Public Auction 69 / Philately / German occupation of Bohemia-Moravia / Issues 1939-1945

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236152 - 1939 COUNTER SHEET / Pof.20-27, Linden Leaves 5h-50h, comple
1939 COUNTER SHEET / Pof.20-27, Linden Leaves 5h-50h, complete set in/at osmi 100 stamps sheets; folded in perforation, 30h brown with ohybem
Starting price: CZK
231716 - 1939 Pof.M20-27, Linden Leaves 5-50h, complete set 8 pcs of
1939 Pof.M20-27, Linden Leaves 5-50h, complete set 8 pcs of 4-stamp gutter in/at whole vertical bands with margin sheets; 1x only folded in perforation, otherwise mint never hinged
Starting price: CZK
236175 - 1939-1944 COUNTER SHEET / PARTIE / 19 pcs of complete PA: Po
1939-1944 COUNTER SHEET / PARTIE / 19 pcs of complete PA: Pof.20, Linden Leaves 5h (7x), Pof.21, Linden Leaves 10h (2x), Pof.22, Linden Leaves 20h (2x), Pof.23, Linden Leaves 25h, Pof.24, Linden Leaves 30h violet (2x), Pof.69-71, Mozart 60+60h - 2,50+2,50K, Pof.120-121, St. Vitus 1,50K-2,50K; c.v.. 4.400CZK, various quality, viewing of quality recommended, we advice viewings
Starting price: CZK
237898 - 1940 MEZIARŠÍ SE SOUKROMÝM PŘÍTISKEM / Pof.20-24, 26, m
1940 MEZIARŠÍ SE SOUKROMÝM PŘÍTISKEM / Pof.20-24, 26, memorial double-sheet with additional-printing in black color on hand-made paper with 6 pcs of 4-stamp gutter with additional-printing - Hundred years post. stamps 1840-1940 in 6 various colors; gutter are uchycena always first hinge; rare occurrence!
Starting price: CZK
236987 - 1939 PLATE PROOF  Pof.32, Brno 1,20 Koruna, print hotové gr
1939 PLATE PROOF Pof.32, Brno 1,20 Koruna, print hotové gravure in/at different green color on/for pokřídovaném card paper without gum; very fine, certificate Brunel, minimum usage Bohemian and Moravian plate proofs in the market, rare offer!
Starting price: CZK
231731 - 1939 PÁSY / Pof.37II, Landscape the first issue., Ostrava 4
1939 PÁSY / Pof.37II, Landscape the first issue., Ostrava 4 Koruna, type II., upper marginal bnd-of-10, plate mark ** + 2x the bottom marginal bnd-of-10, plate mark ++; mint never hinged, very fine
Starting price: CZK
236101 - 1939-1940 PÁSY / comp. 13 pcs of upper and bottom 10-pásů
1939-1940 PÁSY / comp. 13 pcs of upper and bottom 10-pásů: Pof.37II, Ostrava 4 Koruna - upper and the bottom with plate mark +++, Pof.45, Bechyně 5 Koruna - upper and the bottom with plate mark ++, Pof.46, Budějovice 6 Koruna - upper (plate mark +) and the bottom (2x, plate mark + and *), Pof.47, Kroměříž 8K - upper and the bottom with plate mark *, Pof.48, Prague 10K - upper and the bottom with plate mark +, Pof.49, Prague 20K - upper and the bottom with plate mark ++; mint never hinged
Starting price: CZK
236103 - 1939 PÁSY / Pof.38, Landscape the first issue., Prague 5 Ko
1939 PÁSY / Pof.38, Landscape the first issue., Prague 5 Koruna, comp. of 2 bottom marginal 15-pásů with plate mark + and *; mint never hinged
Starting price: CZK
236102 - 1939 PÁSY / Pof.39, Landscape the first issue., Prague 10K,
1939 PÁSY / Pof.39, Landscape the first issue., Prague 10K, upper and the bottom marginal 15-pás with plate mark *; mint never hinged
Starting price: CZK
236164 - 1940-1941 COUNTER SHEET / comp. of 3 complete PA: Pof.43, La
1940-1941 COUNTER SHEET / comp. of 3 complete PA: Pof.43, Landscape issue II., Brno 1,20 Koruna, 50 pcs of sheet with plate mark *** + Pof.47, Landscape issue II., Kroměříž 8K, 100 stamps sheet with plate mark * + Pof.57, Landscape III. issue, Prague 1,20 Koruna, 50 pcs of sheet with plate mark **; mint never hinged, folded only in perforation
Starting price: CZK
231728 - 1940 Pof.47, 48, Landscape II. issue: Kroměříž 8K, the b
