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1945 PR117, PRAGUE 1 / BOLŠEVISMUS NIKDY!/ 23.I.45, letter sent in the place with 4 print special postmark, franked with. 5 pcs of stamp. A. Hitler; good condition, ex Bulant U:A5
1940 PDR1, NYMBURK/ 80. years Hlaholu, green special postmark NEUENBURG a.d. ELBE/ NYMBURK 4.XI.40 3 print green PDR on envelope with 3 mounted stamp. without addressee; superb print, ex Bulant U:A5
1940 PRA2, PARDUBITZ - PARDUBICE/ MOBILE POST OFF. (BUS)/ 6.VII.40/ 1b, two print oranžového cancel. mobile post-office (on a bus) on/for Us letter; small toned, rare, ex Bulant U:A5
1940 PRA2, PARDUBITZ - PARDUBICE/ MOBILE POST OFF. (BUS)/ 7.VII.40/ 1b, 3x print oranžového cancel. mobile post-office (on a bus) on/for Un envelope with Pof.50, 51 with coupon; good condition U:A5
1939 PRAČ1C, PRAGUE / MOBILE POST OFF. (BUS) - 39. podzimní Prague sample fair, envelope with orange cancel. mobile post-office (on a bus) with rozlišením 1e, supplemented with CDS special post offices PRAGUE 83/ VÝSTAVIŠTĚ 24.IX.39 and PRAGUE 86 VELETRHY with same date; good condition U:A5
1939 PRAČ2A, PLZEŇ / MOBILE POST OFF. (BUS) 3.VI.39/ 1d, Vzorkové and exhibition market, envelope with two print oranžového forerunner postmark mobile post-office (on a bus), Un; good condition, very rare usage, ex Bulant U:A5
1939 PRAČ2A, PLZEŇ / MOBILE POST OFF. (BUS)/ 3.-4.VI.39, 5 pcs of cut-squares and entires with 7 print oranžového forerunner postmark mobile post-office (on a bus) with rozlišením 1c, 1d and 1e, supplemented with kopiemi documents with výsledky activity/-ies mobile post-office (on a bus) in Plzen; on 2 exhibit sheets A4, rare postmark, ex Bulant U:A4
1939 PRAČ2B, PLZEŇ / MOBILE POST OFF. (BUS)/ 7.X. 39 + 8.X.39/ 1c, 2x cut square with print oranžového forerunner postmark mobile post-office (on a bus) with rozlišením 1c from that 1x with date 7.X.39 (!) - catalogue shows only date 8.X.39, supplemented with kopiemi documents potvrzujících date usage also number of posted mailing; on 3 exhibit sheets A4, rare postmark, ex Bulant U:A4
1939 SRP2, forerunner machine slogan pmk - Větší post offices ...užívejte picture postal PC, BRNO 2/ 16.XI.39, nice print on/for commercial letter sent as Printed matter with Linden Leaves 20h; good condition, very rare print machine postmark! U:A5
1939 SRP2, forerunner machine slogan pmk - Větší post offices ...užívejte picture postal PC, TURNOV 1/ 6.VI.39, very nice print on letter sent as printed matter and franked with. parallel Czechosl. stamp. Coat of arms 20h; good condition, very rare print machine postmark! U:A5
1939 SRP4, forerunner machine slogan pmk - Nerušte receiving broadcast., JIHLAVA 1/ 3.V.39, machine postal imprint on/for Us commercial card; good condition U:A5
1939 SRP8, comp. of 2 letters with forerunner machine advertising cancel. - Přihlašujte with after/behind auditor rozhlasu..., ČESKÉ BUDĚJOVICE 3/ 4.VIII. resp. 30.IX.39 + SRP10, forerunner machine slogan pmk - The Day of matek..., PRAGUE 25/ 6.V.39 on/for; good condition, very fine print U:A5
1939 SRP13, forerunner machine slogan pmk - Připojte his/her/its electric hodiny.../ HRADEC KRÁLOVÉ 2/ 15.XII.39, advertising envelope sent as Printed matter with Linden Leaves 20h; good condition, superb print, decorative additional printing, rare! U:A4
1939 SRP16, forerunner advertising machine postmark - Use telephone service for nepřítomné..., HRADEC KRÁLOVÉ 2/ 7.XI.39, print on/for commercial envelope without franking; good condition, rare U:A5
