, Mi.1-3,5-10; King Husain, 1M - 50M with INVERTED overprints PALESTINE U:A5
1920 SG.30a, EEF London overprint issue PALESTINE 1P olive, INVERTED OVERPRINT; very fine, c.v.. for * £450++ U:A5
1953 Mi.64K, Nilepost PA25d, two blocks of four with plate number, air-mail Farouk 2 Mills orange with Opt "King Egypt", ** and used GAZA June 23, 1953, both with DOUBLE OVERPRINT "PALESTINE", perfect quality U:A5