Public Auction 69 / Collections

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239435 - 1912 INDENPENDANCE ALBANAISE 1912 / comp. 5 complete unfolde
1912 INDENPENDANCE ALBANAISE 1912 / comp. 5 complete unfolded 50 imperforated sheets of 50; cigarette paper without gum, some folds in margins, otherwise fine
Starting price: CZK
238891 - 1849-2009 [COLLECTIONS] small collection of mainly used stam
1849-2009 [COLLECTIONS] small collection of mainly used stamps from the first issue "Epaullete", contains various issue, special, postage-due, railway, parcel, telegraph etc., also several miniature sheets, placed in stockbook A4, supplemented with collection of unused stamps from 1965-1986 on album sheets in screw folder; various quality
Starting price: CZK
238886 - 1882-1994 [COLLECTIONS]  small collection of mainly used sta
1882-1994 [COLLECTIONS] small collection of mainly used stamps, contains i.a. souvenir sheets Mi.Bl.1 and Bl.4; placed on pages in spiral stockbook and 6 individual pages with duplication in folder, various quality
Starting price: CZK
238089 - 1943-1962 [COLLECTIONS]  collection in two smaller spring fo
1943-1962 [COLLECTIONS] collection in two smaller spring folders, contains complete sets, from better i.a. Mi.593-595, 731-737, miniature sheet Bl.4, 6 etc.., supplemented with about several classic stamps and i.a. airmail set Mi.249-251 *
Starting price: CZK
238892 - 1851-1989 [COLLECTIONS]  small collection of mainly used sta
1851-1989 [COLLECTIONS] small collection of mainly used stamps placed on sheets, from Mi.1, then for example Mi.144-145, special, postage-due, officials etc.; without better values, various quality
Starting price: CZK
239446 - 1978-1988 [COLLECTIONS]  collection ca. 100 memorial /specia
1978-1988 [COLLECTIONS] collection ca. 100 memorial /special prints with print issued stamps with mounted stamps and special postmarks with description, placed in three spiral covers
Starting price: CZK
239269 - 1863-1959 [COLLECTIONS]  ENTIRES/ selection of 30 various en
1863-1959 [COLLECTIONS] ENTIRES/ selection of 30 various entires from classic to modern period, part addressed to Czechoslovakia, as Registered or airmail, surtax, various franking; various quality
Starting price: CZK
238905 - 1952-1999 [COLLECTIONS]  STAMP BOOKLETS / collection ca. 70
1952-1999 [COLLECTIONS] STAMP BOOKLETS / collection ca. 70 booklets, contains i.a. booklet Red Cross 1952 with 10 pcs of Mi.956 and other better booklets Red Cross from 1950´s + also with collection ca. 150 private and other booklets and 2 complete 50 counter sheet PHILEXFRANCE ´89, Mi.2661 and rozpůlený 50 pcs of counter sheet Marianna with additional-printing PHILEXFRANCE ´89, Mi.2510AIZf
Starting price: CZK
238683 - 1863 PROVINCE NAPOLETANE / UNISSUED / Sass.2, Victor Emmanue
1863 PROVINCE NAPOLETANE / UNISSUED / Sass.2, Victor Emmanuel II. 10C "terra d´ombra", used piece on small cut-square with CDS PISA 14.OTT.63; very fine, with certificate Oliva, c.v.. 140.000€+, important Italian rarity!
Starting price: CZK
229664 - 1920-1950 [COLLECTIONS]  ENTIRES / collection of ca. 45 enti
1920-1950 [COLLECTIONS] ENTIRES / collection of ca. 45 entires mainly addressed to Czechoslovakia, from that 25 as Registered or Ex, supplemented with several entires of Croatia; various quality
Starting price: CZK
238830 - 1871-2000 [COLLECTIONS]  mixed mint / used collection in 4 l
1871-2000 [COLLECTIONS] mixed mint / used collection in 4 letter files on stock-sheets A4, from Franz Joseph I. 1871 copper print, incl. also better sets as Mi.403-410, Zeppelin 478-479, 484-487, miniature sheet Bl.1-4, 12-13, 25, 28B etc..; better unused stamp mainly hinged, higher catalogue!
