Public Auction 70 / Philately / Czechoslovakia 1945-1992

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240404 - 1953 OBRÁCENÉ ENVELOPES / comp. 2 pcs of again used envelo
1953 OBRÁCENÉ ENVELOPES / comp. 2 pcs of again used envelopes for private correspondence, both letters paid/franked in/at hotovosti: 1x STASKA, state sázková office, line provisional postmark., cash paid 60Kčs, CDS GOTTWALDOV 5/ 5.VI.53, 1x NÁDRAŽNÍ PSANÍ, off. envelope, small format!, hand-made "cash 0,60Kčs", CDS STRMILOV 15.VI.53; sound condition, interesting also as contemporary document/attribut
Starting price: CZK
240430 - 1953 OTISKY VÝPLATNÍCH STROJŮ / commercial letter address
1953 OTISKY VÝPLATNÍCH STROJŮ / commercial letter addressed to to Litovel, franked 4 print pay machine PRAGUE 1/ 16.6.53, ČEDOK, values 9+9+9+3Kčs; light wrinkled envelope, otherwise sound condition, mnohonásobné meter stmp are sought!
Starting price: CZK
238530 - 1953 OTISKY VÝPLATNÍCH STROJŮ / Reg letter, postal-charge
1953 OTISKY VÝPLATNÍCH STROJŮ / Reg letter, postal-charge 110Kčs, franked 2 print meter stmp BRNO 2/ 8.6.53/ Brno energetické rozvodné works, 1x 90,ooKčs and 1x 20,ooKčs + three-line framed pmk adresáta: Investiční bank/ Branch in Jihlava/ Came 9.VI.53; nice imprints, window envelope 22,5x11cm open from 3 sides (internal instruction bank), signs of usage
Starting price: CZK
240428 - 1953 Reg+express letter, postal-charge 160Kčs paid/franked
1953 Reg+express letter, postal-charge 160Kčs paid/franked 2 print meter stmp PRAGUE 16/ 8.6.53/ 80.oo, arrival postmark PLZEŇ 1/ 9.VI.53 on reverse; rare usage, viewing of quality recommended
Starting price: CZK
240647 - 1953 TOLEROVANÁ FRANKATURA / postcard with Pof.716 in value
1953 TOLEROVANÁ FRANKATURA / postcard with Pof.716 in value 1,50Kčs, CDS TEPLICE 12.VI.53, postal-charge 15Kčs; wrong paid/franked mailing 12. day after/around change tarifů, nezatížena postage-due!; interesting, sound condition
Starting price: CZK
240390 - 1953 DOPLATNÉ (due) 25 Koruna / insufficiently paid/franked
1953 DOPLATNÉ (due) 25 Koruna / insufficiently paid/franked PC CDV99B sent to Customs off. in Prague, uprated with stamp Pof.504, CDS RADOTÍN 3.VI.53, burdened by postage-due; chybělo 50h, hand-made "T 25", used 5 pcs of postage-due stamp. Pof.D75, CDS PRAGUE ?/ 8.VI.53; interesting text, usual quality, on request exp. by Drazan
Starting price: CZK
238533 - 1953 POSTAGE-DUE / 60h / PC CDV109 posted to transport after
1953 POSTAGE-DUE / 60h / PC CDV109 posted to transport after monetary reform uprated. already invalidated special stamp., CDS UHERSKÉ HRADIŠTĚ 28.VI.53 outside franking, burdened by postage-due 60h, mounted stamp. Pof.D67 and 69, CDS PRAGUE 15/ 29.VI.53; early usage postage-due stamp. from y 1946 after/around their/its return to postal transport as Postage due stamp in new currency, interesting, sound condition
Starting price: CZK
238401 - 1953 DOPLATNÉ (due) 27 Koruna / postcard from 1. of day (!)
