Public Auction 70 / Autographs

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240409 - 1605 ALBRECHT VII. HABSBURG (1559-1621), Austrian archduke,
1605 ALBRECHT VII. HABSBURG (1559-1621), Austrian archduke, cardinal, toledský archbishop, nizozemský guvernér and portugalský místokrál, autograph on letter, folded sheet paper with filigránem, perfectly preserved seal with papírovým krytem; good condition, rare
Starting price: CZK
240395 - 1594 ARNOŠT HABSBURG (1553-1595), Austrian archduke and mí
1594 ARNOŠT HABSBURG (1553-1595), Austrian archduke and místodržící in Španělském Nizozemí, son emperor Maxmiliána II., brother emperor Rudolf II., autograph on letter; only folds, very nice good condition, rare
Starting price: CZK
241123 - 1554 FERDINAND I. HABSBURG (1503–1564), Holy Roman Emperor
1554 FERDINAND I. HABSBURG (1503–1564), Holy Roman Emperor, King of Bohemia and Hungaria, autograph on Czech language psaném (!) folded letter (misivu) addressed on/for purkmistry and konšele town Tábor (!), supplemented with about/by signature nejvyššího chancellor Jáchyma from Hradec (1526-1565); folded sheet paper with filigránem, perfectly preserved imperial seal with papírovým krytem; signs of age, sporadically underglued, overall however good condition, in Czech written document/-s from 16. century with signatures monarchs are very rare!
Starting price: CZK
240396 - 1569 FERDINAND II, Archduke of Austria (1529-1595), Austrian
1569 FERDINAND II, Archduke of Austria (1529-1595), Austrian archduke, governor in Czech lands, tyrolský count, son emperor of Ferdinand I., autograph on Italian psaném letter more closely neurčenému vévodovi, caused by in/at Innsbruck 19. 9. 1569, sheet paper with nice filigránem medvěda, perfectly preserved seal with papírovým krytem; nevýrazná toned in margin, very rare, unrepeatable offer!
Starting price: CZK
240411 - 1792 FRANCIS II (I.) RAKOUSKÝ (1768-1835), King Hungarian,
1792 FRANCIS II (I.) RAKOUSKÝ (1768-1835), King Hungarian, Czech etc.., in years 1804–1835 emperor Austrian, as Francis II. in years 1792–1806 last emperor Holy Roman Empire nation German, autograph in French form Francois on document from samého start governance (November 1792), folded sheet with filigránem, perfectly preserved imperial seal with papírovým krytem; perfectly good condition, rare, rare occurrence!
Starting price: CZK
240394 - 1648 JUAN JOSÉ DE AUSTRIA (1629-1679), Spanish General, lev
1648 JUAN JOSÉ DE AUSTRIA (1629-1679), Spanish General, levoboček Spanish King Filipa IV., místokrál neapolský, katalánský, nizozemský and aragonský, autograph on folded letter, folded sheet paper with filigránem; very nice good condition, rare
Starting price: CZK
241611 - 1772 KRAKOWSKÝ Z KOLOWRAT Leopold William (1727-1809), impo
1772 KRAKOWSKÝ Z KOLOWRAT Leopold William (1727-1809), important Czech nobleman tereziánské and potereziánské éry, the highest Czech kancléř, president dvorské chamber, the first state and konferenční minister; autograph on pre-printing document with kaligrafickým nadpisem, well preserved seal; folded, in the middle hints of original adjustaci, overall very sound condition, rare!
Starting price: CZK
240717 - 1571 MAXMILIÁN II. HABSBURG (1564-1576), Holy Roman Emperor
1571 MAXMILIÁN II. HABSBURG (1564-1576), Holy Roman Emperor, King of Bohemia, Hungarian, markrabě Moravian and archduke Austrian, autograph on folded Imperial letter addressed on/for council/court and commissioner duchovního status in/at Rakousích; caused by in Prague 17.4.1571, folded sheet paper with filigránem, very nice preserved imperial seal with papírovým krytem; exceptionally good condition, rare offer, very rare!
Starting price: CZK
241609 - 1851 RADETZKY VON RADETZ John Joseph Wenceslas count (1766
1851 RADETZKY VON RADETZ John Joseph Wenceslas count (1766–1858), Czech nobleman and Field Marshal; autograph "Radetzky" on/for decree, caused by in Veroně 16. December 1851; very good condition, only hints of original adjustaci, signatures maršála Radeckého are very rare and sought!
