1851-1977 [COLLECTIONS] collection of mainly used stamps placed in 30-sheet stockbook A4, from Mi.1, then for example. 2x 66, blocks of four 131-142 *, 2x 143-145 (used / mint hinged), 180-181 * and others, special, postage-due, official and oths; various, mainly good quality
1941-1945 [COLLECTIONS] selection of unused stamps, contains i.a. overprint II. issue, then postage stamps, special, postage-due, official, souvenir sheets, blocks of four and oths.; on 4 pages A4, various quality
1873-1962 [COLLECTIONS] collection of mainly used stamps placed in 8-sheet stockbook, from Mi.1, various colors, shades, perf, complete also incomplete sets, special, air-mail, official and oths., several miniature sheets; overall fine
1880-1978 [COLLECTIONS] mixed collection in stockbook A4, from SG.1, complete also incomplete sets, better highest values and higher face-values as SG.117, 143 etc..; interesting
1918-1939 [COLLECTIONS] very nice collection on sheet Scott in folder, contains i.a. Mi.196-208, 293-306, souvenir sheets Bl.1-2, air-mail, then for example. printing error Mi.136, stamps of middle Lithuania etc.., in addition supplemented with about used collection; higher catalogue, it is worth seeing!
1918-1940 [COLLECTIONS] nice collection on sheet Scott, contains many complete sets, postage stamp, air-mail, overprint etc.., also imperforated etc.., i.a. 144-148A+B, 159-160, 190-192, 210-214, in addition supplemented with small used collection; mainly hinged, higher catalogue, it is worth seeing
1871-1971 [COLLECTIONS] basic mixed collection on sheet Schaubek in screw folder, contains various sets, souvenir sheets etc.., without Zeppelin stamps, better air-mails etc.., i.a. with miniature sheet Block No.1 * etc.., also postage-due, occupation etc., supplemented with stockbook A4 with modern ery with many miniature sheets; various quality
1922-1923 COUNTER SHEET / OFFICIAL / Mi.74, 78, 80, 90, selection of 19 complete 100 pcs counter sheet of 4 values of various service stamps; some more times, overall good quality
1939-1945 [COLLECTIONS] interesting collection on pages Leuchtturm, contains Albánia, Estonia, Cannal Islands, Kotor, Serbia, Luxembourg, Montenegro etc..; hinged, mainly in fine quality, higher catalogue, it is worth seeing!
1924-1945 [COLLECTIONS] interesting collection of Deutsches Reich on hingeless sheets, contains also complete better sets, souvenir sheets, postage due stamps, special, zeppelin, air-mail and oths.; various quality, we advice viewings, high catalogue value
1852-1966 [COLLECTIONS] collection of mainly used stamps from the first issue, i.a. Mi.1-3, 4-6, 7-12, 29A, 45aA, 48C, 66A, 132A, souvenir sheets Block No.1 and Bl.2 etc.., supplemented with several entires, in addition supplemented with selection of mainly used stamps of colonies as: Curacao, Netherlandish India, Surinam; placed on album sheets in spring folder and in stockbook A4, various quality, high catalogue value
1850-1939[COLLECTIONS] interesting mainly used collection in two stockbooks, from the first issue., incl. also better items and sets, as 1858 2 Kreuzer type I., Jubilee 1908, 1910, many interwar sets, also postage-due, Lombardy-Veneto, Levant, Crete, DDSG, telegraph, newspaper, local issues, reprints etc..; various quality, high catalogue value, viewing is recommendedexamination!
1850-1939 [COLLECTIONS] interesting collection of unused stamps in full stockbook A4, better from 6th isssue, many complete sets, i.a. Jubilee 1910, issue Coat of arms, Flugpost, major-part of interwar issues, also postage-dues and telegraph, reprints; part various quality, high catalogue value, we advice examination!