Starting price: CZK
234748 - 1861-1999 [COLLECTIONS]  mixed collection in folder, incl. V
1861-1999 [COLLECTIONS] mixed collection in folder, incl. Victoria ½P without watermark, i.a. SG.30, 31-35, 123-140, 217-231, also postage-due etc..; overall fine, higher catalogue
Starting price: CZK
236569 - 1880-1919 [COLLECTIONS]  interesting mixed collection mint /
1880-1919 [COLLECTIONS] interesting mixed collection mint / used stamps on 10 pages from stockbook, contains: China, Morocco, Turkey and colonies, incl. many better values from issues Scenes, Krone, Adler, Emperor´s Yacht etc..; higher catalogue, it is worth seeing
Starting price: CZK
236570 - 1860-1945 [COLLECTIONS] collection / accumulation in 5 large
1860-1945 [COLLECTIONS] collection / accumulation in 5 large and 1 small stockbook, from German states, Deutsches Reich incl. several miniature sheets also better inter-war sets, occupied territories, Memel, Danzig, General Gouvernament (mint never hinged), official etc..; unused stamps mainly hinged, part various quality, we advice examination, higher catalogue, placed in middle box
Starting price: CZK
238435 - 1880-1945 [COLLECTIONS]  smaller semifinished incomplete min
1880-1945 [COLLECTIONS] smaller semifinished incomplete mint collection on sheet KA-BE, contains several complete sets etc.., in addition supplemented with stockbook with various duplication
Starting price: CZK
239215 - 1933-1945 [COLLECTIONS]  small semifinished collection in sc
1933-1945 [COLLECTIONS] small semifinished collection in screw folder on sheet KA-BE, complete also incomplete sets, several miniature sheets etc.., supplemented with about p.stat and postcards; better stamps mainly hinged
Starting price: CZK
1920-1955 [COLLECTIONS] ENTIRES / GERMANY, SUDETENLAND, GDR / comp. of entires, contains i.a. several inflation letters, several entires with provisional postmarks from Sudetenland and lot of cuts also cut-squares with stamp. GDR postage issues from 1950´s; various quality
Starting price: CZK
229915 - 1830-1850 [COLLECTIONS]  CZECH LANDS / selection of ca. 80 p
1830-1850 [COLLECTIONS] CZECH LANDS / selection of ca. 80 prephilatelic letters with cancellations as: JAROMERITZ, NICOLSBURG, DATSCHITZ, LETTOWITZ, POHRLITZ, KREMSIER, M. BUDWITZ, MISTEK etc.., some more times
Starting price: CZK
238476 - 1850 [COLLECTIONS]  Mi.1-5, Coat of arms 1 Kr - 9 Kreuzer, s
1850 [COLLECTIONS] Mi.1-5, Coat of arms 1 Kr - 9 Kreuzer, specialized part of large collection on 7 pages with descriptions, contains types, colors, postmarks, papers, 3x marginal piece etc..; overall F-VF, many stamps exp. Hirš, supplemented with 6 certificates, fine selection
Starting price: CZK
238483 - 1858 [COLLECTIONS] Mi.10-15, Franz Joseph I. 2 Kreuzer - 15
1858 [COLLECTIONS] Mi.10-15, Franz Joseph I. 2 Kreuzer - 15 Kreuzer, specialized selection on 6 pages, contains colors, types, papers, plate variety, postmarks (i.a. 4x red, 2x blue) etc..; various, mainly fine, supplemented with 8 certificates Hirš, interesting selection
Starting price: CZK
229409 - 1895-1914 [COLLECTIONS]   selection of 94  postcards and ent
1895-1914 [COLLECTIONS] selection of 94 postcards and entires, contains 87 Ppc - several lithography, long address, from that 14 with 2 Kreuzer yellow, various postmarks, supplemented with 2 letters from that 1x as Registered, supplemented with 4 p.stat FP cards; all in very fine condition
Starting price: CZK
237925 - 1914-1918 [COLLECTIONS]  selection of tens of FP cards and P
1914-1918 [COLLECTIONS] selection of tens of FP cards and Ppc, mainly sent by one Czech member Austria-Hungary army, contains i.a. 3x original photos, cards with added-print various formations, postcard with war theme, prisoner cards etc..; various quality
Starting price: CZK
238524 - 1858-1965 [COLLECTIONS]  interesting collection in two large
1858-1965 [COLLECTIONS] interesting collection in two large stockbooks A4 + on pages, generally from issue 1883, i.a. Jubilee 1910, many better inter-war sets incl. air-mails */**, then postwar, i.a. air-mails **, also newspaper revenue on several pages, FP, Levant, Bosnia, postage-due etc.., part with specialisation onr colors, postmarks, perf, types etc.., supplemented with several certificates Hirš; various, overall good quality, definitely it is worth seeing!