Starting price: CZK
240393 - 1933 VIKTOR EMANUEL III. (1869-1947), King Italian, habešsk
1933 VIKTOR EMANUEL III. (1869-1947), King Italian, habešský and albánský, autograph on official document with heading "Vittorio Emanuel III, per grazia di Dio e per volonta della nazione Re d´Italia"; very nice good condition
Starting price: CZK
241248 - 1848 WILLIAM BRUNŠVICKÝ (1806-1884), duke from Brunšviku
1848 WILLIAM BRUNŠVICKÝ (1806-1884), duke from Brunšviku and Lüneburgu, autograph on povyšovacím decree majora Friedricha Stutzera, folded sheet paper with filigránem, perfectly preserved seal with papírovým krytem, decorative titulatura; very nice good condition, rare, rare offer!
Starting price: CZK
240391 - 1857 WILLIAM FRANTIŠEK CHARLES HABSBURG (1827–1894), arch
1857 WILLIAM FRANTIŠEK CHARLES HABSBURG (1827–1894), archduke Austrian, Grand master order German Knights, field podmaršálek, commander artillery by/on/at Sadové 1866, autograph with dry seal on document povyšující captain 14. infantry reg. Theodora Zerboni di Sposetti on/for majora 1. imperial personal guard, caused by in Vienna 17.4.1857; size 39x26cm, cross fold, unique rarity, very decorative, interesting
Starting price: CZK
241242 - 1936 BENEŠ Edward (1884–1948), other Czechosl. president
1936 BENEŠ Edward (1884–1948), other Czechosl. president and foreign minister + KROFTA Kamil (1876-1945), Czech historian Gollovy school, academic Professor, Czechoslovak politician and diplomat, foreign minister, handwritten signatures on/for official document in věci zproštění Vladimíra Hurbana (1883-1949) function vyslance Czechoslovakia in Švédsku; very fine, sought
Starting price: CZK
241243 - 1913 BENEŠ Edward (1884–1948), other Czechosl. president
1913 BENEŠ Edward (1884–1948), other Czechosl. president and foreign minister; handwritten 8-paginal (!) letter in Czech with signature "Dr. Beneš", interesting text, rukopisy from early period E. Beneš are rare, in good condition condition, rare
Starting price: CZK
240379 - 1958-1968 BUŠINA Emil (1903-1970), Czechosl. pilot RAF and
1958-1968 BUŠINA Emil (1903-1970), Czechosl. pilot RAF and navigátor by/on/at 311. Czechoslovak bombing wing, in years 1941-45 war prisoner, prošel several zajateckými camps, after/around war žil in/at emigraci in USA, collection handwritten written family correspondence sent from emigrace to Czechoslovakia, total 20 aerogram and 1 card; good condition
Starting price: CZK
240380 - 1928, 1939 PAPAL HODNOSTÁŘI / KAŠPAR Charles (1870-1944),
1928, 1939 PAPAL HODNOSTÁŘI / KAŠPAR Charles (1870-1944), Czech duchovní, i.a. 21. bishop královéhradecký + BÁRTA Simon (1864-1940), Czech duchovní, i.a. 8. bishop českobudějovický, comp. of 2 cards with manual texts with signatures, every card heading with printed emblem signed duchovního, incl. original envelopes on reverse with coats of arms; very fine, interesting
Starting price: CZK
228356 - 1980? ČERVONĚNKO Stěpan Vasiljevič (1915-2003), Soviet p
1980? ČERVONĚNKO Stěpan Vasiljevič (1915-2003), Soviet politician and diplomat, ambassador USSR in/at Czechoslovakia in years 1965-1973; signature on strojopisném card, interesting in the context of "Prague Spring" in 1968
Starting price: CZK
222529 - 1956 FIERLINGER Zdeněk (1891–1976), chairman Czechosl. go
1956 FIERLINGER Zdeněk (1891–1976), chairman Czechosl. governance 1945-1946, ambassador in USSR, communist politician, chairman Czechoslovak State Railways; handwritten written dedication with signature; perfect condition
Starting price: CZK
241240 - 1951 FIERLINGER Zdeněk (1891–1976), chairman Czechosl. go
1951 FIERLINGER Zdeněk (1891–1976), chairman Czechosl. governance 1945-1946, ambassador in USSR, communist politician, chairman Czechoslovak State Railways; handwritten message with signature on card with thank; very fine
Starting price: CZK
