Public Auction 69 / Banknotes / Collections

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238925 - 1915-1950 SELECTION of / ca. 50 pcs of various bank-notes, c
1915-1950 SELECTION of / ca. 50 pcs of various bank-notes, contains i.a. Slovakia, 1000 Koruna 1940, BHK.51, condition 3-, DPRK, 1 won 1947 with vodoznakem, P.8a, condition 0, then for example. Germany, German Austria, Austrian postwar nouzovky, USSR, Hungary etc.; mainly oběhová quality
Starting price: CZK
237695 - 1908-2006 [COLLECTIONS]  SELECTION of / ca. 60 pcs of bank-n
1908-2006 [COLLECTIONS] SELECTION of / ca. 60 pcs of bank-notes, contains mainly Germany (empire, large collection hyperinflačního period incl. local nouzovek, GDR), then Turkey, Egypt, Spain + also with comp. of 4 various types vietnamských rituálních money pálených as obětina near/in/at uctívání duší předků and božstev, then selection of Prospects ČNB "Nové Czech bank note/-s" and collection mainly newspaper cut-squares to currency reform 1993 and other notafilickým tématům; various stavy incl. very nice, interesting selection of
Starting price: CZK