Public Auction 69 / Autographs

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239169 - 1793 DE MÉAN ET DE BEAURIEUX François Antoine Mary Constan
1793 DE MÉAN ET DE BEAURIEUX François Antoine Mary Constantin (1758-1831), archbishop Mechelenu and bishop Liège, handwritten 3-stránkový letter signed "L´Evêque et Prince de Liège" addressed to to Brussels on/for vikomtesu Charlottu de Dam, překládaný sheet paper incl. envelope/-s with seal; nice good condition
Starting price: CZK
238712 - 1923 FERDINAND I. BULHARSKÝ (1861-1948), Bulgarian tsar 190
1923 FERDINAND I. BULHARSKÝ (1861-1948), Bulgarian tsar 1908-1918 of the House of Coburgů, handwritten written 3-stránkový text with signature, on paper with embossed heading bulharského tzar, interesting text; good condition, rare
Starting price: CZK
237472 - 1655 PHILIP IV. KING OF SPAIN (1605-1665), King Spanish and
1655 PHILIP IV. KING OF SPAIN (1605-1665), King Spanish and as Philip III. also King portugalský, neapolský and sicilský, autograph in form of "Yo el Rey" ("Já, King" - conforms tehdejšímu ceremoniálu Spanish dvora) on document, which/what King povoluje panu Diegu de Luxan, členu rytířského military order from Calatravy, šperky and pestrobarevné oděvy in/at rozporu with regulemi order (Order exists dodnes and his velmistrem is contemporary Spanish King); signs of age, after all exceedingly rare, document/-s with faleristickým kontextem from 17. stol. practically don't occur in the market!
Starting price: CZK
237507 - 1864 FRANZ JOSEPH I. (1830-1916), Austrian emperor, Czech an
1864 FRANZ JOSEPH I. (1830-1916), Austrian emperor, Czech and Hungarian King; handwritten 15-řádkový letter with signature, including card with transcription of whole text; horiz. folded, perfect condition, pozoruhodný document, complete rukopisy Franz Joseph I. occur quite rarely!
Starting price: CZK
237469 - 1840 FRIDRICH WILLIAM IV. (1795-1861), Prussian King, son Ki
1840 FRIDRICH WILLIAM IV. (1795-1861), Prussian King, son King Fridricha William III., autograph on funeral letter; dusky bands in margin, nevýrazně folded, sought and rare!
Starting price: CZK
237511 - 1820 CHOTEK Z CHOTKOVA Charles (1783-1868), Austrian úředn
1820 CHOTEK Z CHOTKOVA Charles (1783-1868), Austrian úředník, guvernér tyrolský and last the highest purkrabí Czech kingdom, autograph on folded letter with personal seal addressed on/for Carl Hussa (1761-1838, chebský c.v. and collector, kustod Metternichových collections on/for castle Kynžvart), including card with transcription part/-s text, which/what with týká Hussových collections; very fine, exceptional document!
Starting price: CZK
238705 - 1981 OTTO VON HABSBURG (1912-2011), son last Austrian empero
1981 OTTO VON HABSBURG (1912-2011), son last Austrian emperor Charles I. and Zity Bourbonsko-Parmské; signature on heading strojopisném letter; perfect condition, sought
Starting price: CZK
237512 - 1590 RUDOLF II. (1576–1611), Roman emperor, Czech and Hung
1590 RUDOLF II. (1576–1611), Roman emperor, Czech and Hungarian King, autograph on German psaném posélacím sheet - misivu in věci penze Andrease Altmanna (působil as Hofzimmermans, povýšen to šlechtického status year 1592) addressed on/for Albrechta zu Globen von Pochlowitz (Kynšperk n./O.), manager downward in/at Jáchymově, then attached i.a. also signature Humprechta Czernina from Chudenic (1525-1601, imperial council, knight Order golden rouna, hejtman Prague castle and podkomoří), caused by in Prague 12. 9. 1590, folded sheet with filigránem, decorative titulatura and preserved imperial seal with papírovým krytem; in/at folds sporadically torn or worn through, sporadically underglued, after all very rare, stěží repeatable offer!
Starting price: CZK
237454 -  SIMEON II. (*1937), Bulgarian politician, former Bulgarian
SIMEON II. (*1937), Bulgarian politician, former Bulgarian tsar and prime minister, comp. of 2 vlastnoručních signatures on photograph and paper slip; very fine
Starting price: CZK
237456 -  STÉPHANIE MONACKÁ (*1965), princess monacká, daughter pr
STÉPHANIE MONACKÁ (*1965), princess monacká, daughter prince Rainiera III. and Grace Kelly, sister prince Alberta II., songstress, modelka and návrhářka, autograph on portrait photograph; very good condition
Starting price: CZK
237487 - 1940 VIKTOR EMANUEL III. (1869-1947), King Italian, habešsk
1940 VIKTOR EMANUEL III. (1869-1947), King Italian, habešský and albánský, autograph on official document with heading "Vittorio Emanuel III, per grazia di Dio e per volonta della nazione Re d´Italia e di Albania, imperatore d´Etiopia"; horiz. fold, very fine
Starting price: CZK