241625 - 1944 FRANK Karl Hermann (1898-1946), member of SdP, active m
1944 FRANK Karl Hermann (1898-1946), member of SdP, active member of nazism in Bohemia-Moravia; handwritten text to Carl von Pückler-Burghauss, SS-Gruppenführer; very sound condition, scarce
Starting price: CZK
240638 - 1948 GOTTWALD Clement (1896–1953), Czechoslovak communist
1948 GOTTWALD Clement (1896–1953), Czechoslovak communist politician and president, autograph on card thanks for wish to/at zvolení president republic; perfect condition, sought!
Starting price: CZK
241589 -  GRÉGR Julius (1831-1896), important Czech journalist and p
GRÉGR Julius (1831-1896), important Czech journalist and politician, spoluzakladatel side/party Mladočechů; handwritten jednostránkový text with signature, rare
Starting price: CZK
240687 - 1907 GROŠ Charles (1865-1938), a mayor Prague, signature on
1907 GROŠ Charles (1865-1938), a mayor Prague, signature on letter; good condition
Starting price: CZK
240686 - 1894, 1896 GUTH-JARKOVSKÝ Jiří Stanislav (1861–1943), C
1894, 1896 GUTH-JARKOVSKÝ Jiří Stanislav (1861–1943), Czech pedagogue, writer, member of International Olympic committee, two handwritten letters with signatures
Starting price: CZK
241363 - 1941 GUTH-JARKOVSKÝ George Stanislav (1861–1943), Czech p
1941 GUTH-JARKOVSKÝ George Stanislav (1861–1943), Czech pedagogue, writer, ceremoniář president republic, zakládající member International Olympic committee, handwritten text with signature on/for aristic postcard rodného house, perfect condition, interesting
Starting price: CZK
241520 - 1947 KOPECKÝ Wenceslas  (1897-1961), minister information 1
1947 KOPECKÝ Wenceslas (1897-1961), minister information 1948-1945, stalinista, creator of political procesů in/at 50. year, prosazoval trest death for odpůrce socialism, big photo with autograph; very fine
Starting price: CZK
241238 - 1912 KRAMÁŘ Karel (1860–1937), important Czechoslovak po
1912 KRAMÁŘ Karel (1860–1937), important Czechoslovak politician, interesting signed letter; fine
Starting price: CZK
238964 - 1915 KRAMÁŘ Charles (1860–1937), Czechoslovak politician
1915 KRAMÁŘ Charles (1860–1937), Czechoslovak politician, the first ministerial chairman separate Czechoslovakia, handwritten 4-page letter in German with signature "Charles", sent to director his/her/its factory in/at Libštátu, passed through censorship, interesting text; incl. envelope/-s, overall good condition and sought!
Starting price: CZK
228353 - 1933 KRAMÁŘ Charles (1860–1937), important Czechoslovak
1933 KRAMÁŘ Charles (1860–1937), important Czechoslovak politician, the first ministerial chairman separate Czechoslovakia, handwritten whole signature with datací; sought
Starting price: CZK
240378 -  KUNZ Jaroslav (1869-1933), General justiční service and w
KUNZ Jaroslav (1869-1933), General justiční service and writer, autograph on portrait postcard; nice good condition, rare usage
Starting price: CZK
237427 - 1946 MASARYK John (1886–1948), Czechoslovak politician, fo
1946 MASARYK John (1886–1948), Czechoslovak politician, foreign minister, autograph with datací on special envelope with mounted stamp., print special postmark and photos E. Beneš; vertical fold, interesting and sought
Starting price: CZK
240239 - 1919 MASARYK Thomas Garrigue (1850–1937), the first Czecho
1919 MASARYK Thomas Garrigue (1850–1937), the first Czechoslovak President; signature on card with postmark SPRÁVA DOMÁCNOSTI PRESIDENTA REPUBLIKY, supplemented with signature manager lordship Lány Juliusem Kovandou; very interesting!
Starting price: CZK
241126 - 1936 MORAVEC Emanuel (1893-1945), officer Czechosl. legions,
1936 MORAVEC Emanuel (1893-1945), officer Czechosl. legions, Professor Vysoké school war and Bohemian and Moravian minister; autograph on vzkazu on heading paper, in which/what with omlouvá after/behind late return vypůjčené book/-s, incl. předmětné book/-s "Budování army"; very fine and exceptional, rare occurrence
Starting price: CZK
