1934, 1938 comp. of 3 letters Us pneumatic-tube post, 2x with various frankings, 1x unpaid service letter, various CDS, all with mounted violet label; nice good condition
1938 commercial Ex + pneumatic-tube post sent letter in the place, with Pof.340 2x, 345 2x, general postal-charge 3CZK conforms rate, CDS TÚS (Technical Services) PRAGUE 20.IX.38 -14, on reverse arrival postmark PRAGUE 31/ 20.IX.38 -16, mounted příslušné hinge / label, print pořadových postmarks; good condition
1929-1938 [COLLECTIONS] FOTOPŘÍSLUŠENSTVÍ / selection of more than 50 pcs of entires with added-print firm in/at fotopříslušenství from Czechoslovakia and Germany, marks as Kodak, Rolleiflex, Weltini, Neobrom, Mayer, Perutz, Zeiss and other; good condition, from estate fotoatelieruLinhart, decorative
1918-1919 CPŘ3, parallel PC Charles 8h, comp. 4 pcs of, 3x with various uprating Czechosl. and Austrian newspaper and express stamp. used as postage, 2x burdened by postage-due with mounted. Czechosl. and Austrian Postage due stamps.; nice good condition
1919 CPŘ3Pa, parallel PC Charles 8h with perf for typewriter with additional-printing on face-side Management (of) estate/ Světlá n. Sáz., Bohemia, uprated by. for II. postal rate Spěšnou stamp. 2h and Hradčany 5h yellow-green, posting nationalized CDS SVĚTLÁ N. SÁZAVOU6.VI.19; good condition
1919 CPŘ5, Austrian PC Coat of arms 10h, 2 pcs of, 1x sent in/at I. postal rate Ex and uprated by. str-of-3 stamp. Hradčany 20h with CDS BRNO 2/ 31.I.19, 1x sent in II. postal rate to Finland (!), uprated by. pair stamp. Hradčany 10h red, MC PRAGUE 1/ 3.IX.19, red postmark finské censorship; good condition
1919 CPŘ33, Hungarian parallel PC 10f red, addressed to as Registered to Záblatí by/on/at Bohumín in/at postal rate I, uprated with stamp Hradčany 25h blue, Pof.10, CDS POZSONY/ 919 Mar.15., supplemented with commercial cancel.; good condition
CDV14 II, Hradčany 15h with production flaw - double impression with shift downward about/by ca. 10mm, on reverse offset; without defects, rare occurrence expressive production flaws!
1920 CDV14, PC Hradčany 15h sent in/at II. postal rate as Registered to Germany, uprated by. already invalidated stamp. POŠTA / ČESKOSLOVENSKÁ / 1919 Crown 5h and Charles 15h and 2x Hradčany 25h violet, posting nationalized CDS BRNO 4/ 16/2 20, arrival postmark on face-side LEIPZIG 19.2.20; only small tearing
1920SOUKROMÝPŘÍTISK / CDV18, Hradčany 20h with decorative additional-printing Graphische Kunstanstalt gebrüderStiepel Reichenberg, uprated with stamp Hradčany 30h violet, Pof.13B (incomplete-printing by/on/at value card), CDS LIBEREC 3/ 4.VIII.20; small bend in corner, very decorative piece!
1922 CDV24, PC issue Chainbreaker 50h green with sought plate variety "little-egg in waist", CDS ČAKOVICE 2.III.22; very fine, Vrba certificate, rare and sought!
1937SOUKROMÝPŘÍTISK / CDV65, Coat of arms 50h, Un PC with decorative 2-barevným additional-printing Prague f. LangendorfLANCO with picture hodinek; good condition, very decorative piece!
1931-1935 CDV45/1-4, CDV55/1-3, CDV57/1-5, complete line 3 issues pictorial post cards with special postmark, Exhibition Pardubice, Waldstein-Exhibition in Jičín and FIS 1935; zachovalé
1936 CDV62/ 1-2, Velehrad, complete set of pictorial post cards T. G. Masaryk 50h, both with blue special postmark; No. 1 with slight ohybem in margin, sharp corners
1936 CDV64, X.finále Mitropa Cup, pictorial PC T. G. Masaryk 50h, postally used, genuine greeting, maximum advertising special postmark action in blue color from 13.IX.36; good condition
1919 CPL1C + CPL2C, Poistenka - Ornament 15h, 3 pcs of certificates of mailing for telegram in Slovak variety, Us, various color, CDS BRATISLAVA 4 and PRAGUE TGF; fold, toned, good condition
1920 CPP11, whole international parcel card addressed to to Switzerland, with mixed franking of stmp Hradčany and issue Agriculture and Science, i.a. 1000h violet, Pof.26, CDS BRNO 7/ 21.X.20; without usual folds and damage, decorative franking!