237475 -  ALBRIGHTOVÁ Madeleine (1937-2022), American diplomatka and
ALBRIGHTOVÁ Madeleine (1937-2022), American diplomatka and politička, in years 1997–2001 ministryně abroad USA, comp. 4 pcs of vlastnoručních signatures on/for portrait fotografiích; 1x nevýrazný bend, otherwise very fine
Starting price: CZK
237460 - 1636 BANÉR Johan Gustafsson (1596-1641), Swedish vojevůdce
1636 BANÉR Johan Gustafsson (1596-1641), Swedish vojevůdce after/behind třicetileté war, head commander švédského army in Saint empire římské, year 1639 vpadl with army to Bohemia, autograph on cut-square; on paper slip, good condition, very rare and sought
Starting price: CZK
238706 - 1908 BENEŠ Edward (1884–1948), other Czechosl. president
1908 BENEŠ Edward (1884–1948), other Czechosl. president and foreign minister; handwritten in Czech written víceřádkový text on Ppc addressed to on/for his future manželku Hanu Vlčkovou to Berlin, with which/what with seznámil near/in/at studiích in Paris; rukopisy from early period life E. Beneš are rare, perfect condition
Starting price: CZK
238416 -  BERAN Rudolf (1887-1954), Czech agrární politician, chair
BERAN Rudolf (1887-1954), Czech agrární politician, chairman Agrarian side/party and Czechoslovak ministerial chairman, autograph on cut-square letter, on exponátovém sheet; very fine, signatures ministrů II. republic are very rare!
Starting price: CZK
238422 -  BERTSCH Walter (1900-1952), empire Němec, member NSDAP and
BERTSCH Walter (1900-1952), empire Němec, member NSDAP and SS, minister economy and work Protectorate Bohemia and Moravia, autograph on cut-square letter, on exponátovém sheet, very fine, Bohemian and Moravian ministři and government representatives are very hledaní!
Starting price: CZK
238420 -  BIENERT Richard (1881-1949), Austro-Hungarian, Czechoslovak
BIENERT Richard (1881-1949), Austro-Hungarian, Czechoslovak and Czech lawyer, state úředník and politician, after/behind Protectorate Prime Minister and minister of Internal Affairs, autograph on cut-square letter, on exponátovém sheet; very fine, Bohemian and Moravian ministři and government representatives are very hledaní!
Starting price: CZK
239156 - 1934 BISKUPOVÉ KRÁLOVÉHRADEČTÍ / KAŠPAR Charles (1870-
1934 BISKUPOVÉ KRÁLOVÉHRADEČTÍ / KAŠPAR Charles (1870-1944), Czech duchovní, i.a. 21. bishop královéhradecký + PÍCHA Mořic (1869-1956), Czech duchovní, i.a. 22. bishop královéhradecký, comp. of 3 cards with manual texts with signatures, every card heading with printed emblem signed duchovního (by/on/at K. Kašpar biskupská also archiepiscopal variety emblem / symbol with 6 resp. 10 střapci after/around sides emblem / symbol); very fine, interesting
Starting price: CZK
236882 - 1912 ČELAKOVSKÝ Jaromír (1846-1914), important Czech lega
1912 ČELAKOVSKÝ Jaromír (1846-1914), important Czech legal historian, journalist, archivář, member of parliament Empire council/court and rektor Czech university Karlo-Ferdinandovy in Prague, son Francis Ladislav Čelakovský; handwritten letter with signature, good condition, important osobnost!
Starting price: CZK
238433 -  ČERNÝ John (1874-1959), Czechosl. politician and úředn�
ČERNÝ John (1874-1959), Czechosl. politician and úředník, chairman Czechoslovak governance, in years 1920 and 1938 minister of Internal Affairs + JEŽEK Francis (1890-1969), Czechosl. politician, minister Czechoslovak vlád and member of parliament after/behind Czechoslovak national demokracii and National unification, comp. of 2 vlastnoručních signatures on cut-squares letters, on exhibit sheets; very fine and sought, rare usage!
Starting price: CZK
238439 -  ČIPERA Dominik (1893-1963), Czechosl. politician, in years
ČIPERA Dominik (1893-1963), Czechosl. politician, in years 1938-1942 minister public work, mayor Zlín, member managing council/court koncernu Baťa + MENT Stanislav (1894-1981), doctor, kardiolog and politician, end 1. republic shortly minister veřejného zdravotnictví and physical education, comp. of 2 vlastnoručních signatures on cut-squares letters, on exhibit sheets; very fine and sought, rare usage!
Starting price: CZK
236896 -  DRTINA Francis (1861-1925), important Czech philosopher, ac
DRTINA Francis (1861-1925), important Czech philosopher, academic Professor, politician and one from zakladatelů scouting at our place , handwritten on both sides text on card with address, sent to Joseph Scheinera; interesting text, perfect condition
Starting price: CZK
238393 -  FERJENČÍK Nicholas (1904-1988), Slovak veterinář and Cz
FERJENČÍK Nicholas (1904-1988), Slovak veterinář and Czechosl. politician, General and participant Slovak National Uprising, member of parliament Prozatímního National Assembly, autograph on podpisovém card with mounted photos; very fine
