Public Auction 69 / Autographs / Nobility and Dynasties

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239169 - 1793 DE MÉAN ET DE BEAURIEUX François Antoine Mary Constan
1793 DE MÉAN ET DE BEAURIEUX François Antoine Mary Constantin (1758-1831), archbishop Mechelenu and bishop Liège, handwritten 3-stránkový letter signed "L´Evêque et Prince de Liège" addressed to to Brussels on/for vikomtesu Charlottu de Dam, překládaný sheet paper incl. envelope/-s with seal; nice good condition
Starting price: CZK
238712 - 1923 FERDINAND I. BULHARSKÝ (1861-1948), Bulgarian tsar 190
1923 FERDINAND I. BULHARSKÝ (1861-1948), Bulgarian tsar 1908-1918 of the House of Coburgů, handwritten written 3-stránkový text with signature, on paper with embossed heading bulharského tzar, interesting text; good condition, rare
Starting price: CZK
237472 - 1655 PHILIP IV. KING OF SPAIN (1605-1665), King Spanish and
1655 PHILIP IV. KING OF SPAIN (1605-1665), King Spanish and as Philip III. also King portugalský, neapolský and sicilský, autograph in form of "Yo el Rey" ("Já, King" - conforms tehdejšímu ceremoniálu Spanish dvora) on document, which/what King povoluje panu Diegu de Luxan, členu rytířského military order from Calatravy, šperky and pestrobarevné oděvy in/at rozporu with regulemi order (Order exists dodnes and his velmistrem is contemporary Spanish King); signs of age, after all exceedingly rare, document/-s with faleristickým kontextem from 17. stol. practically don't occur in the market!
Starting price: CZK
237507 - 1864 FRANZ JOSEPH I. (1830-1916), Austrian emperor, Czech an
1864 FRANZ JOSEPH I. (1830-1916), Austrian emperor, Czech and Hungarian King; handwritten 15-řádkový letter with signature, including card with transcription of whole text; horiz. folded, perfect condition, pozoruhodný document, complete rukopisy Franz Joseph I. occur quite rarely!
Starting price: CZK
237469 - 1840 FRIDRICH WILLIAM IV. (1795-1861), Prussian King, son Ki
1840 FRIDRICH WILLIAM IV. (1795-1861), Prussian King, son King Fridricha William III., autograph on funeral letter; dusky bands in margin, nevýrazně folded, sought and rare!
Starting price: CZK
237511 - 1820 CHOTEK Z CHOTKOVA Charles (1783-1868), Austrian úředn
1820 CHOTEK Z CHOTKOVA Charles (1783-1868), Austrian úředník, guvernér tyrolský and last the highest purkrabí Czech kingdom, autograph on folded letter with personal seal addressed on/for Carl Hussa (1761-1838, chebský c.v. and collector, kustod Metternichových collections on/for castle Kynžvart), including card with transcription part/-s text, which/what with týká Hussových collections; very fine, exceptional document!
Starting price: CZK
238705 - 1981 OTTO VON HABSBURG (1912-2011), son last Austrian empero
1981 OTTO VON HABSBURG (1912-2011), son last Austrian emperor Charles I. and Zity Bourbonsko-Parmské; signature on heading strojopisném letter; perfect condition, sought
Starting price: CZK
237512 - 1590 RUDOLF II. (1576–1611), Roman emperor, Czech and Hung
1590 RUDOLF II. (1576–1611), Roman emperor, Czech and Hungarian King, autograph on German psaném posélacím sheet - misivu in věci penze Andrease Altmanna (působil as Hofzimmermans, povýšen to šlechtického status year 1592) addressed on/for Albrechta zu Globen von Pochlowitz (Kynšperk n./O.), manager downward in/at Jáchymově, then attached i.a. also signature Humprechta Czernina from Chudenic (1525-1601, imperial council, knight Order golden rouna, hejtman Prague castle and podkomoří), caused by in Prague 12. 9. 1590, folded sheet with filigránem, decorative titulatura and preserved imperial seal with papírovým krytem; in/at folds sporadically torn or worn through, sporadically underglued, after all very rare, stěží repeatable offer!
Starting price: CZK
237454 -  SIMEON II. (*1937), Bulgarian politician, former Bulgarian
SIMEON II. (*1937), Bulgarian politician, former Bulgarian tsar and prime minister, comp. of 2 vlastnoručních signatures on photograph and paper slip; very fine
Starting price: CZK
237456 -  STÉPHANIE MONACKÁ (*1965), princess monacká, daughter pr
STÉPHANIE MONACKÁ (*1965), princess monacká, daughter prince Rainiera III. and Grace Kelly, sister prince Alberta II., songstress, modelka and návrhářka, autograph on portrait photograph; very good condition
Starting price: CZK
237487 - 1940 VIKTOR EMANUEL III. (1869-1947), King Italian, habešsk
1940 VIKTOR EMANUEL III. (1869-1947), King Italian, habešský and albánský, autograph on official document with heading "Vittorio Emanuel III, per grazia di Dio e per volonta della nazione Re d´Italia e di Albania, imperatore d´Etiopia"; horiz. fold, very fine
Starting price: CZK