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1941 PR44, TURČIANSKY SVÄTÝ MARTIN/ 1861-1941 MEMORANDOVÉ SLÁVNOSTI/ 1.VI.41, cut square with stamp. 20h and red print special postmark; superb, postmark wasn't used, ex Bulant, very rare occurrence! U:A5
1941 PR45, TURČIANSKÝ SVÄTÝ MARTIN/ 2.VI.1941 / Camps Hlinkovej youth, comp. 2 pcs of Us entires with red special postmark, 1x Registered and Express letter strictly private with multicolor franking., i.a. issue Memorandum (incl. certificate of mailing + 1x view card with imprinted stamp issue Memorandum, CD10/2; good condition, ex Bulant U:A5
1941 PR46, MARIANKA /MOBILE POST OFF. (BUS) / 8.VI.41/g+c/ National púť to monument Závodskému, comp. 3 pcs of Us entires with orange cancel. mobile post-office (on a bus), 1x p.stat PC issue Memorandum CDV10/1 addressed to to Bohemia-Moravia, 2x postcard, from that 1x to Hungary; good condition, decorative U:A5
1945 PR68, BRATISLAVA 2/ 14.III.1945/ ŠIESTE VÝROČIE SAMOSTATNOSTI, blue special postmark on letter sent to Bohemia-Moravia, franked with. pair stamp. Rázus 1Ks, passed through German censorship; good condition, rare, ex Bulant U:A5
1939 PRA3, BRATISLAVA / MOBILE POST OFF. (BUS)/ 7.V.39/c/ print oranžového postmark over stmp Hlinka 20h on/for small envelope, action unknown - probably trial print; good condition, ex Bulant U:A5
1941 PRA6, BRATISLAVA / MOBILE POST OFF. (BUS)/ 2.-6.IX.41/b+e+g/ Danubian trade fair, comp. 3 pcs of Us entires with orange cancel. mobile post-office (on a bus) with various rozlišením, 2x p.stat PC issue Memorandum, CDV10/1, 1x postcard; good condition, decorative U:A5
1940 PRA19, KEŽMAROK / stop with předvedením 2.7.1940, ORANŽOVÉ (!) CDS KEŽMAROK 2.VII.40, 2x print on cut-square with 1 print PRA19 LEVOČA / MOBILE POST OFF. (BUS) 2.VII.40, cut square adjustovaný on/for exhibit sheet A4; rare occurrence, ex Bulant U:A4
1940 PRA23, PIEŠŤANY / MOBILE POST OFF. (BUS)/ 6.X.40/F/ Celoštátné riding works, letter addressed to to Bohemia-Moravia with 7 print oranžového cancel. mobile post-office (on a bus) on both sides of envelope, supplemented with transit pmk TRNAVA 7.X.40, passed through German censorship; good condition, ex Bulant U:A5
1940 PRA25, PREŠOV / MOBILE POST OFF. (BUS) / Zjazd ústredia Slovak. c.v.. študenstva, double first day sheet mobile post-office (on a bus), 9x print PRA25 with character /d/, mounted complete set of airmail stamps in pairs; good condition U:A4
1940 PRA29, ŠTRBSKÉ PLESO / MOBILE POST OFF. (BUS) 11.VIII.40, Tatra celebration and vysvěcení kapličky and opening symbolického cemetery, comp. 3 pcs of Us Ppc with multicolor franking stamp. issue Tatra with more print oranžového cancel. mobile post-office (on a bus), from that 1x addressed to to Bohemia-Moravia with German censorship; good condition, decorative pieces, ex Bulant U:A5
1940 PRA33, TRENČIANSKE TEPLICE / AUTUPOŠTA / 3.VIII.40 /f/, Hudobný festival, wrong seting up of day -3.VIII. place 13.VIII., whole first day sheet with additional-printing Slovak autopočta with emblem with 15 print oranžového postmark with wrong set up date (!); good condition, ex Bulant U:A4
1941 PRA41, ŠTRBSKÉ PLESO / 24.II.41, II. lyžařské majstrovstvá and arm. preteky Slovak. republic, commemorative sheet with additional-printing Štátné klimatické kúpele Štrbské Pleso, format A4, 23 copy-print blue special postmark; good condition U:A4
1940 SRP3a machine slogan pmk - Užívajte výhod lacných listových telegramov... is len 10h/ BRATISLAVA 2/ 6.XI.40, very nice print on letter addressed to Bohemia-Moravia; good condition U:A5
