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1912 Yv.39a, Allegory 10C/40C orange with INVERTED overprint; very fine piece, exp. Calves, c.v.. 420€ U:A5
1892-1908 [COLLECTIONS] collection on two pages, from issue Allegory Yv,1-47, also postage-dues; overall nice quality, c.v.. ca. 1.500€ U:Z
1912-1922 SG.97a, George V. 1Sh, blk-of-9, left stamp at top with plate variety - SPLIT "A"; hinges on common stamps, c.v.. £550+ U:A5
1938-1946 SG.150-161, George VI. - "Elephant ½d - 10Sh; complete set, c.v.. £170 U:A5
1963 SG.193-205, Elizabeth II. - Birds; complete set of 13 stamps, mint never hinged, c.v.. £85 U:A5
1907 SG.33a-44s, Edward VII. ½d-£1, SPECIMEN; VF, c.v.. £400 U:A5
1969 Mi.592-597, air-mail added Moon 30F-70F, complete set in horiz. str-of-3 (2 stamp + coupon); toned, c.v.. 450€ U:A5
1891 SG.50var, Victoria OIL RIVERS 1Sh black, Unissued, WITHOUT OVERPRINT NIGER COAST; VF, c.v.. doesn't report, rare U:DR
1900 Yv.14-17, Allegory (Mouchon) 10c - 50c; complete set in perfect quality, first hinge, c.v.. 255€ U:A5
1905 Mi.24, Yv.22, parcel 8Fr/1Fr, horiz. three-line overprint; very nice piece, signed Scheller, cat. Michel 800€, Yv. 900€, rare stamp U:A5
1892-1893 Yv.8-20, Allegory (Mouchon) 1c - 1Fr; complete set first hinge, c.v.. 235€, very fine U:A5
1938 Mi.176I-177I, air-mail Motives 1Fr red-brown and 1.75Fr ultramarine with frame overprint PAR AVION / BATIMENT DE LIGNE / RICHELIEU; lightly hinged, rare issue, c.v.. Michel for * 1.400€ U:A5
1896 SG.41s-53s, Victoria ½P-£1 SPECIMEN; very fine, c.v.. £300 U:A5
1897 SG.66a, Victoria 1Sh with overprint POSTAGE AND REVENUE 2½P, printing error "ITALIC N" in/at REVENUE; light fold, otherwise F-VF, c.v.. £1.800 U:A5
1938-1944 SG.188-200, George VI. - Motives ½P - £1; complete very fine set, c.v.. £140 U:A5
1956-1961 SG.210-222, Elizabeth II. - Motives, ½P - £1, complete set of 13 stamps, wmk Mult Script CA; value £1 finger print, otherwise mint never hinged, c.v.. £85 U:A5
1915 ANGLO-FRENCH OCCUPATION / SG.H29, Yv.54, Emperor´s Yacht 3Pf brown with overprint TOGO ANGLO-FRENCH OCCUPATION with CDS LOME; VF, with certificate Scheller and Eichele, printing only 50 pieces, c.v.. £3.000, Yv.6.500€, rare stamp U:DR
1915 ANGLO-FRENCH OCCUPATION / SG.H32, Yv.57, Mi.19, Emperor´s Yacht 20Pf ultramarine with overprint TOGO ANGLO-FRENCH OCCUPATION; very fine piece with certificate Scheller, exp. Bothe, c.v.. £1.800, Yv.3.700€, rare U:DR
1948 SG.135s-146s, George VI. "country motives" 1/2P-10Sh SPECIMEN; VF, c.v.. £475 U:A5
1940-1960 FRENCH COLONIES / mainly complete sets on stock-sheets A4, i.a. line air-mail sets, for example Reunion, New Caledonia, Togo etc..; mainly mint never hinged U:A4
1951 Mi.339-362, Birds 5c - 50A, complete set; some small gum flaws, cheap 3A tiny spots, c.v.. 600€ U:A5
1922 SG.1-9, George V. - St. Helena 1/2P-3Sh, overprint ASCENSION, i.a. 3Sh ** and in addition with overprint offset, c.v.. £465++ U:A5
1924 SG.15b, 4P TORN FLAG; important and very fine speciality, c.v.. £500 U:A5
1924 SG.16b, 6P TORN FLAG; important and very fine speciality, c.v.. £650; lightly hinged U:A5
1924-1933 SG.17b, 8P with plate variety - Torn flag; very fine, c.v.. £325 U:A5
1924-1933 SG.17c, 8P with plate variety - CLEFT ROCK and "ship´s hull flaw"; very fine, c.v.. £300++ U:A5
1924 SG.20a, 3Sh BROKEN MAINMAST; important and very fine speciality, c.v.. £900, rare U:A5
1934 COUNTER SHEET / SG.21-23, incl. 22a; 3 sheets of 60 George V. "Georgetown", "Map", "Molo" ½P-1½P; VF, printing error TEARDROPS FLAW on value 1P; cat. min. £820 U:A3v–
1934 SG.21-30, George V. - Motives ½d - 5Sh; complete set, lightly hinged, cheap ½d small thin place, c.v.. £120 U:A5
1938-1952 SG.38-47, George VI. Motives ½d - 10Sh, complete set, value 1½d carmine in addition with plate variety - Davit flaw as SG.40da; very fine, c.v.. ca. £390 U:A5