Starting price: CZK
238851 - 1908-1970 [COLLECTIONS]  interesting collection in 2 stockbo
1908-1970 [COLLECTIONS] interesting collection in 2 stockbooks A4, contains mainly mint inter-war issues and postwar period, for example. ANK.468-487, 567-583, 887-923, 967-973 etc., also duplications; inter-war issues mainly hinged; mostly good quality, high catalogue value, we advice examination!
Starting price: CZK
236862 - 1918-1938 [COLLECTIONS]  collection on hingeless pages in le
1918-1938 [COLLECTIONS] collection on hingeless pages in letter file Schaubek, incl. better sets as Rotary, Landscape, FIS, Airmail, Writers etc.., also postage-due etc..; mainly quality */**, higher catalogue
Starting price: CZK
238965 - 1800-1970 [COLLECTIONS] various selection of entires, i.a 3x
1800-1970 [COLLECTIONS] various selection of entires, i.a 3x "yellow", several Reg etc.., then receipts, documents (several with printed revenues), supplemented with several entires abroad, "clothing cards", advertising labels etc.. + old small album Schaubek; various quality
Starting price: CZK
238058 - 1858-1964 [COLLECTIONS]  interesting collection on hingeless
1858-1964 [COLLECTIONS] interesting collection on hingeless sheets in 3 spring folders Schaubek, contains part of classic stamps, issue House of Romanov * / used, then inter-war and postwar sets, i.a. Mi.292A-295A, 305B-307B, 326-327, then for example used 397-401, 453-455, 483-487, 488-493, 513-522 etc.., from 1943 mainly unused, several miniature sheets, as Mi.Bl.1 etc.; various, overall fine quality, high catalogue value, it is worth seeing!
Starting price: CZK
238894 - 1923-1940 [COLLECTIONS]  fine used collection, contains also
1923-1940 [COLLECTIONS] fine used collection, contains also better sets, for example. Mi.402-405B, 483-487, 494-498, 499-508, etc..; in 8-sheet stockbook A4, mainly good quality
Starting price: CZK
238272 - 1860-1990 [COLLECTIONS]  larger accumulation mainly used sta
1860-1990 [COLLECTIONS] larger accumulation mainly used stamps of Russian Empire, RSFSR and USSR placed in 7 various stockbooks, on 8 individual cards A4 and in smaller box, a lot of various material, many duplications, we advice examination
Starting price: CZK
238895 - 1923-1940 [COLLECTIONS]  DUPLICATION / selection of used sta
1923-1940 [COLLECTIONS] DUPLICATION / selection of used stamps, contains i.a. Mi.390-391A, 410-411A, 422-423A/C, 429-449, 453-455, many of duplications etc..; in 8-sheet stockbook A4
Starting price: CZK
238061 - 1855-1967 [COLLECTIONS]  small collection on pages Linder in
1855-1967 [COLLECTIONS] small collection on pages Linder in spiral folder, small part of classical stamps, various complete also incomplete issues etc.