1953 DOPLATNÉ (due) 27 Koruna / postcard from 1. of day (!) with 1,50Kčs Pof.531, CDS CHOMUTOV 2/ 1.VI.53 (hand-made also 1.VI.53), franking in old currency was/were akceptována, in Prague mailing burdened by postage-due, stamps Pofis. D75 (5x) and D77 mounted on cut-square from postal blank form/-s which/what is mounted on Ppc, CDS PRAGUE 1/ 5.VI.53;nefilatelistická mailing, good condition, on request exp. by Drazan
Starting price: CZK
240400 - 1953 DOPLATNÉ (due) 54 Koruna / letter sent to Slovakia fra
1953 DOPLATNÉ (due) 54 Koruna / letter sent to Slovakia franked else/yet according to rate before/(in front of) money reform stamp. Pof.729, CDS KLATOVY 10.VI.53, chybělo 27Kčs, avizované postage due "T 1.08" (= 54 Koruna) paid/franked stamp. Pof.D7 (18x) on reverse, CDS RUŽOMBEROK 2 (RYBÁRPOLE)/ 13.VI.53; mailing burdened by postage-due in Slovakia, in addition from last day validity postage-due stamps in old currency!, are exceptional, viewing of quality recommended
Starting price: CZK
238480 - 1953 VĚC POSTAL SLUŽBY / off. envelope /imprint 382 (1-195
1953 VĚC POSTAL SLUŽBY / off. envelope /imprint 382 (1-1952)/ used 1x in time monetary reform, posting office NYMBURK 18.VI.53 and DĚČÍN 2/ 22.VI.53 and 1x after/around reform, posting office JÍLOVĚ by/on/at DĚČÍNA 23.VI.53 and PRAGUE 025/ 24.VI.53; quite extraordinary usage, here for the first time in auction!, sound condition
Starting price: CZK
240402 - 1953 MAILING VYPLACENÉ V HOTOVOSTI / comp. 3 pcs of letters
1953 MAILING VYPLACENÉ V HOTOVOSTI / comp. 3 pcs of letters, from that 2x as Registered, various additional postmark and various value postage, 80Kčs in old currency, 60h and 2,20Kčs in new currency, all addressed to on/for A. Zápotockého with administrativními cancel. "Kancelář president republic" from 6., 9. and 18.6.53; sound condition
Starting price: CZK
238563 - 1953 POSTAL STATIONERY / view card with imprinted stamp CPH
1953 POSTAL STATIONERY / view card with imprinted stamp CPH 1/2 - Esperanto richly uprated. on/for right postal-charge 15Kčs, CDS PRAGUE 35/ ?.VI.53, addressee unknown, dopsána new address, CDS PRAGUE 025/ 9.VI.53; usage p.stat Ppc is minimum, sound condition
Starting price: CZK
240410 - 1953 POSTAL STATIONERY / view card with imprinted stamp CPH
1953 POSTAL STATIONERY / view card with imprinted stamp CPH 45/9 - Dědinka, missing postal-charge 27 Koruna extra paid cash!, CDS BRTNÍKY 16.VI.53; usage p.stat Ppc is minimum, sound condition
Starting price: CZK
238532 - 1953 POSTAL STATIONERY / envelope COB5, Gottwald 3Kčs reces
1953 POSTAL STATIONERY / envelope COB5, Gottwald 3Kčs recess printing, sent as Reg to Frýdku-Místku, postal-charge 80Kčs, uprated by. Pof.521 (5x in front) and 717 (18x on reverse), CDS ČELADNÁ/ 10.VI.53 - thin/light print; otherwise sound condition, interesting entire, on request exp. Dražan
Starting price: CZK
238653 - 1953 NEW CURRENCY / 1. DAY comp. of 2 entires from 1. of day
1953 NEW CURRENCY / 1. DAY comp. of 2 entires from 1. of day after/around money reformě: 1x letter to 20g in/at other transport with multicolor franking already invalidated stamp. in old currency, 5 pcs of on front and 9 pcs of on reverse, CDS HRADEC KRÁLOVÉ 2/ 19.VI.53; franking tolerována + 2x used envelope without franking with CDS TACHOV/ ?.VI.53 and CDS PAVLOVICE by/on/at TACHOVA/ 19.VI.53, addressed to to Brno, correspondence between post offices; interesting, viewing of quality recommended
Starting price: CZK
240407 - 1953 SMÍŠENÁ FRANKATURA / postcard franked with. 2x Pof.7
1953 SMÍŠENÁ FRANKATURA / postcard franked with. 2x Pof.713 + 10Kčs Spa Pofis. L34, rolled CDS OSTRAVA 2/ 17.VI.53; overfranked mailing from period of money reform about/by 1-2 Koruna are commonly tolerovány, sound condition
Starting price: CZK
238354 - 1953 SELECTION of / 30 pcs of entires, private also commerci