240392 - 1936 MUSSOLINI Benito (1883–1945), Italian prime minister,
1936 MUSSOLINI Benito (1883–1945), Italian prime minister, politician, journalist and diktátor, spolutvůrce and founder fascism and VIKTOR EMANUEL III. (1869-1947), King Italian, habešský and albánský, joined/common handwritten signatures on/for official document with heading "Vittorio Emanuel III, per grazia di Dio e per volonta della nazione Re d´Italia"; very nice good condition and rare
Starting price: CZK
240691 - 1911 OTTO John (1841-1916), important Czech knihkupec and pu
1911 OTTO John (1841-1916), important Czech knihkupec and publ., publisher biggest Czech printed encyklopedie, Ottova slovníku naučného; autograph on printed acknowledgments, incl. envelope/-s, interesting osobnost
Starting price: CZK
240688 - 1901 PODLIPNÝ John (1848-1914), a mayor of Prague; handwrit
1901 PODLIPNÝ John (1848-1914), a mayor of Prague; handwritten signed letter
Starting price: CZK
240381 - 1892 PUTTKAMER Jesko Albert Eugen von (1855-1917), guvernér
1892 PUTTKAMER Jesko Albert Eugen von (1855-1917), guvernér German Kamerunu and imperial komisař in/at Togu, autograph on cabinet photograph berlínského studio Bieber; good condition, rare
Starting price: CZK
241605 - 1866 RIEGER Francis Ladislav (1818–1903), important Czech
1866 RIEGER Francis Ladislav (1818–1903), important Czech politician and publicist; handwritten signed letter; in good condition
Starting price: CZK
240659 - 1938 RIPKA Hubert (1895-1958), important Czech politician, m
1938 RIPKA Hubert (1895-1958), important Czech politician, minister foreign Affairs exile governance in London, minister foreign shop 1945-1948, autograph on Un postcard Godenstein (Branná) as well with signature wife
Starting price: CZK
228363 - 1982-1989 comp. of 3 signatures Czechoslovak komunistických
1982-1989 comp. of 3 signatures Czechoslovak komunistických politiků: Milouš Jakeš, Jaromír Johanes and Lubomír Štrougal; as multiple interesting
Starting price: CZK
241619 - 1866 GINDELY Anthony (1829-1892), important Czech historian,
1866 GINDELY Anthony (1829-1892), important Czech historian, archivář and academic pedagogue; 10-řádkový handwritten text with signature; in good condition condition, important osobnost, rare usage
Starting price: CZK
239967 - 1910, 1911 KAŠPAR John (1883-1927), Czech engineer, pioneer
1910, 1911 KAŠPAR John (1883-1927), Czech engineer, pioneer Czech aeronautics, nejznámější from first Czech air-mail konstruktérů and pilots, autograph on Us photo postcard pardubického studio Deyr, zachycující years Kašparova Blériotu, supplemented with about/by Kašparovu portrait postcard with interesting dobovým text ("...tatínek viděl Kašpar létat, né..."); very well preserved, pozoruhodný dějinný kontext, exceptional usage!
Starting price: CZK
240702 - 1920 KUČERA Bohumil (1874-1921), important Czech physician;
1920 KUČERA Bohumil (1874-1921), important Czech physician; handwritten signed letter
Starting price: CZK
240685 - 1901 NIEDERLE Lubor (1865-1944); handwritten letter with sig
1901 NIEDERLE Lubor (1865-1944); handwritten letter with signature
Starting price: CZK
240689 - 1905 PRAŽÁK Albert (1880-1956), important Czech literary h
1905 PRAŽÁK Albert (1880-1956), important Czech literary historian, Professor on/for UK, chairman Czech national council/court in/at May 1945, handwritten třístránkový letter with signature; small tearing in/at folds, good condition
Starting price: CZK
241578 - 1869 ARBES Jacob (1840-1914), important Czech writer and jou
1869 ARBES Jacob (1840-1914), important Czech writer and journalist; handwritten pages letter with signature; nice in good condition condition, rare usage!
Starting price: CZK
241569 - 1924 BASS Edward (1888–1946), important Czech writer and j
1924 BASS Edward (1888–1946), important Czech writer and journalist, singer etc.., author Klabzubovy jedenáctky; handwritten jednostránkový letter with signature, sound condition
