Public Auction 69 / Philately / Czechoslovakia 1945-1992 / Postage stamps 1953-1992

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236457 - 1966 PLATE PROOF  Pof.1499, sports event/-s 60h, print unfin
1966 PLATE PROOF Pof.1499, sports event/-s 60h, print unfinished gravure (neprorytý wedge [ ˇ ] above Č) in/at original green color on chalky paper without gum, wide margins; very fine
Starting price: CZK
236450 - 1966 PLATE PROOF  Pof.1506, Sucharda 30h, print unfinished g
1966 PLATE PROOF Pof.1506, Sucharda 30h, print unfinished gravure (missing wedge [ ˇ ] above Č) in/at green color on chalky paper without gum; very fine
Starting price: CZK
236471 - 1966 PLATE PROOF  Pof.A1508, miniature sheet Bartered bride
1966 PLATE PROOF Pof.A1508, miniature sheet Bartered bride 3Kčs, comp. of 2 proof printings: 1x color joined printing nehotových gravures stamps (missing wedge [ ˇ ] above Č) and 1x master die partitury in/at tmavomodré color; very fine
Starting price: CZK
236453 - 1966 PLATE PROOF  Pof.1516, World zdravotnická organization
1966 PLATE PROOF Pof.1516, World zdravotnická organization 1Kčs, print unfinished gravure (missing wedge [ ˇ ] above Č) in blue color on chalky paper without gum; very fine
Starting price: CZK
238567 - 1966 Pof.1517 production flaw, Fishes 30h, stamp. with signi
1966 Pof.1517 production flaw, Fishes 30h, stamp. with significant shifted perforation L-wards to to picture stamp.; mint never hinged, in this issue quite exceptional
Starting price: CZK
236077 - 1966 Pof.1517-1522, Fishes 30h-1,60Kčs, complete set in/at
1966 Pof.1517-1522, Fishes 30h-1,60Kčs, complete set in/at corner blocks of four (except 1Kčs), value 1,20Kčs with production flaw - significant shifted print black color L-wards, value 1Kčs 2x ST II + I; extraordinary selection of
Starting price: CZK
239116 - 1966 Pof.1517-1522, Fishes, complete set according to typů:
1966 Pof.1517-1522, Fishes, complete set according to typů: value 30h types I + II.., 1Kčs ST in horiz. pair (little povolená perf) and single stamp. type II., 1,40Kčs I., II. and type III., 1,60Kčs I., II. and type III.; mint never hinged, rare offer
Starting price: CZK
235979 - 1966 Pof.1518 production flaw, Fishes 60h, comp. of 2 stamp.
1966 Pof.1518 production flaw, Fishes 60h, comp. of 2 stamp. with production flaw and DV: 1x with significant shift grey and green color downward, 1x with plate variety 5/1 - stain below flipper; mint never hinged, very interesting, nerazítkovaná stamp. with shift colors at all first-time on offer!
Starting price: CZK
236504 - 1966 PLATE PROOF  Pof.1544, Slavín 30h, proof print definit
1966 PLATE PROOF Pof.1544, Slavín 30h, proof print definitive gravure in/at original grey-violet color on chalky paper without gum, on reverse signature of engraver J. Goldschmied; very fine
Starting price: CZK
236448 - 1966 PLATE PROOF Pof.1551, 70. Anniv Czechosl.O.C., print ba
1966 PLATE PROOF Pof.1551, 70. Anniv Czechosl.O.C., print barevného joined printing unfinished gravure (missing wedge [ ˇ ] above Č) on chalky paper without gum, wide margins; very fine
Starting price: CZK
236447 - 1966 Pof.1564 production flaw 3, Telč 50h, horizontal strip
1966 Pof.1564 production flaw 3, Telč 50h, horizontal strip of 3 with significant shifted perforation to picture of stmp., paper fluorescent paper 1; mint never hinged, small production gum flaw + partially strávená fluorescence
Starting price: CZK
236613 - 1966 Pof.1565xb, Ostrava 60h, optically cleared paper, in ad
1966 Pof.1565xb, Ostrava 60h, optically cleared paper, in addition "kolejnička" in colour background in/at inscription; mint never hinged, on request exp. labour, rare výskyt!
