Public Auction 69 / TOP100 Bidding
1968 Pof.1487 production flaw, larger part parcel of dispatch-note with issue Towns 3Kčs Bratislava, Pof.1487VV - without yellow gravure color (!), CDS TATRANSKÁ LOMNICA 6.XII.68, on reverse CDS BRATISLAVA 1/ 7.XII.68, skutečné post. usage stamps Pof.1487VV; rare, good condition U:A5
ALFONS MUCHA / printing by pencil for stamp Hradčany, value 25h, with rozkreslením inscriptions, R lower signature "M.", size 21,5x17,5cm, on exhibit sheet, attached expression George Mucha confirming autenticitu printings; ex Wilhelms U:A4
1918-1919 [COLLECTIONS] PROVISORY / comp. of entires and stamp. with postage-due provisional, mixed franking, forerunner and parallel with Austrian also Hungarian stamp., bisected franking, stamp. with various overprints as "T", DOPLATIT (surtax), PORTO, cuts dispatch-notes, larger part dispatch-notes, postage-due as postage stmp, express as postage stmp etc..; various quality, all in/at one stockbook A4 and on 8 unbound album pages U:Z
1924 Pof.DL31-DL40, to exhaustion- Ornament 10/5h-100/400h, blocks of four with unofficial perforation 11½; hinged U:A4
1953 NAZISM - LIDICE / ROSTOCK Max (1912-1986), chief Sicherheitsdienstu in Kladno, podílel with aktivně on/for zločinu in Lidice, in 1946 was/were in/at nepřítomnosti convicted to capital punishment, in 1949 was/were zadržen in France and předán to Czechoslovakia, president A. Zápotocký mu trest změnil on/for doživotí, consequently was/were as agent StB vyslán to Západního Germany, there cooperation ihned vyzradil and later with stal agentem German service BND, this is card which/what mu was/were family sent to Pankrácké prison in Prague; good condition U:A5
1925 Pof.195a, Gravure 2CZK blue, type II., carton paper (!) with wmk P6; mint never hinged, exp. Vrba U:A5
1953 Pof.741 production flaw, Zápotocký 60h light carmine, vertical pair with significant shift horiz. perf to to picture of stmp.; without gum, quite rare production defect on this issue! U:A5
Pof.26a, 1000h blue-violet; lightly hinged, exp. by Karasek and Vrba U:A5
Pof.14Dvz, 40h orange with line perforation 11½ and with overprint VZOREC with upper margin; lightly hinged only in margin, exp. Vrba U:A5
Pof.SO2Pp, Hradčany 3h violet with inverted opt SO1920 (overprint); mint never hinged, exp. by Leseticky and Vrba U:A5
Pof.101, 2f light brown, UR blk-of-15 with sheet margin and with plate mark "crescent", various overprint types; mint never hinged, folded in perforation, exp Vrba U:A5
1883 ÚPRKA Joža (1861–1940), Czech painter and graphic artist, handwritten text on postcard with signature, sent to painter/-s Henry Bubeníčka (supplemented with about/by his B/W portrait photograph); good condition and interesting U:A5
1952 DATA TISKU / Pof.625-626, 661-663, Zápotocký - complete set of in LR blk-of-10 with date of print 10.I.52 + issue Prague Spring in/at marginal blocks of four with date of print 7.VI., 31.V. and 5.VI.52; mint never hinged, Pof.661 with thin place in perforation, this is the first issue with date of print on/for typewriter WIFAG U:A4
1918-1919 comp. of 3 Ppc, 1x Miskolc, CDS FP 22 and violet straight line postmark "2. company 2. českoslov. regiment" + Trenčín, franked with. forerunner Hungarian stamp. Charles 10f, red straight line postmark "II. českoslov. infantry Rgt., I. batt./guidon 3. company" and Rimavská Saturday, supplemental violet cancel. VERIFICATO CENSURA; good condition U:A5
1942 CHARLES Edward (1861-1950), engraver and graphic artist is spojen with origin nejstarších Czechoslovak stamps, as Hradčany and T. G. Masaryk 1920, print autoportrétu with autograph and datováním "V Turnov 14. December 1942"; good condition U:A4