Starting price: CZK
241559 - 1926 BEZRUČ Peter (1867-1958), one's own name Vladimír Va
1926 BEZRUČ Peter (1867-1958), one's own name Vladimír Vašek, important Czech poet, handwritten written poem "Kalina" with datací and whole signature; sound condition, sought
Starting price: CZK
241566 -  BIEBL Konstantin (1898-1951), important Czech poet and pros
BIEBL Konstantin (1898-1951), important Czech poet and prose-writer; autograph on portrait photo postcard, atelier Langhans; sound condition, very rare usage!
Starting price: CZK
241563 - 1927 BŘEZINA Otokar (one's own name Wenceslas Jebavý) (186
1927 BŘEZINA Otokar (one's own name Wenceslas Jebavý) (1868-1929), important Czech poet and writer, representative symbolismu, handwritten text with signature on card; sought, sound condition
Starting price: CZK
241584 -  ČAPEK Charles (1890-1938), slavný Czech writer, journalis
ČAPEK Charles (1890-1938), slavný Czech writer, journalist, dramatist, handwritten pages text with whole signature; in/at folds underglued, overall but in good condition condition, interesting and rare
Starting price: CZK
241562 -  ČAPEK-CHOD Charles Matěj (1860-1927), Czech prose-writer,
ČAPEK-CHOD Charles Matěj (1860-1927), Czech prose-writer, dramatist and journalist, representative naturalismu, autograph on portrait photo postcard; sound condition
Starting price: CZK
241568 - 1955 DRDA John (1915-1970), important Czech journalist, poli
1955 DRDA John (1915-1970), important Czech journalist, politician, spisovatel-prozaik and dramatist; autograph with datací on photograph, rare usage
Starting price: CZK
241133 -  DUMAS Alexandre (1802-1870), one from best known French pro
DUMAS Alexandre (1802-1870), one from best known French prozaiků, author Tří mušketýrů or románu Count Monte Christo, handwritten pětiřádkový text with signature on/for přeloženém sheet paper with embossed by coat of arms; good condition, exceedingly rare
Starting price: CZK
241579 - 1978 FOGLAR Jaroslav, Jestřáb (1907–1999), Czech writer,
1978 FOGLAR Jaroslav, Jestřáb (1907–1999), Czech writer, vedoucí scout divisions, author Rychlých šípů; autograph with text and small printings; decorative
Starting price: CZK
238858 - 1914 HAŠEK Jaroslav (1883-1923), slavný Czech writer, publ
1914 HAŠEK Jaroslav (1883-1923), slavný Czech writer, publicist and journalist, author Osudů dobrého soldier Švejka, handwritten 17-řádkový letter on paper with vodoznakem, which/what wrote during his/her/its krátkého stay in village Jasenná on/for Jaroměřicku, where after/around the first world war pobýval on/for Hrnčířově usedlosti No.. 28; horiz. folded, overall very sound condition, rukopisy Jaroslav Haška are very rare and on/for market with practically are rare, here in addition in/at exceedingly zajímavém kontextu, extraordinary offer!
Starting price: CZK
240317 - 1927 JIRÁSEK Alois (1851-1930), Czech prose-writer and dram
1927 JIRÁSEK Alois (1851-1930), Czech prose-writer and dramatist, photo postcard with autograph; decorative
Starting price: CZK
235022 -  KOPELEV Lion (1912-1997), Soviet writer, disident and human
KOPELEV Lion (1912-1997), Soviet writer, disident and humanista, handwritten 3-stránkový letter "výtažek from Goetha" with signature
Starting price: CZK
241131 - 1906 LONDON Jack, one's own name John Griffith Chaney (1876-
1906 LONDON Jack, one's own name John Griffith Chaney (1876-1916), American writer, journalist, reporter and esejista, i.a. author románu White tesák, handwritten text with signature on/for check Central Bank of Oakland (bank always ověřuje identitu persons, which/what cheque podepisuje); supplemented with reproduction Londonovy photo, exceptional usage, stěží repeatable offer!
Starting price: CZK
241561 - 1934 MAHEN George (1882-1939), Czech poet and journalist wor
1934 MAHEN George (1882-1939), Czech poet and journalist working in Brno, autograph on portrait photograph, atelier Langhans; sound condition
Starting price: CZK