Starting price: CZK
238432 -  FISCHER Otakar (1884-1968), Czechosl. state úředník and
FISCHER Otakar (1884-1968), Czechosl. state úředník and politician, after/behind 2. republic and Protectorate minister of Internal Affairs + BUBNA-LITIC Nicholas from (1897-1954), Czech nobleman and politician, Bohemian and Moravian minister agriculture, comp. of 2 vlastnoručních signatures on cut-squares letters, on exhibit sheets; very fine, Bohemian and Moravian ministři and government representatives are very hledaní!
Starting price: CZK
236885 - 1906 FOŘT Joseph (1850-1929), Czech národohospodář and j
1906 FOŘT Joseph (1850-1929), Czech národohospodář and journalist, Austro-Hungarian mladočeský politician and minister shop in years 1906–1907; autograph with heading, good condition, interesting
Starting price: CZK
238411 - 1930? GAJDA Radola (1892–1948), one's own name Rudolf Geid
1930? GAJDA Radola (1892–1948), one's own name Rudolf Geidl, Czech General, legionnaire and politician, autograph on portrait photo postcard; very fine and sought!
Starting price: CZK
238388 - 1969 GIRI Varáhagiri Vénkata (1894-1980), indický politic
1969 GIRI Varáhagiri Vénkata (1894-1980), indický politician, diplomat and odborář, in years 1969-1974 president India, autograph with dedication on card with newspaper photos, on exponátovém sheet
Starting price: CZK
236876 - 1906 GROŠ Charles (1865-1938), mladočeský politician, may
1906 GROŠ Charles (1865-1938), mladočeský politician, mayor Prague in years 1906-1918; hand-made written letter with signature sent to Joseph Scheinera, starostu Czech Sokol Community; perfect condition, interesting
Starting price: CZK
236889 - 1911 GUTH-JARKOVSKÝ George Stanislav (1861–1943), Czech p
1911 GUTH-JARKOVSKÝ George Stanislav (1861–1943), Czech pedagogue, writer, ceremoniář president republic, zakládající member International Olympic committee, handwritten text with signature on/for portrait postcard, perfect condition, interesting
Starting price: CZK
238434 -  HASAL Anthony (1893-1960), Czechosl. military General, mini
HASAL Anthony (1893-1960), Czechosl. military General, minister, which/what died in/at emigraci + KAJDOŠ Vladimír (1893-1970), General Czechosl. army and politician, in 1938 chief Main staff Czechosl. military force, after/behind 2. republic minister railways and Postmaster General and telegraphs + KRATOCHVÍL John (1889-1975), General, participant WWI., Russian civil war and WWII., where vedl 1. Czechosl. military corps/chapel on eastern front, comp. of 3 vlastnoručních signatures on cut-squares letters, on exhibit sheets; very fine and sought, rare usage!
Starting price: CZK
238430 -  HAVELKA George (1892-1964), Czechoslovak lawyer and politic
HAVELKA George (1892-1964), Czechoslovak lawyer and politician, after/behind 2. republic vedoucí Kanceláře president republic and minister without portfeje, later Bohemian and Moravian minister transport + ŠÁDEK Vlastimil (1893-1961), Czechoslovak industrialist and politician, after/behind 2. republic minister industry, shop and živností, later Bohemian and Moravian minister industry, shop and živností, comp. of 2 vlastnoručních signatures on cut-squares letters, on exhibit sheets; very fine, Bohemian and Moravian ministři and government representatives are very hledaní!
Starting price: CZK
237452 - 1877 HELFERT Joseph Alexander (1820-1910), Austrian and Czec
1877 HELFERT Joseph Alexander (1820-1910), Austrian and Czech lawyer, historian and politician, high úředník on/for ministerstvu kultu and vyučování, autograph on letter addressed on/for Carl von Czoernig-Czernhausen, Austrian clerk and statistika; cross fold, slightly toned, otherwise very fine
Starting price: CZK
237476 - 1935? HLINKA Andrew (1864-1938), Slovak politician, autograp
1935? HLINKA Andrew (1864-1938), Slovak politician, autograph on portrait postcard; perfect condition, sought
Starting price: CZK
238377 - 1935? HLINKA Andrew (1864-1938), Slovak politician, autograp
1935? HLINKA Andrew (1864-1938), Slovak politician, autograph on portrait postcard; nahnutý corner, on reverse small toned, sought
Starting price: CZK
239233 - 1930 HLINKA Andrew (1864-1938), Slovak politician, handwritt
1930 HLINKA Andrew (1864-1938), Slovak politician, handwritten text and signature on blank form baptism certificate; folds and small spots, otherwise nice good condition, exceptional usage on/for official document, very rare and sought!
Starting price: CZK
236887 - 1912 HODÁČ Francis Xaver (1883-1943), important Czech poli
