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1908 SG.12b, Crown - Labuan with overprint BRUNEI TWO CENTS - "TWO CENTS" DOUBLE; very fine piece, certificate BPA, c.v.. £5.000, rare U:DR
1947-1951 SG.79-92, Brunei River 1C - $10; complete popular set, c.v.. £160 U:A5
1895 Reg letter with 1. issue "Landscape with star" addressed to London, with SG.2-7, and on Labuan with additional franking 18c with black overprint SG.71, CDS BRUNEI, LABUAN, decorative REGISTERED, arrival red LONDON; nice quality, cat. shows only "SG.1-10 are rare used on cover", scarce letter, rare destination U:A5
1906-1908 CANTON / Yv.33-49, "Grasset" and Allegory 1C - 10Fr with overprints CANTON; complete set in perfect quality, c.v.. 370€, rare U:A5
1906 KOUANG-TCHÉOU / Yv.1-17, "Grasset" and Allegory 1C - 10Fr, overprint Kouang Tchéou-Wan; very fine rare set, 5Fr exp. Thier and signed A. Saatdjian, 10Fr signed, c.v.. 740€ U:A5
1919 KOUANG-TCHÉOU / Yv.35-51, overprint 2/5C/1C - 10Fr; complete set, c.v.. 320€ U:A5
1954 Mi.31-50, Motives 10c - 30P, complete set; mint never hinged, c.v.. 110€ U:A5
1879-1882 SG.4, 10, Victoria 16c blue, 2ks: wmk CA over Crown (1879) and Crown CC (1882); nice unused pieces with small part original gum, 1x exp. Thier, c.v.. £170 U:A5
1880-1882 SG.9a, Victoria 12C carmine with printing error "No right foot to second Chinese charakter"; VF, c.v.. £600 U:A5
1883 SG.17x, Queen Victoria 2c yellow-green, complete printing sheet (blk-of-10) with margins, wmk CA REVERSED; hinges on margins, some perforation imperfection, very nice and rare multiple, c.v.. £640++ U:A5
1885 SG.30, Victoria 2c pink-red, complete printing sheet (block-of-10) with margin; very nice multiple, cat. only for single stamps £80 U:A5
1896 SG.80s-82s, overprint North Borneo 25c - $1 SPECIMEN; value 50c paper imperfection, c.v.. £70 U:A5
1896 SG.83-88, overprint Jubilee 1c - 8c; complete set, value 8c short teeth, c.v.. £250 U:A5
1902-1903 SG.117-128, Crown 1c - $1; complete set, c.v.. £90 U:A5
1890-1900 POSTAL STATIONERY / set of 12 p.stat, i.a. 7x double, from that 2x as SPECIMEN, 3x unused, etc..; good condition U:A5
1894 Reg letter to Montenegro, franked with 6 values issue Motives 1C - 8C, SG.62-68, CDS LABUAN NO.26 1894, on reverse arrival CETINJE; very fine letter to rare destination U:A5
1897 Reg letter to England, franked with overprint Motives 12c and 18c, SG.98 and 99, CDS LABUAN NO. 23/1897, transit LONDON and on reverse TOTTEHAM DE.23/97; very fine and rare, only SG.99 on letter c.v.. £650 U:A5
1897 Reg letter to Germany franked with 6 stamp Motives 1c (2x) - 6C, CDS LABUAN AU.19/1897, on reverse arrival postmark FRANKFURT; horiz. bend out of stamp U:A5
1946 SG.320-334, envelope with stamps issue 1939 1C - 1$ with overprint BMA, on stamps handmade overprint "VICTORIA 1846-1946 LABUAN", on reverse CDS VICTORIA / LABUAN; interesting U:A4
1883-1891 SG.63-71, Victoria 2C - 96C, wmk CA; complete and very fine set, c.v.. £275 U:A5
1892 SG.103b, Victoria 25C, REPAIRED "S" in POSTAGE, used; certificate APS, c.v.. £750 U:A5
1921-1933 SG.240d, KG V. $500 purple / orange-brown with sheet margin at top, wmk Multiple Script CA; superb piece with fresh color, certificate Oliva, exp. Alberto Diena, c.v.. £75.000 (!), major rarity, exraordinary offer! U:DR
1926-1932 5 letters, from that 3x Reg, various franking with stamps issue George V., various CDS etc..; good condition U:A5
1949-1952 SG.133-147, Sultan Ismail 1c - £5; complete long set, missing only additionally issued value 30c, c.v.. ca. £160 U:A5
1938 SG.D1-D5, Postage due stamps numeral(s) 1C -12C; complete set, c.v.. £200 U:A5
1937 SG.60-68, Sultan Hamid 10C - $5; complete set, very fine, c.v.. £300 U:A5
1950-1955 SG.76-90, Sultan Badlishah 1C - $5; complete set, 1c small thin place, otherwise very fine, c.v.. £160 U:A5
1937-1940 SG.40-54, Sultan Ismail 1C - $5; complete set, F-VF, c.v.. £1.600, rare set U:A5
1949-1952 SG.3-17, George VI. 2C - $5; complete long set, very fine, c.v.. £150 U:A5
