Public Auction 69 / Philately / Occupations / Hungarian Occupation

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226808 - 1943 Benne bizzatok! (Věříme mu!) color propaganda Ppc wi
1943 Benne bizzatok! (Věříme mu!) color propaganda Ppc with siluetou soldier and Hungarian emblem / symbol, signed Légrády Sándor 1943, 3x print special cancel. KASSA HAZATÉRT and circular cancel. Košice-issue exhibition of stamps CASSOVIA BÉLYEGKIÁLLITASA; Un, good condition
Starting price: CZK
U:A5 | AUTOTRANS (?)Translation request
230838 - 1939-1944 [COLLECTIONS]  COMMEMORATIVE POSTMARKS / collectio
1939-1944 [COLLECTIONS] COMMEMORATIVE POSTMARKS / collection 70 pcs of entires with special and propagandistic postmarks from Hungarian occupation Slovakia and Carpathian Ruthenia as VISSZATÉRT and other from Carpathian Ruthenia i.a. MUNKÁCS / ZRINYI ILONA, contains 55 pcs of letters, p.stat and Ppc, supplemented with 15 pcs of cut-squares with postmarks, part Us, mixed franking Czechosl. and Hungarian stamp., promotional Ppc etc.., placed on pages A4 with descriptions, mapkami and several sheets studijních texts; placed in spiral stockbook, valuable collection with much interesting data in/at popisech, ex Bulant
Starting price: CZK

Public Auction 69 / Philately / Occupations / Hungarian Occupation - Information

Po Mnichovské dohodě bylo 2. 11. 1938 dovršeno jednání mezi Česko-slovenskem a Německem o odstoupení jižních částí Slovenska a Podkarpatské Rusi hortyovskému Maďarsku - První vídeňská arbitráž.