1912 HODÁČ Francis Xaver (1883-1943), important Czech politician and member of parliament, father Nataši Gollové, spolutvůrce unification pravicových and nacionalistických Forces to block National unification, one from zakládajících members Strany national unity; handwritten letter with signature sent to Joseph Scheinera, good condition and interesting
Starting price: CZK
238419 -  HODŽA Milan (1878 – 1944), Slovak agrárník and Prime M
HODŽA Milan (1878 – 1944), Slovak agrárník and Prime Minister Czechoslovakia in years 1935 to 1938, autograph on cut-square letter, on exponátovém sheet; very fine, sought, rare usage!
Starting price: CZK
238426 -  HRUBÝ Adolf (1893-1951), member of parliament and Bohemian
HRUBÝ Adolf (1893-1951), member of parliament and Bohemian and Moravian minister agriculture, autograph on cut-square letter, on exponátovém sheet; very fine, Bohemian and Moravian ministři and government representatives are very hledaní!
Starting price: CZK
238414 -  CHVALKOVSKÝ Francis (1885-1945), politician and diplomat t
CHVALKOVSKÝ Francis (1885-1945), politician and diplomat the first Czechoslovak republic and foreign minister other republic; autograph on cut-square letter, on exponátovém sheet; very fine, signatures ministrů II. republic are very rare!
Starting price: CZK
238413 - 1975 INDRA Alois (1921-1990), Czechosl. politician Communist
1975 INDRA Alois (1921-1990), Czechosl. politician Communist Party of Czechoslovakia, minister vlád Czechoslovakia, member of parliament NS Czechoslovakia, one from authors so-called. zvacího letter + LENÁRT Jozef (1923-2004), communist functionary, Czechoslovak prime minister in years 1963–1968, comp. of 2 signatures on/for blahopřáních, on exhibit sheets; very fine
Starting price: CZK
238423 -  JEŽEK Joseph (1884-1969), Czech generálmajor gendarmery a
JEŽEK Joseph (1884-1969), Czech generálmajor gendarmery and politician, in years 1939–1942 minister of Internal Affairs in/at Bohemian and Moravian government Alois Eliáše, autograph on cut-square letter, on exponátovém sheet; very fine, Bohemian and Moravian ministři and government representatives are very hledaní!
Starting price: CZK
238431 -  KALFUS Joseph (1880-1955), Czechosl. národohospodář, pol
KALFUS Joseph (1880-1955), Czechosl. národohospodář, politician, in years 1936-1945 minister finance, participant protinacistického resistance + KLUMPAR Vladislav (1893-1979), Czechosl. lawyer and politician, after/behind 2. republic and Protectorate minister social and health management, comp. of 2 vlastnoručních signatures on cut-squares letters, on exhibit sheets; very fine, Bohemian and Moravian ministři and government representatives are very hledaní!
Starting price: CZK
238427 -  KAPRAS John (1880-1947), Czech historian, lawyer and politi
KAPRAS John (1880-1947), Czech historian, lawyer and politician, in years 1938-1942 minister education and national osvěty + KAMENICKÝ Henry (1879-1959), Czech politician, end the first republic minister railways, after/behind Protectorate in 40. year minister transport, comp. of 2 vlastnoručních signatures on cut-squares letters, on exhibit sheets; very fine, Bohemian and Moravian ministři and government representatives are very hledaní!
Starting price: CZK
238437 -  KLOČURAK Stefan (1895-1980), karpatoruský social demokrat
KLOČURAK Stefan (1895-1980), karpatoruský social demokratický and agrární politician, editor and lawyer, in/at březnu 1939 minister autonomní governance Carpathian Ruthenia, autograph on cut-square letter, on exponátovém sheet; sought
Starting price: CZK
236657 - 1917 KLOFÁČ  Wenceslas Jaroslav (1868–1942), Czech polit
1917 KLOFÁČ Wenceslas Jaroslav (1868–1942), Czech politician, chairman National side/party socialistic, místopředseda senátu, journalist; autograph on postcard sent from Uherské Hradiště, supplemented with other signatures as Cyril DUŠEK etc.., sent to LLD. J. Preis
Starting price: CZK
238961 - 1917 KRAMÁŘ Charles (1860–1937), Czechoslovak politician
1917 KRAMÁŘ Charles (1860–1937), Czechoslovak politician, the first ministerial chairman separate Czechoslovakia, handwritten 2-page letter with signature "Charles", sent to director his/her/its factory in/at Libštátu, written in prison in/at Möllersdorfu (!!), where was/were Kramář vězněn together with Aloisem Rašínem, passed through censorship, very interesting text; incl. envelope/-s, overall good condition and sought!
Starting price: CZK
238379 - 1930? KRAMÁŘ Charles (1860–1937), important Czechoslovak
1930? KRAMÁŘ Charles (1860–1937), important Czechoslovak politician, the first ministerial chairman separate Czechoslovakia, autograph on cut-square letter, on exponátovém sheet; sought