1889 SUNGEI UJONG / SG.44, Victoria Straits Settlements 2C rose, wmk CA, with overprint SUNGEI UJONG.; nice piece, c.v.. £100 U:A5
1889 SG.1, Straits Settlements 2C rose with overprint PAHANG; very fine piece, c.v.. £170 U:A5
1937-1941 SG.31, 34, 36, 39, Abu Bakar 3C, 6C, 8C and 15C; selecton of 4 additional values 1937-1941, c.v.. £158 U:A5
1883 SG.16, overprint Straits Settlements Victoria 2C / 4C rose; very fine, c.v.. £750 U:A5
1895 SG.66-75, 1C-50C set incl. rare 50C green/black; popular set, c.v.. £615 U:A5
1938-1941 SG.103-121, Sultan Iskandar 1c - 5$, complete long set, value $2 in two shades; cheap 5c small thin, otherwise very fine, c.v.. £1.350 U:A5
1964-1965 SG.408-423, Elizabeth II. - Fauna 1C - $10, complete set; superb, c.v.. £75 U:A5
1964-1965 4 entires franked with overprint stamp Elizabeth II., 1x FDC (toned), 3x airmail letter to Europe and USA; rare destination U:A4
1945 SG.126-145, Brooke 1C - $10, complete set of 20 stamps with overprint "B.M.A.", without watermark; very fine and rare set, c.v.. £550! U:A5
1895-1899 SG.61, Elephant $1; very fine, c.v.. £75 U:A5
1921 SG.45, Suleiman $25 purple/ blue; superb example with original gum, lightly hinged, certificate Holcombe, exp. Enzo Diena, c.v.. £1.400 U:DR
1930 3 airmail entires to Czechoslovakia, 1x uprated p.stat card, various franking air-mail and postage stamp; very fine U:A5
1950-1983 [COLLECTIONS] small collection on 5 pages, various issues, nice motives + UNTEA Mi.1-19; unusual destination U:Z
1886 SG.30, Coat of arms 50 violet; very fine, lightly hinged, c.v.. £500 U:A5
1894 PLATE PROOF SG.72, 5c, blk-of-9 in different color (light blue / black instead orange), with overprint WATERLOW & SONS LTD. SPECIMEN and commercial perf L lower, rare offer ex. Waterlow archives! U:A5
1894 PLATE PROOF SG.78, 18c, blk-of-9 in different color (violet / black instead darkgreen), with overprint WATERLOW & SONS LTD. SPECIMEN and commercial perf left lower, rare offer ex. Waterlow archives! U:A5
1909 PLATE PROOF SG.170, 10c dark green / black instead grey-blue, blk-of-9 with overprint WATERLOW & SONS LTD. SPECIMEN and commercial perf left lower; lightly hinged only in margin, rare offer ex. Waterlow archives! U:A5
1911 PLATE PROOF SG.178/180/181, Coat of arms 25c, $1 and $2, block-of-9 (orange / black instead green, brown, resp. violet), joined printing, with overprint WATERLOW & SONS LTD. SPECIMEN and commercial perf left lower, rare offer ex. Waterlow archives! U:A5
1918 SG.214-216, 218-219, 222, 226, overprints RED CROSS on 1C-24C in blocks of four; c.v.. £324++, VF U:A5
1922 SG.253s-275s, Motives 1c - 50c with overprint MALAYA BORNEO EXHIBITION 1922 and overprint SPECIMEN; basic set, cheap value 8c torn and repaired, cat. min. £475 U:A5
1939 SG.303-317, Motives 1c - $5; complete set, overall very nice quality incl. highest values, c.v.. £1.400, rare and popular set! U:A5
1939 SG.303s-317s, North Borneo Company 1C-$5; SPECIMEN; F-VF, c.v.. £650 U:A5
1939 SG.315, Coat of arms $1; lightly hinged, c.v.. £150 U:A5
1945 SG.318-319 + 320-334, 2 complete sets: 50. Anniv British North Borneo Company 1C - $5 with overprint BMA, incl. shade 12C green and royal blue, SG.327a + WAR TAX 1C and 2C; lightly hinged, 20C minor fault, c.v.. ca. £290 U:A5
1945 SG.334, Coat of arms $5 with overprint BMA, vertical pair; mint never hinged, c.v.. £90 U:A5
1947 SG.335-349, Motives 1C - 5$; complete set, c.v.. £100 U:A5
1948 SG.350-351, Silver Jubilee 8c and $10, upper left corner blocks of four; mint never hinged, c.v.. £260 U:A5
1961 SG.391-406, Elizabeth II. - Motives 1c - £10; complete set, some stamps marginal, mint never hinged, c.v.. £180 U:A5
1939 SG.D85-D89, Postage due stamp Coat of arms 2c-10c, SPECIMEN; complete set, c.v.. £200 U:A5
1890-1915 POSTAL STATIONERY / 15 unused p.stat, from that 5x double, issue Numerals and Coat of arms, 3x overprint etc..; overall nice quality U:A5
1892-1915 POSTAL STATIONERY / 7 Used p.stat mainly sent to Europe, various issue Coat of arms and Numerals, 1x overprint etc..; good condition U:A5