Pof.162N production flaw, unissued imperforated 80h violet as blk-of-4 with significant paper crease and vrásami in paper, shifted offset on/for front face in the place paper crease, in addition partial offset on gum; hinged, 1x thinned paper, exp. Vrba, unusual and decorative U:A5
1939 Pof.L15 plate number, Airmail 30h ČESKO-SLOVENSKO, complete set 4 pcs of corner blk-of-4 with plate number 1-4, from 50 pcs of counter sheet, only plate number 1 from 100 pcs of counter sheet; mint never hinged U:A5
1918-1920 [COLLECTIONS] HRADČANY-issue - SYPANÉ STAMPS / box with several tisíci used scattered stamps issue Hradčany, i.a. contains lot of values 1000h, 500h and other; general weight/scale stamps 500g, originates from abroad U:K
1945 Pof.386 production flaw, Moscow 2 Koruna grey-blue, UR block of four with omitted horiz. perf in upper margin; mint never hinged U:A5
Pof.2Cvz, 8Cvz, 16Cvz, comp. of 3 values with overprint VZOREC, 3h, 20h blue-green and 50h blue, all with line perforation 13¾; 50h lightly hinged, exp. Štolfa U:A5
1949 Pof.529-530, For Children-issue 1949, complete set of in LR corner blocks of four; mint never hinged, 1x grain in paper and small omission gum, rare occurrence bloks of four! U:A5
1960-1970 [COLLECTIONS] SPECIALIZACE / PODPISY AUTORŮ / interesting set 58 pcs of stamp. with signatures of authors in margins, contains: Švengsbír 12 pcs of, Herčík 15 pcs of, Schmidt 26 pcs of, Housa 4 pcs of, Mráček 11 pcs of; placed in clamping pockets on/for cards in spiral folder, interesting set! U:Z
UNISSUED stamp. for Postal saving bank 10f, overprint type I.; hinged, exp. Hirsch, Tribuna and Vrba, sought U:A5
1939 Pof.11 plate number, Mukachevo 1,20CZK, LL corner blk-of-4 with plate number 1 and register point, wide margin; superb, sought U:A5
1943 AS1, London MS with signature wife president Hana Benešová; very fine, with signatures sought! U:A5
1941 letter sent to Alois Sedláčka (1914-1941, navigátor Czechosl. air forces by/on/at RAF), with George VI. 2½d, posting MC BEVERLEY - YORKSHIRE 14. AUG 1941; nice good condition U:A5
PLATE PROOF palte proof of the value 75h in/at green color on chalky paper without gum, V. printing, different form/shape numeral(s) "7" (!), RÁMEČKOVÝ type; exp. by Gilbert and Vrba rare occurrence! U:A5
1956 DEFECT REPORT / official blank form to/at badly paid/franked post. mailing, CDS SEDMIHORKY 6.III.56, mounted stamp. ZÁVADA 100h violet with CDS LUČENEC 19.III.56, postage stmp 1Kčs with CDS LOVINOBAŇA 15.III.56; good condition, sought U:A5
1926 Pof.183 plate number, Festival 50h green, LR corner piece with plate number II, wmk P6; label U:A5
1918 PLATE NUMBERS / Pof.NV2, 4-5, Falcon in Flight (issue), collection of ca. 90 corner stamp., pairs and bloks of four with various plate numbers, contains mainly value 5h; various quality, viewing of quality recommended, mainly hinged, part without gum or used U:A4
1960-1995 [COLLECTIONS] monument with 135 signatures various Czechosl. personalities: i.a. J. Werich (2x), K. Effa, O. Nový, C. Bouda, A. Kalvoda, J. Vinklář, Z. Burian, V. Čáslavská, D. Medřická, J. Slavíček, K. Svolinský, V. Holan, M. Horníček, J. Škvorecký, Hanzelka+Zikmund, J. Tříska, W. Matuška, J. Marvan, J. Zrzavý; supplemented with mnohými printings signed, photos and newspaper cut-squares, complete listing personalities including; good condition, pozoruhodný set U:Z
1977 postcard with Pof.2111, Postal emblems 30h with production flaw 3 - omitted blue color, CDS NECPALY 15.III.77, non-philatelic usage on/for family correspondence; good condition and sought, exp. by Sablatura U:A5
1943 JUDAICA / Us official envelope with additional-printing Zentralamt für die Regelung der Judenfrage in Bohemia and Moravia, service letter Central office for vyřešení Jewish otázky with seat in Prague, franked with. Bohemian and Moravian stamp. A. Hitler 1,20 Koruna with CDS PRAGUE 12/ 13.II.43; good condition U:A5
