Public Auction 70 / Picture Postcards / Theme / Collections

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240747 - 1862-1948 [COLLECTIONS]  SOKOL / big collection - exhibit, c
1862-1948 [COLLECTIONS] SOKOL / big collection - exhibit, containing stovky Ppc, advertising labels, documents, identity-card and other Sokol artefaktů, all on exhibit sheets A4 with descriptions in 11 spiral cover, řazení according to history origin Sokol movement in 1862, životopisy zakladatelů, single Sokol slety to to year 1948, complete park issued Ppc, quantum of doublets etc..; postcard mainly in good quality, 25kg of material in 2 Ikea krabicich, rare multiple on/for this theme, ATTENTION - ONLY PERSONAL PICKUP!
Starting price: CZK
1919-1938 [COLLECTIONS] SOKOL, MILITARY, NATIONAL, EXHIBITIONS / selection of more than 50 pcs of Ppc with various advertising motives, i.a. collection drawn Ppc "Momentky from schůzí committee VII. festival 1920", then collection Ppc issued to "Celostátnímu congress katolíků Czechoslovakia 1935", collection Ppc "Military home - YMCA", II. Workers' Olympiad Czechoslovakia with same advertising label etc.., mainly small format, part large; good condition, market price ca. 3.000CZK
Starting price: CZK
240398 - 1930-2000 [COLLECTIONS]  VELKÝ I MALÝ FORMÁT - MOTIVE / s
1930-2000 [COLLECTIONS] VELKÝ I MALÝ FORMÁT - MOTIVE / several motive collections with motivem: SOKOL, JUNÁK (scout), ADVERTISING, MAPS, SALAČ, FISCHEROVÁ-KVĚCHOVÁ, SPARTAKIÁDA, KONĚ, MILITARY, HISTORY, HUNTING, ZVÍŘATA, GRAND STEEPLECHASE IN PARDUBICE, smaller part topography abroad also Czechosl., i.a. Tišnov, castles and castles etc..; various quality, placed in stockbooks in 2 Ikea boxes, total 45kg of material, suitable to other elaboration - estate, ATTENTION - ONLY PERSONAL PICKUP!
Starting price: CZK
240412 - 1930-2000 [COLLECTIONS] VELKÝ I MALÝ FORMÁT - MOTIVE / se
1930-2000 [COLLECTIONS] VELKÝ I MALÝ FORMÁT - MOTIVE / several motive collections with motivem: COSTUMES, ADVERTISING, MAPS, MILOSTNÉ, DĚTI, UMĚLECKÉ, DRUŽSTEVNÍ PRÁCE, ZVÍŘATA, ČESÁNÍ CHMELE, REPRODUKCE STARÝCH POHLEDNIC, smaller part Czechosl. topography as pilgrimage places, bath etc..; various quality, placed in stockbooks also detached/free, total 20kg of material in/at Ikea box, suitable to other elaboration - estate, ATTENTION - ONLY PERSONAL PICKUP!
Starting price: CZK