Starting price: CZK
236464 - 1966 PLATE PROOF  Pof.1566, Olomouc 1Kčs, print unfinished
1966 PLATE PROOF Pof.1566, Olomouc 1Kčs, print unfinished gravure (missing wedge [ ˇ ] above Č) in/at tmavomodré color on chalky paper without gum, wide margins; very fine, rare and sought
Starting price: CZK
239113 - 1966 Pof.1568 plate variety, 1569 plate variety, 1572 plate
1966 Pof.1568 plate variety, 1569 plate variety, 1572 plate variety, 1573 plate variety, Game, complete set c.v.. plate variety on/for used stmp.: 40h plate variety 45/4 - stain in antlers L (vzácné!), 60h plate variety 32/1 - uneven UL corner, 1,20Kčs plate variety 40/1 - "cut" UR corner, 2Kčs plate variety 17/1 - significant yellow stain in slunci (marginal block-of-4); sought
Starting price: CZK
239100 - 1966 Pof.1568 plate variety, Game 40h, plate variety 45/4 -
1966 Pof.1568 plate variety, Game 40h, plate variety 45/4 - stain in antlers L; mint never hinged, sought, catalogue misvalues, in/at neupoužité quite rare occurrence!
Starting price: CZK
239104 - 1966 Pof.1568, Game 40h, significantly wider format (digress
1966 Pof.1568, Game 40h, significantly wider format (digression comb L); mint never hinged
Starting price: CZK
236480 - 1966 Pof.1570 ST, Game 80h, upper corner and the bottom marg
1966 Pof.1570 ST, Game 80h, upper corner and the bottom marginal horizontal strip of 3 with ST I+I+II, resp. I+II+I, comb perforation getting from above downward + stamp. with I. type with comb perforation from below up; mint never hinged, 1x exp. Kulda
Starting price: CZK
239107 - 1966 Pof.1572 plate variety, Game 1,20Kčs, LR corner blk-of
1966 Pof.1572 plate variety, Game 1,20Kčs, LR corner blk-of-4 with plate variety on pos. 50 - big light stain in next "S" name state, c.v.. doesn't report; superb, rare occurrence
Starting price: CZK
239108 - 1966 Pof.1572 inverted comb perforation, Game 1,20Kčs, sign
1966 Pof.1572 inverted comb perforation, Game 1,20Kčs, significantly narrower format (shortened comb), in addition inverted comb perforation; mint never hinged, sought
Starting price: CZK
239109 - 1966 Pof.1573 plate variety, Game 2Kčs, upper marginal vert
1966 Pof.1573 plate variety, Game 2Kčs, upper marginal vertical pair with plate variety 17/1 - stain on slunci; mint never hinged, sought
Starting price: CZK
235999 - 1966 Pof.PL1574 plate variety, Hollar 1Kčs, PB with plate v
1966 Pof.PL1574 plate variety, Hollar 1Kčs, PB with plate variety 3/2 - tear; mint never hinged
Starting price: CZK
230069 - 1966 Pof.PL1574-1578, I. Art, complete set PB; very fine
1966 Pof.PL1574-1578, I. Art, complete set PB; very fine
Starting price: CZK
233170 - 1966 Pof.PL1574-1578, I. Art, complete set PB; very fine
1966 Pof.PL1574-1578, I. Art, complete set PB; very fine
Starting price: CZK
236431 - 1966 PLATE PROOF  Pof.1575, Kupecký 1Kčs, print barevného
1966 PLATE PROOF Pof.1575, Kupecký 1Kčs, print barevného joined printing nehotových gravures (missing wedge [ ˇ ] above Č) on chalky paper without gum, wide margins; very fine, exp. by Karasek
Starting price: CZK
236432 - 1966 PLATE PROOF  Pof.1578, Fulla 1Kčs, print barevného jo
1966 PLATE PROOF Pof.1578, Fulla 1Kčs, print barevného joined printing nehotových gravures (missing wedge [ ˇ ] above Č) on chalky paper without gum, wide margins, signed J. Herčík; very fine
Starting price: CZK
236479 - 1967 Pof.1587 ST, Water Birds 30h, vertical marginal Pr with
1967 Pof.1587 ST, Water Birds 30h, vertical marginal Pr with ST II + I, also with single stamp. with II. type; mint never hinged
Starting price: CZK
234220 - 1967 Pof.1587-1593, Water Birds 30h - 1,60Kčs, complete set
1967 Pof.1587-1593, Water Birds 30h - 1,60Kčs, complete set in/at corner blocks of four, contains Pof.1592 plate variety 4/1 - incomplete middle line in/at beak and light zero; value 60h folds and povolená perf, otherwise nice quality
Starting price: CZK
236487 - 1967 PLATE PROOF  Pof.1601, EXPO ´67 Montreal 40h, proof pr
1967 PLATE PROOF Pof.1601, EXPO ´67 Montreal 40h, proof print barevného joined printing nehotových gravures (missing wedge [ ˇ ] above Č) in original colors on chalky paper without gum, in/at miniature sheet arrangement, hole from letter file/-s, signature J. Herčík; very fine
Starting price: CZK
236488 - 1967 PLATE PROOF  Pof.A1606, miniature sheet EXPO ´67 Montr
1967 PLATE PROOF Pof.A1606, miniature sheet EXPO ´67 Montreal 3Kčs, proof print barevného joined printing nehotových gravures (neprorytý wedge [ ˇ ] above Č) in original colors on chalky paper without gum, wide margins, hints of otvorech letter file/-s, signature J. Herčík; very fine, plate proofs miniature sheets are rare and sought!