1940 Pof.47, 48, Landscape II. issue: Kroměříž 8K, the bottom marginal bend-of-10, plate mark + and Prague 10K, 2x upper marginal bend-of-10, plate mark * and +; mint never hinged
Starting price: CZK
236168 - 1940 COUNTER SHEET / Pof.50-51, Red Cross I., 60+40h and 1,2
1940 COUNTER SHEET / Pof.50-51, Red Cross I., 60+40h and 1,20K+80h, complete set in 100 pcs of counter sheet, value 1,20 Koruna violet with almost whole rozměřovacím cross at top (!) and value 60h blue with long line rozměřovacího křížku lower; folded in perforation, otherwise nice quality, rare usage!
Starting price: CZK
236167 - 1941 COUNTER SHEET / Pof.52-53, Red Cross II. 60+40h and 1,2
1941 COUNTER SHEET / Pof.52-53, Red Cross II. 60+40h and 1,20K+80h, complete set in 100 pcs of counter sheet; only horiz. folded in perforation, rare usage
Starting price: CZK
236158 - 1941 COUNTER SHEET / Pof.62-63, Dvořák 60h and 1,20 Koruna
1941 COUNTER SHEET / Pof.62-63, Dvořák 60h and 1,20 Koruna, complete set 100 pcs of counter sheet; mint never hinged, folded only in perforation
Starting price: CZK
236154 - 1941 COUNTER SHEET / Pof.62-63, Dvořák 60h and 1,20 Koruna
1941 COUNTER SHEET / Pof.62-63, Dvořák 60h and 1,20 Koruna, complete set 50 pcs of counter sheet; mint never hinged, only vert. fold in perforation
Starting price: CZK
236171 - 1941 COUNTER SHEET / Pof.64-67, Prague fairs, complete set s
1941 COUNTER SHEET / Pof.64-67, Prague fairs, complete set sheets of 100; toned, viewing of quality recommended
Starting price: CZK
236116 - 1942 COUNTER SHEET / Pof.72-73, 3. Anniv of Bohemia-Moravia
1942 COUNTER SHEET / Pof.72-73, 3. Anniv of Bohemia-Moravia 1,20 Koruna + 2,50 Koruna, comp. 2 pcs of complete 24 pcs of counter sheet with R margin, value 1,20 Koruna plate mark **, value 2,50 Koruna plate mark +; mint never hinged, sought
Starting price: CZK
236115 - 1942 COUNTER SHEET / Pof.72-73, 3. Anniv of Bohemia-Moravia
1942 COUNTER SHEET / Pof.72-73, 3. Anniv of Bohemia-Moravia 1,20 Koruna + 2,50 Koruna, comp. 4 pcs of complete 24 pcs of counter sheet with R margin, set plate mark, value 1,20 Koruna ** and ++, value 2,50 Koruna * and +; mint never hinged, with complete plate marks sought!
Starting price: CZK
231627 - 1942 COUNTER SHEET / Pof.74, 76-77, 53. birthday A. H., line
1942 COUNTER SHEET / Pof.74, 76-77, 53. birthday A. H., line three 100 pcs of counter sheet (missing value 60+40h); very nice quality, only vert. fold in perforation
Starting price: CZK
236148 - 1942 PÁSY /  Pof.74-77, 53. birthday A. H., complete set of
1942 PÁSY / Pof.74-77, 53. birthday A. H., complete set of 8 pcs of L and P vertical bands (10 stamp. + 4 coupons); mint never hinged
Starting price: CZK
236105 - 1942 Pof.74-77, 53. birthday A. Hitler. 30+20h - 2,50+1,50K,
1942 Pof.74-77, 53. birthday A. Hitler. 30+20h - 2,50+1,50K, upper also the bottom horiz. horseshoe with margin, VK-6 + VK-7, complete set; 1x grain in paper, otherwise very fine
Starting price: CZK
236113 - 1942-1945 Pof.78-99, 122, A. Hitler. 10h-50K, complete set i
1942-1945 Pof.78-99, 122, A. Hitler. 10h-50K, complete set in LR corner blocks of four, at value 1 Koruna 2x, in addition also 3 other blocks of four zbývající to complete corner miniatures, values 2,50K-8K all with wide margin, 10K-50K VK-2, value 4,20 Koruna in 2 almost complete corner miniaturách with wide also close margin, missing only LD with close margin; mint never hinged
Starting price: CZK
236165 - 1942 COUNTER SHEET / Pof.87, 89, A. Hitler. 1,60K green + 2,
1942 COUNTER SHEET / Pof.87, 89, A. Hitler. 1,60K green + 2,40 Koruna brown, comp. of 2 complete 200 pcs of sheets; folded only in perforation
Starting price: CZK
236111 - 1942 Pof.99, A. Hitler. 50K blue, complete set 4 corner blk-
