Public Auction 69 / Exclusive items
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1860 GOVERNO PROVVISORIO / Sass.20, Coat of arms 20C blue; very fine unused piece with original gum, certificate Cardillo, c.v.. 32.000€, very rare stamp U:DR
1863 PROVINCE NAPOLETANE / UNISSUED / Sass.2, Victor Emmanuel II. 10C "terra d´ombra", used piece on small cut-square with CDS PISA 14.OTT.63; very fine, with certificate Oliva, c.v.. 140.000€+, important Italian rarity! U:DR
1859 GOVERNO PROVVISORIO / Sass.13, Postage STATI PARMENSI 5C greenyellow with CDS PARMA; very fine with certificate Oliva, exp. Bühler, c.v.. 70.000€, sought! U:DR
1941 ITHAKA / Sass. POSTA AEREA No. 14, 2x Greek airmail 1/2+1/2 carmine with horiz. overprint "Occupatione Militare Italiana Isole Cefalonia e Itaca"; very fine, certificate Biondi, c.v.. 45.000€, scarce! U:DR
1941 CEFALONIA and ITHAKA / Sass.39, Greek Mythology 15D green with hand-made overprint "Occupazione Militare Italiana .....", mint never hinged, certificate Biondi, c.v.. 26.000€, very rare stamp, rare offer! U:DR
1943 MONTENEGRO / Mi.10-19, Airmails 25C - 10L, complete and very fine set; exp. and certificates Krischke, c.v.. 8.500€, rare U:DR
1851 Ferch.7, YELLOW MERCURY 6 Kreuzer, cancel. KLAGENFURT 21.5.; superb example with wide margins and without usual faults, lower wide margin 2mm, certificate Kopřiva, signed Kovařík, rare offer, scarce U:DR
1851 Ferch.8, ROSE MERCURY 30Kr with CDS ZEITUNGSEXPED. WIEN 11/12(?), type Ib, full margins; very fine piece with certificate Kopřiva, Ferchenbauer. 17.500€, Mi. 18.000€, scarce U:DR
1858-1859 Newspaper revenue stamp ANK.LV1a, Sass.2, Coat of arms 1 Kr black; VF, with original gum, certificate Moscadelli, exp. G. Fulpius (1886–1955) and Oliva, cat. Sassone 14.000€, very rare stamp U:A5
1840 SG.2, PENNY BLACK black, plate 6, letters J-L; superb with large part original gum, certificate BPA, c.v.. £13.500, scarce U:DR
1840 SG.2, Spec.AS15tk, PENNY BLACK black, plate 2, letters B-I on letter from Sunday (!) 31. May 1840, cancel. black Maltese cross and red round MY.31.1840; wide margins, c.v.. £10.000, rare U:DR
1920 SG.144var, "Badge of Colony" 30C with RED OVERPRINT TWO CENTS; see. note. in SG. below number 147; very fine, certificate RPSL, c.v.. £1.300; rare stamp U:DR
1930 SG.191, Caribou 36C green with overprint TRANS- ATLANTIC AIR MAIL .... FIFTY CENTS; VF, certificate FEC, signature H. Bloch; c.v.. £6000, Scott. $9000, scarce! U:DR
1927 SG.S5, SPECIAL DELIVERY 20C orange, 3 superb pairs, imperforated, OMITTEDperforation horiz. and vertical, c.v.. £1.140, c.v.. Unitrade $1.500 U:DR
1846 POSTMASTER PROVISIONAL / BRATTLEBORO - Scott.5XI, Mi.1, 5 CENTS; very fine piece with certificate Philatelic Foundation, c.v.. $.7.500, Mi.12.000€, scarce! U:DR
1861 WELLS, FARGO & CO. / Sc.143LP1, Express stamp "To Be Dropped in New York Post Office"; certificate Philatelic Foundation New York, Scott -,-, scarce! U:A5
1930 ZEPPELIN / SÜDAMERIKAFAHRT, Sie.64, letter "roundflight" NEW YORK APR.24, FRIEDRICHSHAFEN, LAKERHURST MAY 31, franked with block of 4 Zeppelin 65C (Mi.326); VF, c.v. Sieger only used block of four 1.350€, for letter " - . -, rare U:DR
1880 Mi.34, ESCUELAS, Bolivar 25R postally fiscal stamp; light fold otherwise F-VF, with part original gum, certificate Eichele, c.v.. 5.000€, signed F. De C. - Francis De Coppet, scarce stamp! U:DR
1937 SG.F1, postally fiscal George V. 12Sh6P "REVENUE&REVENUE" with cancel. ST.GEORGES; very fine piece with certificate Brandon, c.v.. £1.500, rare stamp! U:DR
1862 SG.10, Victoria 1P rose-red, perforation. "11 to 12½ x 14 to 16", fine piece, exp. Herbert Bloch, c.v.. £6.000, scarce U:DR