Starting price: CZK
236497 - 1967 PLATE PROOF  Pof.1611, Prague castle 30h, proof print u
1967 PLATE PROOF Pof.1611, Prague castle 30h, proof print unfinished gravure (neprorytý wedge [ ˇ ] above Č) in/at grey-green color on chalky paper, in/at miniature sheet arrangement, with signature J. Herčík; very fine
Starting price: CZK
236496 - 1967 PLATE PROOF  refused design/sketch miniature sheet Prag
1967 PLATE PROOF refused design/sketch miniature sheet Prague castle 5Kčs in/at grey-green color on chalky paper without gum, used motive Vladislavského hall vyšel on stmp 60h, Pof.1612; very fine
Starting price: CZK
236502 - 1967 PLATE PROOF  comp. of 2 zvětšených proof copy-print
1967 PLATE PROOF comp. of 2 zvětšených proof copy-print rytin: 1x "emblem printing family Gersonidů" in/at red-brown color on white paper without gum, used for stamp Judaika 60h, c.v.. Pof.1616 + 1x "Old New synagogue Prague (1268)" in dark brown color on yellowy paper without gum, used for stamp Judaika 1,20Kčs, c.v.. Pof.1618; small yellowing in margin
Starting price: CZK
236501 - 1967 PLATE PROOF  Pof.1620, Judaika 1,60Kčs, proof print ba
1967 PLATE PROOF Pof.1620, Judaika 1,60Kčs, proof print barevného joined printing nehotových gravures (missing wedge [ ˇ ] above Č) on chalky paper without gum, wide margins; very fine
Starting price: CZK
236481 - 1967 PLATE PROOF  Pof.1622, 8. congress UIA 1Kčs, proof pri
1967 PLATE PROOF Pof.1622, 8. congress UIA 1Kčs, proof print unfinished gravure (missing wedge [ ˇ ] above Č) in black color on chalky paper without gum; very fine
Starting price: CZK
236492 - 1967 PLATE PROOF  Pof.1644-1646, 50. Anniv October Revolutio
1967 PLATE PROOF Pof.1644-1646, 50. Anniv October Revolution 30h - 1Kčs, comp. of 3 proof copy-print color joined printings definitive gravures in original colors on chalky paper without gum, wide margins; complete set, very fine
Starting price: CZK
236508 - 1967 engraver trial picture F. Tichý - Kouzelník with card
1967 engraver trial picture F. Tichý - Kouzelník with card, užitá on stmp Pof.1647 from issue Art 1967, with signature of engraver J. Herčík, format 10,3x12,4cm; very fine
Starting price: CZK
236490 - 1967 PLATE PROOF  Pof.1647, Tichý 60h, proof print barevné
1967 PLATE PROOF Pof.1647, Tichý 60h, proof print barevného joined printing nehotových gravures (missing wedge [ ˇ ] above Č) in original colors on chalky paper without gum, wide margins; very fine
Starting price: CZK
236489 - 1967 PLATE PROOF  Pof.1651, Gotický champion 1,60Kčs, proo
1967 PLATE PROOF Pof.1651, Gotický champion 1,60Kčs, proof print barevného joined printing nehotových gravures (missing wedge [ ˇ ] above Č) in original colors on chalky paper, in/at miniature sheet arrangement, filling holes, signature J. Herčík; very fine
Starting price: CZK
236498 - 1968 PLATE PROOF  Pof.1666, Liptovský Mikuláš 30h, proof
1968 PLATE PROOF Pof.1666, Liptovský Mikuláš 30h, proof print unfinished gravure (missing wedge [ ˇ ] above Č) in/at original green color on chalky paper without gum, wide margins; very fine
Starting price: CZK
236830 - 1967-1969 KUPÓNY A SPOJKY / selection of Pof.K1682-85 and K
