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1993 Pof.PL5, Contemporary Art 14CZK, PB, with both c.v.. plate variety 2/A and 4/A - black and red point + supplemented with FDC with mounted stamp. Pof.5 with plate variety 2/A; mint never hinged U:A5
1993 Pof.17 production flaw, Hradec Králové 10CZK with production flaw, horiz. marginal strip-of-5 with exceedingly big incomplete printing grey-green color, by/on/at 1 pcs of missing ca. 80% area stamps, by/on/at other 2 pcs of ca. 65%, resp. 50% and 1 pcs of with significant incomplete printing in LR corner; sought by specialists, rare offer, perfect condition U:A5
1993 Pof.22 production flaw, E. Čech/Bohem 3CZK, LR corner blk-of-15 with big violet stain in/at middle stamp. - printing ink numeral value, intact luminiscence; mint never hinged, rare and significant production defect! U:A5
1995 Pof.88 production flaw, 25 years SOS child's villages 3CZK, imperforated horizontal pair with L margin; superb, for the first time in auction - quite extraordinary offer! U:A5
1995 Pof.90 production flaw, Art Nouveau 3CZK with lower margin, quite omitted print blue color - missing name state; mint never hinged U:A5
1995 Pof.91 production flaw, Stavební folder 3,60CZK, production flaw significantly rozostřený and lighter name state; also with common stamp. on/for comparison U:A5
1996 Pof.125 production flaw, Tycho Brahe 5CZK, marginal horizontal pair, right stamp. with incomplete printing black color R - missing name state and text Tycho Brahe; finger-print, quite rare U:A5
1997 Pof.139 production flaw, Heartfelt congratulation 4CZK, imperforated horizontal pair with L margin; superb, for the first time in auction - quite extraordinary offer! U:A5
2000 Pof.271/272 production flaw, Hunting 5,40CZK, the bottom corner horiz. str-of-6, bad stěr black color; sought U:A5
2001 Pof.283 production flaw, Zodiac 12CZK, two VV: 1x marginal block-of-4 with very thin/light print "EPUBL" on/for upper stamp. right column + 1x marginal Pr with touž flaw, but in addition very thin/light print "CZK" and incomplete-printing black in/at hřívě and upper part/-s tail lion; interesting U:A5
2001 Pof.284 production flaw, Comenius 9CZK with upper margin with rare production flaw - "without nominal value"; mint never hinged, catalogue misvalues., very rare usage! U:A5
2007 Pof.514 production flaw, Praga 2008 value 11CZK, pair with lower margin and production flaw - slepá the bottom horiz. perf; obzvlášť decorative piece - more blind holes in vertical perf, catalogue 4.200CZK U:A5
2007 Pof.538 production flaw, Schengen 10CZK, corner blk-of-4 with production flaw 30/L - rose circle below "Če" (catalogue misvalues) + corner blk-of-8 with VV16/P - rose circle below "re" in/at name state U:A5
2008 Pof.543, Beauty of Flowers 10CZK, UL corner blk-of-4, significant shift golden iridescentní color R and yellow L-wards, very unusual, c.v.. for the present doesn't report U:A5
2008 Pof.551 production flaw, Orbis Pictus 10CZK, upper corner str-of-5, bad stěr color on/for all 5 stamp.; sought U:A5
2008 Pof.570 production flaw, Olympic Games Beijing 10CZK, marginal block-of-4 with katalogovou production flaw 26/L - white circle L from wedge [ ˇ ] in/at "Č"; rare defect, on/for market doesn't occur U:A5
2008 Pof.PL583, Children in winter 10CZK, blk-of-9 with additional-printing Esperanto-klubo Prostějov, big logo Czech Post, 106mm, P000....33835; sought U:A4
2009 Pof.A593, Relikviář St. Maura 51CZK, comp. of 3 aršíků: 1x first edition with outlines round/about gravure on stmp., 2x surplus print with VV: production flaw small/rare circle L from 3. perforation hole L perf from below and production flaw circle closely L from UL decoration relikviáře; interesting U:A5
2009 Pof.600, Rabín Löw 21CZK, complete counter sheet, significantly light color shade black also numeral value, katalogizováno; rare usage, including complete counter sheet common shade for comparison U:A5
2009 Pof.602 production flaw, Firemen CTIF 17CZK, corner blk-of-4, catalogue production flaw 45/P - big green stain above R; catalogue misvalues, only on/for very small part/-s printing U:A5
2010 Pof.A623 production flaw, EXPO 2010 35CZK, comp. 2 pcs of miniature sheets, cataloged production flaw 2 - rose stain in big X R from center and production flaw - white circle L above A in/at ŠANGHAJ; interesting selection of U:A5