1850 Cross of Merit, golden with crown, bronze gilt, smalty, marked WILH. KUNZ * WIEN X, hallmark "*", Marko.139; beze ribbon, mild koroze U:X
1939 Pof.10, 12 plate number, Masaryk 1 Koruna + Bánská Bystrica 1,50CZK, comp. of 2 L bottom corner blk-of-4 with plate number 1, value 1,50CZK without registry point; mint never hinged U:A5
1948 Pof.487 production flaw, Gottwald 3Kčs, type II., block of four with R margin, production flaw - in/at right vertical pair NEDOTISK stamp., missing almost whole numeral value 3,00 and "SKO" in/at name state with right small frame; without gum, production folds in paper (by/on/at this production flaw always), exp. Dr. Fischmeister, catalogue doesn't report, very rare! U:A5
1918-1939 [COLLECTIONS] ACCUMULATION / duplication in two zásobnicích A4 and A5 + on/for 20 sides cards A4; various quality, as multiple interesting U:K
Pof.17Cvz, 60h red-orange with overprint VZOREC, L the bottom corner piece with control-numbers with line perforation 13¾; mint never hinged, exp. Vrba U:A5
1925-1926 Pof.202-205, Gravure 50h-1Kč, comp. of 14 stamp., various values, types and wmk; mainly mint never hinged, exp. by Gilbert U:A5
1940 MEZIARŠÍ SE SOUKROMÝM PŘÍTISKEM / Pof.20-24, 26, memorial double-sheet with additional-printing in black color on hand-made paper with 6 pcs of 4-stamp gutter with additional-printing - Hundred years post. stamps 1840-1940 in 6 various colors; gutter are uchycena always first hinge; rare occurrence! U:A4
1918-1939 [COLLECTIONS] ACCUMULATION / selection of several rozpracovaných collections and duplication in 6 spring folder and albums + detached/free on pages, contains i.a. Hradčany, POŠTA / ČESKOSLOVENSKÁ / 1919, letterpress issues, air-mail, postage-due etc..; various quality, originates from abroad, placed in middle box U:K
1898-1967 [COLLECTIONS] DUPLICATION / mainly used stamps, contains i.a. Chrysanthemums, Peonies etc.oths.; on 5 cards A4; various quality, we advice examination U:O4
Pof.7a, 15h brown-red with lower margin with control-numbers, plate 7 on cut-square, partial imprint of daily postmark HENNERSDORF 19.IX.19; very fine, exp. Vrba, sought printing plate! U:A5
1939 Pof.15 plate number, Strečno 2,50CZK, LL corner blk-of-4 with plate number 1, close margin; superb U:A5
1939 Pof.9 plate number, Masaryk 1CZK, LL corner blk-of-4 with plate number 3; mint never hinged U:A5
1956 PLATE PROOF Pof.899, Day border guard 60h, proof print original gravure in blue color on/for smooth paper without gum, else/yet without wedge [ ˇ ] above "C"; without defects, exp. by Karasek U:A5
1950 Pof.A564, miniature sheet PRAGUE 1950, combination J/16, oblique print stamp., dark red inscription; mint never hinged U:A5
1941 insufficiently franked letter to Příbram with Brno 1,20 Koruna, burdened with postage-due 1,80K paid stamp. Postage due stmp 1 Koruna and 80h, CDS LOMNICE n. L. 13.II.41, mounted card SCHÁZ. VÝPLAT 1,80K VYBERTE A OBÁLKU VRAŤTE!; nice good condition, interesting U:A5
Pof.DL27 production flaw, Postage Due - overprint issue Hradcany 100/1000h violet, horizontal pair with upper margin, production defect - oblique hair crease over both stamp.; label only in upper margin, exp. Vrba U:A5
1951 Mi.Klb.500, 5. anniv of republic 2.50L, complete printing sheet - 2x blk-of-10; minor gum fault, 2x folded in perforation U:A4
1960 Mi.523-533, 15. anniv of liberation of Czechoslovakia, mint never hinged set + FDC; fine, c.v.. 170€ U:A5
Pof.RV43-57, Hluboka issue (Mareš's overprint) Crown, Coat of arms and Charles 3h - 1 Koruna with red overprint; hinged, several minor faults, all exp. Vrba U:A5