1953 SELECTION of / 30 pcs of entires, private also commercial correspondence, from that 1x 1. day, 2x R, 1x cash paid, 6 pcs of format 22x11cm and 6 pcs of ca. 25x18cm; various quality, interesting price, we advice viewings
Starting price: CZK
240337 - 1953 SELECTION of / 3 pcs of more interesting zásilek: heav
1953 SELECTION of / 3 pcs of more interesting zásilek: heavier Reg letter with 4-coloured franking, CDS DRNHOLEC 4.VI.53; commercial express letter with 4-coloured franking (part stamp. on reverse), CDS SEKYRANY 6.VI.53; larger part parcel of dispatch-note with mnohonásobnou franking in front also on reverse, CDS HUDLICE 8.VI.53; usual quality, exp. Dražan
Starting price: CZK
240383 - 1953 SELECTION of / 4 pcs of more interesting letters higher
1953 SELECTION of / 4 pcs of more interesting letters higher hmotnostní kategorie: commercial letter franked with. 120 pcs of stamp. Pof.502, CDS SUŠICE 15.VI.53; commercial Reg and express letter franked 4Kčs in new currency cash (!), CDS PŘEROV 2/ 5.VI.53; Express letter franked with. 2x Pof.L24 in front + 40 pcs of Pofis. 666 on reverse, CDS PRAGUE 022/ 10.VI.53; philatelically influenced Reg letter to East Germany franked with. 54 pcs of various stamp., postal-charge 160Kčs, CDS PRAGUE 124/ 6.VI.53; formats from ca. 19x15,5 to 25x17,5cm, usual quality
Starting price: CZK
240384 - 1953 SELECTION of / 9 pcs of entires, for example. printed m
1953 SELECTION of / 9 pcs of entires, for example. printed matter, postcard, Express letter, from days 1., 2., 6., 8., 9., 13. and 18.6.53, private also commercial correspondence, 4 pcs of format 22x11cm, common condition
Starting price: CZK
240914 - 1953 SELECTION of / comp. 15 pcs of entires, contains 2x let
1953 SELECTION of / comp. 15 pcs of entires, contains 2x letter from 1. of day, from that 1x franked stamp. 3Kčs without penal postage due (torn off corner zn.), letter with railway pmk 622/ VELKÉ KARLOVICE - VSETÍN/ 2.IV.53, New currency 1. day - letter franked in old currency 30Kčs with CDS ROKYCANY 19.VI.53 without excess postage due (missing flap), uprated by. p.stat, 7 pcs of letters with multiple franking; good condition
Starting price: CZK
239899 - 1946 RÝNOVICE / comp. 3 pcs of franked with. letters addres
1946 RÝNOVICE / comp. 3 pcs of franked with. letters addressed to POW camp in/at Rýnovicích by/on/at Jablonec n. N., 1x as Registered, CDS POLEVSKO, ŠTĚTÍ and JEZVÉ; without defects
Starting price: CZK
240512 - 1945 CDV73Pa + CDV74, Košice-issue, comp. 3 pcs of CDV73Pa
1945 CDV73Pa + CDV74, Košice-issue, comp. 3 pcs of CDV73Pa on yellow paper + 2 pcs of CDV74 with additional-printing PC/ Carte postale, all various shades brown color or paper; good condition
Starting price: CZK
241156 - 1945 MODRÉ CDS / CDV81/18A, Slovak pictorial PC Hlinka 1,20
1945 MODRÉ CDS / CDV81/18A, Slovak pictorial PC Hlinka 1,20 Koruna - Smolenice (tree L), CDV4, with machine overprint ČESKOSLOVENSKO, sent as Reg, uprated with stamp Bratislava's 3 Koruna, blue print special postmark BANSKÁ BYSTRICA 29.VII.1945/ I. výročie Slovak povstania + CDS TURČIANSKÝ SVÄTÝ MARTIN 28.VIII.45, on reverse nationalized arrival postmark BUDŇANY 30.VIII.45; very fine, rare occurrence
Starting price: CZK
240485 - 1950 CDV100/1-23, Defenders of Peace, complete set; very sou
1950 CDV100/1-23, Defenders of Peace, complete set; very sound condition, c.v.. 1.400CZK
Starting price: CZK
240486 - 1951 CDV101/1-4 + CDV102/1-5, Mining and JZD, two complete s
1951 CDV101/1-4 + CDV102/1-5, Mining and JZD, two complete set; very nice quality, c.v.. 1.000CZK
Starting price: CZK
240487 - 1952 CDV108/1-6, M. Aleš; complete set of 6 pcs of pictoria
1952 CDV108/1-6, M. Aleš; complete set of 6 pcs of pictorial post cards on yellow paper; very fine
Starting price: CZK
240491 - 1955 CDV123/1-15A, Spartakiad 1955, complete set of 15 pcs o
