Public Auction 69 / Autographs / Writers, Poets and Journalists

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236656 - 1927 ČAPEK Charles (1890-1938), slavný Czech writer, journ
1927 ČAPEK Charles (1890-1938), slavný Czech writer, journalist, dramatist, handwritten three-line text for telegram with autograph, by pencil official letter Topolčanky 11/X 27; folded, stains in paper
Starting price: CZK
237778 - 1922 HAŠEK Jaroslav (1883-1923), slavný Czech writer, publ
1922 HAŠEK Jaroslav (1883-1923), slavný Czech writer, publicist and journalist, author Osudů dobrého soldier Švejka, handwritten 23 line text (part of letter) on/for heading paper, in text i.a. mentioned Good soldier Švejk (!); cross fold and dobově underglued (on the reverse side postmark havlíčkobrodského knihkupce Zdeněk Dvořáka), overall good condition, rukopisy Jaroslav Haška are very rare and on/for market with practically are rare, extraordinary offer!
Starting price: CZK
236659 - 1910 HLADÍK Wenceslas (1868 - 1913), Czech writer, journali
1910 HLADÍK Wenceslas (1868 - 1913), Czech writer, journalist and translator, handwritten letter with signature
Starting price: CZK
237481 - 1908 KVAPIL Jaroslav (1868–1950), Czech poet, dramatist, t
1908 KVAPIL Jaroslav (1868–1950), Czech poet, dramatist, translator, libretista and theatre director, handwritten jednostránkový letter with signature + also with 2 pcs of Kvapilových photos from year 1938; letter little torn, otherwise very fine
Starting price: CZK
237508 - 2000? LINDGREN Astrid (1907-2002), slavná Swedish authoress
2000? LINDGREN Astrid (1907-2002), slavná Swedish authoress, nositelka Nobel price/-s from literature, autograph on photograph, supplemented with about/by memorial envelope to 100. anniv of birth; very fine
Starting price: CZK
238709 - 1920 RAIS Charles Wenceslas (1859–1926), important Czech w
1920 RAIS Charles Wenceslas (1859–1926), important Czech writer; handwritten letter with whole signature - dedication to/at marriage Miloslavu Fassatimu (1887-1962) - Czech legionnaire, Czechoslovak General, chodec, šermíř and president Lehkoatletické union; supplemented with about/by original envelope, interesting, perfect condition
Starting price: CZK
236888 - 1899 SLÁDEK Joseph Wenceslas (1845-1908), important Czech p
1899 SLÁDEK Joseph Wenceslas (1845-1908), important Czech poet, handwritten letter sent to Joseph Scheinera; good condition and interesting
Starting price: CZK
238404 - 1897 SLÁDEK Joseph Wenceslas (1845-1908), important Czech p
1897 SLÁDEK Joseph Wenceslas (1845-1908), important Czech poet, autograph on invoice after/behind honorář for publ. John Otty; interesting and rare
Starting price: CZK
236892 - 1944 ŠUSTA Joseph (1874-1945), one from best known Czech hi
1944 ŠUSTA Joseph (1874-1945), one from best known Czech historiků, disciple Gollovy school, writer, politician, minister education 1920-1921, působil in/at kulturním circuit T.G.M., Beneš, Karel Čapek etc..; handwritten letter (acknowledgments) with signature
Starting price: CZK
237846 - 1853 TYL Joseph Kajetán (1808-1856), Czech dramatist, film
1853 TYL Joseph Kajetán (1808-1856), Czech dramatist, film director, actor, translator, theatre critic, writer and journalist, one of best known personalities Czech theatre from period of national obrození, author Czech national hymny; handwritten 6-stránkový (!) letter in German (8-řádkový dovětek in/at Czech language) from 7. May 1853, interesting text, zmiňováni kolegové from kočovných theatre community (Čížek, Prokop apod.), Czech text on/for herečku Annu Forcheimovou-Rajskou (1824-1903), matku children J. K. Tyla; in good condition condition, attached dobrozdání chairman Club collectors signatures LLD. Martin Prose, Ph.D., unrepeatable offer, rukopisy all "big" obrozenců are exceedingly rare and on/for market with at all are rare!
Starting price: CZK