Public Auction 70 / Autographs - Information

Autogramy a rukopisy

Sběratelství rukopisů velikánů začalo už v antice, velkého rozkvětu dosáhlo v renesanci a v 17. století se rozšířilo po celé Evropě. V českých zemích patřil k největším sběratelům národní buditel Václav Hanka, který pracoval jako správce literárních sbírek Vlasteneckého muzea. Mezi velké sběratele se dále řadil architekt a podnikatel Josef Hlávka, zakladatel a redaktor Moderní revue Arnošt Procházka, dekadentní básník Jiří Karásek ze Lvovic nebo spisovatel Emanuel Lešehrad.

Autogram je vlastnoruční originální podpis osobnosti.

Autograf neboli rukopis, který znamená vlastnoruční text napsaný osobností, který může, ale nemusí být podepsaný. Pochází z řečtiny.

Parafa je zkrácený čili zjednodušený vlastnoruční podpis osobnosti, který se považuje za autogram. Parafa je označována také jako podpisová značka.

Autopen je termín pro počítačem provedený podpis osobnosti podle naprogramovaného vzoru, jak se osobnost podepisuje. Autopeny jsou běžné v USA, kdy osobnosti dostávají mnoho žádostí o autogram, zejména astronauti, filmové hvězdy nebo američtí prezidenti, kteří začali autopen používat od padesátých let 20. století.

Tištěný podpis je termín pro rozmnožené kopie originálně podepsané fotografie.

Sekretářský podpis  je termín pro autogramy, které sice vypadají jako originálně podepsané osobností, ale podepsala se za ni jeho asistentka či jiná osoba.

Zájemci o sběratelství autogramů a autografů v ČR se mohou sdružovat v Klubu sběratelů autogramů - KSA.