1942 SRP3b machine slogan pmk - Užívajte výhod lacných listových telegramov... is len 15h/ PREŠOV 1/ 29.I.42, nice print on letter addressed to Bánské Bystrica; nice sought print machine postmark, good condition, ex Bulant U:A5
1940 SRP4 machine slogan pmk - Nerušte prijimanie broadcast/ POPRAD 1/ 26.VIII.40, nice print on/for Us letter addressed to Germany, passed through German censorship; good condition, sought U:A5
1940-1943 SRP4, machine slogan pmk - Nerušte prijimanie broadcast/ BRATISLAVA, comp. 4 pcs of entires with machine cancel., 1x BRATISLAVA 2/ 21.VII.43, 3x BRATISLAVA 1; various quality U:A5
1940-1943 SRP5a+5b, 2 pcs of entires, machine slogan pmk - Blahoprajte telegraficky! SLEVNENÝ + SLAVNENÝ... / BRATISLAVA 2, nice print on letters addressed to Bohemia-Moravia, passed through German censorship; good condition U:A5
1940-1943 SRP9, machine slogan pmk - Väčšie post úrady.../ BRATISLAVA 2 + NITRA, comp. 3 pcs of entires with machine cancel., 1x NITRA 5.XI.42, 2x BRATISLAVA 2; good condition U:A5
1943 SRP9 machine slogan pmk - VÄČŠIE POŠTOVÉ ÚRADY/ PRIJIMAJÚ.../ BRATISLAVA 2/ 23.VI.43, nice print on/for Us letter addressed to Bohemia-Moravia, passed through German censorship; superb print on/for oblong envelope, sought U:A4
1943 SRP12, machine slogan pmk - Mezimestské telefonné hovory ... / BRATISLAVA 2/ 1.V.43, nice print on letter addressed to Vienna, passed through German censorship; small tearing, nice sought print machine postmark U:A5
1939-1940 SRP14a, machine slogan pmk - POUŽÍVAJTE VÝZEV A PREDBEŽNÝCH... / RUŽOMBEROK 1 + TATRANSKÁ LOMNICE, 2x entire with print machine postmark; 1x torn envelope U:A5
1941 SRP14b, machine slogan pmk - POUŽÍVAJTE VÝZIEV A PREDBEŽNÝCH .../ BRATISLAVA 2/ 9.V.41, nice print on/for Us letter addressed to Bohemia-Moravia, censor Bohemian and Moravian cancel. "R" in circle + German censorship on reverse; on reverse torn flap, nice postal imprints U:A5
1941-1943 SRP14b, machine slogan pmk - POUŽÍVAJTE VÝZIEV A PREDBEŽNÝCH... / BRATISLAVA 2 + BÁNSKÁ ŠTIAVNICA + ŠTRBSKÉ PLESO, comp. 4 pcs of entires with machine cancel., 1x pictorial PC CDV4/28; good condition, various quality copy-print U:A5
1939-1943 MACHINE POSTMARKS / comp. 15 pcs of letters and Ppc, supplemented with 4 pcs of cut-squares with print various SRP; various quality U:A5
1944 MODRÉ CDS / PRIEVIDZA/ 14.III.44/c/ CDS in blue color used as special to 5. Anniv independence for bigger envelope with mounted issues stamp. Princes, 6x print blue CDS; good condition, rare occurrence blue denních postmarks, ex Bulant U:A4
1944 MODRÉ CDS / TRENČÍN/ 14.III.44/d/ CDS in blue color used as special to 5. Anniv independence on/for R+Ex-dopise sent in the place with rich philatelic franking stamp. issue Princes, 4x print blue CDS + certificate of mailing; toned in perforation stamp., rare occurrence blue denních postmarks, ex Bulant U:A5
1944 MODRÉ CDS / TRENČÍN/ 14.III.44/h/ CDS in blue color used as special to 5. Anniv independence on paper sheet with mounted issues stamp. Princes, 8x print blue CDS; only folded, rare occurrence blue denních postmarks, ex Bulant U:A4
1944 MODRÉ CDS / TURČIANSKÝ SVÄTÝ MARTIN/ 14.III.44/m/ CDS in blue color in funkcí special to 5. Anniv independence, sent by air mail postcard to Bohemia-Moravia, mixed franking airmail stmp 50h and postage stmp, Sy.81, 82, with two print blue CDS, passed through censorship; good condition, rare occurrence esp. on/for Us entires, ex Bulant U:A5
