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1860-1890 CZECH LANDS / selection of more than 50 stamps and cut-squares with thimble and one-circle postmarks from Bohemia and Moravia U:A4
1867 Mi.35-41, Franz Joseph I. 2 Kreuzer - 50 Kreuzer, selection of 31 stamps on two pages, fine and rough prints, colors, postmarks, perf etc..; from specialized collection U:A4
1867 Mi.35, 37. 39, 40-41, Franz Joseph I. 2 Kreuzer - 50 Kreuzer, selection of mint stamps: str-of-4 and 2x str-of-3, block of four and 6 single stamps, various types, colors etc..; overall fine U:A4
1867 Reg letter to Vienna, franked with 5 Kreuzer (4x) type I, rough print, 2 pcs in fornt and 2 pcs on reverse, CDS TESCHEN 5/12, supplemented with straight line postmark RECOM:, arrival postmark WIEN 7/12, unbroken seal; good condition U:A5
1872-1879 3 Reg letters franked with.3-tuple frankings 5 Kreuzer, from that 1x str-of-3 on face-side, nice thimple pmk BILOWITZ b. HRADISCH 27/3 74, PLANA 3/12 and AUSSIG 29/6 79, all supplemented with straight line postmark RECOM: or RECOMANDIRT; fine U:A5
1879 DECORATIVE LETTERS / 2x Reg letters sent to Votice, envelope with additional-printing in yellow color, franked with multiple franking 3x 5 Kreuzer red, CDS MNICHOVO HRADIŠTĚ 20/1 79, supplemented with cancel. REGISTERED + second envelope with additional-printing "S" franked with 5+ on reverse 10Kr, same CDS and cancel. Reg; good condition, decorative U:A5