1953 Pof.766, Transport 60h, comp. of 4 expressive color odstínů: catalogue orange-brown and red-brown (in addition production flaw - zalitý print centre engine/-s) and still uncatalogued brown-orange and very rare bright orange; exceptional selection of U:A5
1840 [COLLECTIONS] PENNY BLACK / PLATE RECONSTRUCTION / selection of 112 stamps Penny Black, each with different letters combinations (!), without distinction of plates; various quality, major part damaged - folds, thin places, margins etc.. - viewing of quality recommended, placed on special sheet, ONLY PERSONAL PICKUP U:A0
1866 DDSG - Danubian Steam Company / ANK.1; 17Kr red, perf 12 with blue cancel. CALAFAT, on letter to BRAILA; F-VF U:A5
1925 Pof.189B production flaw, Neotypie (gravure-print) 50h green, line perforation 13¾, UL corner piece with production flaw - double vert. perf in margin, wmk 4; label on/for upper margin, exp. Vrba U:A5
1955 Pof.PL840-843, Costumes I., 60h and 1,60Kčs type I.; complete set, 2Kčs small production gum flaw, sought U:A5
1925-1990 [COLLECTIONS] CELISTVOSTI / Czechoslovakia I., CZECHOSLOVAKIA 1945-92., Czech Republic, SLOVAKIA 1993, AUSTRIA, USA, U.N. / several thousand různorodých entires in/at IKEA box, contains i.a. from Czechoslovakia I. entires with meter stmp and print MC, from Czechoslovakia II. first day sheets 1950 - 1993, FDC, Cartemax, provisory 1945, special postmark, Czech Republic p.stat, first day sheet/-s, PC, commemorative sheets, then p.stat USA, Austria postmark Christkindl, FDC U.N. etc..; various quality, estate, placed in IKEA box, more than 10kg of material, ONLY PERSONAL PICKUP! U:IK
1927 CZECHOSLOVAKIA 1918-39 / 5 crown 1927; small line marking/-s, very nice, R! U:X
1929 LETECKÝ REGIMENT 3. GEN. LETCE M. R. ŠTEFÁNIKA LETKA 10. / military pass with postmarks regiment also letky, signed commander Wenceslas Liška (1898-1963, Russian legionnaire, participant of battle of Zborov, later air-mail officer, after/behind WWII member RAF); cross fold, on the reverse side graffiti, else preserved U:A5
Pof.29C, Lion Breaking its Chains 50h blue, rare line perforation 11½:10½, type II.; hinged, exp. by Mrnak and Vrba, quite minimum usage, significantly underprized U:A5
1908 SLANÝ - colored single-view collage "Slanská Hora in/at future"; good condition U:A5
1800-1960 [COLLECTIONS] ADVERTISING A POST STICKERS, REVENUE STAMPS, STRANICKÉ STAMPS / selection of advertising labels, hinge / label philatelic exhibitions in/at whole sheets, 4 pcs of advertising cards on/for Liebigovy masové tresti with lithography printing, Austrian also Czech revenues, postal labels, stamps Communist Party of Czechoslovakia from year 1989 in/at whole sheets etc.., all in/at one 8-sheet stockbook and on/for several cards A4, supplemented with kolkovanými listinami; various quality U:K
1962 NOVOTNÝ Anthony (1904–1975), Czechoslovak communist politician and president in years 1957–1968, autograph on p.stat envelope issued to philatelic exhibition PRAGA 62 U:A5
1923 Pof.177 plate number, Jubilee 100h red, LR corner piece with plate number I, wmk P5; mint never hinged, exp. by Gilbert U:A5
1937 Reg letter strictly private franked stamp. Slavkov 3,50CZK violet and Coat of arms 10h brown, CDS UHERSKÝ BROD 23.VI.37 and postage-due Delivery stmp 50h red, Pof.DR2B (I. printing), arrival postmark BRNO (ŽABOVŘESKY) 25.VI.37; good condition, slightly toned U:A5
1951 PLATE PROOF Pof.595, Dvořák 2Kčs, comp. 3 pcs of copy-print original gravure, 2x semifinished gravure and 1x definitive version, in violet, brown and black-grey color on white paper without gum; without defects, all exp. by Karasek U:A5
1961 Pof.PL1225, Butterflies 2Kčs, blk-of-10 with plate variety 4/A - guideline vybíhající from frame stamp., plate A1.2; production gum skips, very rare and sought! U:A5