1944 BLUE CDS / VRÚTKY/ 14.III.44/e/ CDS in blue color used as special to 5. Anniv independence on Reg airmail letter sent to Bohemia-Moravia with multicolor franking issue Princes in/at general value 11,30Ks, 3x print blue CDS, on reverse arrival PRAG FLUGHAFEN/ PRAGUE AIRPORT 22.III.44, passed through German censorship; good condition, rare occurrence blue denních postmarks esp. on/for really Us entires, rare arrival Bohemian and Moravian air mail postmark, ex Bulant U:A5
1939 Un commemorative sheet Národný bohatier with additional-printing portrait of M. R. Stefanik 1879-1919, format A4; good condition U:A4
1940 PRVÉ VÝROČÍ SAMOSTATNOSTI, bicolored commemorative sheet format A4, with 3 print cancel. PR34. PR37, PRA22; vertical fold, rare usage U:A4
1939-1944 STRANICKÉ STAMPS / Hlinka's Slovak people's party, complete set 6 pcs of; year 1939 defects gum, 1940 without gum, otherwise nice quality, in/at complete set rare! U:A5
1939 CDV1, Hlinka 50h - Bradlo, Un, orange special postmark mobile post-office (on a bus) BREZOVÁ P. B./ 7.V.39; light bend in LL corner, printing only 5.000ks U:A5
1942 CDV8, Tiso 50h green sent as Reg to Vienna, richly uprated to general postage 4,60Ks, CDS MALACKY 26.III.42, PROŠLÉ NĚMECKOU CENZUROU; good condition U:A5
1939 CPH1, Un order card Hlinka 50h black, imprint "C 1939" in LL corner, printing only 1.000 pcs of; folded in the middle in perforation, light povolená perf, overall good quality, rare, c.v.. 300€ U:A4
1940 CPH2, Un p.stat order sheet Hlinka 50h black, imprint "C 1940" on/for both parts; folded in perforation, very good condition, c.v.. 40€ U:A4
1940 CPH3, Un p.stat order sheet Hlinka 50h black, imprint "C 1940" only on/for upper příkazním sheet; folded in perforation, very good condition, c.v.. 35€ U:A4
1939 stationery CPV1, used (!) post. order card with imprinted stamp. Hlinka 80h and year C 1939 in LL corner, sent from Bratislava to Dvorníků and as nepřijatá returned back, CDS BRATISLAVA 15.VII.40 and arrival postmark DVORNÍKY PRI HLOHOVCI 16.VII.40 and 24.VII.40; very fine, exceptional usage, used in the market is rare, c.v.. Synek -,- , extraordinary offer! U:DR
1939 stationery CPV1, Un post. order card Hlinka 80h red with imprint "C 1939"; folded in perforation, very good condition, c.v.. 35€ U:A4
1939 CAZ1, recording address card Hlinka 50h blue, unused; good condition U:A5
1939 CAZ1, recording address card Hlinka 50h blue, unused, comp. 2 pcs of lighter and darker shade; good condition U:A5
1939-1945 [COLLECTIONS] basic incomplete collection on album sheets (i.a. Blue Štefánik, 4CZK and 5CZK overprint issue, miniature sheet For Children-issue), supplemented with about/by rozpracovanou, slightly specialized collection Protectorate on hingeless sheets (i.a. overprint issue 5h-3Kč, exp. by Karasek., coupons, plate mark and oths., mainly very nice quality), supplemented with about/by bag with scattered stamp., multiblocks and gutters Protectorate (various quality); as multiple interesting U:Z
1939-1945 [COLLECTIONS] incomplete basic collection on hingeless sheets, overprint issue unattested, contains i.a. Blue Štefánik, miniature sheet For Children-issue, postage-due, air-mail etc.. + supplemented with about/by basic collection BOHEMIA-MORAVIA U:K
1939-1944 [COLLECTIONS] CELISTVOSTI / collection of ca. 70 pcs of various entires, contains i.a. letter with 7 print MODRÉHO CDS KEŽMAROK 14.III.42, cut square from parcel with high franking 129Ks, Reg letter, part addressed to to Bohemia-Moravia, various franking etc..; various quality, from estate U:O4