1955 CDV123/1-15A, Spartakiad 1955, complete set of 15 pcs of Un pictorial post cards; very fine, c.v.. 1.600CZK
Starting price: CZK
240493 - 1955 CDV124/1-11B, Spartakiad, complete set of 11 pcs of pic
1955 CDV124/1-11B, Spartakiad, complete set of 11 pcs of pictorial post cards, 2. issue - distance stamp. from 1. line 25mm; very fine, c.v.. 1.800CZK
Starting price: CZK
240495 - 1955 CDV125/1-4, Peace Race, complete set of picture Un PC;
1955 CDV125/1-4, Peace Race, complete set of picture Un PC; very fine
Starting price: CZK
240497 - 1956 CDV127/1-8, Peace Race, complete set of 8 pcs of pictur
1956 CDV127/1-8, Peace Race, complete set of 8 pcs of picture Un PC; good condition, only No.8 bend in corner, c.v.. 1.350CZK
Starting price: CZK
240499 - 1956 CDV129/1-4, Tourist Mark, complete set of 4 pcs of Un p
1956 CDV129/1-4, Tourist Mark, complete set of 4 pcs of Un pictorial post cards; very fine
Starting price: CZK
240500 - 1956 CDV131/1-8, Grand Prix, complete set of 8 pcs of Un pic
1956 CDV131/1-8, Grand Prix, complete set of 8 pcs of Un pictorial post cards; very fine, c.v.. 1.800CZK
Starting price: CZK
240504 - 1957 CDV133/1-4, III. meeting of tourists, complete set of 4
1957 CDV133/1-4, III. meeting of tourists, complete set of 4 pcs of Un pictorial post cards; very fine
Starting price: CZK
240502 - Cancelled

Starting price: CZK
240505 - 1961-1964 CDV145/1-6, Towns + CDV146/1-2, Nový Jičín  + C
1961-1964 CDV145/1-6, Towns + CDV146/1-2, Nový Jičín + CDV147 + CDV151, complete line Un pictorial post cards, total 10 pcs of; very fine
Starting price: CZK
240511 - 1945 [COLLECTIONS]  CDV79/1, 12 + CDV81/1, 2, 4, 5, 6, 9, 10
1945 [COLLECTIONS] CDV79/1, 12 + CDV81/1, 2, 4, 5, 6, 9, 10, 12, 14-20, 22-25, 27, 29-32, 35,36, selection of 28 pcs of overprint Slovak pictorial post cards, i.a. No.16 and No.35 with printing A, Un; only slightly wrinkled corners, c.v.. more than 4.200CZK
Starting price: CZK
236349 - 1962 PLATE PROOF  COB15, World Exhibition PRAGA 1962, proof
1962 PLATE PROOF COB15, World Exhibition PRAGA 1962, proof print original gravure stamp. 60h for exhibition p.stat envelope in/at repaired blue-green color, on stamp paper with gum in/at miniature sheet arrangement; lightly hinged in upper margin, exp. by Gilbert
Starting price: CZK
240011 - 1945 CPA2.3B, Hlinka 50h, hand-made red Opt ČESKOSLOVENSKO,
1945 CPA2.3B, Hlinka 50h, hand-made red Opt ČESKOSLOVENSKO, unused; undetached, folded in perforation, good condition
Starting price: CZK
240016 - 1945 comp. 13 pcs of various dispatch-notes and blank forms,
1945 comp. 13 pcs of various dispatch-notes and blank forms, from that 7 pcs of Slovak with overprints ČESKOSLOVENSKO; mainly very good condition
Starting price: CZK
240513 - 1945 1945/12, 13 2 pcs of, comp. 3 pcs of CDV76 with blue ad
1945 1945/12, 13 2 pcs of, comp. 3 pcs of CDV76 with blue additional-printing, 1x post. stamps with red special postmark, 2x 75 years Malostranské credit bank, from that 1x Us as Registered; good condition
Starting price: CZK
240514 - 1946 1946/6, 12-1, 12-2, comp. 3 pcs of CDV83 with blue addi
1946 1946/6, 12-1, 12-2, comp. 3 pcs of CDV83 with blue additional-printing, 1x Big Pardubická, 2x Prostějov, 2 pcs of with special postmark; good condition
Starting price: CZK
240454 - 1945-1993 [COLLECTIONS]  CELINOVÉ DOPISNICE / incomplete co
1945-1993 [COLLECTIONS] CELINOVÉ DOPISNICE / incomplete collection PC from Slovak overprint, through/over Košice-issue, single issue to to year 1993, supplemented with commercial reserve postal stationery cover 1Kčs Husák in various making; various quality, placed in 5 stockbooks A5, all in/at one box, suitable to other elaboration - estate
Starting price: CZK
240066 - 1945-1992 [COLLECTIONS]  GENERAL / nice basic collection in