1926 Pof.NV11-NV13, to exhaustion- Express 5/2h-10h, 2x complete sets in blocks of four with lower margin, 1x imperforated, 1x with unofficial line perforation 11½; mint never hinged U:A5
1919 Pof.S1vz-S2vz, 2h and 5h with overprint VZOREC with line perforation 13¾; mint never hinged, exp. Vrba, sought U:A5
cca 2000 SCOUTING / comp. 9 pcs of various scout badges and plaket, i.a. 2x promissory badge, Golden šíp exilových of scouts after/behind merit and oths.; very fine U:X
1931 CZECHOSLOVAKIA 1918-39 / III. exhibition market furniture in/at Lišově, multicolor poster, size ca. 117x63cm; folds and small tearing, otherwise good condition U:A3s|
Pof.RV1-15, Prague overprint I (Small Emblem) 3h-1K, complete set 15 values on stmp Charles, Crown and Coat of arms; hinged, all exp. Vrba U:A5
Pof.L13 production flaw, Definitive issue 10CZK blue, line perforation 13¾, upper corner Pr with bordurou and wide band printing color in upper margin counter sheet; mint never hinged, interesting U:A5
1949 Pof.525-526, Trade-union Congress, complete set of in/at corner blocks of four, miniatures; mint never hinged, rare usage this issue in blocks of four, here in addition in/at corner creating miniature! U:A4
1949-1951 comp. 3 pcs of international dispatch-notes sent to Syria with multicolor franking stamp. Gottwald 20Kčs, Pof.489, CDS TRUTNOV and PROSTĚJOV, incl. transit and arrival postmarks ALEP; good condition U:A4
1920 SOUKROMÝ PŘÍTISK / CDV18, Hradčany 20h with decorative additional-printing Graphische Kunstanstalt gebrüder Stiepel Reichenberg, uprated with stamp Hradčany 30h violet, Pof.13B (incomplete-printing by/on/at value card), CDS LIBEREC 3/ 4.VIII.20; small bend in corner, very decorative piece! U:A5
1987 CZECHOSLOVAKIA 1945-92 / 500 Crown 1987 - 100. anniv of birth Joseph Lady; placed in original plastic kapsli, sought! U:X
1935 CZECHOSLOVAKIAN STAMPS, Hirsch-Franěk, II. improved/repaired issue, today already classic Monograph Czechosl. stamps with lot of valuable information and picture, solid binding, 435 sides; very fine U:Z
1937 PRAGUE - CARACAS, commercial air-mail letter addressed to to Venezuela, franked with. mixed franking airmail stamps and meter stmp f. Sellir&Bellot, Pof.L10 2x, L7, total 6,50CZK and meter stmp values 2,50CZK, CDS PRAGUE 38/ 23.IX.37, supplemented with funeral years. postmark PRAGUE 7 AIRMAIL 23.IX.37, without arrival CDS; good condition, decorative combination U:A5
Pof.50aI, Coat of arms 4 Koruna dark green, overprint II. type; superb, exp. by Mrnak and Vrba U:A5
1961 Pof.1167, Space Exploration 40h, stamp. with bright red podkladovou color place violet-red; very rare, only on/for small part/-s printing, will be katalogizováno, also with pair common stamp. on/for comparison U:A5
1918-1919 CPŘ3, parallel PC Charles 8h, comp. 4 pcs of, 3x with various uprating Czechosl. and Austrian newspaper and express stamp. used as postage, 2x burdened by postage-due with mounted. Czechosl. and Austrian Postage due stamps.; nice good condition U:A5
Pof.25D, 500h brown, spiral type I., special perforation line perforation 11½; mint never hinged, exp. Vrba U:A5
1989 Pof.2902 plate variety, 45. anniv of Slovak National Uprising 1Kčs, plate variety 8/1 - zdeformovaný outline 2. comb from the L (only on/for original plate); very sought, c.v.. 800CZK U:A5
1925-1926 Pof.180-186, Congress, complete set on cut-squares with print special postmark + Festival, 2x complete set on cut-squares with print special postmark + Festival, complete set on card with print special postmark (bend out of stmp.) + Festival, complete set on/for special stationery with print special postmark; good condition, some stamp. exp. by Gilbert and Mrňák U:A5