1939 SRP20, forerunner machine slogan pmk - Kupujte wares Czechoslovak původu.../ TURNOV 1/ 19.V.39, letter sent as Printed matter franked with. Czechosl. forerunner stamp. Coat of arms 20h; good condition, in/at c.v.. Pofis this machine print isn't vyobrazen and is known only from post Příbram, new find rare forerunner machine imprint! U:A5
1943 SRP36, machine slogan pmk - Spinnstoff- and Schuhsammlung / Sběr textilií and footwear, HRADEC KRÁLOVÉ 1/ 11.XI.43, print Bohemian and Moravian machine postmark on/for commercial letter with A. Hitler 1,20 Koruna; good condition, print this postmark from Hradec Králové have/has notation in catalogue Pofis -,- U:A5
1943 MEMORIAL PRINTINGS WITHOUT VLASTNÍHO special postmark / first day issue stamp. R. Heydrich - private commemorative sheet with mounted mourning stamp. Pof.111 with CDS PRAGUE 1/ 28.V.43 and mounted portrait RH; stain in margin sheet U:A4
1943 MEMORIAL PRINTINGS WITHOUT VLASTNÍHO special postmark / 1. anniv of death Heydrich - small/rare first day sheet with mounted mourning stamp. Pof.111 with print CDS BRÜNN 12/ e/ 4.VI.43 - date vzpomínkové celebration, on paper with wmk in form of character "H" and black wide small frame; very fine, sought U:A5
1943 MEMORIAL PRINTINGS WITHOUT VLASTNÍHO special postmark / 1. anniv of death Heydrich - small/rare first day sheet with mounted mourning stamp. Pof.111 with print CDS BRÜNN 12/ f/ 4.VI.43 - date vzpomínkové celebration, on paper with wmk in form of character "H" and black wide small frame; small dirty, otherwise very fine U:A5
1943 MEMORIAL PRINTINGS WITHOUT VLASTNÍHO special postmark / 1. anniv of death Heydrich - small/rare first day sheet with mounted mourning stamp. Pof.111 with print CDS PRAGUE 54/ c/ 4.VI.43 - date vzpomínkové celebration, on/for carton paper with black small frame; very fine, sought U:A5
1945 MEMORIAL PRINTINGS WITHOUT VLASTNÍHO special postmark/ 6. VÝROČÍ ZŘÍZENÍ PROTEKTORÁTU BOHEMIA AND MORAVIA/ German - Czech bicolored additional printing with eagle and swastika, oblong envelope sent as Reg in the place, CDS PRAGUE 1/ 15.III.45; toned in margin envelope/-s, rare occurrence, ex Bulant U:A4
1942 MEMORIAL PRINTINGS WITHOUT VLASTNÍHO special postmark / German red cross III. issue, comp. 2 pcs of commemorative sheets, mounted stamp. Pof.100-101, CDS PLZEŇ 12.IX.42 and PR107; good condition U:A5
1940 UNIVERZÁLNÍ MEMORIAL SHEETS/ comp. 3 pcs of big commemorative sheets, 1x with picture Prague in/at green color, other with blue additional-printing text and frame, print PR17, PR18, PR19, PR21; very good condition U:A4
1939 KAŠET MÄHRISCH OSTRAU / comp. 2 pcs of Un envelopes franked with. Czechosl. stamp. Coat of arms 30h and T. G. Masaryk 1CZK, red and black cachet "Mährisch Ostrau die town der schwarzen Diamanten dankt dem Führer" with swastika and round red cancel. "Mährisch Ostrau./ Wir sind frei!" with swastika; good condition U:A5
1939 KAŠET BRÜN / Tag des Dankes an day Befreier/ 19.III.1939, 2 varieties red circular cachet on 2 Us cards; good condition, superb print U:A5
1939 KAŠET OLMÜTZ 21. März 1939/ 700 years deutsch and nun auf ewig, red cachet with swastika on/for Us II. part PC Coat of arms 50h, supplemented with CDS OLOMOUC 1/ 21.III.39; light bend in corner, nice postal imprints U:A5
1939 KAŠET Slavný transport ostatků K. H. Máchy 7.V.1939, selection of Un envelope/-s and postcard with two various cachets in violet and blue color, supplemented with CDS PRAGUE 1/ 6.V.39 and SRP10 Prague 25/ 7.V.39; good condition; rare usage, ex Bulant U:A5
