Public Auction 69 / Philately / Czechoslovakia 1918-1939

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237191 -  Pof.L3B, I. provisional air mail stmp. 28/1000h, perf comb
Pof.L3B, I. provisional air mail stmp. 28/1000h, perf comb perforation 13¾ : 13½, comp. 2 pcs of with green and modrozeleným overprint, various papers; label, 1x exp. Darmietzel BPP, 1x mark A. Stach
Starting price: CZK
234942 -  Pof.L2Pp Is, I. provisional air mail stmp. 24Kč/500h, INVE
Pof.L2Pp Is, I. provisional air mail stmp. 24Kč/500h, INVERTED overprint, zavřená spiral - plate 2, overprint offset; label, exp. Vrba, very fine piece rare and sought stamps with inverted opt!
Starting price: CZK
233285 -  PLATE PROOF  14Kč/1000h violet, Pof.26, hnědofialový ove
PLATE PROOF 14Kč/1000h violet, Pof.26, hnědofialový overprint, nice piece with shifted overprint to margins and his full offset; hinged, exp. Le
Starting price: CZK
237765 -  PLATE PROOF  overprint 24Kč/1000h in dark blue color on st
PLATE PROOF overprint 24Kč/1000h in dark blue color on stmp 1000h violet, usual full overprint offset on gum; hinged, certificate Mikulski, exp. Wallner
Starting price: CZK
234503 -  PLATE PROOF  overprint 24Kč/1000h in dark blue color on st
PLATE PROOF overprint 24Kč/1000h in dark blue color on stmp 1000h violet, with lower margin and control-numbers, on reverse full overprint offset on gum; lightly hinged, exp. by Leseticky., Karasek, mark Kapras
Starting price: CZK
236251 -  PLATE PROOF  28Kč/200h, overprint trial printing 28CZK in
PLATE PROOF 28Kč/200h, overprint trial printing 28CZK in red color, full offset stamp. on gum; minor gum fault, light bend, exp. by Gilbert
Starting price: CZK
238308 -  PLATE PROOF 28Kč/1000h violet, overprint trial printing 28
PLATE PROOF 28Kč/1000h violet, overprint trial printing 28CZK in/at original green color on/for zkusmém print stamp. 1000h blue-violet on/for carton without gum; hinged, exp. Vrba
Starting price: CZK
233310 -  PLATE PROOF  plate proof stamp. I. provisional air mail stm
PLATE PROOF plate proof stamp. I. provisional air mail stmp. 28Kč/1000h violet with perf comb perforation 13¾ : 13½, INVERTED overprint in blue color (!); lightly hinged, repaired upper horiz. perf, viewing of quality recommended, exp. by Gilbert., Karasek
Starting price: CZK
235130 -  PLATE PROOF  comp. 3 pcs of plate proofs overprints 14CZK,
PLATE PROOF comp. 3 pcs of plate proofs overprints 14CZK, 24CZK and 28CZK in/at definitive colors, value 14CZK on/for chalky, on reverse imprinted carton, 24CZK and 28CZK on/for white hlazených papers; complete set, without defects, exp. Vrba
Starting price: CZK
235122 -  PLATE PROOF  comp. 2 pcs of plate proofs overprint values 1
PLATE PROOF comp. 2 pcs of plate proofs overprint values 14CZK, 1x in black color from nedohotoveného printing block on/for on reverse imprinted carton and 1x in/at definitive brown color on/for light yellowy and on reverse imprinted carton; without defects, exp. Vrba
Starting price: CZK
236277 -  PLATE PROOF  comp. 3 pcs of plate proofs overprint 14CZK in
PLATE PROOF comp. 3 pcs of plate proofs overprint 14CZK in black color, from that 2x unfinished cliché in various fázích přípravy, 2x on/for stronger pokřídovaném carton; hinged, exp. Vrba
Starting price: CZK
236246 -  PLATE PROOF  comp. 3 pcs of plate proofs overprint 14CZK, 2
PLATE PROOF comp. 3 pcs of plate proofs overprint 14CZK, 2x in/at original brown color, from that 1x double overprint on brown paper without gum, 1x in dark brown color on greeny paper without gum; exp. 2x Vrba, 1x Karasek
Starting price: CZK
235209 -  PLATE PROOF  overprint trial printing values 14CZK in black
PLATE PROOF overprint trial printing values 14CZK in black color on brown paper as blk-of-4; without defects, exp. Vrba, rare occurrence plate proofs in blocks of four!