Starting price: CZK
238428 -  KREJČÍ Jaroslav (1892-1956), Czechoslovak lawyer, politic
KREJČÍ Jaroslav (1892-1956), Czechoslovak lawyer, politician, chairman Bohemian and Moravian governance in years 1942-1945, autograph on cut-square letter, on exponátovém sheet; cut square 1x through/over signature folded, otherwise very fine, Bohemian and Moravian ministři and government representatives are very hledaní!
Starting price: CZK
238417 -  MALYPETR John (1873-1947), important Czechoslovak agrární
MALYPETR John (1873-1947), important Czechoslovak agrární politician, in years 1932–1935 chairman Czechoslovak governance, autograph on cut-square letter, on exponátovém sheet; very fine, sought, rare usage!
Starting price: CZK
237426 - 1946 MASARYK John (1886–1948), Czechoslovak politician, fo
1946 MASARYK John (1886–1948), Czechoslovak politician, foreign minister, autograph with datací on special envelope with mounted stamp., print special postmark and photos T. G. Masaryk; vertical fold, interesting and sought
Starting price: CZK
238711 - 1896 MASARYK Thomas Garrigue (1850–1937), the first Czecho
1896 MASARYK Thomas Garrigue (1850–1937), the first Czechoslovak President, handwritten 17-řádkový letter with signature with datací 20/9 1896 (!), interesting text concerning his redaktorské activity/-ies revue Our period, zmíněna i.a. person publ. John Leichtera; horiz. folded, R small reparation zeslabeného paper, overall however sound condition; rukopisy T. G. Masaryk before/(in front of) y. 1900 are exceedingly rare, here for the first time on offer!
Starting price: CZK
237489 - 1934 MUSSOLINI Benito (1883–1945), Italian prime minister,
1934 MUSSOLINI Benito (1883–1945), Italian prime minister, politician, journalist and diktátor, spolutvůrce and founder fascism and VIKTOR EMANUEL III. (1869-1947), King Italian, habešský and albánský, joined/common handwritten signatures on/for official document with heading "Vittorio Emanuel III, per grazia di Dio e per volonta della nazione Re d´Italia"; very fine and rare
Starting price: CZK
239428 - 1955 NEUMANN Alois (1901-1977), Czechoslovak nationally soci
1955 NEUMANN Alois (1901-1977), Czechoslovak nationally socialistický politician, Postmaster General and spravedlnosti, handwritten greeting with signature sent to pozdějšího president Anthony Novotny; very fine
Starting price: CZK
238424 -  NEURATH Konstantin von (1873-1956), German Nazi politician,
NEURATH Konstantin von (1873-1956), German Nazi politician, diplomat, veterán the first world war and officer SS, in years 1932–1938 German minister foreign Affairs, in years 1939–1943 empire protektor Protectorate Bohemia and Moravia, autograph on cut-square letter, on exponátovém sheet; cut square through/over signature 2x folded, otherwise very fine, Bohemian and Moravian government representatives are very hledaní, here for the first time on offer!
Starting price: CZK
239342 - 1962 NOVOTNÝ Anthony (1904–1975), Czechoslovak communist
1962 NOVOTNÝ Anthony (1904–1975), Czechoslovak communist politician and president in years 1957–1968, autograph on p.stat envelope issued to philatelic exhibition PRAGA 62
Starting price: CZK
238436 -  OHNESORGE Wilhelm (1872-1962), German Nazi politician, in y
OHNESORGE Wilhelm (1872-1962), German Nazi politician, in years 1937-1945 empire Postmaster General, autograph on cut-square letter, on exponátovém sheet
Starting price: CZK
236872 - 1907 PACÁK Frederic (1846–1914), important Czech mladoče
1907 PACÁK Frederic (1846–1914), important Czech mladočeský politician, Austro-Hungarian minister without portfeje (Czech ministr-krajan); autograph on strojopisném letter with heading addressed on/for Dr. Joseph Scheinera, interesting text concerning Sokol movement
Starting price: CZK
236879 - 1900 PIPPICH Charles (1849-1921), important Sokol functionar
1900 PIPPICH Charles (1849-1921), important Sokol functionary and mladočeský politician; handwritten letter with signature sent to Joseph Scheinera, interesting osobnost Sokol movement
Starting price: CZK
239274 - 1970 PLAJNER Rudolf RNDr. (1901-1987), dlouholetý important
1970 PLAJNER Rudolf RNDr. (1901-1987), dlouholetý important scout functionary and blízký spolupracovník A. B. Svojsíka, lower part of letter with signatures and postmark Junák (scout); fold
Starting price: CZK
236899 - 1904 SCHEINER Joseph (1861–1932), important Czech lawyer,
1904 SCHEINER Joseph (1861–1932), important Czech lawyer, politician and mayor Sokol, handwritten text with signature on/for "Sokol" postcard; important osobnost, interesting
Starting price: CZK