1941 VIKTORIA / NÁLEPKA red propagandistic label "V" with German - Czech text Germany wins on all fronts for Europe!, mounted on front also back side official letter franked with. service stmp the first issue 1,20 Koruna; good condition, rare occurrence! U:A4
1941 VIKTORIA / comp. 5 pcs of entires with various cancel. Victoria, i.a. 3 pcs of with three-line cancel. in red color, 1x on reverse more/larger three-line cancel. in black color, 1x letter with stick-on label with red "V" and text; good condition U:A4
1940 ADVERTISING EXHIBITION MINIATURE SHEET / III. EXHIBITION POSTAL ZNÁMEK SEMILY 5.-7.VII.1940, bicolored print 4 advertising nalepek in/at joined printing on stamp paper with gum; mint never hinged, rare U:A5
1944 FAHRBARES POSTAMT BRÜNN A, black straight line postmark supplemented with CDS BRÜNN A/ 23.XI.44/b on/for Un envelope with A. Hitler 1,20 Koruna, pojízdná post zřízená after/around bombing in Brno 20.11.44; very fine print, very rare occurrence! U:A5
1928-1944 [COLLECTIONS] COMMEMORATIVE POSTMARKS NA VÝSTŘIŽCÍCH / collection several hundreds cut-squares with postmarks from period of Protectorate Bohemia-Moravia, i.a. ZLÍN 1/ Untergau... PR73, supplemented with several entires + collection cut-squares and stamp. with commemorative postmarks from period of Czechoslovakia I., placed in 2 stockbooks Pofis; from estate U:Z
1939-1942 [COLLECTIONS] SELECTION of PAMĚTNÍCH LISTŮ S special postmark/ selection of several tens of pieces commemorative sheets, Ppc and envelopes with commemorative postmarks mainly from philatelic exhibitions, supplemented with used letters and cut-squares with special postmark; all without defects U:O5
1939-1942 [COLLECTIONS] MACHINE POSTMARKS / collection more than 60 pcs of entires supplemented with cut-squares with machine postmarks with advertising štočky, contains: Visit Bezruč's kraj..., Rozhlas vdělává, informuje..., The Day of matek..., Every čech once in/at Praze..., Visit film žně..., Woche Deutschen (German) Buches..., Viktoria..., Přispějte on/for German ČK..., Prague trade fair, on pages A4 in spiral folder; mainly good quality, ex Bulant U:Z
1939-1943 [COLLECTIONS] collection of ca. 100 pcs of various entires with commemorative postmarks special postmark, postcard, envelope/-s with added-print, Us also Un entires, several small first day sheets, supplemented with also about/by cancel. Victoria etc..; various quality, from estate, profitable offer U:O5
1939-1945 [COLLECTIONS] NEÚŘEDNÍ CACHETS A MEMORIAL SHEETS / collection more than 120 pcs of commemorative sheets, entires and cards with neúředními cachets and postmarks, placed on pages A4 in spiral folder; mainly good quality, ex Bulant U:Z
1940-1943 [COLLECTIONS] selection of 25 pcs of memorial sheets with commemorative postmarks special postmark, i.a. Dvořák, Mozart, Brewery in Plzen, German Red Cross, Bučovice and other; various quality, profitable offer U:O4
1941 [COLLECTIONS] CACHETS VIKTORIA/ collection ca. 70 pcs of entires with propagandistic postmarks Victoria, mainly I. version without "for Europe!" used short period only on 16 poštách, supplemented with cachets II. version and other neobvyklými cachets "V" and "Victoria", all placed on 28 exhibit sheets A4 with descriptions in spiral folder; chosen quality, much rare pieces, ex Bulant U:Z
1944 [COLLECTIONS] MEMORIAL PRINTINGS WITHOUT VLASTNÍHO special postmark / 5. anniv of Protectorate Bohemia and Moravia, original packing 25 pcs of commemorative sheets, mounted stamp. Pof.113-115, CDS PRAGUE 54/ 15.III.44; good condition U:O5