Starting price: CZK
238262 - 1910-1990 [COLLECTIONS]  accumulation of mainly used stamps
1910-1990 [COLLECTIONS] accumulation of mainly used stamps and miniature sheets placed in 5 various stockbooks and on 34 individual cards A4, contains i.a. souvenir sheets Mi.Bl.2, Bl.3, Bl.4, Bl.6, part used set PAX, various Pro Patria, For Iuventute and other, also with duplications
Starting price: CZK
239218 - 1938-2017 [COLLECTIONS]  FOR PATRIA / selection of issues Pr
1938-2017 [COLLECTIONS] FOR PATRIA / selection of issues Pro Patria (without miniature sheets), on 3 pages A4
Starting price: CZK
1840 [COLLECTIONS] PENNY BLACK / PLATE RECONSTRUCTION / selection of 112 stamps Penny Black, each with different letters combinations (!), without distinction of plates; various quality, major part damaged - folds, thin places, margins etc.. - viewing of quality recommended, placed on special sheet, ONLY PERSONAL PICKUP
Starting price: CZK
236630 - 1841 [COLLECTIONS] SG.8, ONE PENNY RED, complete plate recon
1841 [COLLECTIONS] SG.8, ONE PENNY RED, complete plate reconstruction according to letters AA - TL, total 240 stamps, various plates, more than 50 pcs with postmark black Maltesse Cross (!), then cancel. type "1844"; various quality, part folds, margins, thin place etc.. - viewing of quality recommended, c.v.. £9.600+, placed on special sheet, ONLY PERSONAL PICKUP
Starting price: CZK
236639 - 1841-1851 [COLLECTIONS]  PLATE RECONSTRUCTION / SG.14, 2P bl
1841-1851 [COLLECTIONS] PLATE RECONSTRUCTION / SG.14, 2P blue imperforated, partial reconstruction of plate according to letters, total 165 stamps with various combinations of letters, from that i.a. 13x with black cancel. Maltesse Cross, 1x pair; various quality - margins, thin place, folds - viewing of quality recommended, cat. only as basic stamps £14.780, placed on special sheet, ONLY PERSONAL PICKUP
Starting price: CZK
236623 - 1857 [COLLECTIONS]  PLATE RECONSTRUCTION / SG.40, 1P rose-re
1857 [COLLECTIONS] PLATE RECONSTRUCTION / SG.40, 1P rose-red, complete set of 240 stamps according to letters AA - TL, without distinction of plates, various postmarks, shades, plates etc..; various quality, placed on special sheet, c.v.. £1.920++, ONLY PERSONAL PICKUP
Starting price: CZK
236632 - 1864 [COLLECTIONS]  PLATE RECONSTRUCTION / SG.43, 1P red-bro
1864 [COLLECTIONS] PLATE RECONSTRUCTION / SG.43, 1P red-brown, complete reconstruction of plate according to letters AA-TL, total 240 various stamps, from various plates, incl. some better as 203 etc.. + incomplete reconstruction of plate 172 (200 stamps); part various quality, cat. only as basic stamps £1.210, placed on special sheet, ONLY PERSONAL PICKUP
Starting price: CZK
236669 - 1864-1876 [COLLECTIONS]  PLATE RECONSTRUCTION / SG.43, 1P re
1864-1876 [COLLECTIONS] PLATE RECONSTRUCTION / SG.43, 1P red, complete to plates 71-225 (as always without plate 77), supplemented with 2P blue, plates 7, 8, 9, 12-15; various quality, higher catalogue, placed on special sheet, ONLY PERSONAL PICKUP
Starting price: CZK
236636 - 1858 [COLLECTIONS] SG.45, 47, 2P blue, complete reconstructi
1858 [COLLECTIONS] SG.45, 47, 2P blue, complete reconstruction of plate according to letters AA-TL, total 240 various stamps, various plates, incl. also better, i.a. plate 13 etc..; part various quality, cat. only as basic stamps £3.600, placed on special sheet, ONLY PERSONAL PICKUP
Starting price: CZK
236625 - 1870-1879 [COLLECTIONS]  PLATE RECONSTRUCTION / SG.48, 1P ro