1967-1969 KUPÓNY A SPOJKY / selection of Pof.K1682-85 and K1687 with upper also bottom coupon and in blocks of four with lower coupons + K1688-91 and 1692 with upper coupons; Pof.S L56-61 upper corner blocks of four (2x complete gutter-pair) + S L56-61 vertical pairs (1x complete gutter-pair) + K L56-61 with upper also bottom coupon, supplemented with PL1686 and PL1692; Pof.L72-73, 1x in blocks of four (4x stamp. with upper also bottom coupon) + S L72-73 gutter-pair with upper coupon in addition + 1x L72-73 vertical pairs with 1 bottom and 2 upper coupons; perfect condition, on 2 cards A4
Starting price: CZK
236482 - 1969 PLATE PROOF  Pof.1765, 50. anniv of death Štefánik 60
1969 PLATE PROOF Pof.1765, 50. anniv of death Štefánik 60h, proof print unfinished gravure (missing wedge [ ˇ ] above Č) in violet color on chalky paper, wide margins; very fine
Starting price: CZK
236484 - 1969 PLATE PROOF  Pof.1779, 25. Anniv fight for Duklu 30h, p
1969 PLATE PROOF Pof.1779, 25. Anniv fight for Duklu 30h, proof print barevného joined printing nehotových gravures (missing wedge [ ˇ ] above Č) on chalky paper without gum, wide margins, very fine
Starting price: CZK
236763 - 1969 Pof.PL1791, Congress UPU, comp. of 4 plate, A+B+C+D; mi
1969 Pof.PL1791, Congress UPU, comp. of 4 plate, A+B+C+D; mint never hinged
Starting price: CZK
238593 - 1970 COUNTER SHEET / Pof.1804-1807, World Championship in sk
1970 COUNTER SHEET / Pof.1804-1807, World Championship in skiing 50h-1,60Kčs, set in/at complete unfolded 25 pcs of counter sheet, always plate A+B (total 8 sheets), 50h field B with "nadbytečnou" violet control color mark R from pos. 20 (only part of edition), date printing: 50h 5.XII.69 (last day tisku!), 60h 6.XI., 1Kčs 24.XI., 1,60Kčs 15.XII.; sporadically slightly povolená perf only in margin, small folds in margin out of stmp, sought
Starting price: CZK
236274 - 1970 PLATE PROOF  Pof.1814, UNESCO Hell 40h, proof master di
1970 PLATE PROOF Pof.1814, UNESCO Hell 40h, proof master die in/at original brown color, else/yet without wedge [ ˇ ] above character "C", on paper without gum; undamaged
Starting price: CZK
236272 - 1970 PLATE PROOF  Pof.1815, UNESCO Comenius 40h, proof maste
1970 PLATE PROOF Pof.1815, UNESCO Comenius 40h, proof master die in/at original grey-black color, else/yet without wedge [ ˇ ] above character "C", on paper without gum; very fine
Starting price: CZK
237417 - 1971 Pof.1875-1877, Vernacular Architecture 1Kčs, 1,60Kčs,
1971 Pof.1875-1877, Vernacular Architecture 1Kčs, 1,60Kčs, 2Kčs, selection of c.v.. shades (various editions) on paper bp: 1Kčs xab azurová (1. surplus print, rarest shade complete issue, c.v.. very misvalues!) and common xaa (blue) + 1,60Kčs xaa (dark green) and xab (green) + 2Kčs xaa and xab; very nice selection of
Starting price: CZK
236365 - 1971 Pof.1875xba, Vernacular Architecture 1Kčs, surplus pri
1971 Pof.1875xba, Vernacular Architecture 1Kčs, surplus print on paper optically cleared, vertical strip of 5; mint never hinged, c.v.. 4.000CZK
Starting price: CZK
237030 - 1971 Pof.1875xbb, Vernacular Architecture 1Kčs, optically c
1971 Pof.1875xbb, Vernacular Architecture 1Kčs, optically cleared paper, light blue, corner str-of-3 with date of print 20.X.76 (5. surplus print) and single stamp. with date of print 16.XII.76 (6. surplus print); mint never hinged, sought
Starting price: CZK
236398 - 1971-1972 Pof.18750 1966, Vernacular Architecture 1CZK - 20C