1858-1959 [COLLECTIONS] selection of stamps, from The 2nd issue, mainly used stamp, lot of postmarks from Czech region, postwar period mainly unused, several complete sets; placed in 8-sheet stockbook A5, mainly fine quality, higher catalogue
1945-1999 [COLLECTIONS] collection in full stockbook A4, from overprint A. H., imperforated set Renner **, air-mail, also modern printing sheet and oths.; part hinged
1870-1993 [COLLECTIONS] ACCUMULATION / very interesting selection of complete also incomplete sets, unused also used stamps in two stockbooks A4, contains also several miniature sheets, plate flaws etc..; unused stamps mainly hinged, various quality, higher catalogue
1955-1958 [COLLECTIONS] collection on hingeless sheets in spiral stockbook, complete sets, souvenir sheets, also imperforated stamps etc..; part various, overall fine quality, c.v.. ca. 1.800€, viewing is recommanded
1866-1918 [COLLECTIONS] SERBIA / MONTENEGRO / selection of unused also used stamps, from 1. issues, special and postage-due, several bloks of four; on 6 pages A4 two-sided, various quality
1850-2000 [COLLECTIONS] accumulation of mainly used stamps from Mi.8, lot of issues Sitting and Standing Helvetia, better sets Pro Patria, Pro Juventute, incomplete PAX 1945, air-mail and others, several miniature sheets, for example. Bl.8 and Bl.10, many duplications, supplemented with about several entires; placed in 30-sheet stockbook A4, high catalogue value
1857 [COLLECTIONS] PLATE RECONSTRUCTION / SG.40, 1P rose-red, complete set of 240 stamps according to letters AA - TL, without distinction of plates, various postmarks, shades, plates etc..; various quality, placed on special sheet, c.v.. £1.920++, ONLY PERSONAL PICKUP
1864-1876 [COLLECTIONS] PLATE RECONSTRUCTION / SG.43, 1P red, complete to plates 71-225 (as always without plate 77), supplemented with 2P blue, plates 7, 8, 9, 12-15; various quality, higher catalogue, placed on special sheet, ONLY PERSONAL PICKUP
1870-1874 [COLLECTIONS] PLATE RECONSTRUCTION / SG.51, 1½P rose-red, reconstruction of plate according to letters, total 136 stamps of various combinations of letters, various plates; some faults, thins, various quality, c.v.. £10.200, placed on special sheet, ONLY PERSONAL PICKUP
1857 [COLLECTIONS] PLATE RECONSTRUCTION / SG.66, 4P rose-carmine, wmk "Large Garter", selection of 239 stamps (!) including some center pieces with wide margins, so-called. wing margins, missing only 1 stamp to complete reconstruction, various postmarks; various quality, c.v.. £35.850+, placed on special sheet, ONLY PERSONAL PICKUP
1863 [COLLECTIONS] PLATE RECONSTRUCTION / SG.80-82, 4P in various shades, mainly with "hair lines" and Roman II (plate 4), wmk "Large Garter", total 146 stamps with various letters combinations , several pairs and "wing margins", postmarks etc..; various quality, cat. only as basic stamps £20.440, ONLY PERSONAL PICKUP
1867-1880 [COLLECTIONS] PLATE RECONSTRUCTION / SG.103, 3P rose, wmk "Spray of Rose", 180 stamps with various combinations of letters, various plates, several times also better plate 10, "wing margins", postmarks etc..; various quality, cat. only as basic stamps £10.800, placed on special sheet, ONLY PERSONAL PICKUP
1873-1880 [COLLECTIONS] PLATE REKONSTRUCTION / selection of 3 incomplete plate reconstructions of SG.139, 142 and 166, i.a. various postmarks, several pieces with perfins etc..; various quality, high catalogue value, on 3 special pages, ONLY PERSONAL PICKUP
1876 [COLLECTIONS] RECONSTRUCTION / SG.141, 2½P rose-violet, wmk "Orb", complete set of 192 stamps (!), according to characters AAAA-LPPL, various plates, several pieces with perfins, various postmarks; various quality, c.v.. £16.320+, ONLY PERSONAL PICKUP
1880 [COLLECTIONS] PLATE RECONSTRUCTION / SG.142, 2½P blue, complete 240 stamps according to letters combinations characters AAAA - LTTL, several pieces with perfins; various quality, c.v.. £13.200+, ONLY PERSONAL PICKUP
1883 [COLLECTIONS] PLATE RECONSTRUCTION / SG.190, 2½P violet, complete set of 240 stamps according to combinations of letters AAAA - TLLT, several pieces with perfins, supplemented with 3 entires; various quality, c.v.. £4.890, ONLY PERSONAL PICKUP
1840-1980 [COLLECTIONS] interesting collection in two stockbooks A4 from SG.2, incl. also better stamps and values as SG.48, 73, 126, 183 etc..; various quality, high catalogue value, we advice examination!