Starting price: CZK
235211 -  PLATE PROOF  overprint trial printing values 24CZK in dark
PLATE PROOF overprint trial printing values 24CZK in dark blue color, double overprint on brown paper as blk-of-4; without defects, exp. Vrba, rare occurrence plate proofs in blocks of four!
Starting price: CZK
235195 -  PLATE PROOF  comp. 3 pcs of plate proofs overprint values 2
PLATE PROOF comp. 3 pcs of plate proofs overprint values 28CZK, 1x in black color on brownish paper, 1x in/at black and 1x in/at green color on/for white smooth paper; without defects, exp. Vrba
Starting price: CZK
235213 -  PLATE PROOF  overprint trial printing values 28CZK in brown
PLATE PROOF overprint trial printing values 28CZK in brown color on/for smooth white paper as blk-of-4; without defects, exp. Vrba, rare occurrence plate proofs in blocks of four!
Starting price: CZK
235196 -  PLATE PROOF comp. 3 pcs of plate proofs overprint values 28
PLATE PROOF comp. 3 pcs of plate proofs overprint values 28CZK, 1x from nedohotoveného printing block in black color on/for white smooth carton, 1x in/at grey-green color on/for white smooth paper and 1x in/at green color on brownish paper; very fine, exp. Vrba
Starting price: CZK
238309 -  trial overprint 28Kč/5h blue-green, overprint in brown col
trial overprint 28Kč/5h blue-green, overprint in brown color on/for zkusmém print stamp. Hradčany 5h, V. printing, on brownish paper without gum; exp. Vrba, rare usage!
Starting price: CZK
235229 -  PLATE PROOF  comp. 2 pcs of plate proofs, double and multip
PLATE PROOF comp. 2 pcs of plate proofs, double and multiple overprint 14CZK in/at original red-brown color on/for maculature 200h Hradčany; without defects
Starting price: CZK
235281 -  PLATE PROOF  plate proof overprints 14CZK and 24CZK on/for
PLATE PROOF plate proof overprints 14CZK and 24CZK on/for maculature print stamp. Hradčany 200h in/at definitive colors, marginal block-of-4 with double overprint in/at red-brown color and inverted opt 24CZK in blue color; without defects, exp. Vrba, decorative marginal block
Starting price: CZK
235289 -  PLATE PROOF  overprint trial printing 14CZK on/for maculatu
PLATE PROOF overprint trial printing 14CZK on/for maculature print stamp. Hradčany 200h in/at definitive red-brown color, block of 6 with double overprint; without defects, exp. Vrba, decorative blockPLATE PROOF overprint trial printing 14CZK on/for maculature print stamp. Hradčany 200h in/at definitive red-brown color, block of 6 with double overprint; without defects, exp. Vrba, decorative block
Starting price: CZK
238310 -  PLATE PROOF comp. 3 pcs of plate proofs overprint 1x 14CZK
PLATE PROOF comp. 3 pcs of plate proofs overprint 1x 14CZK and 2x 24CZK in dark blue and brown color on trial print stamp. Hradčany 500h 1x and 200h; 1x double and 2x násobný and inverted overprint
Starting price: CZK
235257 -  PLATE PROOF  comp. 3 pcs of plate proofs overprint 14CZK an
PLATE PROOF comp. 3 pcs of plate proofs overprint 14CZK and 24CZK on/for maculature stamp. Hradčany 200h and 500h (zavřená spiral), all multiple overprints in original colors, in addition 1x value 14CZK with inverted double overprint 24CZK; without defects
Starting price: CZK
235237 -  PLATE PROOF  comp. of trial printings overprint 14CZK and 2
PLATE PROOF comp. of trial printings overprint 14CZK and 24CZK in horiz. pairs on/for maculature print stamp. Hradčany 200h and 500h, both values with double overprint; without defects, exp. Vrba
Starting price: CZK
235290 -  PLATE PROOF  overprint trial printing values 24CZK in/at de