Public Auction 69 / Autographs - Information

Autogramy a rukopisy

Sběratelství rukopisů velikánů začalo už v antice, velkého rozkvětu dosáhlo v renesanci a v 17. století se rozšířilo po celé Evropě. V českých zemích patřil k největším sběratelům národní buditel Václav Hanka, který pracoval jako správce literárních sbírek Vlasteneckého muzea. Mezi velké sběratele se dále řadil architekt a podnikatel Josef Hlávka, zakladatel a redaktor Moderní revue Arnošt Procházka, dekadentní básník Jiří Karásek ze Lvovic nebo spisovatel Emanuel Lešehrad.

Autogram je vlastnoruční originální podpis osobnosti.

Autograf neboli rukopis, který znamená vlastnoruční text napsaný osobností, který může, ale nemusí být podepsaný. Pochází z řečtiny.

Parafa je zkrácený čili zjednodušený vlastnoruční podpis osobnosti, který se považuje za autogram. Parafa je označována také jako podpisová značka.

Autopen je termín pro počítačem provedený podpis osobnosti podle naprogramovaného vzoru, jak se osobnost podepisuje. Autopeny jsou běžné v USA, kdy osobnosti dostávají mnoho žádostí o autogram, zejména astronauti, filmové hvězdy nebo američtí prezidenti, kteří začali autopen používat od padesátých let 20. století.

Tištěný podpis je termín pro rozmnožené kopie originálně podepsané fotografie.

Sekretářský podpis  je termín pro autogramy, které sice vypadají jako originálně podepsané osobností, ale podepsala se za ni jeho asistentka či jiná osoba.

Zájemci o sběratelství autogramů a autografů v ČR se mohou sdružovat v Klubu sběratelů autogramů - KSA.