1939 [COLLECTIONS] PRAČ1B, PRAGUE / MOBILE POST OFF. (BUS) 13.-21.5.39, Agricultural exhibition + PRČD2, PRAGUE 83/ Výstaviště + PRČD1, PRAGUE/ Agricultural exhibition, collection of entires, commemorative sheets and envelopes with orange cancel. mobile post-office (on a bus) and black CDS special postal office, contains 15 pcs of entires supplemented with 13 pcs of cut-squares and one PaL Day mothers, supplemented with kopií blank form/-s with výsledky activity/-ies mobile post-office (on a bus) on/for Economic exhibition in Prague; on 7 unbound exhibit sheets, ex Bulant U:Z
1939 [COLLECTIONS] PRAČ1C, PRAGUE / MOBILE POST OFF. (BUS) - 39. podzimní Prague sample fair, collection of entires, cut-squares and memorial sheet with print oranžového postmark mobile post-office (on a bus), contains 1x commemorative sheet, 9 pcs of Us entires and 20 pcs of other entires incl. cut-squares; on 8 unbound exhibit sheets A4, ex Bulant U:Z
1940 [COLLECTIONS] PRA1A, PRAG - PRAGUE / MOBILE POST OFF. (BUS) 31.III.40, 40. jarní Prague sample fair + PR16, PRAG 86 - PRAGUE 86/ 31.III.40/ Exhibition postal valuable matters ČMP, collection of entires, commemorative sheets and envelopes with orange cancel. mobile post-office (on a bus) and black Exhibition postal valuable matters, contains 4 pcs of special envelopes POB, 8 pcs of commemorative sheets PaL, more than 20 pcs of entires supplemented with cut-squares; on 14 unbound exhibit sheets, ex Bulant U:Z
1940 [COLLECTIONS] PRA1D, PRAG - PRAGUE / MOBILE POST OFF. (BUS) 9.-14.IX.40/, 41. podzimní Prague sample fair, collection of entires, cut-squares and memorial sheet with print oranžového postmark mobile post-office (on a bus), contains 1x commemorative sheet PaL c-a, memorial envelope POB a-a, 12 pcs of Us entires and 15 pcs of other entires incl. cut-squares; on 8 unbound exhibit sheets A4, ex Bulant U:Z
1940 [COLLECTIONS] PR40, PRAG 1/ 1840-1940 post. stmp, collection commemorative sheets, envelopes and entires to philatelic exhibition, contains 6 pcs of memorial/special envelopes POB, 13 pcs of commemorative sheets PaL, 15 pcs of entires with print dvojbarevného postmark from larger part Us, supplemented with catalogue exhibition, price list f. Paleček with special postmark etc..; all placed on 17 unbound exhibit sheets A4, ex Bulant U:Z
1941 [COLLECTIONS] PR78, TURNAU 1 - TURNOV 1/ Exhibition of stamps, collection 4 pcs of big commemorative sheets, 1x PaL a-a, 2x PaL c-a from that 1x with signature, 1x oblong PaL with paste-in and signovaným picture with exhibition additional-printing - catalogue doesn't report (!), all with dvojbarevným special postmark; very fine U:O4
1942 [COLLECTIONS] PR86-PR93, PRAG, BRÜNN, PILSEN, BUDWEIS, MÄHRISCH-OSTRAU, OLMÜTZ, IGLAU, PARDUBITZ / drei years im Grossdeutschen Reich, collection more than 60 pcs of entires with special postmark to 3. Anniv of Bohemia-Moravia, lot of memorial/special envelopes and sheets, part cards with special postmark, distinction according to characters etc.., on unbound exhibit sheets A4; mainly excellent quality, ex Bulant U:Z
1942 [COLLECTIONS] PR95, ZLÍN 1/ Postal exhibition, collection more than 20 pcs of entires with dvojbarevným special postmark, Us letters and postcard, memorial envelope/-s and sheets etc.., on unbound exhibit sheets; good quality, ex Bulant U:Z