1945-1992 [COLLECTIONS] GENERAL / nice basic collection in 6 stockbooks A4 with several better položkami, contains i.a. vertical and horiz. gutter Košice-issue, gutter 2 Koruna with plate number 1, 5 Koruna with RE (minor gum fault), Kosice MS with plate variety - "paw", miniature sheet May type II., miniature sheet Zápotocký - type II "berry", basic coupons, air-mail overprint provisory 15/24Kč light-blue overprint, souvenir sheets Bratislava, Praga, "linen" etc..; to on/for výjimky nice quality, placed in box
Starting price: CZK
240445 - 1945-1992 [COLLECTIONS]  PLATE FLAWS / specialized collectio
1945-1992 [COLLECTIONS] PLATE FLAWS / specialized collection containing catalogue also nekatalogové plate variety, production flaw, shades, shifts and other matters of interest, i.a. Kosice MS with plate variety "paw" etc., all podrobně described; placed in 32-stránkovém stockbook A4, c.v.. 17.760Kč, included to sum only c.v.. item/-s, other only as common stamp., value however spočívá also in one's own research and still nekatalogizovaných vadách
Starting price: CZK
240858 - 1945-1992 [COLLECTIONS]  selection of corner blk-of-4 and la
1945-1992 [COLLECTIONS] selection of corner blk-of-4 and larger parts of sheets (incl. 5 complete sheets), it contains e.g. various bands with plate number by/on/at Londýnských, some matters of interest described, with oddělit 143 corner blk-of-4; placed in 24-stránkovém stockbook A4, cat. only single stamp. 3.930Kč, like that price significantly higher, interesting research material
Starting price: CZK
240795 - 1952-1969 [COLLECTIONS]  DATA TISKU / 150 pcs of stamp., str
1952-1969 [COLLECTIONS] DATA TISKU / 150 pcs of stamp., stripe, bloks of four also více-bloků with dates of print, various issue; all placed two-sided on 5 album cover A4
Starting price: CZK
239586 - 1953-1990 [COLLECTIONS]  DATA TISKU / collection date print
1953-1990 [COLLECTIONS] DATA TISKU / collection date print from uvedeného period placed in/at 32-stránkovém stockbook A4, contains through/over stovku date, mainly in/at bands, multiblocks and multiple stripe, i.a. 25-pás Pofis. 2351 with 5x ST I+II+II+I; unusual collection, very nice quality, suitable to other elaboration
Starting price: CZK
240068 - 1966-1992 [COLLECTIONS]  PB / 4-BLOKY / collection PB in two
1966-1992 [COLLECTIONS] PB / 4-BLOKY / collection PB in two full stockbooks A4, from I. art, in addition supplemented with about/by several blk-of-10; overall fine
Starting price: CZK
1972-1989 [COLLECTIONS] TYPY, DESKOVÉ ODCHYLKY, PLATE FLAWS / types, plate variety, plate variety on/for 30 pcs of identification blocks and stripe mostly with dates of print, including detailed list/roster owner, placed in 1 new stockbook A4; all in/at intaktním status
Starting price: CZK
240712 - 1945 [COLLECTIONS]  ACCUMULATION / in stockbook A4, contains
1945 [COLLECTIONS] ACCUMULATION / in stockbook A4, contains revolutionary overprints, then Košice-issue - several bloks of four and vertical gutter, souvenir sheets, supplemented with about/by Moscow-issue etc..; overall good quality
Starting price: CZK
240315 - 1945-1992 [COLLECTIONS]  ACCUMULATION /  in 5 variously full
1945-1992 [COLLECTIONS] ACCUMULATION / in 5 variously full stockbooks, on stock-sheets A4 + detached/free in box, contains several complete volumes from 80. years, part PB, supplemented with about/by 4 šanony with waste (cuts dispatch-notes); various quality, placed in IKEA box, ONLY PERSONAL PICKUP
Starting price: CZK
240880 - 1945-1993 [COLLECTIONS]  CELISTVOSTI / collection of ca. 100
1945-1993 [COLLECTIONS] CELISTVOSTI / collection of ca. 100 pcs of Us mainly nefilatelistických entires, contains provisory 1945-1946, surtax, Us p.stat etc.. supplemented with konvolutem ca. 20 pcs of air-mail entires - first flights., balony etc..; various quality
Starting price: CZK