1870-1879 [COLLECTIONS] PLATE RECONSTRUCTION / SG.48, 1P rose-carmine, complete set of 480 (!) stamps according to letters AA - AX - TA-TX, without distinction of plates, in addition supplemented with chosen plates 1, 3-6, 8-15, 19 and 20 (!!), various postmarks, shades, plates etc..; various quality, placed on special sheet, c.v.. £15.785++, ONLY PERSONAL PICKUP
Starting price: CZK
236655 - 1870-1874 [COLLECTIONS] PLATE RECONSTRUCTION / SG.51, 1½P r
1870-1874 [COLLECTIONS] PLATE RECONSTRUCTION / SG.51, 1½P rose-red, reconstruction of plate according to letters, total 136 stamps of various combinations of letters, various plates; some faults, thins, various quality, c.v.. £10.200, placed on special sheet, ONLY PERSONAL PICKUP
Starting price: CZK
236642 - 1883 [COLLECTIONS]  PLATE RECONSTRUCTION / SG.190, 2½P viol
1883 [COLLECTIONS] PLATE RECONSTRUCTION / SG.190, 2½P violet, complete set of 240 stamps according to combinations of letters AAAA - TLLT, several pieces with perfins, supplemented with 3 entires; various quality, c.v.. £4.890, ONLY PERSONAL PICKUP
Starting price: CZK
236650 - 1857 [COLLECTIONS]  PLATE RECONSTRUCTION / SG.66, 4P rose-ca
1857 [COLLECTIONS] PLATE RECONSTRUCTION / SG.66, 4P rose-carmine, wmk "Large Garter", selection of 239 stamps (!) including some center pieces with wide margins, so-called. wing margins, missing only 1 stamp to complete reconstruction, various postmarks; various quality, c.v.. £35.850+, placed on special sheet, ONLY PERSONAL PICKUP
Starting price: CZK
236662 - 1863 [COLLECTIONS]  PLATE RECONSTRUCTION / SG.80-82, 4P in v
1863 [COLLECTIONS] PLATE RECONSTRUCTION / SG.80-82, 4P in various shades, mainly with "hair lines" and Roman II (plate 4), wmk "Large Garter", total 146 stamps with various letters combinations , several pairs and "wing margins", postmarks etc..; various quality, cat. only as basic stamps £20.440, ONLY PERSONAL PICKUP
Starting price: CZK
236660 - 1867-1880 [COLLECTIONS] PLATE RECONSTRUCTION / SG.103, 3P ro
1867-1880 [COLLECTIONS] PLATE RECONSTRUCTION / SG.103, 3P rose, wmk "Spray of Rose", 180 stamps with various combinations of letters, various plates, several times also better plate 10, "wing margins", postmarks etc..; various quality, cat. only as basic stamps £10.800, placed on special sheet, ONLY PERSONAL PICKUP
Starting price: CZK
236666 - 1873-1880 [COLLECTIONS]  PLATE REKONSTRUCTION / selection of
1873-1880 [COLLECTIONS] PLATE REKONSTRUCTION / selection of 3 incomplete plate reconstructions of SG.139, 142 and 166, i.a. various postmarks, several pieces with perfins etc..; various quality, high catalogue value, on 3 special pages, ONLY PERSONAL PICKUP
Starting price: CZK
236652 - 1876 [COLLECTIONS] RECONSTRUCTION / SG.141, 2½P rose-violet
1876 [COLLECTIONS] RECONSTRUCTION / SG.141, 2½P rose-violet, wmk "Orb", complete set of 192 stamps (!), according to characters AAAA-LPPL, various plates, several pieces with perfins, various postmarks; various quality, c.v.. £16.320+, ONLY PERSONAL PICKUP
Starting price: CZK
236644 - 1880 [COLLECTIONS]  PLATE RECONSTRUCTION / SG.142, 2½P blue
1880 [COLLECTIONS] PLATE RECONSTRUCTION / SG.142, 2½P blue, complete 240 stamps according to letters combinations characters AAAA - LTTL, several pieces with perfins; various quality, c.v.. £13.200+, ONLY PERSONAL PICKUP
Starting price: CZK
236671 - 1864- [COLLECTIONS]  POSTMARKS / interesting selection of Lo
1864- [COLLECTIONS] POSTMARKS / interesting selection of London postmarks on 5 special pages with, mainly on stamps SG.43, etc..; various quality, ONLY PERSONAL PICKUP