1971-1972 Pof.18750 1966, Vernacular Architecture 1CZK - 20CZK, interesting selection of 23 pcs of according to various sorts papers, contains Pof.1875xa - 1883xa and 1967 on paper -bp-; 1875xb - 1877xb, 1879xb, 1964xb, 1966xb on paper -oz-; 1875ya, 1879ya, 1966ya on paper -fl1-; 1875yb, 1881yb, 1964yb, 1965yb on paper -fl2-; all svěží
Starting price: CZK
237035 - 1971-1992 DATA TISKU / Pof.1875-1879, 1881, 1883, 1964, 1966
1971-1992 DATA TISKU / Pof.1875-1879, 1881, 1883, 1964, 1966-1967, 3022, selection of 57 date print issue Vernacular Architecture in/at whole bnd-of-10, multiple stripe, blocks of four also single stamp., various values, types, shades, sought dotisky and better papers; on 2 pages A4, several times without gum, overall but good quality, interesting selection of
Starting price: CZK
236954 - 1971 Pof.1877 production flaw, Vernacular Architecture 2Kčs
1971 Pof.1877 production flaw, Vernacular Architecture 2Kčs with lower margin, with omitted violet color on/for larger part stamp. (color only on/for part/-s kopule bell tower), paper -oz-; mint never hinged
Starting price: CZK
236366 - 1971 Pof.1877 production flaw, Vernacular Architecture 2Kčs
1971 Pof.1877 production flaw, Vernacular Architecture 2Kčs, optically cleared paper, the bottom corner str-of-5 (!) with missing violet color by/on/at 2 stamps, only part of edition; mint never hinged, cat. only single stamp. 4.800CZK, like that significantly more
Starting price: CZK
237028 - 1971 Pof.1877xb, Vernacular Architecture 2Kčs, comp. 4 pcs
1971 Pof.1877xb, Vernacular Architecture 2Kčs, comp. 4 pcs of date printing: 14.IX.76 (single zn.), 5.IX.77 (vertical pair) and 24.X.77 (corner str-of-4 and vertical pair), contains all three shades on paper optically cleared (xba, xbb and 2x xbc); mint never hinged, 1x exp. by Pazout
Starting price: CZK
235974 - 1971-1972 Pof.1877xb, 1879xb, 1964xb, 1966xb, comp. 6 pcs of
1971-1972 Pof.1877xb, 1879xb, 1964xb, 1966xb, comp. 6 pcs of stamp. on paper oz: Vernacular Architecture 2Kčs, 3,60Kčs (2x, from that 1x marginal piece), 5Kčs (2x), 3Kčs; mint never hinged
Starting price: CZK
U:A5 | AUTOTRANS (?)Translation request
235976 - 1971 Pof.1928xb, UNICEF 80h, optically cleared paper; mint n
1971 Pof.1928xb, UNICEF 80h, optically cleared paper; mint never hinged
Starting price: CZK
238601 - 1971 Pof.1934 production flaw, Olympic Games 1972 40h, horiz
1971 Pof.1934 production flaw, Olympic Games 1972 40h, horiz. marginal strip-of-4, significant horiz. red line in upper part 2 stamps; mint never hinged
Starting price: CZK
233664 - 1972 Pof.1961 plate variety, Czechoslovakia world champion 6
1972 Pof.1961 plate variety, Czechoslovakia world champion 60h with plate variety 21 - interrupted letter "T"; mint never hinged
Starting price: CZK
239125 - 1972 Pof.1961 plate variety, Czechoslovakia world champion 6
1972 Pof.1961 plate variety, Czechoslovakia world champion 60h, complete set 7 stamp. with catalogue plate variety 3, 10, 11, 20, 21, 29, 32, incl. sought plate variety 21 - interrupted letter "T" (!); mint never hinged
Starting price: CZK
239126 - 1972 Pof.1961 plate variety, Czechoslovakia world champion 6
1972 Pof.1961 plate variety, Czechoslovakia world champion 60h, complete set seven bloks of four with c.v.. plate variety 3, 10, 11, 20, 21, 29, 32, incl. sought plate variety 21 - interrupted letter "T" (!); mint never hinged
Starting price: CZK