1956 SG.57-69, Elizabeth II. - local motives ½d-10Sh; hinged, c.v.. £150 U:A5
1963 SG.70-83, Elizabeth II. - Birds 1d-£1; complete set 14 stamp, mint never hinged, c.v.. £60 U:A5
1933 SG.1-10, George V. ½P - 10Sh; F-VF, c.v.. £325 U:A5
1935 SG.11f, Silver Jubilee 2P, DIAGONAL LINE BY THE LEFT TURRET; VF, c.v.. £360 U:A5
1937 SG.18-28, George VI. ½d - 10Sh, complete set; XF, mint never hinged, c.v.. for * £130 U:A5
1961 SG.168-181, Elizabeth II. - Motives 1c-2R; complete set, mint never hinged, c.v.. £90 U:A5
1932 SG.99-110, George V. - Baobab ½P - 10Sh, complete set of 12 stamps, wmk Mult Script CA; very fine, c.v.. £500 U:A5
1943 Reg and airmail letter to Džibuti - returned back by sender, with Liotard 3Fr with additional-printing LIBRE, Yv.124, and Airmail 1937 2,50Fr with overprint AFRIQUE FRANCAISE LIBRE, Yv.15, CDS BRAZZAVILLE RP. MOYEN-CONGO 19.FEVR.43 and violet air-mail cachet, on reverse arrival postmark COTE FSE DES SOMALIS DJIBOUTI 25.FEV.43 and BRAZZAVILLE RP. MOYEN-CONGO 10.MARS.43; very fine U:A5
1886 Yv.4, overprint Allegory 50C/15C blue; VF, large part o.g., exp. Brun and Scheller, c.v.. 1.700€, very rare stamp! U:A5
1888-1889 SG.7, Yvert 7, Allegory 1Fr with overprint 15 (C), cancel. from 19 FEVR 88; right lower minor faults, exp. Richter, c.v.. 1.400€ U:A5
1888-1889 SG.9, Yv.9, Allegory 10 with overprint 25 (C); without gum, very fine and rare stamp with certificate RPSL, c.v.. * 8.000€ U:DR
1889 Yv.15, GABON-KONGO 25C black / green with CDS LIBREVILLE; very fine piece, exp. Calves and Scheller, c.v.. 1.000€, rare U:A5
1853 SG.1a, Allegory 1P deep brick-red, blued paper, print P.B., pair, close, but full margins; small vertical bend at left, overall nice, exp. Pfenninger, c.v.. £900+ U:A5
1858 SG.5a, Allegory 1P rose, print P.B.; superb piece with wide margins, exp. Diena, Bolafi and Bühler, c.v.. £300+ U:A5
1862 SG.7c, Allegory 6P slate lilac on blued paper, print P.B.; nice piece, exp. Bühler, c.v.. £500 U:A5
1864 SG.20, Allegory 6P bright mauve, print De La Rue; nice piece with full margins, exp. Bühler, c.v.. £500 U:A5
1900 MAFEKING / SG.14, Mayor Goodyear 1P pale blue / blue, cancel. MAFEKING C.G.H. (Cape of Good Hope), c.v.. £350 U:A5
1857 SG.1, "Crown" 1P blue; very fine and rare stamp with certificate APES (USA), c.v.. £1.800 U:A5
1904 SG.O3-O6, official Edward VII. 2P-1Sh with overprint OFFICIAL; very fine, c.v.. £415 U:A5
1886 SG.33a, NIEUWE REPUBLIEK 1Sh6P "blue granite paper", opposite paire; very fine with original gum, c.v.. £650 + ca. 100% U:A5
1903-1909 SG.139, 141-147, 149, Edward VII. ½d - 5Sh, nominal complete set of 9 stamps, wmk Crown CA, only value 1d from next issue with wmk Mult Crown CA; lightly hinged, c.v.. £270 U:A5
1905-1909 SG.148-151, Edward VII. ½d - 1Sh, complete set; values 1d and 4d **, others lightly hinged, c.v.. £100+ U:A5
1905 SG.150a, Edward VII. 4P, wmk multiple CA, with printing error IOSTAGE instead POSTAGE; very fine piece, c.v.. £200 U:A5
1925 SG.26-29, Airmail 1d-9d, complete set; value 1d lightly hinged, otherwise mint never hinged U:A5
1954 SG.151-164, Animals ½d-10Sh, complete set 14 stamp.; mainly mint never hinged U:A5
1937 SG.40-52, George VI. ½P - 5Sh; complete set, c.v.. £85 U:A5
1895 PORTUGAL MOZAMBIQUE COLONY / Sc. 36-44 (*), complete set 5R-300R with overprint 1195 / Centenario Antonino / 1895, in block of 28 - complete sheets; small tearing and ordinary toning, overall fine, cat. only as single stamps $4.800 U:A4
1953 Mi.417-436, Butterflies 0,10 - 20E, complete set; mainly lightly hinged, c.v.. 100€ U:A5
1891-1895 SG.15, Coat of arms £2 rose-red overprint B.C.A.; very fine and rare stamp with original gum, certificate BPA signature Robson Lowe, c.v.. £1500 U:A5
1891-1895 SG.16, Coat of arms £5 sage-green overprint B.C.A.; original gum, overall nice piece, exp. J. Bernichon / Paris, c.v.. £2.000 U:DR