1919 POSTAGE STAMPS / MALÝ FORMÁT + HRADČANY-issue / commercial letter with Charles 15h brown, Mi.221 and Hradčany 5h light green, Pof.3, CDS PROSTĚJOV 1/ 30.I.19; envelope rozříznuta on/for two sides, good condition U:A5
1947 MINISTERSKÉ FDC / M 4/47, World Youth Meeting, mounted stamp. Pof.456-457, special postmark PRAGUE 1/ 20.VII.1947, on reverse Minister post and No. 81, Un; very fine, rare usage! U:A5
1977 PLATE PROOF added-print for envelope/-s FDC 12A/77 + 112B/77, History aviation - PRAGA 78, comp. 2 pcs of plate proofs, print gravures, for 12A/77 in/at definitive colors, for 12B master die only in black color; good condition U:A5
1866 DDSG / ANK.1A, 17Kr red with whole blue cancel. CZERNAWODA 8/9; VF U:A5
Pof.25 IIp/IIs, 500h brown with rare PŘÍČKOVÝM subtype IIa, pos. 46/2; superb intaktní piece, Vrba certificate, extraordinary offer hledaného bar type, missing also in/at greatest collections! U:DR
1860-1950 [COLLECTIONS] interesting mixed accumulation / duplication of mint / used stamps in 6 variously full stockbooks, contains mainly incomplete sets, part also complete, middle values, better Hongkong, Falkland Isl. etc.., in addition supplemented with spring folder with small collection "Dogs"; various quality, we advice examination, higher catalogue, attractive lot! U:K
PLATE PROOF SOUTISK 13 pcs of various designes in red color, hlubotisková trial stamps Hradčany 50h to comparison with odměněnými designs I. competition from January 1919 - see Monograph I (page. 122 and pic.. 167) on paper without gum; format 208x142mm; hinged in corners, little wrinkled paper, otherwise very nice quality, exp. and Vrba certificate, exp. by Karasek., rare offer one from most precious Hradcany-issue joined printings, ex Wilhelms! U:DR
Pof.7H joined spiral types, 15h bricky red, the bottom horiz. marginal Pr with control-numbers, line perforation 13¾ : 10¾, spiral types combination (!), spiral type I on pos. 92/1; mint never hinged, Vrba certificate, exp. Kraus, quite rare offer spojeného spiral type in vzácném perf, item to greatest specializovaných collections! U:DR
Pof.56 blank coupon, Triangle 5h green with right unoverprinted coupon; lightly hinged, certificate Vrba, exp. Tribuna, Mrňák, Pofis, Vrba, mark Šula and Kapras, quite rare occurrence, missing in most collections, important item from old collection! U:DR
Pof.118, 10K brown / violet, LR ROHOVÝ piece with control-numbers, pos. 100, overprint type I with offset on gum; light hinged in margin overlapping little to stamps, at R margin unclear description by pen, certificate Vrba, exp. Tribuna, Hirsch and Gilbert, exceedingly rare and decorative corner piece, decoration every specialized collection Czechoslovakia I., extraordinary offer! U:DR
Pof.SO7Pp, Hradčany 20h carmine imperforated with very rare inverted opt "SO1920 (overprint)", pos. 77/1, field overprint 24/A; lightly hinged, quite small production thin place in paper, overall very fine piece, Vrba certificate, exp. by Leseticky and Gilbert, exceedingly rare stamp missing also in big collections, rare offer! U:DR
1908 SG.12b, Crown - Labuan with overprint BRUNEI TWO CENTS - "TWO CENTS" DOUBLE; very fine piece, certificate BPA, c.v.. £5.000, rare U:DR
1951 Pof.TL594N, Smetana 1,50Kčs green-gray, whole nerozdělený printing sheet with one blk-of-10 imperforated stmp (!) with partial DVOJITÝM TISKEM, in addition partial offset on the reverse side; without gum, several nepatrných světlinek, exceedingly rare occurrence this production defects esp. in/at whole tiskovém sheet! U:A4
1920 PLATE PROOF values 100h brown, ZRCADLOVÝ plate proof from zinkografického printing block, lined background, imperforated blk-of-4 on/for strong white paper; without defects, Vrba certificate, exp. by Gilbert., Beneš, Vrba, belongs to nejvzácnějším proof tiskům issue, as blk-of-4 quite surely investment item! U:DR