PLATE PROOF overprint trial printing values 24CZK in/at definitive blue color on/for maculature print stamp. Hradčany 500h, block of 6 with double overprint; without defects, exp. Vrba, decorative block
Starting price: CZK
235222 -  PLATE PROOF maculature plate proof overprints values 14CZK
PLATE PROOF maculature plate proof overprints values 14CZK and 24CZK, joined printing as blk-of-4 on green paper without gum, value 14CZK in brown color, value 24CZK double overprint in blue color; without defects, exp. Vrba, in blocks sought
Starting price: CZK
235141 -  PLATE PROOF  comp. 4 pcs of plate proofs with double opt, v
PLATE PROOF comp. 4 pcs of plate proofs with double opt, value 14CZK 2 pcs of with overprint in brown color, from that 1 pcs of in addition with inverted opt 24CZK, value 24CZK with overprints in/at blue and in black color, all on/for maculature papers; without defects, 1x exp. Fischmeister
Starting price: CZK
234979 -  AIRMAIL STAMPS SMĚROVKY / off. air-mail směrovky for all
AIRMAIL STAMPS SMĚROVKY / off. air-mail směrovky for all 4 tracks, Prague - Strasbourg, Prague - Paris, Prague - London and Prague - Warsaw; label
Starting price: CZK
237483 - 1920 PRAGUE - ŠTRASBURK, commercial Reg and airmail letter
1920 PRAGUE - ŠTRASBURK, commercial Reg and airmail letter sent via Strasbourg to Switzerland, franked with. whole airmail issues, Pof.L1-L3, from that value 28/1000h with lower margin and control-numbers, uprated with stamp T. G. Masaryk 125h, issue Chainbreaker 100h and Pigeon-issue 25h, CDS PRAGUE 1/ 6.XII.20/ 4a, air direction label, Reg label number 12, on reverse arrival postmark ZÜRICH 10.XII.20; vertical fold, on reverse hints after sticking, overfranked air mailing transported by land
Starting price: CZK
230662 - 1921 PRAGUE - FRANKFURT, Reg letter to Germany with mixed fr
1921 PRAGUE - FRANKFURT, Reg letter to Germany with mixed franking airmail stmp Pof.L3B + postage stmp Pof.10, 140, 155, 165, CDS ČEJTIČKY 27.IV.21, years. direction label Prague - Strassbourg, at the delivery place Us German censorship, mounted red label German customs office, on reverse arrival FRANKFURT (MAIN) 1/ 30.4.21, sent back; good condition, transfered by by land, air stmp used after validity, used philatelically motivated mailing
Starting price: CZK
237251 - 1921 PRAGUE - LONDON, Reg letter addressed to to England, fr
1921 PRAGUE - LONDON, Reg letter addressed to to England, franked with. airmail stamp Pof.L3 + Pof.161, CDS KRÁL. VINOHRADY 1/ 25.III.21, on reverse oval red cancel. WEST KENSINGTON 1.AP.21; good condition, exp. by Gilbert., right value franking, without attributes of air forwarding
Starting price: CZK
234814 - 1921 PRAGUE - ŠTRASBURK, Reg letter to France, right franke
1921 PRAGUE - ŠTRASBURK, Reg letter to France, right franked with. airmail stamp 14Kč/500h, Pof.L2 and postage stmp issue Chainbreaker + Hradčany + Hussite-issue in/at general value 2,50CZK, Pof.8, 152 2x, 158, 162, CDS KRÁL. VINOHRADY 1/ 25.III.21, mounted Let-směrovka and Reg label number 1740; without defects, letter nebyl podán on/for přepážce main post, without attributes of forwarding
Starting price: CZK
235074 -  Pof.L4-L6, II. provisional air mail stmp., complete set in/
Pof.L4-L6, II. provisional air mail stmp., complete set in/at corner blocks of four, value 50/100h with plate variety 10 - second hřídel podvozku at top, value 400/250h grey shade basic stamp., perfectly centered; mint never hinged, 1x with dírkou on/for Pof.L5, exp. by Gilbert and Vrba, blocks of four are sought!