1881 SG.41, overprint Victoria 2½P / 1Sh dark blue; very fine piece with part original gum, certificate BPA London, c.v.. £15.000, important rarity! U:DR
1907 SG.33, Edward VII. 50R grey / red brown, wmk Mult Crown CA; sought high face-value with part original gum, c.v.. £2.750, very rare stamp U:A5
1895 BRITISH INLAND MAIL / letter to England, with SG.58, Malagasy Runners 4P rose and stamp of Natal Victoria 2½P, single-circle violet cancel. BRITISH MAIL 23.AUG.95 ANTANARIVO and CDS, on reverse arrival postmark ENGIELD OC.21/95; very fine and scarce cover, cat. Gibbons £1.950++ U:DR
1897-1900 SG.35a, Victoria 1.50R with plate variety - REPAIRED "S"; very fine piece, c.v.. £800, rare! U:A5
1896 SG.53, Cowries 100c V.96.R violet; F-VF, certificate RPSL, c.v.. £1.500, rare U:DR
1895-1896 SG.3l, overprint indian Victoria ½A bloue-gree with rare printing error of overprint ZANZIBÄR (Diaeresis); very fine piece with certificate RPSL, c.v.. £2.000, scarce U:DR
1891 SG.50var, Victoria OIL RIVERS 1Sh black, Unissued, WITHOUT OVERPRINT NIGER COAST; VF, c.v.. doesn't report, rare U:DR
1915 ANGLO-FRENCH OCCUPATION / SG.H29, Yv.54, Emperor´s Yacht 3Pf brown with overprint TOGO ANGLO-FRENCH OCCUPATION with CDS LOME; VF, with certificate Scheller and Eichele, printing only 50 pieces, c.v.. £3.000, Yv.6.500€, rare stamp U:DR
1915 ANGLO-FRENCH OCCUPATION / SG.H32, Yv.57, Mi.19, Emperor´s Yacht 20Pf ultramarine with overprint TOGO ANGLO-FRENCH OCCUPATION; very fine piece with certificate Scheller, exp. Bothe, c.v.. £1.800, Yv.3.700€, rare U:DR
1888-1889 SG.9, Yv.9, Allegory 10 with overprint 25 (C); without gum, very fine and rare stamp with certificate RPSL, c.v.. * 8.000€ U:DR
1891-1895 SG.15, Coat of arms £2 rose-red overprint B.C.A.; very fine and rare stamp with original gum, certificate BPA signature Robson Lowe, c.v.. £1500 U:A5
1891-1895 SG.16, Coat of arms £5 sage-green overprint B.C.A.; original gum, overall nice piece, exp. J. Bernichon / Paris, c.v.. £2.000 U:DR
1895 SG.31, BCA Coat of arms £25 black / blue-green; without gum, with certificate BPA, c.v.. £16.000, ex. Gerald Simpson Collection (Sotheby 1982), scarce U:DR
1913-1921 SG.99e, George V. £10 purple / royal blue; VF, c.v.. £4.500 + 75%, scarce U:DR
1894 SG.T1-T3, MATABELELAND 2Sh6P, 5Sh and 10Sh in strip-of-3 (!) "with tenant strip of 3", c.v.. £3.500 U:DR
1868 SG.7b, overprint Victoria 1P/6P lake, imperforated; very fine piece with original gum, certificate BPA London and signed H. Bloch, c.v.. £3.000, rare U:DR
1961 SG.65a, Elizabeth II. "Landscape" ½C / ½P, INVERTED OVERPRINT; luxury piece with certificate Sismondo, c.v.. £1.900 U:DR
1961 SG.66a, Elizabeth II. "Landscape" 1C / 1P, DOUBLE OVERPRINT; luxury piece with certificate Sismondo, c.v.. £2.250 U:DR
1961 SG.73a, Elizabeth II. "Landscape" 10C / 1Sh, DOUBLE OVERPRINT; VF, with certificate Sismondo, c.v.. £2.500, rare U:DR
1915 SG.39, Brit. occupation, block of four 3P GRI on German colonial Reg labels MANUS; VF, certificate Holcombe, c.v.. £1.950++, rare multiple U:DR
1916 SG.18a, English George V. Seahorse 10Sh indigo-blue with DOUBLE overprint NAURU, 1x albino; very fine, with certificate Brandon, c.v.. £13.000, scarce stamp! U:DR
1947 Bahawalpur SG.16, George VI. 5Rs of India with overprint "crescent"; very fine piece with certificate BPA, c.v.. £4.750, scarce U:DR
1908 SG.12b, Crown - Labuan with overprint BRUNEI TWO CENTS - "TWO CENTS" DOUBLE; very fine piece, certificate BPA, c.v.. £5.000, rare U:DR
1921-1933 SG.240d, KG V. $500 purple / orange-brown with sheet margin at top, wmk Multiple Script CA; superb piece with fresh color, certificate Oliva, exp. Alberto Diena, c.v.. £75.000 (!), major rarity, exraordinary offer! U:DR