1942 Pof.99, A. Hitler. 50K blue, complete set 4 corner blk-of-4 with 1 coupon VK-1 - VK-4; mint never hinged
Starting price: CZK
236169 - 1942-1943 COUNTER SHEET / Pof.100-101, 112, Red Cross III. +
1942-1943 COUNTER SHEET / Pof.100-101, 112, Red Cross III. + Red Cross IV., complete set in 100 stamps sheets; mint never hinged, folded only in perforation
Starting price: CZK
234001 - 1943 COUNTER SHEET / Pof.102, Day of Stamp 60h, comp. 2 pcs
1943 COUNTER SHEET / Pof.102, Day of Stamp 60h, comp. 2 pcs of sheets from plate 1 and 2; small spot, otherwise nice, folded only in perforation
Starting price: CZK
234006 - 1943 COUNTER SHEET / Pof.112, German Red Cross IV. issue + P
1943 COUNTER SHEET / Pof.112, German Red Cross IV. issue + Pof.102, Day of Stamp; very nice, only folded in perforation
Starting price: CZK
234018 - 1943 COUNTER SHEET / Pof.103-105, Winter relief 60+40h - 2,5
1943 COUNTER SHEET / Pof.103-105, Winter relief 60+40h - 2,50+1,50K, complete set of sheets of 100, value 2,50+1,50K full guide mark in lower margin; value 60+40h small spot in margin, otherwise very fine, only vert. fold in perforation
Starting price: CZK
231621 - 1943 COUNTER SHEET / Pof.103-105, Winter relief 60+40h - 2,5
1943 COUNTER SHEET / Pof.103-105, Winter relief 60+40h - 2,50+1,50K, complete set of sheets of 100; only vert. fold in perforation
Starting price: CZK
234016 - 1943 COUNTER SHEET / Pof.103-105, Winter relief 60+40h - 2,5
1943 COUNTER SHEET / Pof.103-105, Winter relief 60+40h - 2,50+1,50K, complete set of sheets of 100; mint never hinged, only vert. fold in perforation
Starting price: CZK
236166 - 1943 COUNTER SHEET / Pof.108-110, Wagner 60h-250h, complete
1943 COUNTER SHEET / Pof.108-110, Wagner 60h-250h, complete set in 100 stamps sheets; mint never hinged, only folded in perforation
Starting price: CZK
231636 - 1943 COUNTER SHEET / Pof.110, Wagner, complete 100 stamps sh
1943 COUNTER SHEET / Pof.110, Wagner, complete 100 stamps sheet values 250h light blue, plate 1, supplemented with half sheet standard blue color; mint never hinged, folded in perforation, rare shade blue color!
Starting price: CZK
234005 - 1943 COUNTER SHEET / Pof.112, German Red Cross IV. issue 1,2
1943 COUNTER SHEET / Pof.112, German Red Cross IV. issue 1,20+8,80K, comp. 2 pcs of sheets from plate 1 and 2; minor gum fault, small folds corners, otherwise nice, folded only in perforation
Starting price: CZK
231638 - 1944 COUNTER SHEET / Pof.115, 5. Anniv Protectorate, complet
1944 COUNTER SHEET / Pof.115, 5. Anniv Protectorate, complete 100 stamps sheet values 10K+20k blue, plate 1 incl. all plate variety, i.a. 41/1 "Deutsches (German)"; mint never hinged, only folded in perforation
Starting price: CZK
233983 - 1944  COUNTER SHEET / Pof.116-117, 55. birthday A. Hitler.,
1944 COUNTER SHEET / Pof.116-117, 55. birthday A. Hitler., complete set of sheets of 100; folded in perforation, light folds corners
Starting price: CZK
236163 - 1944 COUNTER SHEET / Pof.118-119, Smetana 60h+1,40K and 1,20
1944 COUNTER SHEET / Pof.118-119, Smetana 60h+1,40K and 1,20+3,80K; complete set 100 pcs of counter sheet; folded in perforation, value 1,20 Koruna light povolená perf, 60h 2x stamp. with minor gum fault
Starting price: CZK
233985 - 1944 COUNTER SHEET / Pof.120-121, St. Vitus, full line compl
1944 COUNTER SHEET / Pof.120-121, St. Vitus, full line complete 100 pcs of counter sheet; minor faults, folded only in perforation
Starting price: CZK
238692 - 1940-1941 SELECTION of / 15 pcs of larger part/-s dispatch n
1940-1941 SELECTION of / 15 pcs of larger part/-s dispatch notes, franked with. especially vyššími values issues Landscape 1939 and 1940, i.a. 2x 10K, 1x franked with. 2x Official I 3 Koruna and 1x zaplacená cash with mounted Postage due stmp 40h, various CDS; very fine