2010 Pof.642 production flaw, Four-leaf clover value A, blk-of-9, field B, production flaw pos. 9 - significant white little arc above head Myšpulína; sought U:A4
2010 Pof.664 production flaw, Christmas 10CZK, 2x block of four, two catalogue vady: production flaw 7/1B - golden circle in/at corner coat Joseph (corner blk-of-4) and production flaw 36/4B - sun through/over L part lower decoration at lower margin; sought U:A5
2011 Pof.677, Eastern value A, selection of three pairs with catalogue vadami: production flaw 29/2A - white stain above head kuřete, VV29/3A - red stain in L bottom sheet R from center, VV29/3A - other stage předchozí defects, red stain posunuta value and exactly in the middle sheet U:A5
2012 Pof.711 production flaw, 150. Anniv Sokol 14CZK, horizontal strip of 4, L to R with měnící color from carmine on/for červenohnědou U:A5
2012 Pof.724 production flaw, St. Wenceslas value A, vertical upper corner Pr, significant shift pin hole and náseku U:A5
2012 Pof.726, Olympic Games and Paralympic Games London 20CZK, author John Ungrád; reproduction definitive design/sketch with value + both coupons from miniature sheet, then reproduction PLATE PROOF for FDC with two various postmarks and first day sheet with issued stamps; all with signature of author U:A3s|
2013 Pof.793, Reynek 30CZK, PB with shift brown color downward (brown band below upper small frame on all pane positions); unusual U:A5
2015 Pof.852 production flaw, John Huss 13CZK, 2 catalogue vady: production flaw 17/1 - 2 horiz. lines before/(in front of) "CZK" (marginal vertical pair) + production flaw 36/4 - circle R above n in/at "John" (marginal block-of-4); sought U:A5
2015 Pof.867 production flaw, Vlajka Czech Republic value A, production flaw on pos. 1 - red circle on/for rozhraní white and red area (corner Pr), pos. 33 - violet circle in/at blue area lower (corner blk-of-6); sought catalogue defects from 1. reprint U:A5
2016 Pof.887 production flaw, Bartered bride 16CZK, L upper corner blk-of-6 with production flaw 2/1 - yellow circle R from "150" and production flaw 22/1 - significant yellow circle R from "bride" + UL corner blk-of-4 with production flaw 11/1 - yellow circle L in the middle; all catalogue defects on this issue U:A5
2016 Pof.891 production flaw, Czech olympic tým 32CZK, vertical marginal Pr with production flaw 48/4 - circle in numeral 3 U:A5
2017 Pof.929 production flaw, Joseph Kainar 16CZK, block of four, on/for upper stamp. production flaw - significant white smudges (incomplete-printings) R from head; decorative U:A5
2017 Pof.A955/956, 2x miniature sheet History poštovnictví - 1x shifted perforation crossways up (emblem L at top oranžovožlutý, figure L grey-green), 1x significant shade color (emblem bright orange, figure black); rare U:A5
2018 Pof.964 flaw print, Eastern value A, flaw print - significantly rozostřený inscription "Eastern" (originates from reprint), UR corner blk-of-4; catalogue very misvalues U:A5
2018 Pof.A991-994 plate variety, miniature sheet Zoologické garden III, pos. 3 with production flaw 3 - osm black stains in/at characters "RE", big red stain by character "R"; mint never hinged, rare and significant variant defects U:A5
2018 Pof.1008-1009 production flaw, Christmas value A, LR corner blk-of-4 with production flaw 44/4 - vertical yellow stain in the bottom part/-s decoration; catalogue defect, very sought U:A5
2019 Pof.1027-1028, Prague castle value E, selection of two 4-bloků: 1x light grey and on pos. 4 thin/light, but as well darker print blue (very rare shade, long period known only on/for FDC), 1x normal shade (dark grey), but with significant production flaw on position 1 - violet stain in blue area below B in/at "REPUBLIC" (will be cataloged); exceptional offer U:A5
2019 Pof.A1049-1050, 3 souvenir sheets Medřická and Lukavský with significantly odlišnými shades (face Medřické brownlila, grey-brown and brown-black), significant differences also in yellow color, 1x production flaw - white stain in red area ribbon at top 1cm from right margins; fine selection of U:A5
2019 Pof.A1051 production flaw, Charles Kryl 44Kč, miniature sheet with significant production flaw - in light area below kytarou significant white oval, R from it dull stain and in LR corner large white dull filled out circle; interesting U:A5