1921 SG.45, Suleiman $25 purple/ blue; superb example with original gum, lightly hinged, certificate Holcombe, exp. Enzo Diena, c.v.. £1.400 U:DR
Pof.A360/362 production flaw, Kosice MS with production flaw - 4 white big rings in value 6 Koruna blue - SEDMIKRÁSKA (see sken No. 3); below year partially out fallen chip of wood paper, otherwise very nice quality, exceedingly sought significant defect, rare offer! U:A5
1945 Pof.A435 production flaw, miniature sheet May 4+6Kčs, plate S with very sought variant - WITHOUT POMLČKY between y.; mint never hinged, only small spot, quite minimum usage, on request exp. labour! U:A5
1951 Pof.M578N, International Women's Day 1,50Kčs black-green, imperforated 4-stamps. horiz. MEZIARŠÍ; mint never hinged, signs of storage, small thin place, viewing of quality recommended, c.v.. 21.000CZK U:A5
1951 Pof.TL594, Smetana 1,50CZK green-gray, whole undetached printing sheet with one zoubkovaným blk-of-10 on paper for both PB; without hints of label, minor gum fault - in L corner hints after sticking, sporadically then neznatelně; overall but nice quality without usual thin place (!), very rare, quite rare occurrence! U:DR
1951 Pof.TL L34, Spa 10Kčs purple-red, whole printing sheet with two neoddělenými perf blk-of-10; mint never hinged in very nice quality, in this status minimum usage, sought and rare! U:DR
1951 Pof.L33Ms(4), Spa 6Kčs green, 4-stamps. vert. gutter, with perf and margin; superb, c.v.. significantly misvalues, rare occurrence! U:A5
1996 Pof.118 production flaw, Klasicismus 4CZK, right upper corner vertical strip of 3 with production flaw 1 - significant shift name state up by/on/at upper 2 stamp. (thin/light print red color) and production flaw 2 - quite missing name state by/on/at the bottom stamp.; mint never hinged, exceptional usage both c.v.. production flaw in/at one whole! U:A5
1916-1919 POSTAGE STAMPS / VELKÝ FORMÁT / ANK.200IU-203IzU, 2-PÁSKY Coat of arms 2K-10K dark, high size, imperforated; superb, c.v.. 3.600€++, extraordinary offer! U:DR
1918 AIRMAIL STAMPS / ANK.4D, UNISSUED 10K without overprint FLUGPOST 7K, imperforated with plate number II. (!); superb, label only on edge, certificate Soecknick, c.v.. 2.000€ + ca. 200% after/behind plate number, rarity from Viennese postal archívu and unrepeatable offer! U:DR
Pof.7b, 15h red, pos. 10/1; mint never hinged, certificate and exp. Vrba, very rare and sought stamp! U:A5
Pof.13Na, 30h dark violet; mint never hinged, close margins, exp. by Gilbert and Vrba U:A5
Pof.25 IIp/IIs, 500h brown with rare PŘÍČKOVÝM subtype IIa, pos. 46/2; superb intaktní piece, Vrba certificate, extraordinary offer hledaného bar type, missing also in/at greatest collections! U:DR
Pof.10Mp(2), 25h blue, vertical opposite facing 2-stamps gutter., folded; lightly hinged, exp. by Gilbert., sought U:A5
Pof.7H joined spiral types, 15h bricky red, the bottom horiz. marginal Pr with control-numbers, line perforation 13¾ : 10¾, spiral types combination (!), spiral type I on pos. 92/1; mint never hinged, Vrba certificate, exp. Kraus, quite rare offer spojeného spiral type in vzácném perf, item to greatest specializovaných collections! U:DR
PLATE PROOF refused design/sketch on/for stamp 10h HRADČANY-issue, supplemented with about/by coats of arms Čech/Bohem, Moravia Silesia and Slovakia, dřevorytový joined printing in 2 various velikostech in light brown color on white paper originally without gum, author Jindra Schmidt; label only in the middle, very nice quality, rare offer rare refused design/sketch, ex. Wilhelms! U:DR