1922 CPP11, whole international dispatch note Hradčany 10h with monogram and valuable 12h, addressed to to Switzerland, cash franked/paid 32,40Kč, TŘEBOŇ 31.V.22; fold, c.v.. 1.900CZK
1920 CPP13, whole international parcel card for parcel to Switzerland, i.a. franked by stmp Hradčany 1000h violet, Pof.26, 15, 166, CDS JABLONEC N. NISOU2/ 16.XI.20; without usual folds, with koncovou value Hradčany sought!
1921 CPP15, whole international parcel card addressed to to Switzerland, with mixed franking of stmp Hradčany on face-side, 1x 1000h violet Pof.26, and 2x issue Chainbreaker 100h, CDS STARÉ BENÁTKY 11.II.21; without folds, good condition
1926-1928PŘÍKAZOVÉPSANÍ NA NEVYPLACENÉPŘÍKAZY / comp. 4 pcs of formulářových envelopes printed matter 435A, Reg, CDS SOSNOVÁ, KDYNĚ, FULNEK and BRNO, at the delivery place postpaid fee Postage due stamp various issue with CDS BRNO 12 KRÁLOVO POLE; various quality
1933-1935 REPORT NEDORUČITELNOSTI / comp. 4 pcs of same blank form/-s various issue, printed matter with imprint 419A (IV-1920) + (I-1926) + (II-1927) + (III-1928), all with mounted stamp. Small Landscapes Prague 2,50CZK blue, various CDS; only folds
1935PŘÍKAZOVÉPSANÍ NA NEVYPLACENÉPŘÍKAZY / formulářová envelope printed matter 435A (I-1933), Reg, CDS BAKOV N. J. 28.III.35, at the delivery place postpaid fee Postage due stamp 50h, Pof.DL60, CDS BRNO 1/ 29.III.35; very fine, rare occurrence!
1918-1939 [COLLECTIONS] GENERAL / collection on hingeless sheets in spring folder, i.a. contains mainly basic set khihtisku, POŠTA / ČESKOSLOVENSKÁ / 1919, newspaper, SO1920 (overprint), coupons etc.., from better items for example. POŠTA / ČESKOSLOVENSKÁ / 1919 Triangle 2h, Festival, Congress, blue Štefánik, issue Chainbreaker 50h green with plate variety "little-egg in waist" etc..; mainly hinged, we advice viewings
1918-1939 [COLLECTIONS] GENERAL / semifinished collection on/for American labels on pages, from issue Hradčany, without better items, contains i.a. Coat of arms 4 Koruna light green, high size, plate number, blocks of four with plate number (i.a. 2x dotisky 5CZK Olomouc), air-mail, postage-due, SO1920 (overprint) etc..; various quality
1918-1939 [COLLECTIONS] GENERAL / semifinished collection on pages in/at cellophane clamping pockets, from better items contains i.a. Hradčany 10h imperforated, POŠTA / ČESKOSLOVENSKÁ / 1919 Postage due stmp 4h, 6h, PORTO 1h, Red numeral(s) 30h, , then Festival, Congress, I. air issue, SO1920 (overprint) 15h imperforated, T. G. Masaryk 500h and 1000h etc..; mainly hinged, better stamp. expertized, placed in smaller box
1918-1939 [COLLECTIONS] GENERAL / semifinished collection on/for more than 70 pages Schaubek in spring folder, from issue Hradčany, incl. various perf etc.., issue overprint POŠTA ČESKOSLOVENSKÁ 1920 practically nezastoupena, then i.a. letterpress issues, issue Chainbreaker, Pigeon-issue, Hussite-issue, issue Agriculture and Science, also T. G. Masaryk, plate number, Festival, Congress, coupons, air-mail, postage-due, SO1920 (overprint) etc..; mainly hinged, part better stamp. examined or marked, we advice viewings!