1851 Ferch.7, YELLOW MERCURY 6 Kreuzer, cancel. KLAGENFURT 21.5.; superb example with wide margins and without usual faults, lower wide margin 2mm, certificate Kopřiva, signed Kovařík, rare offer, scarce U:DR
1851 Ferch.8, ROSE MERCURY 30Kr with CDS ZEITUNGSEXPED. WIEN 11/12(?), type Ib, full margins; very fine piece with certificate Kopřiva, Ferchenbauer. 17.500€, Mi. 18.000€, scarce U:DR
Pof.89z, 1f šedá/černá, wmk "z", overprint IV. type; unstuck hinge, at top horiz. light bend, Vrba certificate, Lešetický, Mrňák, Gilbert, rare stamp, often missing in collections! U:DR
Pof.49aI, Coat of arms 3 Koruna dark red, overprint type I.; exceedingly nice piece with perfectly centrovaným overprint; lightly hinged, Vrba certificate, exp. by Mahr., Lešetický, fine and rare stamp! U:DR
Pof.49II, Coat of arms 3 Koruna light red, landscape format, overprint type II.; original gum hinged, Vrba certificate, exp. by Gilbert., very fine piece of this rare stmp, missing in most collections! U:DR
1951 Pof.TL594, Smetana 1,50CZK green-gray, whole undetached printing sheet with one zoubkovaným blk-of-10 on paper for both PB; without hints of label, minor gum fault - in L corner hints after sticking, sporadically then neznatelně; overall but nice quality without usual thin place (!), very rare, quite rare occurrence! U:DR
1862 SG.10, Victoria 1P rose-red, perforation. "11 to 12½ x 14 to 16", fine piece, exp. Herbert Bloch, c.v.. £6.000, scarce U:DR
1846 POSTMASTER PROVISIONAL / BRATTLEBORO - Scott.5XI, Mi.1, 5 CENTS; very fine piece with certificate Philatelic Foundation, c.v.. $.7.500, Mi.12.000€, scarce! U:DR
1943 MONTENEGRO / Mi.10-19, Airmails 25C - 10L, complete and very fine set; exp. and certificates Krischke, c.v.. 8.500€, rare U:DR
1891 SG.50var, Victoria OIL RIVERS 1Sh black, Unissued, WITHOUT OVERPRINT NIGER COAST; VF, c.v.. doesn't report, rare U:DR
1947 Bahawalpur SG.16, George VI. 5Rs of India with overprint "crescent"; very fine piece with certificate BPA, c.v.. £4.750, scarce U:DR
1915 ANGLO-FRENCH OCCUPATION / SG.H29, Yv.54, Emperor´s Yacht 3Pf brown with overprint TOGO ANGLO-FRENCH OCCUPATION with CDS LOME; VF, with certificate Scheller and Eichele, printing only 50 pieces, c.v.. £3.000, Yv.6.500€, rare stamp U:DR
1941 ITHAKA / Sass. POSTA AEREA No. 14, 2x Greek airmail 1/2+1/2 carmine with horiz. overprint "Occupatione Militare Italiana Isole Cefalonia e Itaca"; very fine, certificate Biondi, c.v.. 45.000€, scarce! U:DR
1859 GOVERNO PROVVISORIO / Sass.13, Postage STATI PARMENSI 5C greenyellow with CDS PARMA; very fine with certificate Oliva, exp. Bühler, c.v.. 70.000€, sought! U:DR
1863 PROVINCE NAPOLETANE / UNISSUED / Sass.2, Victor Emmanuel II. 10C "terra d´ombra", used piece on small cut-square with CDS PISA 14.OTT.63; very fine, with certificate Oliva, c.v.. 140.000€+, important Italian rarity! U:DR
1894 SG.T1-T3, MATABELELAND 2Sh6P, 5Sh and 10Sh in strip-of-3 (!) "with tenant strip of 3", c.v.. £3.500 U:DR
1840 SG.2, PENNY BLACK black, plate 6, letters J-L; superb with large part original gum, certificate BPA, c.v.. £13.500, scarce U:DR
1868 SG.7b, overprint Victoria 1P/6P lake, imperforated; very fine piece with original gum, certificate BPA London and signed H. Bloch, c.v.. £3.000, rare U:DR
1916 SG.18a, English George V. Seahorse 10Sh indigo-blue with DOUBLE overprint NAURU, 1x albino; very fine, with certificate Brandon, c.v.. £13.000, scarce stamp! U:DR
1921-1933 SG.240d, KG V. $500 purple / orange-brown with sheet margin at top, wmk Multiple Script CA; superb piece with fresh color, certificate Oliva, exp. Alberto Diena, c.v.. £75.000 (!), major rarity, exraordinary offer! U:DR