Starting price: CZK
231785 - 1940-1943 FISCAL USAGE POSTAL ZN. / fee for insight to court
1940-1943 FISCAL USAGE POSTAL ZN. / fee for insight to court document paid 6 pcs of stamp. 1 Koruna, Pof.31, with hand-made cancellation and on reverse block of four same stamp. with court cancel. MORAVSKÁ OSTRAVA 17.V.1940 (cut margins) + invoice f. Orion with additionally printed Bohemian and Moravian revenue 50h and mounted stamp. 1,50 Koruna, Pof.58, as postal-charge with railway-station oval postm. (good condition)
Starting price: CZK
237348 - 1940-1945 comp. 11 pcs of various entires, contains i.a. 2x
1940-1945 comp. 11 pcs of various entires, contains i.a. 2x Hranice postage-due provisional, PC sent as Registered or Ex, entire zatíženou postage-due 2x 5h, 2x entire franked with. service stmp., from that 1x with big propagandistic "V", Reg letter sent by German Off. Mail German Service post BüM PRAG etc..; good condition
Starting price: CZK
228405 - 1941 PRAGUE - BUENOS AIRES, heavier airmail letter to Argent
1941 PRAGUE - BUENOS AIRES, heavier airmail letter to Argentina (!), franked with. Bohemian and Moravian stamp., i.a. 20K Charles Bridge, Pof.49, 37, CDS PLZEŇ 1/ 24.IX.41, supplemented with frame cancel. Mit Luftpost nach South America, on reverse arrival postmarkl VIA AREA BUENOS AIRES; good condition, decorative piece, rare franking!
Starting price: CZK
239511 - 1942-1944 comp. 2 pcs of Reg and Express letters sent abroad
1942-1944 comp. 2 pcs of Reg and Express letters sent abroad, 1x to Germany, with A. Hitler 50K with CDS PRAGUE 27/ 15.XIII.42, on reverse arrival postmark BERLIN 16.12.42 (Us, but overfranked), 1x commercial letter to Switzerland, i.a. franked by stmp A. Hitler 10k with CDS Telegraphstation PRAGUE 19.VIII.44, on reverse arrival postmark ZÜRICH 28.VIII.44; good condition
Starting price: CZK
238680 - 1943 commercial Reg letter with Prague 1,20 Koruna red, Pof.
1943 commercial Reg letter with Prague 1,20 Koruna red, Pof.57, 2x A. Hitler. 10h black, Pof.78, A. Hitler. 40h grey-blue, Pof.80 and 3x A. Hitler. 1,20 Koruna red, Pof.85, CDS URBANOV 23.III.43; nice good condition
Starting price: CZK
227054 - 1944 PRAG FLUGHAFEN/ 24.X.44/ PRAGUE LETIŠTĚ/a/  philateli
1944 PRAG FLUGHAFEN/ 24.X.44/ PRAGUE LETIŠTĚ/a/ philatelically influenced airmail letter to Germany, with Pof.114, 117, 119, 3x print years. postmark; good condition, rare occurrence this air-mail cancel. on/for Bohemian and Moravian correspondence, ex Bulant
Starting price: CZK
1939 [COLLECTIONS] MINISTERSKÉ DÁRKOVÉ ALBUM / green folder A4 with inscription BOHEMIA UND MÄHREN / BOHEMIA AND MORAVIA, inside blocks of four Landscape I. 3-4K and blocks of 6 delivery 50h blue and red adjustované in photo-corners on/for přeloženém sheet paper, probably ministry gift album; perfectly good condition, unusual and interesting
Starting price: CZK
1939 [COLLECTIONS] MINISTERSKÉ DÁRKOVÉ ALBUM / green folder A4 with inscription BOHEMIA UND MÄHREN / BOHEMIA AND MORAVIA, inside blocks of four Linden Leaves 5-30h violet and Landscape I. 5-20K adjustované in photo-corners on/for přeloženém sheet paper, probably ministry gift album; perfectly good condition, unusual and interesting
Starting price: CZK
1939 [COLLECTIONS] MINISTERSKÉ DÁRKOVÉ ALBUM / green folder A4 with inscription BOHEMIA UND MÄHREN / BOHEMIA AND MORAVIA, inside horiz. str-of-6 Zvíkov 40h and blocks of four Landscape I. 1,20-2,50K and Newspaper stamps 1939 2h-1K adjustované in photo-corners on/for přeloženém sheet paper and samostatném sheet, probably ministry gift album; perfectly good condition, unusual and interesting
Starting price: CZK