1943 [COLLECTIONS] PR111+PR112+PR113, OLMÜTZ 1/, OLMÜTZ 2/ BRÜNN 1/ Kulturwochen der Haupstadt Olmütz + Tag der Briefmarke, collection ca. 30 pcs of entires with cancel. special postmark, contains 15 pcs of entires, 12 pcs of commemorative sheets and memorial/special Ppc, supplemented with several cut-squares and cards with special postmark, placed on/for unbound exhibit sheets A4; good condition, ex Bulant U:Z
1943-1944 [COLLECTIONS] PR115 + PR116, MÄHRISCH OSTRAU 1/ Tag der Briefmarke + PRAGUE 1/ Reichs Arbeitsdienst Kunstschau 1944, collection more than 30 pcs of entires, commemorative sheets, envelopes and Ppc, all with special postmark, on unbound exhibit sheets A4; very good quality, ex Bulant U:Z
1939-1942 PRAGUE / KOLÍN / OLOMOUC / UHERSKÉ HRADIŠTĚ / comp. of 7 entires with various postmarks German Service post Bohemia and Moravia, various uniquely designed postmarks, i.a. "Standortverwaltung der SS-Verfügung...ppe", "Deutsche Dienstpost - Böhmen-Mähren - Postdienststelle - Prag 1 (Burg) - Torduchgang gegenüber dem Cathedrale" and oths.; nice good condition U:A5
1940-1943 GHETTO TERESIENSTADT / comp. 3 pcs of PC: 1x with pre-printed text with thank for parcel with A. Hitler. 30h and 2x Small Fortress - postcard Linden Leaves 60h with CDS TEREZÍN; good condition U:A5
1942 GHETTO TERESIENSTADT - SWITZERLAND / letter addressed to to Switzerland (!) franked with. German stamp. 25pf A. Hitler., transported courier SS to Berlin, here censored Gestapem + 3 other censorship mark., CDS BERLIN W62/ 29.10.42; good condition U:A5
1944 GHETTO TERESIENSTADT - SWITZERLAND / PC addressed to to Switzerland (!) franked with. German stamp. 15pf A. Hitler., transported courier SS to Berlin, here cenzurována Gestapem + 3 other censorship mark., CDS BERLIN CHAROTENBURG/ 10.5.44, 2-lines additional cancel. "Rückantwort nur auf / Postkarten in deutscher (= German) Sprache" in red color; good condition U:A5
1944 GHETTO TERESIENSTADT / PŘÍBĚH / 3x certificate of mailing on/for mailing odeslanou from Prague to Terezin (Theresienstadt), franked with. Bohemian and Moravian stamp. A. Hitler 1 Koruna, Pof.84, CDS PRAGUE 36/ 14.IV.44, 14.VIII.44 and 18.IV.44, sent to members one family; good condition U:A5
1942 THEREZIENSTADT / TEREZÍN 30.VII.42/ and, 7 copy-print CDS on/for memorial sheet with text The last day Bohemian and Moravian post in/at Terezín 30. June 1942, format A4; fold in upper margin and slightly toned U:A4
1943 JUDAICA / Us official envelope with additional-printing Zentralamt für die Regelung der Judenfrage in Bohemia and Moravia, service letter Central office for vyřešení Jewish otázky with seat in Prague, franked with. Bohemian and Moravian stamp. A. Hitler 1,20 Koruna with CDS PRAGUE 12/ 13.II.43; good condition U:A5
1939 CPO2, Czechosl. forerunner pneumatic tube postcard Coat of arms 90h green, CDS MAIN TELEGRAPF OFF. / PRAGUE/ 27.V.39, arrival postmark PRAGUE 12/ 27.V.39, numeral postmark paganýrkou; only usual transport folds, very rare occurrence! U:A5
1939 CPL3, Czechosl. forerunner Certificate of mailing for telegram with printed stmp Coat of arms 30h, CDS PRAGUE 4/ 10.V.39, horiz. ribbed paper; slightly toned, without fold, rare occurrence! U:A5
1939 CPV12, Czechosl. forerunner p.stat post. order card Coat of arms 80h violet, part I., CDS LHOTA ZA ČERVENÝM KOSTELCEM 20.IX.39, on reverse CDS PRAGUE 55/ 25.IX.39, refused, sent back; without bend with on reverse podlepeným right bottom corner - probably after sticking in/at accounting book, after all very rare forerunner p.stat, still only teoretický usage, c.v.. -,- CZK U:A5