1945-1986 [COLLECTIONS] ACCUMULATION / stamps mainly after 1960, lot of unused miniature sheets, booklets, multiples also complete counter sheets, small part used, high face-value, placed in 5 full stockbooks A4
1855-1950 [COLLECTIONS] collection of stamps from in stockbook A4, from the first issue., contains also postage stamps, special, fiscal, telegraph, air-mail, charitable and oths., also multiples, supplemented with several entires; various quality
1860-1970 [COLLECTIONS] very interesting selection of smaller collections of various countries as: Barbados, Bahamas, Grenada, Dominica, Virgin Islands, St. Helena., St. Lucia etc.., always with part of classic period, incl. also more interesting middle values, also complete sets etc..; various quality, higher catalogue, on stock-pages, we advice examination!
1900-1960 [COLLECTIONS] BRITISH EAST AFRICA / EAST AFRICA AND UGANDA / TANGANYICA / KENYA AND UGANDA / small collection on 17 pages, various issues, several better middle values; various quality, we advice viewings!
1867-1950 [COLLECTIONS] collection in stockbook A4, from classic issue Sphynx and Pyramids, incl. also better complete sets as Mi.94-96, 160-163, 186-190, also air-mail, official etc..; interesting
1867-1965 [COLLECTIONS] used collection in large spring folder, small part of classic stamps, several more interesting sets as Mi.82-93, 94-96, 160-163, air-mail 164-183, 186-190 etc..
1903-1960 [COLLECTIONS] EAST AFRICA AND UGANDA / G.E.A. / KENYA AND UGANDA / B.E.A. / interesting mixed used / mint collection in stockbook A4, divided according to issues, incl. some better middle values and higher face values; part various quality, part with fiscal cancellation, higher catalogue, we advice examination!
1859-1961 [COLLECTIONS] collection on 8 pages, various issues Victoria according to wmk, also Edward VII., George V., issue 1933 to 2Sh etc..; various quality, we advice examination
1872-1956 [COLLECTIONS] mixed used / mint collection in stockbook A4, from SG.7, divided according to issues, incl. better values, colors and perf; part various quality, overall interesting, we advice examination, sought destination!
1876-1948 [COLLECTIONS] interesting mixed used / unused collection in stockbook, according to issues, incl. many middle values, i.a. SG.4-5, 20, 22, 33, 48, 148 etc..; various quality, higher catalogue, we advice examination!
1874-1912 [COLLECTIONS] LAGOS / NORTH A SOUTHERN RHODESIA / interesting collection in stockbook A4, organised according to issues, unused and used, contains several better values, better shades, perf etc.., i.a. Lagos SG.31b, 42a, 52, 62, S. Nigeria SG.7, 38, 51, Southern Nigeria SG.7-8, 16-19, 26ab, 30a, 42-43 etc..; part various quality, high catalogue value, it is worth seeing, sought destination!
1892-1957 [COLLECTIONS] NIGERIA / OIL RIVERS / NIGER COAST PROTECTORATE / small collection of mainly used stamps, various shades, perf etc.., incl. several higher values, i.a. SG.11, 16aw (minor faults), 44, ; various quality, on 12 pages in stockbook
1862-1910 [COLLECTIONS] small collection on 6 pages, from issue "Chalon Head", various values, overprint, then higher face-values Edward VII. to £5 (fiscal obliteration) etc..; various quality, higher catalogue
1910-1969 [COLLECTIONS] SOUTH AFRICA / S.W.A / selection of two collections on free sheets and in stockbook A4, various issues, pairs, sets as SG.151-164, air-mail, official etc..; we advice viewings
1891-1960 [COLLECTIONS] collection on 24 pages, from issue 1891, supplemented with Southern and North Rhodesia, incl. middle and higher values (cancel. with fiscal cancellation); various quality, we advice examination
1860-1950 [COLLECTIONS] interesting selection of smaller collections of Australian states on pages from stockbooks, contains New South Wales, Victoria, Queensland, Southern Australia, Tasmania etc.., various issues, i.a. "Chalon Head", incl. also more interesting higher values; various quality, we advice examination!