Public Auction 69 / Other Collector`s Domains / Photos

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239270 - 1937 50. LET KLUBU ČESKÝCH FILATELISTŮ / photo předsedni
1937 50. LET KLUBU ČESKÝCH FILATELISTŮ / photo předsednického table near/in/at výročním conference, pánové from the L Bísek - místopředseda club, Lewis and Liška - editor journal Czechosl. philatelist and chairman club, on reverse description with mounted stamp. and blue special postmark, size 18x13cm
Starting price: CZK
239154 - cca 1870 CARSKÁ RODINA / photographic visiting card decorat
cca 1870 CARSKÁ RODINA / photographic visiting card decorative tabla with portraits family Russian tzar Nicholas II. (1855-1881), except tzar and carevny Mary Alexandrovny contains also portraits their/its children, i.a. also future tzar Alexander III., on the reverse side mark GA BERLIN; very fine and interesting
Starting price: CZK
237779 - 1883-1913 CYCLING / HAVLÍČKŮV BROD / comp. of 3 photos fr
1883-1913 CYCLING / HAVLÍČKŮV BROD / comp. of 3 photos from one osoby: cabinet portrait Gustava Dvořáka, member Club cyclists in Havlickuv Brod + group photo division mandolínistů brodského Club cyclists + cabinet card Dvořákových children with bicyklem + also with Dvořákovo obituary issued Klubem cyclists; good condition, interesting collection
Starting price: CZK
237479 - 1925 DRTIKOL Francis (1883–1961), portrait photo Mořice H
1925 DRTIKOL Francis (1883–1961), portrait photo Mořice Hrubana (1862-1945, Czech politician, vůdčí representative moravian catholic political camp, minister) adjustovaná on/for carton in/at paper cover, general size 24.5x33.5cm; very fine
Starting price: CZK
239258 - 1904 HABARTICE - Ebersdorf, district Liberec, original photo
1904 HABARTICE - Ebersdorf, district Liberec, original photo village square in winter with members financial guard, mounted on passe-partout, on reverse description, size 22x17cm; good condition
Starting price: CZK
237777 - 1916 HAVLÍČKŮV BROD / JUDAICA / cabinet card zachycujíc
1916 HAVLÍČKŮV BROD / JUDAICA / cabinet card zachycující arrival Polish Jews to Havlíčkova Brod, mounted on carton, on the reverse side handwriting official letter and postmark havlíčkobrodského knihkupce Zdeněk Dvořáka; good condition
Starting price: CZK
237461 - 1942  NAZISM / LIDICE / amatérská photo zničených Lidice
1942 NAZISM / LIDICE / amatérská photo zničených Lidice on/for contemporary fotographic paper, on reverse notice "Lidice August 1942"; nevýrazná spot, otherwise very fine, unique dějinný document
Starting price: CZK
237467 -  NAZISM / GERMANY / official photo R. Heydrich (1904-1942) v
NAZISM / GERMANY / official photo R. Heydrich (1904-1942) vyřazená from fototéky, on the reverse side postmark Russian alphabet "SPECFOND MVL USSR"; very fine
Starting price: CZK
237466 -  NAZISM / GERMANY / comp. 4 pcs of official photos R. Heydri
NAZISM / GERMANY / comp. 4 pcs of official photos R. Heydrich (1904-1942) eliminated from fototéky, on the reverse side all postmark Russian alphabet "SPECFOND MVL USSR"; very fine
Starting price: CZK
237596 - 1934-1945 NAZISM / WEHRMACHT / PŘÍBĚH  comp. of 2 contemp
1934-1945 NAZISM / WEHRMACHT / PŘÍBĚH comp. of 2 contemporary photoalbums member Wehrmacht sloužícího nejprve by/on/at Infanterie-Regiment München (Munich), later by/on/at Infanterie-Regiment 61, contains 76 resp. 98 photos and photo postcard zachycujících i.a. campaign in France 1940, then stay in/at Jugoslávii, Poland, in Slovakia also jinde, lot of views with uniformami, zbraněmi and válečnými scenes, supplemented with about/by several autentických documents, blank forms, letters and mapek ilustrujících militar life; perfectly good condition, exceptional collection, unique dějinný document!
Starting price: CZK
239249 - 1940 GERMANY / A. Hitler standing in voze on/for celebration
1940 GERMANY / A. Hitler standing in voze on/for celebration, original photo, on reverse evidence cancel. f. Presse Photo Ltd., size 24x13cm
Starting price: CZK
239203 - 1968-1969 OCCUPATION Czechoslovakia / selection of 23 contem
1968-1969 OCCUPATION Czechoslovakia / selection of 23 contemporary photos from occupation Prague in/at srpnu 1968 and events after/around upálení J. Palacha in/at January 1969; nice good condition
Starting price: CZK
239171 - cca 1925, 1945 RODINA T. G. Masaryk / photoalbum with 16 pas
cca 1925, 1945 RODINA T. G. Masaryk / photoalbum with 16 paste-in neformálními rodinnými photos Olgy Masaryková (nejmladší daughter T. G. Masaryk), jejího husband Henriho Revillioda and their/its children Herberta and Leonarda Revillioda (both padli in II. St. war) near/in/at play on/for garden + also with member passport Company for cultural and economic styky with USSR filled in the name of Ann Masaryková (historička art, vnučka T. G. Masaryk); very nice good condition, unique collection
Starting price: CZK
238549 - 1928 T. G. Masaryk / photo President T. G. Masaryk předčí
1928 T. G. Masaryk / photo "President T. G. Masaryk předčítá Deklaraci independence Czechosl. state of day 26. 10. 1918 in Filadelfii in USA", issued to 10. anniv of Czechoslovakia, photo mounted on/for carton with two-sided printing with komentářem; slightly toned, overall good condition
Starting price: CZK
237446 - 1918-1948 [COLLECTIONS]  EDVARD BENEŠ / selection of 30 pcs
1918-1948 [COLLECTIONS] EDVARD BENEŠ / selection of 30 pcs of official also amatérských photos and several Ppc zachycujících E. Beneš near/in/at various příležitostech, often with statement datace also lokality, mainly period after 1945; good condition, interesting selection of
Starting price: CZK