Starting price: CZK
235771 -  Pof.L4 plate variety 2, II. provisional air mail stmp. 50/1
Pof.L4 plate variety 2, II. provisional air mail stmp. 50/100h green, LR corner piece with plate variety "wedge [ ˇ ] place kolečka", pos. 100; lightly hinged, dirty perf, sought defect
Starting price: CZK
235773 -  Pof.L4, II. provisional air mail stmp. 50/100h green, block
Pof.L4, II. provisional air mail stmp. 50/100h green, block of four with production flaw - shifted overprint R outside picture stamp.; hinged; exp. Vrba
Starting price: CZK
235775 -  Pof.L6 ST+VV, II. provisional air mail stmp. 250/400h, vert
Pof.L6 ST+VV, II. provisional air mail stmp. 250/400h, vertical pair with joined type II. + I.. and production flaw - oblique crack in overprint; mint never hinged, small bands in gum, exp. by Karasek
Starting price: CZK
237528 -  Pof.L4-L6, II. provisional air mail stmp., 5 complete sets,
Pof.L4-L6, II. provisional air mail stmp., 5 complete sets, 1x with production flaw - incomplete-printing zadního kolečka 250/400h + 2 stamp. with shifted overprint; hinged
Starting price: CZK
234976 -  Pof.L4Pp, II. provisional air mail stmp. 50h/100h green, IN
Pof.L4Pp, II. provisional air mail stmp. 50h/100h green, INVERTED overprint, stamp. with lower margin; hinged, exp. Vrba, Gilbert
Starting price: CZK
234975 -  PLATE PROOF  complete set of 3 pcs of plate proofs overprin
PLATE PROOF complete set of 3 pcs of plate proofs overprint 50h, 100h and 250h in black color on brownish paper without gum; all exp. Vrba, rare usage
Starting price: CZK
238023 - 1925 PRAGUE - VARŠAVA, Reg and airmail letter to Poland, wi
1925 PRAGUE - VARŠAVA, Reg and airmail letter to Poland, with mixed franking of stmp Pofis. 2x L4, L5, L6 + 150, general postal-charge 4,80Kč, CDS PRAGUE - AIRPORT/ 28.X.25, R label with same domicile, on reverse arrival WARSAW 1/ 28.X.25, supplemented with red frame cancel. "Nadeszla Post Lotnicza" and Airmail; good condition, good destination!
Starting price: CZK
237850 - 1929 first flight PRAGUE - UZHHOROD, heavier Reg and airmail
1929 first flight PRAGUE - UZHHOROD, heavier Reg and airmail letter sent the first flight, franked with. airmail stamp.., Pof.L4-L6, 209A, 210A, general postage 4,50CZK, CDS PRAGUE 82 AIRPORT/ 13.IV.29, framed pmk PRAGUE 82 AIRPORT 6.V.29, supplemented with red cachet 1. flight, sender F.Šašek; very fine
Starting price: CZK
238015 - 1929 first flight UZHHOROD - PRAGUE - KONSTANTINOPOL / Reg a
1929 first flight UZHHOROD - PRAGUE - KONSTANTINOPOL / Reg and airmail card to Turkey (!), general postage 5CZK, franked with. i.a. air stamp. Pof.L5, Pof.222, posting framed pmk UZHHOROD AIRPORT 6.V.29, supplemented with CDS and arrival frame cancel. PRAGUE 82 AIRPORT 6.V.29, CDS PRAGUE 82 AIRPORT 7.V.29, arrival postmark ISTAMBOUL; good condition, rare destination!
Starting price: CZK
237322 - 1931 airmail letter to Austria, franked with. air stamp. 3x
1931 airmail letter to Austria, franked with. air stamp. 3x 50/100h, 1x 250/400h and postage stmp T. G. Masaryk 50h, general postage 4,50CZK, CDS VARNSDORF 2/ 8.X.31, transfered by by land, airmail stmp disallowed and burdened by surtax in/at Austrian stamp. 35+10Gr with CDS WIEN 9.X.31; good condition
Starting price: CZK
239264 - 1930 PRAGUE - VENICE, commercial air-mail letter to Italy, f
1930 PRAGUE - VENICE, commercial air-mail letter to Italy, franked with. i.a. 3 pcs of stamp. 50/100h, Pof.L4, general postage 4CZK, CDS PRAGUE 55/ 28.IV.30, supplemented with on face-side airmail CDS PRAGUE 82 AIRPORT 28.IV.30, on reverse arrival VENICE FERROVIA/ POSTA AREA 30.4.30 and other transit pmk incl. arrival CDS RICCIONE 1.5.30; only slightly toned
Starting price: CZK
235796 -  Pof.L7 production flaw, Definitive issue 50h type I close,
Pof.L7 production flaw, Definitive issue 50h type I close, perf line perforation 13¾, LL corner blk-of-4 with plate number 1 and production flaw - double vert. perf L in margin; irregular gum, exp. by Karasek
Starting price: CZK
235795 -  Pof.L7 production flaw, Definitive issue 50h type I close,
Pof.L7 production flaw, Definitive issue 50h type I close, line perforation 13¾, UL corner blk-of-4 with double vertical perf L in margin; mint never hinged, exp. by Karasek., Be
Starting price: CZK
235783 -  Pof.L7 production flaw, Definitive issue 50h type II., line
Pof.L7 production flaw, Definitive issue 50h type II., line perforation 13½, horizontal pair with oblique hair paper crease over both stamp.; hinged
Starting price: CZK
235841 -  Pof.L7A production flaw, Definitive issue 50h green type I.