1918-1930 [COLLECTIONS] PARTIE / contains i.a. issue Hradčany, Legionaire, PČ 1919 (overprint), issue Chainbreaker, issue Agriculture and Science, Masaryk, Jubilee and other, from better stamp. for example. Pof.13N (exp. by Gilbert., without gum), Pof.69 *, Pof.139 * and oths.; on 6 pages two-sided, part stamp. examined, interesting selection of, it is worth seeing!
1918 [COLLECTIONS] HRADČANY-issue - SYPANÉ STAMPS / box with several tisíci mainly used scattered stamps issue Hradčany, i.a. contains strips and multiblocks, cut-squares, values 1000h, 500h and other; general weight/scale stamps ca. 500g
1918-1920 [COLLECTIONS] HRADČANY-issue - SYPANÉ STAMPS / box with several tisíci used scattered stamps issue Hradčany, i.a. contains lot of values 1000h, 500h and other; general weight/scale stamps 500g, originates from abroad
1918-1938 [COLLECTIONS] ACCUMULATION / selection of two part/-s rozpracovaných incomplete collections on pages Lindner and in spring folder Schaubek, supplemented with about/by 2 cards A4, i.a. with 2x 10h green imperforated, then for example. Pof.119-123 *, 3x VZOREC, several chosen stamp. Hradčany with flaw print dot in value numeral etc..; various quality, mainly hinged, we advice viewings
1918-1939 [COLLECTIONS] ACCUMULATION / selection of several rozpracovaných collections and duplication in 6 spring folder and albums + detached/free on pages, contains i.a. Hradčany, POŠTA / ČESKOSLOVENSKÁ / 1919, letterpress issues, air-mail, postage-due etc..; various quality, originates from abroad, placed in middle box
1918-1939 [COLLECTIONS] DUPLICATION / CZECHOSLOVAKIA 1918-39 / BOHEMIA-MORAVIA / CZECHOSLOVAKIA 1945-92 / remaining selection in/at full stockbook A4, contains mainly corner pieces and blocks of four with plate number, coupons, bands and more/larger blocks issue 30. years of Czechoslovakia I., i.a. 3x Anthem-issue 1CZK with plate number 1 etc.., supplemented with about/by several stamp. SO1920 (overprint) and cut-squares with issues Hradčany and complete unused sheet Hradčany 1h imperforated + supplemented with about/by stockbook A4 with protektorátem, i.a. part overprint issue in pairs (10CZK, 4CZK), complete 50 pcs of counter sheet Parléř 1,20 Koruna, then Slovakia, CZECHOSLOVAKIA 1945-92 and various advertising labels; part various quality, we advice viewings, as multiple interesting
[COLLECTIONS] MACULATURE / collection maculature plate proofs on/for more than 50 sides in spiral stockbook, contains Hradčany, postage-due, newspaper etc.., line bloks of four and multiblocks, control-numbers etc..; as multiple interesting
1892-1938 [COLLECTIONS] CELISTVOSTI / LIBEREC / REICHENBERG - REGIONÁLNÍ COLLECTION POSTAL HISTORY / collection postal history Liberec, contains total 90 pcs of entires with postmarks single libereckých post, from that smaller part from period of Austria - Hungary, several entires franked/paid cash, Hradčany franktaury, mixed franking with Austrian stamp., mainly letters and cards with added-print libereckých firm, PC, part as Registered, Ex, Airmail entires, surtax, advertising labels Veletrhu in/at Liberec, postcard, frankotypes, memorial cancel. etc.., on 53 album pages with descriptions in spiral folder; various quality, market price ca. 9.000CZK
1918-1939 [COLLECTIONS] CELISTVOSTI / selection of lot of letters, p.stat, commemorative sheets and cut-squares, contains i.a. common correspondence, part as Registered or Ex, newspaper also postage-due franking, envelope/-s, cards and commemorative sheets with commemorative postmarks and machine advertising postmarks, cards field post, postmark train post and postal-agencies, Us also Un p.stat, cut-squares with stamp. with coupons and gutter etc..; various quality, more than 1kg of material suitable to other elaboration
1919-1939 [COLLECTIONS] CELISTVOSTI / a lot of entires, contains letters from commercial correspondence, machine slogan pmk, frankotypes, part R, supplemented with lot of commemorative sheets, envelopes and cut-squares with commemorative postmarks, then picture p.stat PC, cards field post 1938 etc..; various quality, all in larger box with lid, total ca. 5kg of material to other elaboration!