Public Auction 69 / Historical Documents, Maps

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238551 - před 1780 JOSEPH II. / zápisky from inspekčních travels
před 1780 JOSEPH II. / zápisky from inspekčních travels after/around Bohemia, which/what future Joseph II. absolvoval inkognito as count Falckenstein, document zapsán members and sloužil as basis for later joefínské reform, 4 folded and thread bound sheets and one samostatný half-sheet 20x31cm paper with filigránem, hand-made written German text; nice good condition and unusual
Starting price: CZK
238554 - 1658 RAKOVNÍK / Artikuly guild kameníků and zedníků, 2
1658 RAKOVNÍK / Artikuly guild kameníků and zedníků, 2 folded sheets paper 58x44cm sew together thread, handwriting German text, title sheet and nadpisy single odstavců provedeny in red; in the middle folded, small tearing, toned, overall but good condition, interesting document
Starting price: CZK
236938 - 1775 MAPA SVĚTA / Mappa totius mundi adornata juxta observa
1775 MAPA SVĚTA / Mappa totius mundi adornata juxta observantiones..., author Tobias Conrad Lotter (1717-1777), gravure 64x46cm, allegorical kartuše, dobově colored; cross fold and sporadically underglued, good condition
Starting price: CZK
236940 - cca 1730 MAPA AFRIKY / Totius Africae nova repraesentatio qu
cca 1730 MAPA AFRIKY / Totius Africae nova repraesentatio qua praeter diversos in ea status et regiones..., author Johann Baptist Homann (1664-1724), gravure 57x49cm, allegorical kartuše, dobově colored; vert. fold, good condition
Starting price: CZK
236939 - cca 1730 MAPA ASIA / Asiae recentissima delineatio, qua stat
cca 1730 MAPA ASIA / Asiae recentissima delineatio, qua status et imperia totius orientis..., author Johann Baptist Homann (1664-1724), gravure 56x49cm, allegorical kartuše, dobově colored; vert. fold, good condition
Starting price: CZK
239170 - 1932 CZECHOSLOVAKIA 1918-39 / comp. 5 pcs of ostravských ne
1932 CZECHOSLOVAKIA 1918-39 / comp. 5 pcs of ostravských newspapers "Protection Národa - Fašistický sheet", i.a. number with big photos R. Gajdy on/for titulním sheet; perfectly good condition, rare occurrence!
Starting price: CZK
238442 - 1937 CZECHOSLOVAKIA 1918-39 / ÚMRTÍ T. G. Masaryk / collec
1937 CZECHOSLOVAKIA 1918-39 / ÚMRTÍ T. G. Masaryk / collection newspapers from period of last days, death and funeral T. G. Masaryk, supplemented with about/by several journals, vyvázáno to one book/-s; well preserved, pozoruhodný set
Starting price: CZK
237862 - 1945 BOHEMIA-MORAVIA / newspaper Večerní Czech Slovo from
1945 BOHEMIA-MORAVIA / newspaper Večerní Czech Slovo from 2.5. annunciating smrt A. Hitler. - "Führer killed in action"; cross fold, in/at fold light worn through, sporadically small tearing in margin, overall very fine
Starting price: CZK
239173 - 1932, 1935 SELECTION of / 2 pcs of dokumentů: 16-stránkov
1932, 1935 SELECTION of / 2 pcs of dokumentů: 16-stránková protifašistická paperback Dr. V. Osvald: Who are and what chtějí fašisté + flyer kritizující off. zabavení protihenleinovských flyers in Brno; sporadically slightly toned, otherwise very fine, interesting documents
Starting price: CZK
238949 - 1725 CIRCULAR / BRNO / CHARLES VI. (1711-1740) / Czech-Germa
1725 CIRCULAR / BRNO / CHARLES VI. (1711-1740) / Czech-German printed circular with ozdobnou eagle issued Moravským country tribunálem, order relevant to směnných kurzů foreign coins, especially coins Lewis XIV. etc..; nice in good condition condition, interesting
Starting price: CZK
238951 - 1792-1860 [COLLECTIONS]  comp. of 6 circulars from period of
1792-1860 [COLLECTIONS] comp. of 6 circulars from period of governance Francis I + patentů from governance Franz Joseph I. I., mainly relevant to mincovnictví and money, from that 1x in/at latině with decorative gravure; overall good condition and as multiple interesting
Starting price: CZK
237439 - cca 1880-2000 FUNERÁLIE / collection of ca. 100 pcs of remi
cca 1880-2000 FUNERÁLIE / collection of ca. 100 pcs of reminder paper slips with svatými pictures and modlitbami after/behind zesnulé members nobiliary rodů, mainly from region Austria-Hungary monarchy, zastoupen i.a. Friedrich August III., Astrid Švédská, Francis Schönborn, Alois Pražák and lot of other personalities; good condition, rare and pozoruhodný collection
Starting price: CZK

Public Auction 69 / Historical Documents, Maps - Information

Historické dokumenty a mapy

Do této kategorie řadíme mimo mapy také historické dokumenty jako různé zakládací listiny, vyhlášky a nařízení ve formě plakátů, letáky atd.