1912 INDENPENDANCE ALBANAISE 1912 / comp. 5 complete unfolded 50 imperforated sheets of 50; cigarette paper without gum, some folds in margins, otherwise fine
1962 Mi.673-676, 678-681, Bl.11-Bl.14, World Championship in football I 1L-15L, incl. miniature sheet 20L + World Championship in football II 1L-15L, incl. miniature sheet 20L + souvenir sheets Europe I and II; mint never hinged, sought, c.v.. 205€
1849-2009 [COLLECTIONS] small collection of mainly used stamps from the first issue "Epaullete", contains various issue, special, postage-due, railway, parcel, telegraph etc., also several miniature sheets, placed in stockbook A4, supplemented with collection of unused stamps from 1965-1986 on album sheets in screw folder; various quality
1930-2000[COLLECTIONS] ACCUMULATION / MINIATURE SHEETS / accumulation of miniature sheets in two full stockbooks A4 (20 and 12-pages), from Mi.Bl.1, often more times, part with special postmark etc..; to 1945 mainly with minor faults, minor gum fault and hinged, most of stamps from miniature sheets however MNH (!), high catalogue value, suitable for dealer stock, we advice examination, attractive lot!
1933 ZEPPELIN / 2. SÜDAMERIKAFAHRT / ZULEITUNG / Reg card 1Leva uprated with airmail sets 1L-50L, from Sofia through Berlin and Friedrichshafen to Brazil; arrival postmark PERNAMBUCO 6. VI. 33, very fine, c.v.. Sieger 450€ + 110€
1882-1994 [COLLECTIONS] small collection of mainly used stamps, contains i.a. souvenir sheets Mi.Bl.1 and Bl.4; placed on pages in spiral stockbook and 6 individual pages with duplication in folder, various quality
1943-1962 [COLLECTIONS] collection in two smaller spring folders, contains complete sets, from better i.a. Mi.593-595, 731-737, miniature sheet Bl.4, 6 etc.., supplemented with about several classic stamps and i.a. airmail set Mi.249-251 *
1929 Reg and airmail letter to Switzerland franked with complete airmail issues Mi.143-144 (value 15Ore 2x), CDS COPENHAGEN 26.9.29, arrival BERNE; good condition, only as used stamps 165€
1851-1989 [COLLECTIONS] small collection of mainly used stamps placed on sheets, from Mi.1, then for example Mi.144-145, special, postage-due, officials etc.; without better values, various quality
1938-1942 RHODOS / selection of 2 air-mail letters, addressed 1x to Switzerland and 1x to Sweden, with Mi.22, 23, 133, CDS POSTA AREA RODI 29.7.38 and CDS SIMI 28.10.42; Italian censorship; good condition
1937 Reg letter sent in the place, franked with imperforated stamps Mi.32-35, 37-39, CDS TARTU-VAKSAL 4.III.37, on reverse arrival postmark TARTU 5.III.37; good condition
1871 money letter with Ceres 80C in vertical str-of-3 + 1x 10C, posting, transit and arrival postmarks, line CHARGÉ; only horiz. bend out of stamp., overall good condition
1921-1926 SELECTION / 10 entires sent to Czechoslovakia, from that 7 as Registered, various frankings issues Merson, Sower etc.., 1x card for telegram etc..; as multiple interesting
1914 ALEXANDRIA / complete uprated letter-card Allegory 25C to Prague, uprated with stamp Allegory 10C and 15C, CDS ALEXANDRIA 27.MARS.14, arrival postmark PRAGUE 3.IV.14; very fine and rare p.stat!
1916 ILE ROUAD / French occupation, Mi.1-3, stamps of French Levant 5C, 10C and 1Pia/25C with overprint ILE ROUAD, on field post card; very fine, c.v.. 900€
1978-1988 [COLLECTIONS] collection ca. 100 memorial /special prints with print issued stamps with mounted stamps and special postmarks with description, placed in three spiral covers
1863-1959 [COLLECTIONS] ENTIRES/ selection of 30 various entires from classic to modern period, part addressed to Czechoslovakia, as Registered or airmail, surtax, various franking; various quality
1952-1999 [COLLECTIONS] STAMP BOOKLETS / collection ca. 70 booklets, contains i.a. booklet Red Cross 1952 with 10 pcs of Mi.956 and other better booklets Red Cross from 1950´s + also with collection ca. 150 private and other booklets and 2 complete 50 counter sheet PHILEXFRANCE ´89, Mi.2661 and rozpůlený 50 pcs of counter sheet Marianna with additional-printing PHILEXFRANCE ´89, Mi.2510AIZf
1921-1927 SG.94+94a, George V. 2½P blue, block of four, left bottom stamp with printing error - large numera "2"; hinged only onupper pair, c.v.. £725++