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1926 MUCHA Alfons (1860–1939), comp. 2 pcs of Ppc, 1x VIII. Sokol festival (very fine) + 1x Blessed milosrdní... (wrinkled corners); both Un U:A5
1928 MUCHA Alfons (1860–1939), The Slav Epic, Exhibition 1928 (Weill.163), large format; Un, very good condition U:A5
1910 DRTIKOL Francis / SOKOL / Světlonoši, line 5 pcs of Ppc with various figurami cvičenců on/for kolmém ladder near/in/at festival district Středočeské on/for Královské Vinohradech, lined letterprint, author photos F. Drtikol, print Štorkán and Jaroš, Prague - Žižkov; only 1x Us, good condition U:A5
1911 DRTIKOL Francis / SOKOL / Rytmika in/at širé přírodě, training/exercise falcon Žižkovského, comp. 8 pcs of Ppc various issue and shades, lined letterprint, author photos F. Drtikol, print Štorkán and Jaroš, Prague - Žižkov; only 1x Us, good condition U:A5
1914 DRTIKOL Francis / SOKOL / Play on/for koníčky according to Delacroze, training/exercise falcon Žižkovského, comp. 8 pcs of Ppc various issue and shades, lined letterprint, author photos F. Drtikol, print Štorkán and Jaroš, Prague - Žižkov; all Un, good condition U:A5
HABSBURKOVÉ / comp. 5 pcs of photo postcard zachycujících Franz Joseph I. and other members of family; Un, 1x spots, otherwise perfect condition U:A5
1910? AUTOMOBILISMUS / photo postacard military car with company in/at landscape; on reverse hints of adjustaci, overall good condition U:A5
1930? MUSSOLINI Benito (1883–1945), comp. of 2 Ppc, atypical atelier portraits, 1x with facsimile signature; very fine and rare! U:A5
1939 A. Hlinka, J.Tiso, comp. 9 pcs of propagandistic Ppc, 8x Ppc big also small format A. Hlinka - Vodca Slovak nation from that 1x photo, 1x J.Tiso - prvý president Slovak republic, Us with special postmark mobile post office on a bus; mainly Un with special postmark, good condition U:A5
1939 Andrew Hlinka - Národe moj, pre teba som žil, trpel a zomrel..., propaganda Ppc with portrait A. Hlinky in circle in background dvojitého cross and lidovými motives with reproduction signature, sign. V. Hochštenský, color, large format, franked with., but Un with blue PR17; only little wrinkled corners, sought! U:A5
1939 DER SCHÖPFER DES GROSSDEUTSCHEN REICHES / propaganda Ppc, A. Hitler. with map Germany, Us, on reverse print special postmark; preserved U:A5
1939 Dr. Jozef Tiso, propaganda Ppc with portrait president in circle and lidovými motives, with text Prvý prezident Slovenskej republiky, color, large format, Un with 3 print PR16, PR17, PR18; very good condition, sought! U:A5
1939 Na stráž! - Hlinka, Tiso, Štefánik, Rázus, propaganda Ppc with picture border Slovakia with double cross, sign. I.V. Hochštenský, color, large format, Un with blue PR17; very fine, sought! U:A5
1939-1940 Tiso, Hlinka, Na stráž!, A. Hlinka sa zaslúžil about/by Slovak nation!, comp. 4 pcs of propagandistic Ppc big format, all sPR, 2x Us; good condition U:A5
1940 Dr. Jozef Tiso - Prvý prezident Slovenskej republiky, propaganda Ppc with portrait president and pochodujícími soldiers, sign. I.V. Hochštenský, color, large format, Un with orange PP22; good condition, sought! U:A5
1940 Hej svitol deň! - trhač manacles with sluncem and dvojramenným cross; color, large format, Un with 4 print oranžového cancel. PRA12; only little wrinkled corners, sought! U:A5
1940 M.R. Štefánik - 1919-1940, Slovak propaganda, portrait with lidovými ornaments, Slovak emblem and memorial, author I.V. Hochštenský, later issue, color, large format, Un with PRA42; good condition, sought U:A5
1940 Na stráž!, soldiers Hlinka Guard with flag and Slovak emblem, color, large format, franked with., but Un with orange PR37; good condition, sought! U:A5
1940-1945 A. HITLER / Ainsi passe la gloire, French color lithographic postcard karikující A. Hitler., Un; very fine U:A5
1950-1964 comp. of 3 propagandistic Ppc, K. Gottwald as truhlářský učeň in Vienna, Chruščov in/at rodinném circle and Chruščov and Novotný near/in/at ceremonial jízdě Prague U:A5
cca 1910 BRNO / John Tichý - construction, galanterní and ornamentní klempířství, advertising třízáběrová B/W postcard with views to dílen plant/race, Un; very fine U:A5
1908-1915 COINS, MEDALS, FR. JOSEPH I. / comp. 3 pcs of mincovních embossed Ppc with portrait Franz Joseph I. + 3-piece postcard with picture Austria-Hungary medal; Un, good condition U:A5
1927 Workers' Olympiad in Prague - 1927, comp. 8 pcs of photo postcard with views cvičenců in/at ceremonial procession, photo Posselt - Smíchov, small format, Un; good condition U:A5
1900-1948 [COLLECTIONS] SOKOL / big collection containing stovky Ppc, advertising labels, documents, stužek, identity-card and other Sokol artefaktů, all on exhibit sheets A4 with descriptions in 7 spiral cover, chronologické řazení according to period Začátek war, Sokolové after/behind WWI., Válka about/by border 1918-1919, Regionální aktivity Sokol in Bohemia and in Moravia according to towns alphabetically, Sokol in Prague, lot of very graphically interesting Ppc Sokol festivals, autentic photo postcard cvičenců from various places, postcard Sokoloven, several interesting topographical Ppc, letters, diplomy, documents from various Sokol žup etc..; postcard mainly in good quality, 20kg of material in/at Ikea box, rare multiple on/for this theme, ATTENTION, ONLY PERSONAL PICKUP! U:IK
1940 FOOTBALL / SLOVAKIA I. Slovak športové games, medzištátný futbalový match Nemecko - Slovakia / Slovak national football team, B/W, large format, franked with. but Un, 2x print PP38 BRATISLAVA/ MOBILE POST OFF. (BUS)/ 15.IX.40/ I. Slovak športové games; very fine, rare occurrence! U:A5
1939 FOOTBALL / SLOVAKIA Slovak national team in/at football from year 1939, 2x postal imprint mobile post-office (on a bus) PP10, BRATISLAVA 27.VIII.39/ FUTBALOVÉ STRETNUTIE SLOVAKIA - GERMAN, Slovaks vyhráli 2:0, large format, very fine, rare U:A5
1905 SOKOL / Exhibition in/at Hodonín, postcard on veneer, long address, Us; good condition U:A5
1910-1940 [COLLECTIONS] MOTIVE - various společenské event/-s, agriculture, costume, musical kapely, clothing, hats, strollers, agricultural machine, group photo personnel firm etc.., total 94 pcs of Ppc with various motives, part photo postcard; mainly in very good status U:Z