Public Auction 69 / Philately / German occupation of Bohemia-Moravia / Issues 1939-1945 - Information

Výplatní emise

30.8. 1939  Lipové listy hlubotisk

Poštovní známky emise Lipové listy byly vydány v 8 hodnotách 5h - 50h. Autor návrhu A. Schaumann, tisk hlubotiskem HT. Přepážkové archy 10x10 nebo 2x 10x10 známkových polí spojených meziarším.

Data vydání jednotlivých hodnot: 5h až 30h - 30. 8. 1939, 40h - 10. 6. 1940, 50h - 20. 12. 1940, 30h - 1. 6. 1941

Platnost do 31. 3. 1943

29. 7. 1939  Krajiny, hrady a města  I.vydání

Poštovní známky této emise byly vydány ve 13 hodnotách 40h až 20K. Autoři návrhů K. Vik, B. Heinz, J. C. Vondrouš a V. Silovský, rytiny K. Seizinger a B. Heinz. Tisk rotačním ocelotiskem OTr.

Data vydání jednotlivých hodnot: 50h, 60h a 1K - 29. 7. 1939, 40h, 1K až 2K - 15. 8. 1939, 5K až 20K 30. 8. 1939, 3K (jedna DZ) - 4. 11. 1939, 4K (jedna DZ) - 1. 12. 1939, 3K (dvě DZ) a 4K (dvě DZ) - 20. 11. 1940, 4K (tři DZ) - 1942

Platnost do 31. 3. 1943