Starting price: CZK
236714 - 1840-1890 [COLLECTIONS]  interesting specialized collection
1840-1890 [COLLECTIONS] interesting specialized collection on more than 60 pages with descriptions, contains i.a., 5x Penny Black, 3x Two Pence Blue 1840, then various postmarks, also several times cancel. Maltesse Cross with numerals on issue 1841, inverted wmk, "Ivory Heads", several strips etc..; high catalogue value, various quality, better pieces viewing of quality recommended (margins, thin places etc.), after all interesting
Starting price: CZK
238421 - 1840-1992 [COLLECTIONS]  collection on pages Schaubek in spi
1840-1992 [COLLECTIONS] collection on pages Schaubek in spiral folder, i.a. solid Penny Black, then Victoria 5Sh, Edward VII. 5Sh 1902 etc.., George VI. 1939 to 10Sh used, from issue Elizabeth II. mainly unused; various quality
Starting price: CZK
236864 - 1960-1975 [COLLECTIONS]  GUERNSEY, JERSEY, ISLE OF MAN / col
1960-1975 [COLLECTIONS] GUERNSEY, JERSEY, ISLE OF MAN / collection on more than 60 hingeless pages Lindner in spiral folder, many sets, motives, miniature sheets, joined printings etc..; interesting
Starting price: CZK
238429 - 1870-1990 [COLLECTIONS]  ACCUMULATION / mainly used stamps i
1870-1990 [COLLECTIONS] ACCUMULATION / mainly used stamps in 20 large variously full stockbooks in IKEA box, mostly duplication from modern period, various countries as Netherlands, Yugoslavia, Spain, Vatican City, France, Greece, Switzerland, USSR, Sweden, Belgium etc.., in addition supplemented with old album "Postage Stamps Album" with various foreign countries; various quality, ONLY PERSONAL PICKUP
Starting price: CZK
237902 - 1880-1930 [COLLECTIONS]  ACCUMULATION / mixed selection of m
1880-1930 [COLLECTIONS] ACCUMULATION / mixed selection of mint / used sets in small notebooks, folders etc. i.a. more interesting inter-war Poland etc..; various quality
Starting price: CZK
237920 - 1850-1960 [COLLECTIONS]   / GERMANY, AUSTRIA, FRANCE, select
1850-1960 [COLLECTIONS] / GERMANY, AUSTRIA, FRANCE, selection of various entires mainly from 1930-1955, part as Registered, censorship, commemorative postmarks, machine slogan pmk, field post etc.., mainly to Bohemia; various quality
Starting price: CZK
237995 - 1900-1960 [COLLECTIONS]  ENTIRES / AUSTRIA, Bosnia and Herze
1900-1960 [COLLECTIONS] ENTIRES / AUSTRIA, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Czechoslovakia, BOHEMIA-MORAVIA, mix of entires European countries, contains i.a. entires Austria, 2x p.stat sent by Prague pneumatic tube post, reg letters, Austria, Bulgaria, Italy, Sweden, uprated PC addressed to Czechoslovakia, postcard, commemorative sheets.; various quality
Starting price: CZK
236118 - 1885-1926 [COLLECTIONS]  old collection on 6 pages Schaubek,
1885-1926 [COLLECTIONS] old collection on 6 pages Schaubek, contains part of overprint sets Allegory, then complete set Allegory Mi.46-58, 59-66, then 73-89, postage-due, parcel and oths.; overall fine, first hinges, c.v.. more than 1.000€
Starting price: CZK
238438 - 1857-1970 [COLLECTIONS]  small incomplete collection on page
1857-1970 [COLLECTIONS] small incomplete collection on pages Scott, some classics, part issue Trans-Missipi and Columbus, several miniature sheets etc.., in addition supplemented with stockbook with FDC; various quality
Starting price: CZK
239217 - 1931-1939 [COLLECTIONS]  small collection on 14 pages Scott
1931-1939 [COLLECTIONS] small collection on 14 pages Scott in stockbook, various sets; mainly mint never hinged
Starting price: CZK