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1939 Zber.L3X production flaw, Airmail 1 Ks, upper marginal blk-of-35, 3x significant shift horiz. perf crossways up to to picture of stmp.; hinges in corners, unusual and decorative! U:A4
1939, 1943 comp. of 2 airmail letters: 1x Ex+R+Let-dopis franked with. complete issues Airmail 1939 + 1940, CDS BARDEJOV 19.V.43, on the reverse side arrival postmark PŘELOUČ 2?.V.43, German censorship with mounted green label "Der zuständigen Zollstele vorlegen! Die Prüfstelle." + 1x Ex+R+Let-dopis with Airmail 1940 20Ks, Sy.L9, CDS SPIŠSKÉ VLACHY 12.VI.44, German censorship; both with light patina in perforation stamp. U:A4
1943 1. FLIGHT BRATISLAVA-PREŠOV / comp. 2 pcs of Flight sent letters 1. flight from Zvolen, 1x ZVOLEN - PREŠOV and 1x ZVOLEN - BRATISLAVA, both with mailing CDS ZVOLEN 2/ 18.V.43, 1x arrival PREŠOV 1/ 18.V.43, 1x arrival postmark BRATISLAVA 1/ 18.V.43, franked with. air stamp., supplemented with violet cachets 1. flight; good condition U:A5
1943 1. FLIGHT BRATISLAVA-PREŠOV / comp. 2 pcs of Flight cards sent 1. flight ZVOLEN - PREŠOV and ZVOLEN - BRATISLAVA, mailing CDS ZVOLEN 18.V.43 and arrival PREŠOV 18.V.43 on face-side, 1x on reverse arrival postmark BRATISLAVA 1/ 18.V.43, franked with. air stamp., supplemented with violet cachets 1. flight; good condition U:A5
1943 1. FLIGHT PREŠOV - BRATISLAVA / comp. 2 pcs of letters sent 1. flight to Bratislava, 1x Reg, express and airmail letter + 1x air-mail card, franked with. air stamp., both with CDS PREŠOV 1/ 18.V.43, on reverse arrival postmark Telegraphstation/ BRATISLAVA and BRATISLAVA 1/ 18.V.43 U:A5
1943 Reg and airmail letter to Germany with Airmail 1939 50h, 1Ks and Airmail 1940 5 Koruna, Sy.L2, L3 and L7, CDS TRENČIANSKE TEPLICE 8.11.43, on reverse arrival postmark HAGEN-HASPE 12.11.43, German censorship; very fine U:A5