Pof.L7A production flaw, Definitive issue 50h green type I., perf line perforation 12¼, on/for. with lower margin and wide green band; mint never hinged, exp. by Gilbert., Karasek
Starting price: CZK
235801 -  Pof.L7A, Definitive issue 50h green with line perforation 1
Pof.L7A, Definitive issue 50h green with line perforation 12¼, type I., two vertical corner blk-of-10, 1x L with plate number 1, 1x right/genuine with bordurou R; both blk-of-10 mint never hinged, all stamp. marked and exp. by Karasek
Starting price: CZK
235777 -  Pof.L7A+L8B, Definitive issue 50h with line perforation 12
Pof.L7A+L8B, Definitive issue 50h with line perforation 12¼ and 1CZK with line perforation 12¼ : 13¾, both values in blocks of four; mint never hinged, exp. by Karasek
Starting price: CZK
235782 -   Pof.L8A, Definitive issue 1CZK with line perforation 13¾,
Pof.L8A, Definitive issue 1CZK with line perforation 13¾, comp. 4 pcs of, 1x close, 1x wide with margin counter sheet and 1x marginal Pr, all with registry points, pair in addition with shifted perf, skidding print; mint never hinged
Starting price: CZK
235809 -  Pof.L8 production flaw, Definitive issue 1CZK red, lower co
Pof.L8 production flaw, Definitive issue 1CZK red, lower corner blok of 4 with bordurou and with production flaw - other vertical oblique perf in R margin; mint never hinged, perf line perforation 13¾ marked, decorative
Starting price: CZK
235812 -  Pof.L8, Definitive issue 1CZK red, close, perf line perfora
Pof.L8, Definitive issue 1CZK red, close, perf line perforation 13¾, 50 pcs of the bottom half counter sheet with plate number 1 and bordurou R; mint never hinged, 1 vertical line from middle povolená perf
Starting price: CZK
235781 -  Pof.L8A, Definitive issue 1CZK with line perforation 12¼,
Pof.L8A, Definitive issue 1CZK with line perforation 12¼, upper corner blk-of-6 with bordurou; mint never hinged, exp. by Karasek
Starting price: CZK
235802 -  Pof.L8B, Definitive issue 1CZK red with line perforation 12
Pof.L8B, Definitive issue 1CZK red with line perforation 12¼ : 13¾, high size, two vertical corner blk-of-10, 1x L with plate number 1, 1x right/genuine with bordurou R; both blk-of-10 mint never hinged, all stamp. marked and exp. by Karasek
Starting price: CZK
235820 -  Pof.L9 production flaw, Definitive issue 2CZK green, type I
Pof.L9 production flaw, Definitive issue 2CZK green, type I., line perforation 13¾, the bottom corner Pr with plate number 1 and production flaw - double lower horiz. perf; mint never hinged
Starting price: CZK
235789 -  Pof.L9 production flaw, Definitive issue 2CZK, type I., per
Pof.L9 production flaw, Definitive issue 2CZK, type I., perf line perforation 13¾, LL corner blk-of-4 with plate number 1 and with production flaw - perf folded paper in corner, in addition significant incomplete-printing deskového number; mint never hinged, exp. by Karasek.., decorative
Starting price: CZK
237771 -  Pof.L9A, Definitive issue 2CZK green, type I., block of fou
Pof.L9A, Definitive issue 2CZK green, type I., block of four with line perforation 12¼; mint never hinged, exp. by Mrnak., Karasek
Starting price: CZK
237770 -  Pof.L9A, Definitive issue 2CZK green, type I., upper corner
Pof.L9A, Definitive issue 2CZK green, type I., upper corner blk-of-4 with bordurou, perf line perforation 12¼; mint never hinged, exp. by Karasek
Starting price: CZK
235838 -  Pof.L10 production flaw, Definitive issue 3CZK violet type
Pof.L10 production flaw, Definitive issue 3CZK violet type I., the bottom corner str-of-5 with margin and plate number 1, line perforation 13¾, production flaw - wide band printing color in lower margin; small production gum skips, decorative, suitable also to exhibit
Starting price: CZK