2020 Pof.1056 production flaw, Housa value A, LR corner blk-of-6 with production flaw 39/1 - significant white obloukovitá line through kštici Housy to to čela; sought catalogue defect U:A5
2020 Pof.1069, Bee value B, R corner blk-of-4 with significant shift pin hole also náseku crossways L-wards (in/at upper line passes through/over name/-s authors); rare and decorative U:A5
2020 Pof.1087, Airplane Aero Albatross value B, vertical pair with significant shift pin hole and náseku L-wards, zasahuje to character B values and „a“ words „republika“; originates from jediného noted archu
2021 Pof.1130-1131, Dante value B and E, 4 aršíky: middle stamp. oranžovožluté, žlutooranžové or orange, 1x skidding print value characters; nice selection of U:A5
2021 Pof.A1132 production flaw, EXPO Dubaj value Z, comp. 2 pcs of miniature sheets with VV: 1x production flaw blue stain above right upper corner pos., 1x production flaw light brown stain below L bottom corner pos. L below figure women and rose stain below green kosočtvercem R U:A5
2021 Pof.A1135-1136, Herci (Šejbalová and Záhorský), comp. of 4 miniature sheets, 4 different shades (L portrait Šejbalové on position 3 light brown, dark brown, grey-brown and black-brown); nice, obtížně zkompletovatelná selection of U:A5
2021 Pof.1139-1140, 2x PB Theodor Pištěk with catalogue VV: 1x production flaw pos. 4 - big rose stain R at top at R margin, 1x production flaw on position 4 - big rose stain and closely above her smaller blue R from arm at R margin; very significant and rare U:A5
2021 Pof.1139-1140, 2x PB Theodor Pištěk with significant VV: 1x production flaw pos. 4 - rose stain above in the middle head, 1x production flaw on position 3 - light blue circle in vertical darker area; rare and sought U:A5
2021 Pof.1141, Christmas value B, 2x block of four with lower margin, 1x shifted perforation L, 1x shifted perforation R, occures quite exceptionally, and to only in/at bottom lines; also with common stamp. for comparison U:A5
2021 Pof.A1143, John Kotěra 52Kč, comp. of 4 aršíků: 1x significantly strong skidding print black, different color background (grey, dark green) and production flaw - yellow smudge R from 2. upper ornament from R and black stain L in/at 2. upper ornament from the L, 1x common shade only with the second from stated flaws, 1x production flaw - red stain R from L vertical lines in the middle, 1x production flaw - white stain R below right upper zakončením 3. lampy from the L (various color shades); interesting selection of U:A5
2005 Pof.AT3, Jindřichův Hradec, comp. 11 pcs of various values with valuable statement in violet color place black (from post Liberec 1 from period of from 7. 2. to 12. 4. 2007); catalogue shows, very rare, in/at auctions doesn't occur U:A5
1993-2010 ZS2 10x, ZS3, ZS46, ZS61, ZS65 (with date of print), ZSS1, comp. 15 pcs of; very fine, c.v.. 4.400CZK U:A4
1993-1994 [COLLECTIONS] selection of 26 better stamp booklets from y. 1993-1994, contains i.a. ZS2 1x; stamp-booklet 3 6x, ZS8-ZS 11 2x; stamp-booklet 16 2x; ZS20-ZS22 2x and oths. + in addition 1x covers hledaného ZS5, HÚP (Economic Postcentral) PRAGUE (red); interesting selection of U:O5
1994-2008 [COLLECTIONS] comp. of more than 80 stamp booklets, face-value over 2.700CZK U:K
1994 Pof.PTR1, EUROPA - Contemporary Art; very fine, c.v.. 6.500CZK, sought U:A5
2018 card David Feldman with miniature sheet Bombajský letter, distribuovaná together with special commemorative print 37C/b, missing also much majitelům this special commemorative print, catalogue shows, illustrated on/for with. 270, but for the present doesn't evaluate U:A4
1993, 1998 POB1C+POB2+POB3, comp. 3 pcs of special envelopes Czech post; very fine U:A5
1993-1998 POB2 + POB3, President Czech Republic Wenceslas Havel, 2 special envelope/-s Czech post with additional-printing, 2x special postmark PRAGUE 012 - HRAD/ 2.3.1993 and 22.1.98; very fine 1995-2010 [COLLECTIONS] MERKUR REVUE / accumulation black-prints, incl. better variants, in addition supplemented with about/by several exhibition black-prints, black print Terezín etc..; total more than 40 pcs of, nice quality, high catalogue value 1993-2001 [COLLECTIONS] PLATE FLAWS / selection of 28 stamp. with c.v.. plate variety, production flaw, VO, incl. gutter-pairs stripe, multiblocks etc.; all described, on 2 cards A4, c.v.. ca. 4400CZK U:O4